Mask mandate staying as COVID cases rise
(CNS): Public Health officials have said that while COVID-19 regulations are being reviewed and some restrictions may be lifted, the mask mandate inside public buildings and on transport vehicles will remain in effect, given the increase in positive cases.
The latest regulations on COVID protocols expire at the end of this month and hopes that the mask mandate, at least in schools, would be axed have been dashed. Officials said hospital admissions were low but the increasing number of people in isolation is having a negative impact on society.
“Although there has been no significant increase in the number of hospital admissions and deaths registered, the increase in positive cases in the community means there is an increasing number of people in isolation or quarantine,” Public Health officials said in the latest weekly situational report on the state of the virus. “These persons are then unable to attend work or school for a number of days, thus jeopardising optimal functioning of services and ultimately, the society as a whole.”
According to the latest figures released on Wednesday, there are currently an estimated 983 people in official isolation but the number could be much higher, given concerns that compliance with reporting regulations has been falling. There are four people in hospital, two of whom are vaccinated.
Over the last two days another 180 people have officially reported positive results to public health, including four in the Sister Islands. The rolling daily average case number is now at 74 as the increase in cases continues.
Positive cases reported to Public Health during this period are currently as follows:
Monday | 25/04/2022 | 100 |
Tuesday | 26/04/2022 | 80 |
According to the report reflecting last week’s figures between 17 and 23 April, there were a total of 460 new cases of the virus reported by Public Health, 87 more than the previous week. The test positivity rate jumped up to 33%. Overall case numbers increased by 20%, with an average of 66 new positive cases per day up from 53 during the previous week.
Since the pandemic began there have now been more than 22,500 cases recorded here and 27 lives have been lost.
Meanwhile, almost 94% of the population aged over 5 years has had at least one dose of a vaccine and just over 35% has had the full course, including a booster.
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Category: Health, Medical Health
US visitors (and cabin crew) have been openly saying on social media that no one is wearing masks on flights to Cayman, especially now the US mask mandate has been lifted.
FAA and US regulations apply aboard US aircraft en route here, not Cayman ones. Although Cayman regs apparently don’t apply to all passengers either.
This is now full on madness without any credible policy support.
Look at the CIG statement:
“Although there has been no significant increase in the number of hospital admissions and deaths registered, the increase in positive cases in the community means there is an increasing number of people in isolation or quarantine. These persons are then unable to attend work or school for a number of days, thus jeopardising optimal functioning of services and ultimately, the society as a whole.”
So there is no strain on health care and death rates have plummeted way below flu. Those old reasons for these rules no longer apply. The reason now seems to be a bootstraps argument that because of quarantine rules, not the virus, the mask mandate has to stay. Other countries have abandoned mask mandates, quarantine rules and testing requirements and none have seen any problems with emergency admissions etc.
Covid is here to stay, you can assume you are going to get it one day and that day is likely sooner than later. if you want to reduce your risks vaccination improves your prospects many many times over especially if you are over 50, overweight or have certain conditions. And long covid, to the extent it is an issue, is no reason either now covid is endemic.
Public Health is a rudderless ship and the politicians cannot hide behind the terrible groundhog nonsense they force on us all.
The vaccines wane. Incredibly fast. Unless we’re ‘boosting’ every 4-6 weeks, we’re all without ‘effective’ protection. This entire thing is an absolute joke. The virus isn’t all that dangerous to the vast, vast majority. We don’t act this way around flu or chicken gonya (!), what are we doing allowing this fallacy to continue? The amount of unvaccinated people and people who have not had any type of vaccine/booster in this year of 2022 that have contracted covid and incredibly survived tells you everything you need to know – we were afraid for no reason.
Stop it now.
Your ignorance to the proven effectiveness of the vaccine is pathetic.
It really is only ignorant people, who refuse to wear a mask or have the vaccine. I would rather protect myself than catch Covid.
Your ignorance to the proven effectiveness of the vaccine is pathetic.
It really is only ignorant people, who refuse to wear a mask or have the vaccine. I would rather protect myself than catch Covid. Also if you have underlying health conditions and you catch Covid because you choose not too wear a mask your chances of surviving are exceptional slim or you will get long Covid.
Shocking PACT is so lost
Has nobody learned that if you say you have a medical issue then you do not have to wear a mask? Pretty darn simple folks. And it is illegal to ask what your medical issue is.
Problem solved. Everyone please start saying that everywhere you go.
Better yet, say you are a cruise shipper and rules don’t apply to you.
They can still have you leave the premises and not serve you as it is the establishments right
I do not serve anyone without a mask. No mask, no entry. Go on with ya bad self though.
