Over 7,300 people currently infected with COVID-19

| 07/02/2022 | 194 Comments

(CNS): The number of people in isolation here in Cayman after formally reporting that they have tested positive for COVID-19 is now believed to be more than 7,300 people, according to statistics on international websites where cases are recorded. Public Health Department officials have failed to report the number of active cases of the virus in the community to the Cayman public for more than ten days.

However, the Health Services Authority supplies numbers to the World Health Organization, which are then reflected across various other websites that document cases around the world.

According to Worldometer, as of Friday, 4 February, there were 7,366 active cases of the virus here, based on figures submitted over the last 7 days, which suggests that as many as 7,500 people were in quarantine as a result of being directly infected or as a close contact of an unvaccinated adult.

The last official number that PHD officials reported locally was just over 6,000 cases on 27 January. On Friday officials here reported 669 new positive cases between Tuesday and Thursday, 1-3 February.

The business community has been hard hit by staff having to isolate, and while official average daily case numbers appeared to be declining, this latest indication on the international pages, suggested that, as of Friday, well over 10% of the local population was infected and in quarantine.

It is now well documented in the press and on social media that there are dozens of people who tested positive with a lateral flow test but have not reported their status or who are not testing after being exposed because of isolation requirements and employers refusing to pay people who are required to quarantine.

Meanwhile, as well as long delays in official reports on the case numbers, there are similar delays in reporting hospital numbers. The last official release regarding hospitalisations was on Wednesday, 2 February, when there were 15 patients in hospital.

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  1. Jim says:

    And almost no-one who has been vaccinated in hospital with covid and a death rate among the vaccinated well below 1 in 1000 and well below flu risks. Catching covid now increases the annualised death risk of a 75 year old by about 1%.

    Time to stop the hysteria and open up. If stupid Fox news watchers do not want the vaccination let them roll their dice.

    • Bobo says:

      This covid is nothing to play with, its caused millions of dead people.
      First a solution to quickly stop it before it gets worst, people like you dont care about the health and wellness of others (your own lice bites the hardest). People we all pay taxes and lots of it our government system is to help everybody and there are many government employees to manage the system even those that are MP’s to manage all government business but it saves we are all tricked, wake up for those hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars that you make will not bring back the dead. INTERNAL REVENUE HAS GENERATED BILLIONS IN SALES ACCORDING TO TOTAL PROPERTY SALES…fighting the fight is not easy…

  2. Anonymous says:

    Many within the business community have only been hit hard because they failed to plan and failed to put in place the policies, procedures and guidance that would have allowed many of their staff to work fully or partially from home. The business community for the most part does not take the virus seriously and could care less about the health and wellbeing of their staff beyond what is absolutely necessary to maintain a good public image.

    The Public Health Department and our politicians do not seem to be providing guidance or making decisions that are based on the best available medical and scientific information so many within the community have simply tuned them out and not taking their advice. The political leadership of the country is saying one thing to the public while making decisions and taking actions that don’t support the messaging that is being given to the public.

    I can only assume that the PACT government has accepted that they are a failure and that there is no possibility of them returning to power so they might as well just do whatever they want to do until the voters remove them from power.

    • Anonymous says:

      At this point in time guidance from politicians and health departments have lost all credibility.

      People can read and make their own decisions based in the latest data.

      Just see what is happening all over the world. People are not dumb. self-proclaimed Truth Minister, Mark Zuckenberg probably realized that already. Haven’t used FB/Meta in 5 years.

    • Anonymous says:

      I work at a retail business; impossible to work from home. It is just not feasible for many of us. Not sure how other service businesses like nail and hair salons, tattoo shoppes, dentists, and vets could do so either.

  3. Anonymous says:


  4. Anonymous says:

    Surely he said that he is tired all the time AFTER being vaccinated?
    It’s hardly an endorsement.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are answering to 12:47…

      He is not even remotely connects tiredness to 3 jabs he took. (He says at 44, he was healthy as a young bull. BEFORE the jabs). The fact that he caught BAD covid after 3 jabs doesn’t give him food for thought either.

