Hurricane season opens as storm brews in Caribbean

| 31/05/2022 | 9 Comments
NOAA satellite image of the Caribbean (See full image here)

(CNS): The remnants of Hurricane Agatha in the Eastern Pacific, which drenched resorts on Mexico’s southern coast on Monday, are now merging with other systems, brewing up stormy weather in the northwestern Caribbean Sea, just as the 2022 Atlantic Hurricane Season opens.

The US National Hurricane Center said a large, complex area of low pressure is expected to develop near the Yucatan Peninsula in a couple of days, which could become a tropical depression as it moves northeastward. Regardless of development, heavy rain is expected across the Cayman Islands this week.

The bad weather is very likely to impact the planned celebrations for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, especially the airshow scheduled for Friday. CNS has asked officials about the plans and the government is expected to issue public notices sometime today.

The Cayman Islands National Weather Service circulated a severe weather notice warning of strong winds over the holiday weekend and up to three inches of rain on Friday and Saturday.

The 2022 Atlantic Hurricane Season official starts Wednesday, and by the weekend we could be looking at Tropical Storm Alex, the first of what is predicted by all forecasters to be a busy season.

Days expected to be most significantly impacted:

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Category: Science & Nature, Weather

Comments (9)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Climate change 1
    Fossil fuel burning 0

  2. Anonymous says:

    Air show postponed, fantastic news.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Only very little wind and some rain, nothing to worry about

  4. Anonymous says:

    Glad it’s going to ruin the air show, can’t think of a much worse waste of time and expense. The Queen’s greatest contribution to these Islands is the public holiday’s we get.

    • Anonymous says:

      Here comes the negativity 🙁 Sometimes if you have nothing positive to say, it is quite ok to not say anything at all you know. Try to smile and say hi to someone you don’t know today and here’s to hoping that you have a great day!

    • Anonymous says:

      Cancelling the “air show” simply means telling MRCU not to fly its aircraft over the West Bay beach!

    • Anonymous says:

      You’re a cheery one aren’t you. “Glad hundreds of people inc. children and first timers won’t be able to enjoy an event” is essentially what you’re saying

    • Anon says:

      I was actually looking forward to this and taking my kids. Looks like all event are being cancelled, we should just cancel the 4 day weekend then shouldn’t we. Why are we even celebrating the Jubilee if there are no events happening

  5. Anonymous says:

    Too bad our radar is useless. It is invaluable if you are out on the water.


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