Vaccine clinics for children to begin this weekend

| 22/02/2022 | 36 Comments

(CNS): Following the arrival from the UK last week of 2,000 doses of paediatric vaccine for children between five and eleven years old, the Public Health Department has said the ‘by appointment only’ clinics for all children in this age group will start this Saturday. The clinics will be held in the district clinics, the hospital and at the Arc in Camana Bay. Medical Officer of Health Dr Samuel Williams-Rodriguez stated that the vaccine has gone through quality control checks and will be administered by nurses.

Health Minister Sabrina Turner urged parents to get their children vaccinated. “We are very fortunate to be able to provide vaccination coverage for the children of the Cayman Islands, especially as we further ease restrictions and welcome more visitors to our shores,” she said.

“I implore parents and guardians to do their best research on the vaccines, have open dialogue with their children about why being vaccinated against COVID-19 is so important and to take advantage of the protection available for their children,” the minister added.

Appointments can be made by contacting the Public Health Clinic at 926-8152 (Grand Cayman) or 244-7643 (Sister Islands). Parents are asked to bring along their children’s immunisation record.

See the paediatric vaccine schedule here

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See current vaccine and testing schedule

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Comments (36)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    There are now 2000 kid-sized doses available to any household that wants one. That pairs with the vaccination strategy for the fully-approved adult doses. It’s not a mandatory vaccination for anyone, save for new adult WP holders. We should be grateful we can enjoy both “choice” and “access”, unlike much of the planet having just one without the other.

  2. Anonymous says:

    What a bunch of hogwash!! Unless it can be proven that this vaccine will prevent the spread of Covid I am not subjecting my kids to it…

  3. Anonymous says:

    Vaccinating young children who are at no Risk, just to protect some uneducated unvaccinated freaks.

    • Anonymous says:

      how on earth a vaccine that does not prevent transmission can protect anyone??

      • Anonymous says:

        It reduces transmission but does not eliminate it. The bigger impact is in the reduction of effects suffered if infected – which is where it gets controversial in healthy children who generally show little reaction to the virus, leading to the concern that vaccinating children is more about protecting adults than the kids.

      • Anonymous says:

        It is less likely to pass on than unvaccinated. that’s how.

    • Anonymous says:

      The unvaccinated are out and about and mingling, how are they being protected. Also how vaccinating kids protect the uneducated unvaccinated freaks.

  4. Anonymous says:

    This rollout looks about as popular as a rattlesnake in a lucky dip.

  5. Anonymous says:

    .. research on the vaccines, have open dialogue with their children about why being vaccinated against COVID-19 is so important…

    Little Johnny, we are vaccinating you because we don’t you to inflect us.

    But the vaccine doesn’t prevent transmission of the corona virus. So why are you injecting me with something that is likely to have no benefit for me or you?

    Well, were still scared.

    I am too–of the vaccine that does nothing for me or for you. Buy may have serious consequences for me. Why is this so important?


    Absolute madness.

    • J|) says:

      “vaccine that does nothing for me or for you”

      Well, that’s entirely false. No vaccine acts like a plastic bubble/shield that can prevent the pathogen from entering your body. What it will do is give your system a head-start at fighting the pathogen.

      It’s quite an accurate analogy to being at a race and having to start up your engine when you hear the starting gun go off, rather than having your engine on, tires warmed and ready to go.

      • Anonymous says:

        I don’t think you understand the comment. Vaccinating a child that doesn’t need it doesn’t protect the parent.

        • Anonymous says:

          What? Children are and have been super-spreaders at school. By all means downplay it to say kids won’t die, but they can infect others, including the vulnerable elderly who may live in same home.

          Pre-existing immunity reduces the chance of transmission.

          • Anonymous says:

            Judging by your comment and many others, much deprogramming is needed.

            • Anonymous says:

              Lol you’re probably one of those who think the reported case numbers are fake.

              Do you remember the Red Bay outbreak? The kid was totally fine but positive, went to a family event and resulted in my coworker’s elderly mother needing to be admitted in the ICU. All of them unvax’d.

          • Anonymous says:

            Bull who gave it to the children in school?

    • Anonymous says:

      Idiot. I don’t recall any open dialogue over my polio vaccine, or my measles one!

      I guess my parents weren’t internet qualified doctors though. I bet they feel silly now.

