Isolation numbers grow as COVID cases inch up

| 14/04/2022 | 80 Comments

(CNS): There are currently 638 active cases of COVID-19 in Cayman, including four patients in the hospital, according to the latest Public Health Department figures. Over the last two days, 117 people have officially reported positive, and the seven-day rolling average currently stands at 39.

Positive cases reported to Public Health during this period are currently as follows:


Although Interim Chief Medical Officer Dr Autilia Newton advised the government it was safe to lift the restrictions on cruise visitor numbers this week, according to the weekly situation report published Wednesday, there are concerns that the steady increase in cases is being caused by public events.

There have been a number of major charity events and fundraisers over the last few weeks that may have been super-spreaders, causing clusters of new cases and bringing up infection rates. The Omicron B.A. 2.3 variant, which has a greater ability to spread, continues to be the leading variant in the Cayman Islands, according to health officials.

“[I]t remains crucial that prevention measures (wearing of masks inside, maintaining social distancing as much as possible, washing hands frequently, isolating/testing when symptomatic or if close contact with cases) are strictly followed during such gatherings, as per current legislation,” Public Health said in the weekly report.

Between 3 and 9 April, there were 284 new cases of SARS-Cov-2 reported by Public Health, just four less than the previous week, but there were almost 400 fewer tests conducted, leading to a test positivity rate of almost 21%.

Over 60% of those aged over 70 have now had a vaccine booster, which officials say is the most important group, but less than 33% of the population has had this third dose.

A fourth dose is now available, mostly targetted at those over 70 years old. But this additional shot is available to any adult who had their third shot at least six months ago. While booster take-up is relatively low, almost 94% of residents in Cayman aged over five have had at least one dose of the vaccine.

For more details see the latest situation report in the CNS Library.

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Comments (80)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Wonderful news. Time to get rid of all and any form of mask mandates in Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      Florida reports 3,046 new coronavirus cases, an increase of 44% from last week. Number in hospital up 14%, reaching 1,040.

      Not over!

      • Anonymous says:

        Kenny’s cruisers are importing Covid in their thousands… but no matter, so long as he gets the votes.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Did anyone bother to check Newton’s track record and the state Gibraltar was in when she departed there?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Proof that masks do NOT work! FREE the CHILDREN!

  4. Elvis says:

    Why is it everyone in charge of health and sports always look like they never ran a mile or ate a healthy meal in their life?

    Asking for a friend

  5. Kitty says:

    I have 3 friends who are positive and in isolation. Yet, none are sick with anything more than the seasonal flu. I think we might be better focused at numbers for hospitalization or deaths. I did a Flow before going to work today, just to be safe. But I would not be inclined to report it had it been positive (it was not). I think this can be managed without government. Idk, just my two cents.

    • Anonymous says:

      Our office has had more short term absences from work in the last 4 months than we have had in the previous four years. yet strangely enough, none of these people have been infected with Covid. They make a point of saying so, and the firm makes a point of believing them, so after 4 or 5 days off they can come back to work and business goes on.

  6. Anonymous says:

    So I just returned home from Florida, I’m unvaccinated. Covid recovered Xs Alpha and Omicron. Now I have to quarantine for 7 days even though I tested negative.

    I suppose the logic is that I could be infected and it would take a few days for that to show up on a test, right? But, a vaccinated person can also test negative and it would take a few days to show up on a test, right? So, why the difference in treatment? How can that be justified?

    Ignoring vaccination status for a moment, Is it that the infection rate here in Cayman is near zero and so the logic is to quarantine people from higher risk areas? A point of fact, the active cases in Florida represent .25% of the population. In Cayman there are 12,000 active cases which is 17% of the population or a 6800% higher rate. A normal day in Cayman poses a 6800% higher infection risk than a normal day in Florida where they don’t quarantine people who test negative.

    We are continually told that science is being followed, but what kind of science is this?

