Deputy Governor plans relaunch of 5k Challenge

| 21/02/2022 | 12 Comments
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(CNS): Plans are underway to relaunch the annual five-kilometer fun-run organised by the deputy governor, which was cancelled for the last two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Officials said the race would be back in April to raise money for some worthy causes. Given the relaxation of the COVID regulations this weekend relating to outdoor sporting activities, the committee believes that runners will be able to hit the road again.

“The DG’s 5k has become a fixture on our Cayman Islands sporting calendar and one that the chosen beneficiaries appreciate,” said Deputy Governor Franz Manderson.

“As we navigated public health concerns in 2020 and 2021, we decided it was best to postpone the event. Now, with the country learning to live with COVID, we believe it is timely to bring back the DG’s 5K, while observing the regulations so everyone keeps safe,” he added.

Organisers hope that runners, walkers and supporters of all ages will mark their calendars and be able to join the Challenge, which is expected to take place on Sunday, 3 April, on Cayman Brac, on 10 April on Little Cayman, and on Sunday, 24 April, on Grand Cayman. Registration will begin on 1 March.

The 2020 event’s theme, “Helping Today – Protecting Tomorrow”, remains and the Cayman Islands Cancer Society (CICS), the Alzheimer’s and Dementia Association of the Cayman Islands (ADACI) and the MS Foundation of the Cayman Islands will remain as the beneficiaries.

“During very troubled times the Cayman Islands has been blessed to experience a great deal of success. We hope that our highly anticipated DG’s 5k Challenge will stand as a beacon of hope, as something that everyone will see as an opportunity to come together to reconnect and have fun, doing something that is good for our health while also supporting some very deserving charities,” Manderson added.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    When can we relaunch good governance?

  2. 5K runner says:

    Mr Manderson is justifiably proud that no Civil Servant is held accountable for their deficiencies, which is why they are only dismissed when they cannot perform their duties whilst in jail.
    However to be fair, he is to be congratulated on his 5K initiative which has always attracted large numbers of the public as well as civil servants some of whom truly benefit from the exercise.In this respect Mr Manderson leads by example always taking part, not only in this event but in many other fund raising 5K’s. from which many charitable institutions benefit.

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you, DG. This 5k has not only raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for charities but it has given so many people a push to live a healthy lifestyle. I should know, before the DG5k I could not walk a mile. Now I regularly walk 5 miles.

      So go ahead and be critical of our DG, but in doing so ask yourself what have you done to help others.

  3. Anonymous says:

    If the DG wants to do this in his own personal recreational time, then fine. He already has a full-time job to perform and frankly, we aren’t seeing it being done properly. If he’s using public offices and full time deputy staff to organise an ego-driven fun walk two months from now, the CIG payroll burn may out-pace the funds raised. 2019 only raised $82,000, but against how much full-time re-tasked civil service payroll, and those opportunity costs? Auditor General needs to look into this. It might be cheaper and more productive for Cayman to have CIG pre-emptively cut these checks and dispense with these McKeeva Bush-era benevolent theatrics.

    • Anonymous says:

      11:39 Are you okay? $82k to needed charities is an outstanding achievement.

      How much money have you raised?

      What a sad world you live in.

      Get out and take part in the 5K.

      • Anonymous says:

        Typical civil service response. Spend $200,000 to raise $89,000, and then celebrate success. Madness.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Please leave DG Franz alone! Without the 5K run he would not have anything to report in his annual submissions as having been achieved!

    Poor fella!

  5. Really... says:

    The UK is lifting all Covid restrictions. Time for us to ditch the masks too!

  6. Anonymous says:

    We should launch the first ever “Balance the Books” Challenge. Winner gets to keep their job.

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