You all act as if wearing a mask for a few minutes in a shop is the end of the world. My God, stfu
No you STFU. Don’t you realize the larger implications of this overreach?
Will you do whatever the government tells you, even if there’s no logical reason?
As a retail worker, it is my absolute pleasure to tell you to leave the store without one. Not risking getting Covid for your bs.
That is fine until the proprietor of said grocery store apologises and says “it is mandatory to enter here – masks have to be worn otherwise we cannot allow entry”. It is their choice who they want in their store. Just one more example that discrimination is still alive, well and thriving in Grand Cayman.
U.S. COVID update. The country where most of the cruise ship tourists hail from.
– New cases: 97,966
– Average: 54,815 (+2,849)
– States reporting: 43/50
– In hospital: 15,363 (+523)
– In ICU: 1,838 (-3)
– New deaths: 684
– Average: 387 (+4)
And before the math nerds jump in to minimize 684 new deaths with 43 of 50 states reporting, know that the families and friends of the 684 are in mourning, regardless of math.
What was the point though? Covid is here to stay. What is gained by shutting off, cowering behind masks and forcing people to be under house arrest for catching it?
The protection of the vulnerable.
Oh well. Almost a year in and PACT Government still have no idea. Caymanians can’t still earn a decent wage to survive in their own country. If your allowing cruise ship passengers with no restrictions. Then please can you also stop the crazy mask mandate and 24 hour testing before arrival to our Islands shore. A flu and you still have us living under such restrictions. Wear a mask if you want.It is not necessary once you are vaccinated. Cause mask or no mask individuals are still getting infected. Time for a protest, every 4 years same promises. My Caymanians are feed up time for us to move own. Just a friendly reminder to all hurricane season is upon us. Time to get prepared PACT Government. That’s all for now. A feed up Caymanian.
I am sick and tired, and it’s not due to a virus.
PACT of useless ,misinformed , powerhungry ,self serving ,nitwits…
This is incredibly disappointing, however, not at all surprising given the completely inept Minister of Health we have. Mask mandate is only being actually upheld in grocery stores and schools. I don’t wear mine anymore at my office (of over 200 people), when I walk into restaurants or when I enter hotels. Masks are doing NOTHING. Our poor children – being forced to wear masks all day long. Why has our government learned nothing???
Look at Florida vs California. Totally different approaches to COVID and same result. Masks, lockdowns, etc did nothing to change the stats.
More insane lies, and ridiculous laws for what is now essentially a cold. It’s not about the illness anymore. It’s about compliance and obedience, everyone bowing to the “laws” that make zero sense. Those who wish to believe in the original narrative ( that fell apart long ago) can live in their deluded world of death and pestilence, suffocating under a piece of wet mucous cloth “saving you”. The rest of us would like to breathe free – thanks!
I dom’t recall the common cold killing close to 1 million Americans, but you do you.
“Oh my Lord, I have to continue to wear a mask when I go to the supermarket, gas station, or catch the bus? I’m suicidal, how will my life go on. The government is taking away my civil rights, my freedom. Revolt! March on the Government Administration Building! I’m not going to wear my mask. I don’t wear my seat belt either.”
Get over it and wear a mask. It covers your ugly face in any case and the world is a better place for that!
The point is, wearing a mask when you shop, walk into a restaurant, gas up your car, and travel on the bus is NOT a dreadful inconvenience. . . stop moaning and just get on with it.
The point is, it’s a completely pointless exercise in futility. All to attempt to show who is in charge.
It’s not about control and who’s in charge. Who is in charge when you refuse to wear your mask you are! Masks help prevent the spread of Covid. Put your mask on for a few minutes a day and stop your moaning.
In 2 years or whatever good bye Pact.
An island rife with selfish greedy crybabies
So if I tell you that you have to wear a hat at all times, you would just do it because it’s not too inconvenient.
Well said!
No such thing. . .advertising hyperbolic myth.
Please define “public buildings”
The porta potty at the Sound Sound dock for one.
Any building to which the public has regular access to, whether for a fee or otherwise.
Little Cayman health center is mask exempt ,apparently?
How about we challenge this in the courts as this is now abuse of power. Those that want to wear it can do so but stop with mandating that everyone wears it. Enough with this foolishness. Life must continue and keeping these silly mask mandates is not really going to protect anyone since most people do not wear them properly nor are they even proper mask. God only knows what long term health effect children will have breathing in carbon monoxide everyday. Meanwhile, let’s just keep the cruise ships coming with no requirements whatsoever but being vaccinated.
Carbon monoxide?
Right. Clothing should be optional too. I feel oppressed. Let’s hire lawyers!
