Driver dies two days after major crash

| 21/02/2022 | 7 Comments
Cayman News Service
Cayman Islands Hospital A&E

(CNS): Seamard Green, a 43-year-old man from Bodden Town who was involved in a single-car crash on Wednesday night (16 February), has died as a result of the injuries he sustained when the vehicle overturned and caught fire. Police said he was pronounced dead on Friday morning at the Cayman Islands Hospital in George Town.

The traffic unit repeated its appeal for witnesses to the collision which happened on Shamrock Road, near Valley Drive, just before midnight.

Police believe that Green was heading east along Shamrock Road towards Bodden Town when the vehicle veered to the other side of the road, where the car overturned before coming to a stop in some bushes, trapping Green.

He is the second person to die as a result of a road collision so far this year.

Anyone who saw the crash is asked to call the Traffic Unit at 649-6254 or the Bodden Town Police Station 947-2220.

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  1. BTEye says:

    My condolences to the Green family. The Shamrock Road, especially in central Bodden Town between the old Cemetery and the Bodden Town Town Hall is the new Daytona 500 speedway, especially on Saturday’s and Sunday’s. Where is the traffic police? If the police is not capable of carrying out their duties, than the government should do something via the government authorities. I don’t see why these small stretches of roads that run through historic areas can’t be rezoned as special heritage zones? I suggest creating and placing speed bumps every 150-200 yards, while introducing a speed limit of 15MPH? That should stop the nonsense, bring peace & some satisfaction to the residents of BTE and may just very well save some lives.

  2. Anonymous says:

    He shouldn’t have been driving in the first place.

    Too many disqualified drivers here continue to drive. Without a change in attitude, nothing will change. People sorely lacking any skills behind the wheel will keep crashing, and causing the same misery again, and again, and again…

    • Anonymous says:

      Thumbs down all you want. Just because he died it doesn’t change the fact that he was well known to Cayman traffic courts.

      I’m sorry for his family and friends, but in about 99.9% of single vehicle accidents, the common denominator is the driver. Not the car, not the road etc.

  3. tom says:

    Shamrock road has become Shamrock super highway, the number of near misses that I see regularly are terrifying, there needs to be some kind of control/regulation or this type of tragedy will continue and eventually it will involve a pedestrian or other secondary innocent driver. Lets not wait for that greater tragedy, police need to monitor this road, it technically is a residential street converted to a highway.

  4. Anonymous says:

    No traffic cops on the road so this continues. I saw a few over the weekend but it should be standard all day every single day.

  5. Road Safety Advocate says:

    My condolences to Mr Green and his family and friends may he Rest In Peace . Saying that the level of driving and quality of drivers now on our roads is both terrifying and absolutely and extremely dangerous . Something desperately needs to be done Now ! Stop exchanging drivers licenses only by written test and make everyone coming here complete a Road test also! Stop the criminal fraud of licenses being bought and sold and counterfeited by certain nationalities who are still doing this crime. Imprison and Deport them when they get caught with fake documents.

  6. Anonymous says:

    RIP, just a reminder not to drink and drive.

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