Archive for May 13th, 2022

COVID has cost public purse over CI$333 million

COVID has cost public purse over CI$333 million

| 13/05/2022 | 68 Comments

(CNS): Government has spent at least $202M and missed out on revenue of more than $131M as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic over the last two years, but it could be considerably more, the Office of the Auditor General has found. In a new report looking at the impact of the pandemic on the […]

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Stormy weather ahead serves as timely reminder

Stormy weather ahead serves as timely reminder

| 13/05/2022 | 34 Comments

(CNS): With the start of the 2022 Atlantic Hurricane Season just over two weeks away and some severe weather expected in Cayman next week, possibly even the first official storm of the season, residents are reminded to use this Discovery Day holiday weekend to get their preparations completed. Hazard Management Cayman Islands (HMCI) and the […]

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Pensioners to get $35 more per month from funds

Pensioners to get $35 more per month from funds

| 13/05/2022 | 112 Comments

(CNS): People receiving a private sector pension under the Retirement Savings Arrangements (RSA) will be getting a 3.3% cost of living increase on the funds they can access each year. Director of Labour and Pensions Bennard Ebanks authorised an increase in the annual maximum disbursement amount from CI$12,480 per annum to 12,900, resulting in a […]

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Nineteen migrants land on Cayman Brac Thursday

Nineteen migrants land on Cayman Brac Thursday

| 13/05/2022 | 25 Comments

(CNS): A second Cuban vessel landed on Cayman Brac Thursday afternoon with nine men and three women on board, a few hours after a boat with six men and one woman arrived, bringing the total yesterday to 19. The Cayman Islands Customs and Border Control Service (CBC) said that the twelve migrants were spotted at around […]

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Police officer still not fired after sex assault conviction

Police officer still not fired after sex assault conviction

| 13/05/2022 | 83 Comments

(CNS): Antonio O’Neal Marshal (43), a serving police officer with the Firearms Response Unit, has not been fired by the RCIPS following his conviction on Tuesday for indecent assault and remains on full pay. A jury found both Marshal and his partner, Ericka McFarlane Lynch, who is also a public servant, guilty of indecent assault […]

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