I’ve gone through isolation and i will NEVER do it again. for those who fear covid, keep getting boosted forever, for those who don’t good luck. I’m not voluntarily giving up my freedom again.
This government abuses emergency powers.
So sorry for the massive inconvenience of wearing a mask. Would you like a hug?
Cayman has had 22,000 reported cases (and plenty of unreported) and 27 deaths, so one death per every thousand cases or a 0.1% death rate. People seem to forget that the restrictions were put in place in 2020 when a death rate of 2%-3% was being reported, that never materialised, and yet he overreaction is seemingly without end.
And you can discount the unvaccinated deaths from the 27 too. That was the risk willingly taken by those wanted freedom, or too avoid the Bill Gates nanobots or whatever other crap they read on Facebook or saw on Fox News.
You are one of the so called unvaccinated, if your last injection was more than 12 weeks ago. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Better get that 4th shot.
Except for massively lowered chance of hospitalisation or death. That is the only difference between those who had a vaccine more than 4 months ago and those who never did.
They need to remove the restrictions for unvaccinated people having to quarantine if they test negative. Because if that’s the case vaccinated people need to quarantine too, because they catching covid just like everyone else and can pass it on too so what is the difference…
Around the peak of the November spike I started eating ham sandwiches. The case rate came down from there.
Mandate ham sandwiches.
with Tomato, Cheese & a likkle Salt n Pepper – Gone Clear.
go to any bar or restraunt any night of the week….. and you will the reason why the current current mask mandate makes absolutley zero sense.
just another day in wonderland.
Covid is never going away. Learn to live with it:
Fortune Magazine, a truly unbiased media source for lovers of prosperity and greed.
There is NO end of days pandemic virus going around. When will people realize this?
Whether it’s a conspiracy or simply awful governing, globally we’ve overreacted to an extreme regarding covid19.
Stop this now. The world is collapsing because of the restrictions we’ve all had to covid in the past 2 years.
On all sides of the argument we are all right and wrong to different extremes. Who cares who got what right and when. Just stop now.
End restrictions. End travel restrictions. End vax requirements. End censorship of alternative treatments.
AND START trying to help those who are living daily in fear of this virus when they don’t have to.
People are not all dropping dead in the streets. That was the original video and it stung. We need to help people forget this. And move on. FAST
But why? Covid is now endemic and will persist, so if this is not the time to lift the mandate when will be? Raw case numbers are not the issue. Restrictions were justified by saying it was stop health services being overwhelmed. But other countries have seen massive omicron waves and lifted their restrictions anyway, and none had hospital capacity issues. There are 6 people with covid in hospital, the hospitalisation numbers have stayed low and manageable. The vaccine and the omicron profile mean cases do not translate into hospitalisations and deaths anymore like they did in the past. And for those who want to wheel out ‘long covid’, covid is endemic, you ARE going to catch it sooner or later, probably sooner, so ‘long covid’ is not a reason to keep masks.
The only reason I have not caught COVID yet is the magic spray they sort of spritz on one of my hands as I enter Fosters.
ONly reason I don’t mind the spritz upon entering Fosters is it will also help decontaminate the gross people who don’t wash their hands after using the loo.
I haven’t caught Covid because I ate bar nuts for 20 years.
Idiocy is doing the same thing and expecting different results. Logic says “the mask mandate is currently in place AND COVID positives are going up” THEREFORE “mask mandate is NOT preventing the spread of COVID”. So it isn’t for logical reasons that you would maintain the mask mandate… why don’t you come clean on why you are choosing to do so?
You do know that Logic provides internet services? But yet your deductions appear to be illogical under the current circumstances.
Without masks would probably be more cases
People aren’t wearing them all of the time like they should. Government shouldn’t have to mandate but the world is full of selfish people. There will be more things coming and you know why? People are selfish and mean to each other. It’s so sad to be on the internet and never hear good things and about good people. People say that lockdown cause mental health issues. No, it’s the selfish people hollering “unmask our children”, “it’s just a cold” and “unmask us” that send my heart palpitating all of the time.
Selfish crybabies everywhere. That’s the true plague.
Sounds like you have mental health issues if you believe the crap you are saying
Chain of CIG “logic”:
1. Lets decide to quarantine people until they can get a clear PCR test, even though our scientific advisors from PHE in the UK have abandoned that approach because the tests continue to be positive long after you have ceased to be infectious, with the consequent impact on the workforce and economy
2. Lets not lift mask mandates, even PHE have done so in England, because we think its important to reassure certain parts of the public. We can always just ignore them when inconvenient – like government officials or cruise ship tourists.