      May I give an advice? Test for covid before getting covid jab, for you might be already infected and the jab could turn mild symptoms into a full blown covid. I know someone (36) who experienced just that ending up in a hospital.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Why would you risk reporting a positive LFT?
    Until we get with the world and say isolation for 7 to 10 days then you are free its not worth the risk of being locked up waiting to pass a PCR test. There are many people that can not pass a PCR test after 2 months. Wake up CIG.

    And while you are at it get rid of this money grabbing arrival testing system.
    1. They don’t check ID
    2. There is no check that anyone is doing it
    3. We have COVID all over the island stop making out we are some magical covid free place!

    • anonymous says:

      Although they didn’t check my id after the first (day 2) LFT, they had scanned my Driver’s License. So, they could see it on their screen, and need to ask for it again for day 5 and 7. I used Doctor’s Express, not sure what other testing sites are doing.

    • Annie says:

      I agree, except for the time frame. If you feel sick stay home: if you feel fine and have a negative LFT go about your business. 3 days 5 days whatever. No need to lock down for 7 or 10 days. That is overkill.

    • Anon says:

      I did my 2, 5, 7 post arrival testing. No flipping way I am ever reporting a positive LFT to these morons moving fwd. F no. Times 100. Clueless, useless govt. it only hurts poor people. F no bobo. If I am positive zi will stay home until I feel better, and just take a $7 LFT.

  6. Islandgirl345 says:

    7500 hundred people in isolation, yet traffic has been horrendous so far this week coming from East!! That’s my biggest concern these days! Two hours in traffic to get to George Town!!!😡😡😡😡

    • Anonymous says:

      More likely about 1500-2000 tourists from from overseas…I don’t believe all is local people!

      • Anonymous says:

        HAHA not likely.
        As a person who tests let me tell you they are mainly local residents.

      • Annie says:

        I just returned from a business trip to the States. Our plane was about 30% of capacity. Only a scant few persons were in the non-Caymanian line at immigration; for all I know they may have been permit holders. I just don’t see s attracting tourists with the sword of Damocles hanging over tourist’s heads if they test positive on the Idiot post arrival LFTs. Let alone wasting so much time and money to get the tests done. They just need to give up the red tape. It it is beneficial to no one, and detrimental to all.

    • Anon says:

      I think most of the 7500 in isolation are practicing car quarantine. No way HSA can monitor that many in isolation. I don’t think they could effectively monitor 75 people.

    • Anonymous says:

      Could easily be rectified by following Argentina’s lead.

      Argentina joins China’s Belt and Road initiative, eyes US$23 billion investment


      • Anonymous says:


        • Anonymous says:

          Why the face palm? If China financed a terrific road network and used local labor, it would be a boon to those struggling and commuting from the east, because the roadways aren’t keeping pace with the developments and increased traffic.

          Blame for the traffic nightmares falls on the business office work that could be done remotely being shifted back to “normal” increasing the daily congestion and increasing accident rates and injuries.

          One of the things the pandemic has revealed is that most office work can be done remotely in the age of the internet world.

          • Anonymous says:

            Ok so this is how belt and road works. You let China build some critical infrastructure for you on credit. They use Chinese companies, Chinese labour, Chinese raw materials, so as much of the spend as possible circles back to China. They are happy to finance projects which are not commercially viable, because the sting in the tail is when you then can’t pay off the debt, China has you by the short and curries and you have to give them political concessions and/ or title to the infrastructure. Witness what happened to Sri Lanka for example. We are an unlikely target for belt and road since we have nothing the Chinese want – not a sovereign country so no votes in the UN or ability to grant security sensitive concessions like naval or electronic intelligence bases. Although they may be very interested in our funds flows – so maybe they would be happy to fund the new underwater fibre links?

          • Islandgirl345 says:

            I don’t agree with China getting a foothold in these islands to build anything. Trust me that will be the worst thing that could happen to these islands. Worst then what’s happening now. However, I do absolutely agree with you that if the offices in town allowed people to work from home there would be less traffic problems coming from east! COVID absolutely showed that working from home can work and did work very well. But yet they forced us back into the office and are even going as far as adding more offices to an already tiny cramped office space! Cramming more people into an already cramped space! It’s ridiculous! Between the tiny cramped space in the office and the horrendous traffic in the mornings and evenings, it’s become very stressful, and everyday I struggle with wanting to leave home to get in that awful traffic and come to an awfully cramped office!