    • Anonymous says:

      Special science

    • Anonymous says:

      The fact that you’ve had already had covid twice shows you why – you are more likely to contract covid than vaccinated people. If you don’t like having to quarantine, get vaccinated. The rest of us are tired of having restrictions just so we can prevent hospitals from being overrun with people like you.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Celebrity Equinox which is one of the cruise ships that come to Cayman and was in port here this week had an infestation of COVID . See article and news report on local10 news in Miami. The cruise company seems to be trying to hide it . Is the CI Gov. doing the same thing. The above news was on local10 on yesterday (Friday) news.
    Check it out CNS.

    • Rick says:

      This makes me so angry! Placing us all at risk, for what?!!

    • Anonymous says:

      The CDC website shows the ship has crossed the threshold for offical observation.

      The CDC dashhoard also shows 51 ships in the orange category for observation which is far more than the 25 in yellow, one category below the threshold for observation.

      But, yeah, let’s move on to the phase allowing even more to port , placing us at risk and making our traffic woes much worse.

    • Anonymous says:

      Infested with 100% vaccinated covid positive passengers.

    • Anonymous says:

      Probably pick it up in cayman!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Is the wearing of masks in health care facilities required by our current regulations? – even if you are a politician? – even if the Code of Ministerial Conduct requires Cabinet members to obey at least some laws? – asking for a friend.

  9. Roberto says:

    How intellectually and morally deficient must one be to say we should move on and get back to “normal” as if there wasnt an announcement on throwing the floodgates open for cruise ships?

  10. Anonymous says:

    Do you have to be morbidly obese to be our health minister? Just wondering what the entry requirements are.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Get vaccinated and hope you are healthy and you’ll be fine.

    • Justin says:

      Hospitalizations for COVID 19 are rising exponentially again in Florida and New York. Meanwhile, New Jersey COVID hospital admissions are second largest by number, while Vermont largest by percentage. Florida’s are sharply rising—faster than last Omicron wave.

      The arrivals of thousands of tourists by air and plane recently from areas where COVID cases are rapidly rising should give anyone with a working brain pause.

  12. Roberto says:

    For most of the pandemic, there has been one dominate VOC that has outcompeted all other variants. Welcome to a new era where we have MANY BA.2 sub-variants equally competing and other fast spreading recombinants simultaneously causing havoc.

    This could result in shorter immunity windows and more frequent infections and what could appear to be a constant surge (or no surge at all if we don’t test).

    Long live COVID-19. Welcome to COVID-22.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Cases are going to continue to rise because the people coming off the cruise ships are not wearing masks – not on the busses, in stores unless forced, or restaurants. They don’t have to wear masks on the ship so they don’t think they should have to wear them here. So they’re getting a pass but meanwhile our kids are still in masks all day at school.

    • Anonymous says:

      one up the minister of health walking around a health facility with no mask.

      • Anonymous says:

        Lets call it as it is..look at her? Should she really be representing the Ministry of Health…remember she was on the other side until a “pay” out….disgraceful. What excuse can she make “I forgot my mask”

    • Kitty says:

      Mask are generally useless unless N95 type. What we require here is just a joke and bother.

      • Anonymous says:

        N95 masks do help protect the wearer but all masks help protect other people. If you don’t care about other people, than I guess yes, they are useless to you.

        • Anonymous says:

          1006 go back to your basement, keep playing video games and please stay off the message boards.

          • Anonymous says:

            It’s always difficult to hear the truth when it goes against your opinion but no need to insult others!

  14. Anonymous says:

    The last week would most likely have been much higher if the number of PCR testing didn’t drop so dramatically. Statistics can display anything you want by manipulating numbers. Russia and China are prime teachers for CIG; want to keep the numbers steady, stop testing.