3. When we get exactly the same result here in terms of economic impact through isolation regime, lets say its not a reason to revisit the isolation rules, but a good reason to maintain the mask rules. (which although imposed to reassure the public, and attracting considerable public and business backlash)
4. Claim we are simply following the science, but don’t cite what scientific advice we are relying on.
Alot of persons traveled over Easter and contracted it and it’s mostly them that are now positive, nearly two weeks later. What did you expect???? Smdh
It’s not the source of the increase that’s the issue numbnuts. It’s saying that maintaining mask mandates to reduce absence from work when the obvious way of doing that is to reduce the isolation requirements is the posters point. As is the hypocrisy of selectively ignoring mask mandates when it suits certaIn individuals or policies, such as the reintroduction of unlimited cruise tourism.
time for a lawsuit like they did in florida.
the mandate makes no sense….and when health service is under no pressure or risk…mask wearing should be a personal choice. end of story.
Are you all talk and no action? Say what you mean and mean what you say. Waiting…
My guess is the unreported cases are about 4-5 times higher than what is reported. Many just isolate until their LFT comes back negative and off they go with their mask !
Only people that can stay home on full salary are reporting.
They are called Civil Servants
I can stay home on full salary, and no way I’m reporting lol.
This lot just love to pretend they are in charge and control of something. Long may the oppression measures reign!
Good, as they should
Ah yes, I am going to listen to a health minister that has already violated her own dumb mask mandate without any consequences.
Meanwhile, in the real world, where mask mandates have been dropped…
If not boosted..not vaccinated in my book…
Can it be called a “mandate” if there is zero enforcement?
NO ONE in our 250 plus person accounting firm wears a mask in our office, and we have regular meetings, including in packed boardrooms and meeting rooms. Our lunchrooms are full at lunch, and the staff regularly get together outside the office, either in private residences, bars/restaurants and sporting events, with no masks.
And NO ONE is worried in our office, including me.
And no one in your office gives a damn if they were to infect one with immunity issues, right?
The world revolves around your accounting firm, yes?
Correct, if you have an immunity issue then deal with it yourself.
I bet she made sure she had on her mask for this one.
CIG, please do a better job of informing incoming tourists of Cayman’s mask requirements. I’ve heard from friends in the hotel industry that tourists are ignoring mask requirements inside hotels, and they become belligerent when politely reminded by hotel staff. I’ve also seen tourists walking around Foster’s and Kirk’s maskless on several occasions. Dealing with ill informed or uncaring tourists should not be the responsibility of the general public. Please do a better job of informing tourists at the border, or even before they arrive. A paragraph on some tourism website is NOT enough!
How about they just drop the mask mandate? Problem fixed.
“Welcome to the Caymask Islands”
What mask mandate? I have visited 3 restaurants and shopped on Grand Cayman in the last week. Only the grocery stores did I experience required masking and hand sanitizer before you enter the premises. Everywhere else, no masks in sight.
…..and the 10 seconds I have to walk up the stairs entering Kings Gym (with zero people anywhere near me), just to happily remove it as I enter a packed gym with hundreds of heavily breathing people.
Governor tested positive on Good Friday. Was released from isolation on Easter Monday. From the official HSA guidance on isolation – checked 5 minutes ago:
How Long Does Isolation Last?
Vaccinated persons are required to isolate for 6 days and become eligible for an exit PCR test on Day 7
Unless the official guidance is out of date, it would seem the Governor is not expected to follow the same restrictions as everyone else. We already know that mask wearing does not apply to the Health Minister and the Premier. In what wonderland do they expect people to conform to rules that they simply dont follow themselves?
So does that mean when this spike drops masks will drop? Doubtful. I never believed they had any intention of dropping the mask mandate at the end of April. It will persist until school breaks for the summer. The children continue to suffer while I watch bus loads of unmasked cruise shippers going up and down West Bay Road. Where’s the petition? I am ready to sign. Let the children breathe! and be able to see their teachers full faces and hear what they are saying properly.
This woman is a national embarrassment.
Correction: “international” embarrassment.
And the positives are almost entirely vaccinated.
And 50 percent(half) of hospital admissions are vaccinated.
SOURCE(see page 4):—27-april
which proves that the vaccinations work. 80% of our population is vaccinated so if the vaccines had no affect it follows that 80% of hospitalisations would be vaccinated
If 80% are vaccinated and 50% are already hospitalized, which means then 40% of the whole population are people who are vaccinated and still hospitalized.
These numbers prove that 10% of the people vaccinated have any kind of immunity at all.