  7. Anon says:

    It’s a flu. The world has had flu for yonks years, and will continue to. Not that many people are very sick and most of them have complicating factors. We have to learn how to deal with it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Totally agree. Get vaccinated and let’s move on.

      • Anonymous says:

        Jab doesn’t prevent contracting the virus nor transmitting the virus but does cause a ton of negative side effects.

        • Anonymous says:

          I can vouch for that!

        • Anonymous says:

          Data for that? Versus the data that shows versus unvaccinated that it does a damn good job in keeping you out of hospital or the graveyard?

        • Anonymous says:

          You know what, I really don’t care what you think so long as your not taking it doesn’t impact me. Given the virulence of the virus I am almost certainly going to contract it at some point irrespective of the proportion of people who are vaccinated. And given the proportion of vaccinated people, people like yourself who increase the numbers in hospital and deny health care to others as a result seems to be manageable. So knock yourself out. Hope you don’t have any co morbidities, but ultimately once your recklessness doesn’t undermine health care for others it’s your body, your choice. Good luck.

      • Anonymous says:

        Or don’t and let’s move on.

      • Anonymous says:

        Since vaccines don’t stop you from getting the virus then people should not have to vax.

        • Vaccinated and Proud says:

          Vaccines absolutely prevent more serious infection. So it’s a moral and social obligation to get vaccinated.

        • Anonymous says:

          And critical thinking of this calibre is why we have MLAs like Kenny or Dwayne.

    • Anonymous says:

      It make no sense why locked up people who have vaccinated and stop our freedom. It should be unvaccinated people (over 16 years old) locked up as they are selfish and refuse take the jabs. Even I don’t want take the jabs but I have do it for other people.

  8. Anonymous says:

    #FreedomConvoy. 💪


    • Anonymous says:

      Automated trucks are coming to North America soon. Already being used in the western parts of the states, with a “pilot” driving the truck around cities. As soon as the industry gets the GPS right, it’s doomsday for the trucking industry.

      For those who have been to a mega chain store in the U.S. within the last 5 years, you can see the automation of checkouts eliminating cashier jobs. McDonald’s lobbies have installed order kiosks in thousands of their restaurants, and it’s just a matter of time before the others follow.

      Andrew Yang may be off on some issues, but automation is coming for most jobs in North America because it’s more profitable for the shareholders in the long run.

  9. Anonymous says:

    It is ridiculous to see the people of this country wearing masks and who are absolutely convinced they are doing the right thing not realizing they have been brain washed.
    At least, it should be a choice, we are living in a democratic society.
    This should not be happening, not in the Cayman Islands where there is plenty of sunshine, and fresh sea breeze.

    • Anonymous says:

      Brainwashed is a very good description .You see people sitting in/driving their own car (by themselves……) wearing their mask with the windows up.

      • Anonymous says:

        I know! Like the virus is gonna come through the AC vent haha.

      • Anonymous says:

        Assuming you have never been to an Asian country where mask wearing is a normal part of society. Also many people have compromised immune systems and the masks protect them and provide a sense of security. Don’t be such a dummy

        • Anonymous says:

          In Asia they wear it in cases where they are sick but mostly for the pollution. We don’t have much of that in Cayman. Stop the mask foolishness.

        • Anonymous says:

          Cayman is not China or India, compare apples to apples.

      • Anonymous says:

        Sometimes it’s just easier to leave the mask on between stops. Not sure why you’re worried about what other people do in their own cars.

    • Anonymous says:

      But yet it totally does slow the spread and is a precaution that’s not that big of a deal. I get outdoor places but grocery stores or hospitals where vulnerable are it’s not that big of a deal.

      • Anonymous says:

        Mask wearing is totally normal in Asian countries.

      • Anonymous says:

        It seems that the entire population of the Cayman Island falls into a vulnerable category-they are everywhere according to the comments. Past time to address poor health of the Cayman residents.

