Three new patients admitted with COVID-19

| 22/04/2022 | 43 Comments

(CNS): The current increase in COVID-19 cases continued Friday when Public Health officials revealed that an additional three people have been admitted to hospital since Monday and there are now five patients being treated for issues relating to the virus. There are an estimated 798 active cases of SARS-CoV-2 that have been reported to Public Health. The seven-day rolling average has increased to 60, and over the last two days an additional 147 people have tested positive.

Positive cases reported to Public Health are currently as follows:


CIG COVID-19 information and resources

Other help and hotlines

Report positive lateral flow test results

See current vaccine and testing schedule

An Isolation Support Line is available to help by delivering groceries or other essential supplies for people required to isolate suddenly, and who do not have other resources and support.

For Isolation Support call 946-3530 or 1-800-534-3530 or email

Operational hours 9am-4pm, Monday to Friday, and 9am-1pm on Saturday.

For mental health support, the Mental Health Helpline can be reached on
1-800-534-6463(MIND) from Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm

If you have flu symptoms contact the 24-hour Flu Hotline at 1-800-534-8600 or 947-3077
or email

If you are having difficulty breathing, call 911

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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (43)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    In Canada the latest variant is causing a wave of hospitalizations among children.

    • Anonymous says:

      OMG. Fear mongering. Most of the kids here have had it already and it was mild. If you read here it says that a number of children came to the ER with COVID type symptoms. This does not equal hundreds of kids admitted and hospitalized with servere illness. Get a grip and MOVE ON. Unmask our kids!!!!

      • Anonymous says:

        Where are your thousands of tourists coming from?

        U.S. reporting more than 50,000 coronavirus cases a day on average, highest since March 3

    • Anonymous says:

      Vaccinated children if you would care to follow up.

    • Blah says:

      Two factors account for almost all these hospitalisations. Either they were in hospital anyway or they had paranoid over-worried parents. The unvaccinated death rate among healthy kids is under one in 2 million. The number that matters is ICU admissions not mere hospitalisations.

  2. Sheriff says:

    I continue to marvel at the level of fear in some folks. At this point, we should have learned that COVID is not going away. It is here to stay and we will continue to see a rise and fall in infections. This pattern will likely continue for years to come. We will continue to see hospitalisations, ICU admissions, COVID-related deaths (be it “with” or “from” COVID,) and a push to get a 3rd, 4th, and possibly even a 5th booster. At some point, we will probably find ourselves going in for our annual flu/COVID shot. I dub this shot the FluVid shot or maybe it should be called COflu…who knows, but I have no doubt we will be encouraged to get our yearly COVID and flu shots from now until the end of time.

    Wearing masks may help prevent the spread of COVID but only IF an effective mask is worn and worn CORRECTLY. Are people capable of wearing an effective mask and wearing it correctly 100% of the time?

    Should we close off the island again and hope to return to zero COVID? Should we go back to living in isolation? I think not.

    Should we continue to have a mask mandate and social distancing? I don’t know if those things are truly effective but they seem to be important to a number of people.

    Should our kids continue to be forced to wear masks in school? Does this really make a difference when kids leave school, take off their masks, and hang out with one another?

    Should people arriving by air continue to be required to obtain permission to visit through Travel Cayman when cruise passengers do not have to adhere to the same requirement?

    Should air arrivals be required to have a negative COVID test one day before arriving when Cruise passengers don’t have to do the same, simply because they were tested BEFORE boarding the ship?

    There are too many inconsistencies in these mandates. Air and cruise passengers should have the same entry requirements. If we are to continue with masks and social distancing then enforce those rules, and let’s be sure our leaders are following those rules 100% of the time.

    • Anonymous says:

      Absolutely agree. It’s here to stay, and BTW lot less dangerous or damaging than type 2 diabetes. Yet we don’t – perhaps we should! – have mandates restricting consumption of fast food, especially amongst children. How is it that we can live with the idea of that being prevalent in the community yet obsess over Covid? When is the HSA going to start publishing stats on the numbers of people with diabetes or the deaths of people with it where diabetes was a control factor.

  3. Anonymous says:


  4. Ad Enuff says:

    How many fully vaccinated among the 5? Only number that matters.