This is before we factor in other medications that will keep you out of the hospital if you are in that 10% “protected”
For something that is proven scientifically to be effective in keeping you out of the hospital, only 10% of the time, and causes death in only 0.01% of the population, there should be NO MANDATES OF ANY KIND.
People fail to realize that when injected with so called vaccine that its a virus being injected into their body. Do research and Govt need to stop the fear and scaremongering and drop all the demonic and draconian quarantine rubbish as well
Consequently not sick or in hospital.
And have nothing more than a minor cold as a result.
Yes CIG! Actually, mask mandates should remain in effect indefinitely for food servers in restaurants.
Servers are constantly in “extra-close” contact with patrons. It would be one measure to contain future epidemics or pandemics.
I expect loads of shitty responses from the “freedom” morons!
I think you should just stay in your house indefinitely. That would protect you against future pandemics, whilst not interfering with other peoples freedom, since you have no problem apparently with restrictions on YOUR freedom.
28 @ 8:51 am – No, I fully expect to live my life normally and will continue to mask-up when I choose or need to (I’m immunocompromised).
But the “freedom morons” forget to that it goes both ways. Yes, I retain the right and “freedom” to protect my own health, and the right to not have my health compromised by others. Doesn’t everyone?
In light of the last two years, why would a requirement to protect anyone from a server breathing directly over your face while pouring your
cabernet be unconscionable? Wouldn’t you like to be protected as best as possible…even from a flu?
Mask save lives ! The no mask no problem idiots will have a complete meltdown now ! Oh well that’s how it goes like I said it’s not how you think it should go ! Where ya friggin mask !or stay ya @$$ home .
Not going to have a meltdown, just ask you to provide some ljnks to facts that demonstrate that masks are saving lives in Cayman. Or anywhere, for that matter.
Really? The common blue fabric medical mask that 90% of the people wear provide almost no protection.
Rubbers save more lives than masks.
Especially when they are put over your head.
One statistic rising faster than Covid in the community is the price of food in the supermarkets.
Sensible, with the prospect of a small surge on the horizon.
small surge….zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Sure, always wear inside, unless of course you find yourself in a paid admission hotel conference super spreader, then the health and safety rules no longer apply, apparently. Doesn’t seem to matter that everyone is shoehorned in beside 500 others, you can take them off at your personal discretion if you feel like it…official GAIM conference guidance. Fundraiser or Charity Ball or High Roller Birthday? Take ’em off, and spread away this is a private event and these nuisance community safeguards are not for you! Have any tickets actually been written since Skylar Mack and the Regal Beach douche? Do all the hotels enjoy this private/public event health policy hypocrisy exemption, or just the DART hotels? Scrap the policy or ticket…pick a lane.
You could add conferences in Miami to the list, and Cayman Airways planes, and Sister island medical clinics…
Yes, 500 willing people (myself including) went to the GAIM conference this week at the Ritz. Just like millions in the US and UK are willingly going to theaters, sporting events, shopping centers.
You are free to wear a tight-fitting N95 mask if you want as am I, but dont continue to impose this on others.
Continue to hide under your bed or rock.
Nah. It’s more fun for them to feel important & powerful and to boss you around.
We already have mask mandates and cases are rising. Doesn’t anyone in power, or those hiding behind their useless muzzles see the stupidity in the situation?
Infections aren’t the problem, look at the seriously ill and death stats in combination with vaccination rates.
Mask mandates that people are trying to not abide by. That combined with the tourists coming in that believe they rules don’t apply to them… well surge here we come
Like the Health Minister and the Premier, who believe the mandates don’t apply to them.
They don’t apply to them. They know the truth that these mandates are nonsense. Unfortunately, this makes them narcissistic hypocrites that love the taste and smell of bossing others around and getting off on it.
Its difficult to see the stupidity when you are the stupidity.
Who are these ‘health officials’? What science are they using to relate the continuation of mask wearing and case rises? I think it is time for a court challenge or judicial review, we do not need dictators.
Unmask our children now!
Keep you little germ infested monster masked
You were once one too. Still are it seems.
This mask mandate? Or a different one?
Rules for thee and not for me.
Beyond a joke now. If people don’t want to be vaccinated that is their choice, but the risks they are running should not be a reason to impose these restrictions on the rest of us.
If you still believe that the unvaccinated pose a risk to others, there is no help for you.
Oh bless, reading not you strong suit? Bet you like Fox News too. The point being made was that the unvaccinated were taking their own risks and we should not take them into account when considering the need for public health measures.
Don’t be dismissive to the “unvaxxed.” They are likely to be the ones that are still alive and taking care of your children when you are dead and gone.
Yes, dear. They be the ones that will avoid being controlled from the cell phone tower secret rays.