    • Anonymous says:

      You know what really astounds me? The people who do “research” on the internet and on social media channels who are now certain beyond doubt that they know more than trained scientists.

    • Anonymous says:

      Absolutely! I want my kids and their teachers out of their masks immediately. Such nonsense. Except for frontline workers, no one is forced to wear a mask all day long. Try it and see how you like it. These poor kids have been made to suffer enough in the name of “safety”. Nonsense!

      • Anonymous says:

        I’m a teacher and there is no way I’m not wearing a mask. It has protected me the last two years from covid, flu, stomach flu and the common cold. I’ll keep wearing the mask around all those little ones who sneeze without covering their mouths! 😷

    • Anonymous says:

      Mind your own damn business. They pose you no harm

    • Annoyed says:

      I don’t really care if I have to wear a mask. But what chaps my As$ is being held hostage with idiotic travel restrictions and testing .

  10. Anonymous says:

    7300 at home watching netflix on full pay….zzzzzzzzz

  11. Anonymous says:

    End the mandates!!! This is absolute madness. Get these poor kids and their teachers out of masks. Stop with all the testing unless someone shows up sick at the hospital. Remember pre-COVID when if you were sick you would just stay home until you felt better. Same should apply here.

  12. anonymous says:

    What ever happened to the $2million dollar LFT order that Saunders was legally forced to reinstate because he over-rode the Health Ministers order that was in place. I’ll bet those are still in some CIG storage facility.

    PACT – yep T is for transparency. Where is the investigation there?

  13. Anonymous says:

    Everyone so eager to vaccinate their 5-11 year olds – what’s the end game? We all now know that the vaccine loses its effectiveness over time. Hence the boosters for adults, which will also lose effectiveness. Is this a two-dose shot for our kids? What happens in 6-12 months? Do we need to jab them again? Most of the kids here have had it now, it did not make them all that sick and they are fine. Why the rush to vaccinate them? This is a serious question.

    I, myself, am vaccinated and have had my booster (back in November). All my kids have had their regularly scheduled childhood vaccinations. My point here is that I’m not an anti-vaxxer. However, I question why I should vaccinate my young kids? Sure, they can transmit it to others but so can I as a vaccinated individual. If the point of the vaccine is to keep an individual from being hospitalized or dying and the risk of either of those for kids is effectively 0%, why the rush to vaccinate?

    Again, I’m seriously asking as I am struggling to see why this is necessary.

    • Anonymous says:

      Because we don’t know what comes next. This isn’t over. What the basis of your hesitancy on vaccinating your own children with a fully FDA approved vaccine?

    • Anonymous says:

      vaccine should be mandated for over 50’s and the seriously ill….everything else is first world fluff and window dressing

    • Anonymous says:

      2 years of fear porn, mob mentality and lack of understanding of risk/reward considerations.

      100s of formally ordained medications have been removed for safety issues that only came to light later. Sometimes years later, but we’re supposed to embrace this novel vaccine global trial for our kids even though it’s quite evident at this point that only an extremely tiny percentage of kids may benefit from it while exposing them to now known and unknown risks. No thanks.

      Everyone who questions the reasoning is automatically called an anti-vaxxer even if they and the their children have had every vaccine under the sun.

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t know anyone who wants to vax their children.

      • Anonymous says:

        That is a really sad commentary on those parents. Without vaccines we would still have polio, measles, mumps, rubella, and whopping cough. Do you know how many people, including children, die from the flu every year? Polio alone killed and crippled millions of children and adults worldwide. If there is anything I could do to keep my children from dying I would do so. The ignorance continues.

        • Anonymous says:

          Complete nonsense Mr. or Ms. Big Pharma brainwashed mouthpiece. Somehow, we made it through all but the last 100 years without vaccines and many of our ancestors lived long healthy lives. Stop pushing drugs. You want drugs for you and your family good. Keep it away from me and mine.

          • SMH says:

            The voice of ignorance rears its head.
            To act as if the period before vaccines was free of crippling diseases is shows a lack of education.

          • Anonymous says:

            Just curious, do those ancestors include the indigenous Americans wiped out by infectious diseases brought by the Europeans?