  5. Anonymous says:

    A striking indication of the meaninglessness of the “T” in “PACT” and one of the reasons that the Panton-PACTless Clown Car (PPLCC) deserves that moniker is that they seem to be totally ignoring (to the public anyway) the very real issue of Post-acute COVID-19 Syndrome, commonly called “Long Covid”. Unless the PPLCC and its health minister are clueless about the condition, surely they must have some idea of how many cases of Long Covid we have and must be compiling statistics on the numbers of cases that involve Long Covid. They are certainly not being transparent about this condition. Thus far I have not heard Sabrina even mention Long Covid. This is shockingly irresponsible! What the hell is going on? (Occam’s Razor points to the very credible possibility that the PPLCC are indeed brainlessly clueless about Long Covid and not conspiring to hide anything.).
    I know of many people, including myself, who are apparently suffering from, or have suffered from, Long Covid. Several health care professionals in my circle of friends and acquaintances inform me that physicians and hospitals are seeing and treating those suffering Long Covid. In many cases, the sequelae to Covid can present with more severe symptoms than the initial acute phase of the infection and can cause long-term or permanent damage. This is true even if the patient originally was asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic. The course and duration of the condition does not appear to be related to the severity of the initial Covid infection.
    I am now wondering how many hospitalisations involve Long Covid? I have received unconfirmed reports that suggest that there have been hospitalisations and serious outcomes involving suspected cases of Long Covid.
    Research cited by the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests that at least 54% of those who develop COVID-19 experience one or more symptoms of Long Covid; thus, only clowns would ignore the issue and only irresponsible clowns who lack Transparency would hide the issue from the public. If I were a member of the press my question to Sabrina and the PPLCC would be: “Are you clueless about Long Covid and Long Covid cases in the Cayman Islands or are you choosing not to be transparent about it?”.
    C’mon PPLCC, start being honest!
    C’mon press! Get busy, dammit!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Covid has been so interesting to me as an example of human nature. I could never have believed how people would become so bored of the simple precautions that prevent illness, disability or death in themselves and others, and start to argue against doing it.
    Or how people could brush off the deaths of others in their community as if it doesn’t matter and it’s their fault in some way because they were overweight or they were unlucky enough to have diabetes etc, or they were over 60 – like these people deserved to die and are of no consequence.
    Covid isn’t important until suddenly it’s you that is sick, or your partner or child, struggling to breathe or suffering for months with long covid, or maybe even having a limb amputated, or losing their life. And then suddenly the government didn’t do enough.
    It’s always someone else’s fault.
    That could be the mantra for life on earth today.
    It’s always someone else’s fault. And other peoples lives don’t matter.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well said. The ugly display of selfishness, lack of empathy, and greed portends a bleak future for the coming climate change catastrophe and tropical storm season.

    • Anonymous says:

      Unreasonable fear is a feature of human nature as well. We’re vaccinated and moving on. No one thinks other people’s lives don’t matter, but we are ready to have ours back.

    • Anonymous says:

      So true

    • Anonymous says:

      If you weren’t so heavily gaslit about the facts of covid and the long term logical conclusion, maybe you would see things differently.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Keep masks and 6 ft social distnce indoor places

    • WHY ? How can you eat and drink wearing a mask ?

    • Anon says:

      Masks and social distancing only help if everyone does their part. Masks, particularly cloth masks that are worn multiple times do very little to help prevent illness. If we are going to continue with the mask mandate then KN95 masks should be required. N95 masks are the best option but they should be custom fitted (this info comes from personal friends who are doctors and nurses.)

      Social distancing…who knows if this really makes a difference? But it does make some people feel safer so there’s that.

      If we are going to continue seeing people everywhere wearing their cloth masks that are looking quite grungy, or wearing their mask below their nose, then what’s the point of having a mask mandate at all?

      • Anonymous says:

        There is no point. Masks are now not a requirement to enter shops,businesses,airports or aircraft in the U.S. as of last week. Most cities and states have only just recently dropped masking but there are a few still requiring it. It is not a requirement to do a pre-flight test to fly the 5 hours in the U.S. from New York to Los Angeles, but to come here from Miami one hour away we need a pre flight test . I guess Cayman either knows better than the United States health services, or we are stuck on one track like a broken record.

    • Anonymous says:

      Unless other person can demonstrate a negative recent LFT. I’d be good with that being normalized, as a basic public courtesy.

  8. Anon says:

    I called the public health line to book an appointment for the children vaccine. They stated that they have run out, and will not have the vaccine for children available until early May. Why is this not being reported?

  9. Anonymous says:

    Hospitalizations are the real marker for Government to decide when to drop indoor mask mandates.

