COVID cases taking a toll on services, say health officials

| 12/05/2022 | 75 Comments

(CNS): The public is being urged to practice infection control measures as the number of people isolating due to SARS-CoV-2 continues to climb. According to the latest official active case numbers, more than 1,600 people are currently infected, which is taking a toll on businesses and services, Public Health officials said in the latest COVID-19 situational report. Vaccination is doing little to curtail the spread of the virus, and while hospital numbers remain low, all 12 patients admitted between 1 and 7 May were vaccinated.

Public Health officials said that the shots are still the best tool against the negative impact of this ongoing pandemic and very few people healthy people are suffering more than mild symptoms. But the number of cases increased during the first week of this month over the last week of April by over 19% and the infection rate was well over 34%.

On Wednesday officials said the seven-day rolling case average had increased to 118 after another 324 new cases of coronavirus had been reported to them over the previous two days, including 11 on the Sister Islands, bringing the active case total to at least 1,608. At that point, eight of those people were admitted to hospital, five of whom have been vaccinated.

In the weekly report, officals said that the result of re-opening society was an increased number of infections.

“These are not translating in a large increase in hospital admissions or deaths thus far, but increased cases do take a toll on services as more people are away from work in isolation and quarantine,” Public Health said. “The re-opening has positive effects on multiple areas, including mental well-being and the economy. Protecting ourselves through all doses of vaccination is a key element to navigate these uncertain times alongside with continuing to practice personal infection control measures.”

See the COVID weekly situational report for 1-7 May in the CNS Library.

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Comments (75)

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  1. Caymanian says:

    Don’t worrie, Covid is done. We can all de-mask and go out in crowds. Nooooot.

    • Anonymous says:

      U.S. reports more than 100,000 new coronavirus cases for 4th day in a row.

      The big wave soon come

      • SL says:


        • Caymanian says:

          And people will die you callous person. I honestly wish right here and now everyone of you who strike out against protections, who seemingly care nothing for the loss of lives would have it come home to you.

          Ask yourself right now which family immediate member is disposable to you? Which one do you care the least about?

          You guys are uncivilized inhumane people.

          And all for the almighty dollar.

          • Can't reason with these sorts says:

            Bit of a leap there, but it is clear you do not get the post-vaccine Omicron dynamics, given your response seems straight out of April 2020. These restrictions won’t stop infections now and infections are far less dangerous now than at the beginning. At most restrictions delay the inevitable and huge social and economic cost. The impact on lives and health of the restrictions are unnecessary now, and do more harm than good. The position is not callous, it is applying a rational calculus using up to date data.

    • Anonymous says:

      We were warned.

      “Initially, public health officials believed that only a small minority of people would suffer from long COVID-19. But some studies now indicate a majority of those infected with the coronavirus are experiencing long COVID-19 symptoms.”

  2. Anonymous says:

    We all do write in our comments blessed with total certainty, don’t we? Myself included of course.

    But clearly we can’t all be correct. The problem that’s peaking its way to the fore with each passing day is that those with strongest convictions in their beliefs over the past few years are starting to be faced with a dawning realization that they may not be as astoundingly correct as they profess.

    But which of us is it? Stay tuned….

  3. Anonymous says:

    Can government please indicate the milestone or target where children will be unmasked? Is there any sort of plan?

    Please also provide details regarding any foreseen impact to their education and/or mental well-being due to continued masking.

  4. Stopped reading says:

    “[A]nd while hospital numbers remain low”. That is all you need to know.

  5. Unmuzzle and smile says:

    Why does the public need to take infection control measures? This is not 2020. For the vaccinated covid is a vastly less dangerous disease on 2022. Hospitalisations of those with covid are not even reaching 10% of capacity and covid deaths this year among the vaccinated population (i.e. deaths from covid as opposed to deaths with covid) are at most about 2 and probably at 1 or 0. No need to cower from something now significantly less dangerous than ordinary flu.

  6. Risky says:

    Vaccinated persons are dying from Covid

  7. Anonymous says:

    I think Public health now realises that for every reported case there is a multiplication factor to consider of unreported cases. The true figure will be 2-4 times the actual number. All those of you going on about booster this and booster that still don’t get that the ‘vaccination’ doesn’t do a damn thing to prevent spread.

  8. Anonymous says:

    And yet there was Batabano last weekend and Braccanal this weekend!

  9. Anonymous says:

    I have worked from home for two years. Returned to the office and got covid. Joke of it is the bosses were fine with working from home, but brought everyone back for the ‘social aspect’! I’m back at home again and more should do the same if they can.

    • Anonymous says:

      The call back to the office is about control over staff. Truth is that most computer related workers are more productive and spend more time working by not facing neverending traffic congestion and general office tomfoolery

  10. Anonymous says:

    We need to start talking humanly about how to live with covid. Vaccinated or not it’s time to reevaluate this. I’m boosted and had covid so personally I really think everyone should do what’s right for them as well as just staying home when you have symptoms of anything contegious. We can’t keep continuing this fighting among us when being a decent human is also an option. The government needs to focus on the abysmal driving, profiteering by cuc and petrol stations, the toxicity of the dump, litter on the island (land/homeowners), criminals, poorly educated children of poorly parenting humans… Etc etc etc.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I will not take another booster. My family and I did everything that was asked of us, and my 12 year old daughter still has to wear a mask at school.

    This is no longer a story about protecting health services and avoiding death. It is about keeping a grip on society and restricting freedoms.

    • Anonymous says:

      Citations needed.

      Back your position up with facts.