    • Anonymous says:

      Had a friend visiting who tested positive on his certified lateral flow exit test. Did a PCR immediately. Four days later, no results. Went and did another certified lateral flow exit -negative. Perhaps the PCR was negative too and he wouldn’t have had to change flight, pay hotel, etc…

  15. Anonymous says:

    “HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS NEW VARIANTS”—New York State Dept of Health announced the emergence of 2 new Omicron subvariants, BA.2.12 & BA.2.12.1—estimated to have 23%-27% growth advantage above #BA2. NYS says “highly contagious new variants are likely contributing to rising.

    Scientists have detected this variant in six countries, including Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Israel and Luxembourg, but the vast majority of cases are in the U.S.

    Meanwhile, #BA4 and #BA5 are also emerging on the other side of the planet simultaneously, and also outpacing #Ba2 there in South Africa.

    “It’s just a reminder that we’re not out of the woods with regard to this virus, and people should continue to take precautions and to get fully vaccinated if they haven’t completed their course,” said Kirsten St. George, a virologist for the state of New York.

    • Kitty cat says:

      And…whomp whomp whomp, no one healthy is getting seriously Ill. So should we punish all children, rob people of freedoms so so fat unhealthy people can feel safer? Stop eating garbage, do a smidge of exercise and stop trying to ruin everything for everyone else, jeez. Would be easier if our Government wasn’t the fattest, most unhealthy boobs on the block.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Vaxaholics you are destroying your immune system, you will have nothing left.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Please protect the islands, the people, the animals and the ocean.

  18. Anonymous says:

    We need the sun to shine on the earth; it sustains life on earth and in the ocean. We should leave the universe alone and fix ourselves. What do you understand by this?

  19. Anonymous says:

    Vaccinated or unvaccinated at this time, go plant base. This is a choice. What are your views on this, what do you understand?

  20. This is getting beyond pointless now says:

    4 whole cases? How can we cope? How many fully vaccinated healthy under-70s in that huge number?

  21. Anonymous says:

    Immediate lockdown necessary.

    Look what’s happening in Shanghai

    • Anonymous says:

      And you think we should look to totalitarian states for our example? Don’t give Sabrina nay more ideas for heavens sake.

  22. Johnny the Wad says:

    Really ? No one is interested. Change the narrative.

    • Rick says:

      WHO has calculated that 15 million people have died as a result of the pandemic by 2021, far more than earlier estimates, but has yet to release those numbers.

      India is stalling the agency’s efforts to make global COVID death toll public as it struggles with an 8X discrepancy.

      The biggest health news story of our lives.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Fun times coming for reinfections, particularly among the boosted. Positivity rate by vaccination status in the USA. Guess who has the highest infection rate (negative efficacy)?

    • Anonymous says:

      7:48 – did you even read the other pages or just found and spouted about what you wanted to ?

  24. Anonymous says:

    Anyone shocked at this news? Maybe Sabrina is just trying to “reinterate to the community as large”.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Didn’t know we still have quarantine and isolation if you’re vaccinated and positive. None of these people are going to cause the hospitals to fill up, and if they spread it to boosted people they will also be fine. This is absurd.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Time to go back to normal.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Why didn’t we have the running scoreboard in the paper tracking the seasonal flu and colds for every one to follow prior to 2020? At this point, covid has been watered down (by evolving strains, vaccinations, recovered immunity etc) to the level of severity of those same colds and flus yet some people remain fixated on it.

    Move on with your lives! You’re gonna be ok.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Definitely alot more cases. Little Cayman is infested right now. Southern Cross Club practically locked down with guest & staff positive.

    • This is getting beyond silly now says:

      Meanwhile in England you can now test positive, if you can be bothered finding a test, and just carry on as normal if you want.

  29. Anon says:

    So it would be crazy to lift restrictions on the number of cruise passengers… oh wait …

    • This is getting beyond silly now says:

      No, it is a sensible move. Cowering away to protect those too stupid or selfish to get vaccinated by now is just pointless.

    • Anonymous says:

      Locals are spreading to locals. Super spreader events….read the article

  30. Anonymous says:

    Probably a lot more, unless you get really sick who is reporting themselves?

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