            Also, if our ancestors were living long healthy lives, why did they sniff powered scabs from other peoples pox wounds to get protection from the same disease? You do realize that vaccines are a form of inoculation that our ancestors have been practicing for a while now right?

            You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about and that’s fine but maybe do some research before calling something nonsense

        • Anonymous says:

          This isn’t polio.

        • Anonymous says:

          No one mentioned those vaccines. We are talking about the COVID jab.

        • Anon says:

          Yes, we would have those diseases, but isn’t it generally believed that the risk to kids from Covid is low, whereas with those diseases the risks were very high? You, yourself, pointed out how devastating polio was for kids. Covid hasn’t affected kids in the same way. It’s a question of whether the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks and, at this point in time, it’s not clear that they do in the case of children.

      • Anonymous says:

        Mine are chipped though

        • Anonymous says:

          My dog is chipped and now Bill Gates knows every move he makes. My dog doesn’t care one bit because he’s a brainwashed sheeple, or more accurately, sheepdog.

    • Anonymous says:

      I dont suggest parents get their kids vaxxed now, but something to consider in September as the school year starts in anticipation of another fall/early winter wave in North America and Europe.

      But I would actually hold off on my kids right now as its effectiveness will likely wane by the time might need it in the fall.

  14. Anonymous says:

    What a clear sign on the effectiveness of those inhumane lock downs. Kudos to the CIG!

  15. Anonymous says:

    Why they won’t cancel mandates? Follow the money.

  16. Anonymous says:

    We still talking about covid ?

  17. Anonymous says:

    End the the restrictions. Does our health minister know better than Sweden, Denmark, UK?

    John Hopkins report shows lockdowns and mandates did nothing to reduce mortality but cost us in other ways such as mental health issues, child speech development issues.

    • Anonymous says:

      Comparing this place to Denmark or Sweden is hilarious.

    • Anonymous says:

      You forgot about test kits that won’t be sold, profits not made, if they cancel all restrictions.

    • tom says:

      You are referring to a non peer reviewed study that lacks credibility and was conducted by economists, not medical professionals or scientists, and has been discredited by pretty much everyone except the right wing media. If these authors want to write a paper on the economics effects of lockdowns that would be interesting. I wouldn’t put much stock into an non peer reviewed article written by epidemiologist on supply and demand either. You can be a janitor at Johns Hopkins and present a paper that “comes from Johns Hopkins”

      • Anonymous says:

        It’s a meta analysis of 23 other studies. Very hard to pull any funny business.

        • tom says:

          couldn’t disagree more. This study excluded people who died as a result of lack of available ICU beds, those deaths were considered outside of the parameters as those ‘could’ have survived if there was a bed available in ICU. It also considered a mask mandate as a lockdown, which clearly is not the same thing You can skew data to suit your end game, that is why a study must be peer reviewed to have any value

  18. Anon says:

    Hospitalisations are still very very low, and mostly unvaccinated.

    The reason we still have so many in isolation and testing positive is due to the PCR exit requirements. If we get rid of that, then we’ll see a burst of healthy non-contagious, non-symptomatic people released from their false imprisonment that violates their human rights just due to the fact PCR tests can detect old dead virus particles.

    • Anonymous says:

      No, the reason is that pcr tests have an expiration date. Myst be sold before they expire.

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t listen to these trolls. Everybody in isolation awaiting an exit PCR result can now be released from isolation with a high cycle positive >32.

  19. Anonymous says:

    I don’t understand why we cannot get daily numbers. You can see from Worldometer that the majority of countries are reporting daily so why is the new CMO telling us that international standards are weekly reports rather than daily. HSA is requiring exit PCR tests so why are they not reporting the total current cases.

    • JTB says:

      What would you do with the information? What difference would it make?
      Covid is endemic. Masks, distancing and other restrictions make no difference to outcomes.
      Get the vaccine. Move on.

  20. Anonymous says:

    WorldMeters is getting the same limited info that we are so you can’t base the numbers on them.

    CIG only published new cases last week, not new recovered, so WorldMeters just added the new cases to active cases.

