More predictions for busy storm season, radar still out
(CNS): With just about four weeks to go until the start of the 2022 hurricane season, more forecasters are predicting a busy six months for the Atlantic with at least 22 storms, half of which are likely to become hurricanes. But Cayman could still be without its radar, which has been out of operation for many months because of a missing part, and the Cayman Islands National Weather Service still does not know when the system will be repaired.
However, CINWS Director General John Tibbetts said there are other ways for his team to make accurate forecasts.
“We are in contact with the manufacturing company but we don’t have any firm dates as to when the radar will be operational,” Tibbetts said. “Our forecasters will utilize any and all other tools at their disposal to ensure minimal impact on forecasting.”
While the hurricane season officially starts on 1 June, for the last seven years a storm has formed in May somewhere in the Atlantic.
IBM’s The Weather Company has predicted an above-average hurricane season with 20 named storms, four of which will become major hurricanes. Dr Todd Crawford, the author of that outlook, said the season could best be summarized as “active, similar to 2021, nothing like 2020.” The 2021 Atlantic hurricane season had 21 named storms and seven hurricanes and was the most active season on record.
The first early forecast from CSU predicted at least nine hurricanes, including four major ones, making landfall.
The Climate Adaptation Center, based in Sarasota, a relatively new player on the hurricane forecasting scene, focused on how climate change is extending the length of the hurricane season as well as causing larger storms that both form and intensify more quickly.
According to its 2022 hurricane season forecast, there will be at least 22 named storms. Between nine and eleven are forecast to develop into hurricanes and five of which could be major. A main contributing factor is the rising ocean temperatures. “Our entire area of interest is already warm enough to spawn tropical storms and it’s only mid-April,” CAC Director Bob Bunting said.
“There is a warm loop current in the Gulf of Mexico that is already 4°C warmer than normal and the same can be said for the SW FL coastal areas, the Bahamas and the Atlantic east of the Bahamas. Any storm traveling or forming over these areas will get a big energy boost. It is this condition that can fuel the rapid intensification of storms from tropical storm to major hurricane in a day or so. Only in a climate-warmed world can this happen as often and fast as it has been in recent years,” Bunting said.
See the full forecast below on CAC’s YouTube channel below:
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- Angry 3268%
- Bored 49%
- Afraid 715%
Category: Science & Nature, Weather
Are hurricanes worst now than 100 years ago? Nope.
Climate change deniers unite!
I am flying to Germany soon, what kind of fuse do you want???
CIUG Three solutions,
1. Turn it off then back on
2. Duct Tape
3. WD 40
Jamaica’s radar weather has been “temporarily out of service” for years now. Given the third world level of mismanagement that pervades CIG, it is only natural and fitting that ours is out as well. Cayman’s weather service is a joke and the newish website is woefully bad.
If you want real working radar that at least peripherally covers Cayman, use the excellent Cuban INSMET system.
You mean worse than bad. Only in Cayman does the sun rise in the west and set in the east, if you doubt it look at their website.
Why every time JA name has to call …
check your facts …
Word is that the part(s) will not be here before hurricane season (this year).
CIG just needs to sign up for Amazon Prime!
another ‘worldclass’ performance from our civil service….zzzzzz
time for more awards and pay increases franz!
I have an idea. Instead of spending money, we don’t have, for a modern working radar system. Why don’t we give lots of concession to developers, that are already rich, to pave over more of Cayman. Imagine how much money would be in the coffers and what we could use for the people of Cayman if we did not give these concession. I think these developers funnel a lot of these monies into buying our politicians.
You mean good weather
Dopplar radar can be used to manipulate the weather. I’m glad ours isn’t working and kudos plus bravo to those in charge of it.
If you think this is a joke, Google DARPA weather manipulation.
Cost U Less has great prices on aluminum foil.
As the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. Such is 10:42pm with his/her rapier like wit. 10:42pm represents lazy science deniers who won’t take the time or effort to research the topic. I’ll accept your apology in advance if you ever choose to educate yourself. If not, enjoy the flat earth movement.
