Archive for March 4th, 2022

Missing man’s body found off Eastern Avenue
(CNS) UPDATED: The police are still investigating the sudden death of a local man whose body was found on Friday morning in a grassy area by the junction of Eastern Avenue and Watlers Drive by the waterfront in George Town. He has now been formally identified, as David Samuel Bodden, (53) from George Town and who […]

Helicopter cops sue manufacturer over ORIA crash
(CNS): Three years after the original police helicopter crash-landed at Owen Roberts International Airport after a failed take-off, the RCIPS pilot at the time, Nigel Pitt, and his passenger, PC Greg Banks Jr, are both suing the manufacturer, Airbus Helicopters, claiming the machine was defective and caused the hard landing, in which the two men […]

DoE opens bid on new approach to invasive iguana
(CNS) The Department of Environment (DoE) is hoping to find a new way to manage the invasive green iguanas and move away from the current bounty system, transitioning the current cull to a lower cost operation, given the reduced population. According to a bid recently opened on the government’s procurement website, this is envisioned as […]

Caymanians urged to take up Dart’s tourism jobs
(CNS): Caymanians and permanent residents with the right to work are being urged to take up the growing number of jobs on offer in tourism, as the sector ramps back up in anticipation of growth in the sector over the coming months. The PACT Government has made it clear that employers will not get work […]