  10. Anonymous says:

    The Chambers of Commerce is pushing to drop mask mandates whilst most children under the age of 12 haven’t received their 2nd vaccine on island. What a bunch of selfish and a greedy organization. Why place profits before our children’s lives? Mr. Scott do you realized there are post Covid issues people are currently experiencing after surviving Covid and being vaccinated? Wish you all would place some common sense in your ludicrous request!

    • Anonymous says:

      It is painfully obvious that the Chamber is driven by one thing: mammon.

    • Anonymous says:

      If they only listen to worldwide news they would realize some places are reintroducing masks because of increasing cases. But the chamber wants the opposite

    • Anonymous says:

      Most children under the age of 12 haven’t received it, because their parents realize it isn’t necessary. Kids natural immune systems deal with Covid just fine. Most kids under 12 don’t need the vaccine, unless they have specific underlying reasons to get it.

      The CoC is correct. Time to drop the indoor mask mandates.

  11. anon says:

    Can Public Health ever be consistent in their reports – how many of the latest 3 hospital admissions were not vaccinated, if any?.

    • Anon says:

      If they didn’t specify, they must all be vaccinated.

      • Common sense says:

        7.44am Most of those admitted have not been vaccinated so all of a sudden three vaccinated people are admitted?.

        • Anonymous says:

          The vaccine is not a lifetime inoculation, so with waning community immunity, and more evasive versions every couple months, this is going to happen. Only 35% took up the booster last fall.

    • Anonymous says:

      @5:22 It is just as vital to know how many current hospital cases involved either repeat hospitalisations or Long Covid. Long Covis IS a VERY SERIOUS issue, but is one that the Panton Clown Car seems to be taking lightly as they have not even mentioned it in their Covid releases.
      Research suggests that at least 54% of those who develop COVID-19 experience one or more symptoms of Long Covid. According to researchers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the University of Oxford found that hospitalized Covid patients who survived at least a week after being discharged from hospital were more than twice as likely to die or be admitted again within months. The Covid survivors also had an almost five times greater risk of dying in the following 10 months than a sample taken from the general population! Our PACT-less government is playing with death, that is how breathtakingly irresponsible they are. Power is their opiate and it has made them mindlessly callous about the health and lives of our people.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Nobody counts admissions anymore or reports COVID statistic. Only in Cayman the madness continues.

    • Spencer says:

      Rubbish! This data was recorded this week.

      Los Angeles County reports 2,056 new coronavirus cases, an increase of 52% from last week.

      New York state reports 8,452 new coronavirus cases, the biggest one-day increase since early February. Reinfections are not included.

      Reinfections are reported only once a week (on Wednesdays) in a separate count.

      4,818 reinfections were reported on Wednesday, which was up 27% from the week before.

      Going off last week’s average, today’s tally would be at least 9,140.

      China reported 18,502 cases.

      Shanghai w/ 17,629 cases & 1,931 symptomatic cases and 95% of all

      U.S. COVID update: Number in hospital rises 4 days in a row

      – New cases: 50,102
      – Average: 43,344 (+708)
      – States reporting: 34/50
      – In hospital: 14,285 (+342)
      – In ICU: 1,848 (+54)
      – New deaths: 425
      – Average: 389 (-14)

      Coronavirus cases are rising in nearly every U.S. state.

      United Kingdom COVID update:

      The UK registers its deadliest day in fourteen months with a record 646 deaths.

      – New cases: 19,482 (-6,665)
      – Average: 23,122 (-1,875)
      – In hospital: 17,368 (-515)
      – In ICU: 349 (+13)
      – New deaths: 646 (+138)
      – 7 Day Average: 234 (+43)

      Lie harder next time.

      • Anonymous says:

        You should go to those places. Quite literally, no one gives a shit. Go get vaccinated.

      • Tom says:

        349 in ICU out of 69 million. Most of the deaths will be those that happened to die within 28 days of a positive test rather than those who actually died from covid, particularly given the extent of the omega prevalence. ICU admissions are the best metric and they are tiny relative to the population, especially once one takes out the unvaccinated who are there by their own choice,

      • Brian says:

        You’re hilarious… should take those numbers in context of the population though.. that the problem with the people trying to seize control. They need you to be scared and afraid and fear monger. LA COUNTY HAS 18 MILLION PEOPLE alone!!!!! So NOOOOO we shouldn’t scream about the sky is falling with 2,056 reported cases. Your stats are rubbish and fear mongering.

  13. Spencer says:

    Meanwhile the cabal of profiteers pushes for the end of masks.

    Fodder for the dollar. That’s Cayman in a nutshell.


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