      • Anonymous says:

        I bet they weren’t indoctrinated by American paranoia mongers and conspiracy theorists either?

      • Anonymous says:

        My father got the polio vaccine when he was young, immediately lost the use of 1 leg. Became sick and got cancer. You think this is a good thing for everyone and that is what makes you a dangerous and ill informed. Stop your nonsense.

        CNS: The oral polio vaccine given to children now (since the late 80s) is very safe and has virtually eliminated a terrible childhood disease around the world. It costs pennies per dose and is one of the major medical success stories of the last century. You could perhaps ask your father what type of vaccine he was given, whether oral or injected, and when it was administered. Here’s a history of the polio vaccine.

        • Anon says:

          The point being made here is that it was not known that Sabins polio vaccine was causing soft tissue cancers (sarcomas) until years later.

        • Anonymous says:

          CNS, you have just proven my point. My father was forced to take the vaccine when he was a child at that time there was little research or testing done and they rushed it out causing many illnesses and deaths. Flash forward to 2020 and history is repeating. No flu vaccine has ever been introduced to the public without 4 years of clinical testing yet because of the “emergency” of Covid19, these jabs were rolled out in 4 months. CNS, as you’ve stated, maybe we should wait a few years and wait for an actual working oral vaccine that has passed all the clinical testing. When the true numbers of injured and deaths from the Pfizer Jab is reveled it will be the same story as the Polio Jab.

          CNS: My main intent was to allay fears about the current polio vaccine – even though it wasn’t your intent to put people off from taking it, some people may have taken it that way. The last thing we need is anti-polio-vaxxers.

          On the covid vax, medicine has come a long way in the last 70 years. See here – “Vaccines have saved 112,000 lives and averted 24 million cases of COVID in the United Kingdom, England’s Deputy Chief Medical Officer Jonathan Van-Tam said on Tuesday.” Long covid may only have affected a small percentake of those who had the disease, but it is a real and in some cases devastating long-term effect. See the Mayo Clinic on this.

      • Anonymous says:

        By the time your polio and measles vaccine was given to you they and been many, many experiments and much Black Human sacrifices. m

  6. Anonymous says:

    Doing the “best research” around vaccination for 5-11 year olds presumably means taking advice from a qualified, experienced, practising paediatrician, rather than Sabrina Turner.

    • Anonymous says:

      These days I trust neither and they can thank themselves and their lack of discernment and humility for that. Scary times.

  7. t says:

    What % of children under 12 in cayman have had severe enough reactions to covid 19 that they ended up in hospital? And how does that number compare to standard flu numbers? How effective is the vaccine compared to actually getting covid? Most of the children at school with my kids have had covid and were fine. Do they need to now get vaccinated as well?

    I’m not ready to get my kids vaccinated. I just don’t see the point tbh. I’m fully vaxed, and am not bothered about mask mandates or most other covid related restrictions. I’m happy to do what needs to be done for the better of everyone. But not when it comes to my kids. That’s just my opinion right now.

  8. Say it like it is says:

    The U.K. has just announced fourth boosters for the over 75’s, can Pact please ask the Governor to send another begging letter so we can do likewise?.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Remember Chichen Itza.

  10. Anonymous says:

    What are the risks to kids, even kids with comorbidities at 5-7 years old? Emergency? Long term and unknown/rationalized risks?

    • Anonymous says:

      The risk of the vaccine causing serious side effects is less than serious effects of Covid in children such as getting multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C), a rare but serious condition associated with COVID-19.

      There are risks associated with the vaccine such as myocarditis but so far they are rare with the pediatric dosage. You can always consult with your doctor as well for more information.

      • Anonymous says:

        Get your kids vaccinated and stop being fools.

        Remember when you got polio had bad that was ? Oh right you didn’t because vaccine wiped it out.

        Get a clue.

        • Anonymous says:

          This “vaccine” cannot stop transmission.
          Therefore the relevance to the polio vaccine shot has no legitimate argument.

        • Anonymous says:

          Everyone vaccinated has still gotten omicron regardless. And while the severity of infection argument is true for adults (elderly adults mainly), it isn’t true for children.

        • Anonymous says:

          i am pro-vax generally and treble vaxxed….
          ur linking of this vax to polio is stupid beyond belief and is doing harm to the pro-vax community

      • Anonymous says:

        You conveniently leave out the unknown long term effects on children.

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