    Whatever the numbers are, they are high, very few people are seriously ill, and we need to reduce the folks in isolation. Either get them out faster, or not put them in.

    • Anonymous says:

      Those isolating ARE allowed to exit faster now, so long as they are a recovering weak positive. Let’s all try to stick to the facts.

  21. Anonymous says:

    So, 15 in hospital and 7,000 positives…guys, I’m no maths genius but that looks nothing like an end of days pandemic..statistically it’s irrelevant (yes yes, all lives matter etc)…but come on!!

    Get a grip – there is no emergency here, we have to stop this

    End all restrictions now, just stop this nonsense. Why are we quarantining anyone? To stop a virus they don’t have coming to a country where they can get it?

    We’ve lost our minds

    • Anonymous says:

      We’ve lost our marbles. No enforcement on distancing or capacity in restaurants, bars, retailers and offices. Improper, ineffective mask use such as bandanas, t shirts, or silly fashionable cloth ones is also to blame.

      Maybe, just maybe, we should have slowed down the return to what we thought was normal, by enforcement of active guidelines.

      But, this is not the way here. We are selfish and entitled citizens.

    • Anonymous says:

      The late summer community spread from quarantine breaches were prior to Delta and Omicron – how did those variants get here, if not on a plane? We’ll get the successor to Omicron too, and the one after that. Those will need to mutate into more elusive and/or virulent forms in order to succeed. I’m amazed that so many complainers here are willing to surrender a month or two of their year’s normal productivity to an avoidable illness, regardless of what it is, and dismissing the future mutation threat entirely. Let’s hope those worries are unfounded, so you can go on your merry way.

      • Anonymous says:

        Look on the bright side. When the virus mutates again and when the climate change chickens come home to roost soon, we all know what to expect now.

    • Anonymous says:

      15 in a hospital that can hold, what, 60 people, is not irrelevant. And that, unfortunately, is the challenge of COVID.

      We can ask what is a manageable number of ‘extra’ people in the hospital (or overall public/private health system), but we can’t say a 15 more are irrelevant.

  22. Anonymous says:

    I’m 56 and one of the Covid19 Positive. I wouldn’t have known had I not been forced to take the LFT at my job. It is the equivalent to a slight hangover with a sniffle. Lasts about 1/2 a day and then it is over, 2 days later I test positive on an LFT and have to drive, walk in public and get the PCR to confirm that I had the sniffles. Why am I now locked up with my entire family of 6 for 10 days over a nothing burger? Get A Grip Cayman it is just the common cold that goes around every year and we all have been fearmongered into thinking we are all going to die. If you are healthy, drop the masks and get on with your lives. Let the unhealthy with co-morbidities stay home or mask up if they are in fear of death. Time to stop punishing the strong. It is ruining our businesses, educations and life savings. Wake Up! END MANDATES!

    • Anonymous says:

      Same here, a mild flu at worst.

    • Frustrated says:

      Ditch the masks.

    • Anonymous says:

      I have been forced to quarantine for 10 days because my 7 year old had a positive LFT. My AC just went down this morning it is now 92 in my bedroom. No one is aloud in to fix it. We just ran out of bottled water and my debit card has been “flagged” for some fraud against it from an overseas entity so I can’t even order food or water. I have contacted the grocery stores to see if I could get delivery on credit but they all have refused and in fact stated that if I could pay to have something delivered, it wouldn’t be until Thursday to receive the goods anyway. Looks like my son and I will just survive on rain water and what ever we can kill in the yard for the next 10 days. This Is Insanity. End This NOW. Stop The Mandates!!!

    • Anon says:

      I’m 44 and extremely healthy – run, cycle, lift weights, don’t drink, don’t smoke, triple vaxxed and it knocked me on my ass – not initially when I tested positive but 5 days later. I’m no longer testing positive but I’m sill tired all the time. There’s no rhyme or reason. AND that’s why we’re being isolated. It’s not just “common cold” for some.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Public Health and PACT Government – need I say more.

  24. Anonymous says:

    PACT’s grestest achievement: infecting us all with COVID!!! You all must be so proud.