      • Anonymous says:

        The facts, my friend, speak for themselves. The health service is not overwhelmed with those hospitalised as a result of Covid.

      • Anonymous says:

        The facts are that many unvaccinated children have had covid with very low hospital admissions. These same kids play with their classmates outside of school, attend birthday parties and doing just fine.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Nice to see the Batabano spike is arriving in force

  13. Anonymous says:

    “Vaccinated” is a moving target and definition should be updated to mean those people with a recent booster within last 6 months. Ie just 35% of Cayman and falling.

    • Anonymous says:

      The problem with this is something called “diminishing returns”. Getting multiple shots of the same vaccine won’t give as much of a benefit of the previous shots did. Focus should still be reaching those who haven’t yet received their 3rd dose and the unvaccinated.

      • Anonymous says:

        There is strong consensus among international first world vaccination guidance supporting fourth booster doses for those over 18, six months past their last, but this is only the messaging for smart responsible people with limited time for being sick. Everyone else can feel free to go through life the hard way if they choose that route. I’ll pass.

        • Anonymous says:

          Taking the same vaccine over and over won’t confer any additional actual protection vs Covid-19. 3 shots is more than enough protection until a new booster dose trained specifically for Omicron variants are developed. So, go ahead and get your 50 booster shots, but don’t hold this “holier-than-thou” attitude over those who actually follow the science.

          • Anonymous says:

            If you’re willing to disregard the avalanche of trial data supporting booster efficacy, or the continually revised science-based recommendations from CDC, FDA, ECDC, and others that flows from that, then there’s really nothing more to talk about.

            • Anonymous says:

              Other than you are a brainwashed zombie that can’t think and read for themselves and want to just put more money into Pfizer’s pocket?

        • Anonymous says:

          17000+ doctors and scientists have signed a declaration calling for the stop of covid vaccines.

    • Anonymous says:

      6 months? try just a few weeks. Good luck with T-cell exhaustion.

    • Anonymous says:

      very much correct. and its the elephant in the room that no -one is talking about.
      but the virus is weakening the whole time and future vaccinations should be offered for all, but targeted for at risk groups.

      • Anonymous says:

        Reality is that healthy unvaccinated people that went through covid once, twice or more and keeps interacting with the virus on a daily basis have now much better immunity without the need of a booster every 4 months that weakens the overall immune system and can bring other possible side effects.

        • Anonymous says:


          “ healthy unvaccinated people that went through covid once, twice or more and keeps interacting with the virus on a daily basis have now much better immunity”

          With people that think like this it’s No wonder we can’t get our shit together.

          • Anonymous says:

            Waiting for your correction about natural immunity. Don’t have one? You must still be reading the fact checks from 6 months ago. Those normally have a shelve life of about 60 days and dropping.

    • Anonymous says:

      AND they are only giving out the 2nd booster 3 days a week????

      • Anonymous says:

        You can’t vaccinate those that don’t turn up. It’s not as if there are queues around the block on those 2 days.

  14. Anonymous says:

    perhaps they should just advise the following:
    if sick, stay home till asympotmatic. problem solved.

    • Anonymous says:

      COVID doesn’t work that way. Little wonder we cycle from outbreak to outbreak applying flu reasoning.

      • Anonymous says:

        Actually it does work exactly that way. You will test positive for potentially months after the initial infection but the viral load will be low and you won’t be infectious to others. Generally 5-7 days after infection for 99% of those infected will not be infectious to others after that time frame. This is why government lets people out of quarantine even with a positive test.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Let’s continue to practice social cognitive dissonance about these vaccines and measures. We deserve what we get at this point.

  16. Unhappy Caymanian says:

    Project fear continues leaving Cayman in Kindergarten..

    The rest of the world moves up a year and grows up…

    Time I think, for the Director of Public Health to go…

    • Anonymous says:

      Taiwan reports a record 65,415 new coronavirus cases, an increase of 118% from last week. 7-day moving average now at 48,353.

      17 new deaths were added, for a total of 968. Currently there are 12 deaths a day on average.

      Japan reports 45,740 new coronavirus cases, an increase of 71% from last week. 7-day moving average now above 34,000.

      41 new deaths were added for a total of 29,935.

      New cases set a record in Okinawa, while other regions are experiencing a surge, including Tokyo.

      U.S. reports nearly 159,000 new coronavirus cases, highest since February.

      Number of Americans hospitalized with COVID-19 tops 19,000, highest since March.

      Yeah, the pandemic is not over, despite your kindergarten level thinking.

      • Unhappy Caymanian says:

        Assuming your data source is credible;

        You confirm Covid is endemic

        You confirm that other countries are living with Covid

        You confirm a number of deaths from Covid but offer no comparator, for example, the number of deaths from road traffic accidents in a similar period or hospitalisations from other disease (especially delayed problems from Covid) against historic epidemiological and statistical data.

        Your comments demonstrate a lack of understanding.

        Your final comment really reflects poorly upon yourself.

  17. Anonymous says:

    May restaurants are ignored the mask requirements for staff!! Kimpton’s CocoLobo last Sunday for example!!

  18. Anonymous says:

    Public Health. You refuse to require vaccination of your own staff while requiring the foreign nursing and medical staff of private clinics to be vaccinated. You tell me to mask up, and do nothing when thousands of cruise shop passengers mill around maskless. You then warn us as to the consequences. PHYSICIAN – HEAL THYSELF!

  19. Anonymous says:

    “Taking a toll”, aww diddums, you mean people are having to do their jobs?

    Why not tell us the average length of admission of these “covid patients”?


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