Oh man, between that and the Yakuza you really need to start your meds again.
Just watch the network channels on Miami TV to see how useful the Doppler radar is. Ours was also extremely useful back in the days when Julius Caesar was in charge.This is a national embarassment, can we not find another supplier and start over, that would be quicker than waiting until the turn of the century for the new part
Forgive me, but I am curious. Who was pseudonym for “Julius Ceasar”?
That is a reference to how long ago the radar was last in working order!.
This is a national embarrassment. Wayne this is under you. We hold you responsible. Stop talking and start walking and fix it.
Time for some NWS NOAA veterans to come here and straighten this mess out once and for all.
Fire the person(s) who were put in charge of keeping an inventory of parts on hand, for the radar system.
Bypass the fuse with a paperclip.
there are no firings in the cayman civil service.
welcome to wonderland.
11:21 stop lying and read the civil service HR reports.
How long did the prison guards continue to receive full salary and benefits AFTER they were caught smuggling drugs into prison?
I dunno. Maybe they still are.
Stranger things have happened.
I think they are still getting it.
Someone needs to get this to CIAA, who were the original recipients of this 2009 $4.5mln Doppler donation from the EU:
Leonardo Selex ES Inc.
Customer Service Manager
11300 W. 89th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66214, USA
Telephone: 1-800-331-2744 Mobile: 1-913-495-2625
An easy fix-it problem.
Even in Absurdistan, someone would have been fired by now for incompetence regarding the loss of the radar. WE in Cayman have but 1 radar and for it to be inoperable for near 1 year is truly horrid. Not just because we rely on it for storm season but also even more importantly, our farmers use to daily to get details regarding the every important rainfall. On a smaller scale, event planners, restaurants and watersports providers also consider it an essential part of their daily tools for use.
Are we really to consider that there is no plan B or C regarding this important radar? WE are left with the statement from the chief of the department saying he and his team will use ‘any and all tools available to them’ to predict the weather…. what twilight zone tomfooleries is he talking here? Pray tell sir… smoke signal direction? birds flying off in a particular direction? Dogs barking?
Red sky at night, sailors delight? Red sky in the morning, we all take warning?
Someone please take the mic away from that man !!
The National Weather Service has access to the latest weather radar etc. system. Yet they keep it to themselves like it’s 1983.
Why don’t they allow access??? Even if it’s paid access?!! We paid for it, why don’t we have access??? Does the airlines have access to it? Yeah hat would be a good revenue generator for CIG. Then maybe we won’t have all planes arriving all at a specific point in the day.
The radar will remain down, hurricane season will come and go, and the NWS will still be hoarding the system they have that’s more useful than the radar.
The German Doppler system was a $4.5mln gift from the EU to CIAA in 2009. CIWS didn’t take care of it. This is why we can’t have nice things.
Remember- we had to forego wind power generation oportunities in this vicinity because the doppler weather radar took precedence. Now we have neither…
Ya, So now it’s time to put up the wind turbines and get started on wind energy.
They have been looking for a part forever.
If the part would be coming from the moon it would be here by now.
But it comes from Germany.
Incompetence? Or just BS?
With the internet we really don’t need a radar to know when a hurricane is heading our way
Yes they may aswell had buy and install a new one.theres nothing like a local radar when planning trips on the sea.
We live in “hurricane alley” and our radar is down with no idea when it will back online. Banana anyone?
…not a recent turn of events too! It’s incredible.
It’s OK. They can look at live satellite feeds to know exactly where storms are and how they are moving, AND THEY CAN DO IT WITHOUT COSTING US MILLIONS EVERY YEAR!
just google caribbean weather radar…and you will have plenty of accurate info to hand.
and not the confusing mess cig provides…
Its been out for years!!! would love to see it back on…..
another laughable update from cig and the civil service.
it should be a national embarrassment but the civil service has no shame.
just another day in wonderland.