    • Anonymous says:

      I disagree, PACT’s greatest achievement has been getting into office, the rest since, pretty much a disaster

    • Anonymous says:

      We are irresponsible citizens who cannot even follow simple traffic laws.

      • Anonymous says:

        We have traffic laws?

      • Anonymous says:

        If I were a political leader, I would ask myself:
        #1. Why people refuse to follow simple traffic laws?

        Enforcements, fines, jail time are fine, but they won’t eliminate traffic laws violations unless we figure out why. May be a different approach must be considered since nothing we do changes human behaviour.

  25. Anonymous says:

    The real number is much larger because many people who are positive are refusing to go for CPR testing and do not report anything because of the awful mismanagement of testing or even receiving reports after doing so. Not to mention HSA’s excuses for the delays being “wrong email addresses”. Really?! Even after people give and spell out the email address you all still get it wrong!! Incompetence at its worst I’d say!

  26. Bert says:

    And? Covid now has an infection mortality rate of less than 1 in 1000, below ‘flu, and is far less dangerous for those that chose vaccination. Omicron is so infectious it is impossible to stop mass infections and data show lockdowns now have next to no health protection value. Let the wave pass through and get on with life.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Any Canadians here? I hope you are proud of your people standing up for freedom.

    As a Brit I look on with envy, pride and hope.

    • Anonymous says:

      Cayman trucker for Freedom! Oops, are there any Caymanian truckers?

    • Johnny Canuck says:

      Canadians voted for freedom less than 6 months ago. If they had wanted what the truckers wanted they would have voted for Maxim Bernier and his People’s Party. Maxim not only did not get elected but his Party won ZERO seats in Parliament. The vast majority of Canadians had a vote and choice and decided to go with the policy that gives Canada the highest vaccination rate in the world.

      Note that the U.S. on a per capita basis has three times more COVID deaths than Canada.

      But I guess if you do not support democracy, but only have a very self centered view of freedom then that is acceptable.

      • Anonymous says:

        They may have the highest vaccination numbers, but for what purpose? They are still paranoid and fearful of a mild illness at worst.

        • Anonymous says:

          The person said, “ Note that the U.S. on a per capita basis has three times more COVID deaths than Canada.” Are lives not a good enough reason to support having a high vaccination rate?

          I doubt the families who have lost loved ones feel that covid is a “mild illness at worst.”

          The majority of Canadians do not support the truck convoy. Even most Canadian truckers do not support the convoy.

      • Anonymous says:

        Ha. You mean Baby face Castro is all for democracy? He’s too cute to be a tyrant.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not log ago, Canada locked down its entire population for months to contain spread of COVID. All inter-provincial, its land borders and all citizens. There was only special essential services mobility exemption entrusted (foolishly) to these seditious unvaxed hosers. It should now be very clear who was fueling Canada’s COVID variant outbreaks, each time.

      More disturbing is that the GoFundMe seems to have been hijacked by international special-interest, including alt-right USA Christian conservative groups, and Bitcoin criminals, who wanted a very different type of Canada, egging them to overthrow a democratically appointed government and appoint their own.

      Ironically, many of those now desecrating Ottawa willl be back to complain again in 3-4 years to plea for their jobs as the long haul trucking infrastructure goes completely automated and driverless.

      • Anonymous says:

        Is it you, Elon Musk? Won’t miss you when you depart for Mars. Don’t come back.

      • Anonymous says:

        Desecrating Ottawa, really? Peaceful protest is a desecration in your opinion. Would you rather have them take up arms and start shooting and burning buildings? In my opinion, you are a pompous, self-righteous, ignorant fool that should keep your mouth closed and stop watching CNN.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Who cares. Now only 20 a day in icu in the uk. It was 3000 a year ago with delta. There is no justification for having any testing or restrictions anymore in cayman. Why are we still testing? The threat no longer exists for the triple jabbed.

  29. Anonymous says:

    “It is now well documented in the press and on social media that there are dozens of people who tested positive with a lateral flow test but have not reported their status or who are not testing after being exposed because of isolation requirements ”

    This is false news. The figure is in the thousands, potentially tens of thousands.

    PACT, this is what civil disobedience looks like. You have lost control, you no longer have any authority. All because of your dumb as rocks, unlawful, anti-science exit testing.

    We don’t consent to your testing.
    We don’t consent to your rules.
    We don’t recognize you as government.

    Screw you.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Started off with “ we are not going to report statistics daily but we will report more detai but weekly, in accordance with international best practices “( which of course are daily report). Now we are not even reporting weekly – or rather, we are not reporting to the public, just international agencies who are not directly impacted. So tell me, is the Chief Medical Officer a public health post, or a political appointment, because it’s starting t look a lot like the latter.

  31. Anonymous says:

    This government is so transparent…….

  32. Anonymous says:

    All that viral shedding from the vaccine jabs, what do you expect?

  33. Anonymous says:

    7,000 infected, FIFTEEN in hospital. Lets just get on with our lives, and its time to treat it like flu. Sick, stay home. Stop locking people down.

  34. Anonymous says:

    It’s extraordinary, the stoker keeps shoveling more coal on the fire, the conductor swings from the caboose, not an engineer in sight, and the little engine that could matures unguided into the adolescent engine of WTF are we doing ? 🚂

  35. Anonymous says:

    How many in the hospital? That is the only number that I am concerned with.

  36. Anonymous says:

    So what is the offramp for removing COVID mitigation? Getting rid of Day 2, 5 and 7 LFTs for arrivals and making masks optional in places such as grocery stores?

    What is the metric we have to reach PACT? Or is this permanent?

    Thousands and thousands have been infected in Cayman but the healthcare burden has been minimal.

    Very few in Cayman are actually worried about COVID anymore.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your last sentence is why the numbers of infectIons shows no sign of slowing down, and don’t compare us to Denmark. The population there is made of largely respond citizens who follow Covid safety guidelines.

      We, on the other hand, are irresponsible citizens, largely made up of Covid deniers on both sides of the vax debate, who think everything is back to normal.

      The pandemic will never end here with our half-measure policies and people who won’t be responsible citizens. Selfish, entitled, and greedy, we are.

    • Anonymous says:

      No rush for removing mitigation measures – the COVID industry is rather profitable.

    • Anon says:

      I think they just need to sell 1 million LFTs and deliver the necessary profit to their buddies, and then they’ll get rid of the day 2, 5, 7.
      Maybe we can get a countdown tracker for LFT sales?

  37. Anonymous says:

    More expats and tourists need to be fined, incarcerated and kick out of these islands and the virus will fade eventually amongst the virus-proof Caymanians or so say some local experts about the subject, go figure.

  38. NoWay says:

    Could not have prevented Covid indefinitely, no way, no how.

  39. Anonymous says:

    A reported 10 percent is more likely double that and kudos on reporting the worst kept secret that hundreds, possibly thousands aren’t reporting positives.

    And this is totally not surprising considering literally every restaurant or bar posting photos on social media has people gathered closely with no masks as they have thrown caution to the wind to convince us that we are over Covid.

    It’s also not surprising as social distancing in offices across the industry has been abandoned or that ridiculous ineffective fashionable cloth masks are all the rage now.

    Despite what the Covid deniers, conspiracy theorists, and CITA bots think and what you to believe, we are not in the clear yet.

    The pandemic is surging again in China where it all began. “ Chinese officials confirm fast-spreading coronavirus outbreak in Baise involves the Omicron variant, The city of 4 million is on full lockdown and sealed off.”

    We are living in very strange times, and they are likely to get a lot stranger before we bottom out.
    Break out the ether.

  40. Anonymous says:

    Triple vaxxed population catches covid en masse…🙄

  41. Anonymous says:

    If I’m a US citizen contemplating about going to get my bespoke handbag, – I’m going to Chicago

  42. Anonymous says:

    Great job everyone. Should be proud. #gopact

  43. Anonymous says:

    Did anyone say Bermuda? We have them whipped by more than 7,000. Tek dat!

  44. Anonymous says:

    About that, won’t be reporting, not a chance in hell.

  45. Anonymous says:

    Double that – more like 15,000 infected persons.

  46. Anonymous says:

    Not ready. Not safe. Not accountable.

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