Daily COVID-19 cases continue to decline

| 16/02/2022 | 88 Comments

(CNS): Daily positive cases of COVID-19 confirmed by the Public Health Department through PCR testing showed a significant decline over the weekend. The official number of positives was 103 on Friday, 89 on Saturday and just 54 on Sunday. So far 97 samples from Monday’s PCR tests have been confirmed as positive by Public Health. Out of those 343 new cases over the last four days, 21 were on the Sister Islands. There are eleven people currently in the hospital as a result of the virus, ten of whom are unvaccinated.

Meanwhile, officials have not yet revealed the number of people who are still isolating as a result of being positive with coronavirus following the estimate of around 5,500 on Friday.

CIG COVID-19 information and resources

Other help and hotlines

Report positive lateral flow test results

See current vaccine and testing schedule

An Isolation Support Line is available to help by delivering groceries or other essential supplies for people required to isolate suddenly, and who do not have other resources and support.

For Isolation Support call 946-3530 or 1-800-534-3530 or email isolationsupport@gov.ky

Operational hours 9am-4pm, Monday to Friday, and 9am-1pm on Saturday.

For mental health support, the Mental Health Helpline can be reached on
1-800-534-6463(MIND) from Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm

If you have flu symptoms contact the 24-hour Flu Hotline at 1-800-534-8600 or 947-3077
or email flu@hsa.ky

If you are having difficulty breathing, call 911

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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (88)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Sadly I know of people who actually threw parties. Can’t wait for karma for those people

  2. Anonymous says:

    If the rumor mill is to be believed, today’s press conference is going to be a disaster. Unless CIG remove restrictions on all residents returning home (drop quarantine, but maybe have unvaxd test on Day 2 like in UK) i am near certain there’s legal challenges coming.

    If i was Wayne, i’d do this:

    I’d advise anyone vulnerable (old/ill/frail/obese) to think long and hard about going for a booster jab, they work.

    I’d ask anyone else eligible to go for one too but acknowledge that the global data shows they’re not really at too much risk.

    I’d ask people to continue to be careful, wear a mask in crowded indoors areas but do NOT continue to mandate it.

    I’d advise that i’m trusting the community – none of us actually want to die! But we do need to live.

    Wayne, its up to you to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. To continue with any discrimination based on residency or vaccination status or anything else will result in massive legal challenges you don’t look like winning.

    The global data is in. The vaccines don’t stop it or stop you gettting it. Most of those who die with/of are known and easily identifiable vulnerable.

    Stop this now. Today. Let us live again. Over to you Big Boy.

  3. Anonymous says:

    It’s understandable that those who cannot afford to remain home are not reporting and hopefully they are being responsible enough to self isolate until a negative test result and symptoms erode.

    The danger in this is that these reductions in numbers from those not reporting could drive erroneous regulations and perpetuate the pandemic. The local headlines are an indicator this may occur.

  4. Anonymous says:

    From the respected College of American Pathologists

    Context.– Myocarditis in adolescents has been diagnosed clinically following the administration of the second dose of an mRNA vaccine for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

    Objective.– To examine the autopsy microscopic cardiac findings in adolescent deaths that occurred shortly following administration of the second Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 dose to determine if the “myocarditis” described in these instances has the typical histopathology of myocarditis.

    Design.– Clinical and autopsy investigation of two teenage boys who died shortly following administration of the second Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 dose.

    Link here.

    CNS: Also read: CDC advisers weigh delaying second Covid shots to 8 weeks. Increasing the interval between the first two doses of the mRNA vaccines could cut the risk of a rare heart condition called myocarditis.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Honestly, when this gang calling themselves PACT took power some of us thought that giving them a chance might be good. What a mistake! In my opinion this is the worst administration of government we have ever. The numbers have declined because people are choosing not to report because of the idiotic quarantine restrictions and poor response from HSA. What a mess!

    • Anonymous says:

      Anyone surprised by PACT’s incompetence should have done a tad of looking into Wayne Panton’s past as a PPM MLA before voting.

  6. Anonymous says:

    CNS can you clarify between people isolating and people with covid? Is it 5500 people positive with covid or 5500 people isolating, ie families with children but only the father has covid..makes a big difference. I couldn’t find 5500 covid positive anywhere in the latest sitrep report.

    CNS: It has been very difficult to get updated figures on the number of people in isolation and they don’t include this in the sitrep reports – there’s a press conference today at 2pm where that will hopefully be addressed. The 5500 figure was for last Friday. We don’t know what it is now. It includes people who have tested positive and unvaccinated adults in their households (see here). It may also include unvaccinated travellers (12 and over) and all unvaccinated members of their household.

  7. Anonymous says:

    “The president of the Dominican Republic Luis Abinader announced to his country this Wednesday night, February 16, 2022, that all the restrictive measures imposed for the Covid-19 Pandemic are lifted, and that from now on we will all have to take care of ourselves, responsibly, but without restrictions.

    “Measures such as the use of the mask, the need to present the vaccination card to access all places and restrictions in public spaces today are the individual responsibility of each and every one of us. After this long battle, we began to recover our freedom,” said the president.

    He said that the country deserves and needs an emotional recovery and to leave behind the measures that had to be imposed for a time that is now passing.

    The Dominican President offered this information through a speech addressed to the entire nation transmitted by different media outlets in the country, in which he also announced that he will guarantee that the population will continue to be voluntarily invited to be vaccinated and continue to guarantee full access to the vaccine for all and in all circumstances.

    “We will continue to monitor and observe the situation. The country can also be sure that, unlike in the past, today our health system is prepared to deal with any eventuality,” President Abinader assured.

    Abinader affirmed that the government did what it had to do to protect the people “and time has proven us right in our actions against the pandemic. We put ourselves at the forefront, we bet on contracting the widest variety of vaccines, we applied innovative treatments, and we were among the first in the world to propose a third dose, despite the little faith of a few”.

    The head of state thanked the doctors, nurses, and all health personnel, the military and the police, and businessmen who provide human and economic resources for the cause.

    “Thanks, above all, to the millions of Dominicans who complied with the measures and went to get vaccinated. Thanks to all this, we have overcome the worst of the pandemic: today the daily infections and those of the last four weeks are in sharp decline, we have one of the lowest mortality rates in the world and a very low hospital occupancy, ”said the Dominican president.”


  8. Anonymous says:

    It’s quite clear that Wayne and his team couldn’t run a lemonade stand in the heat of summer.

    Not many want to hear this but time to let the new Caymanians run or at least help. This team is totally incompetent and if we can make it through another 3 years the country will be a completely different place. What a cluster.

    • Anonymous says:

      I find his weekly press conferences very helpful in providing updates. Sorry, I mean tri-monthly….

  9. Anonymous says:

    I’m so sick of Stats and Covid BS. End ALL restrictions NOW! Pact of fools.

  10. Anonymous says:

    The science says that if you have been double jabbed, the COVID infection is a booster. In fact better than the vaccine. If those persons who have had COVID are counted as boosted, we probably are very close to 60 percent.

  11. Anonymous says:

    If they do this sixty per cent target then any isolation and testing/travel rules should be for the non-boosted only. It is not acceptable to make triple jabbed people, who are no threat to hospital bed space, isolate and have restrictions to protect the selfish unvaxed. Could be one where the governor has to step in like hay marriage as becoming a human rights issue now. Just end all restrictions like the uk.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Zzzz. Covid has not been headline news in countries like the uk for weeks. We must still have the strictest Covid rules worldwide in cayman. Surely at the press conference in Friday all testing and isolation rules will be ended. Why are we still talking about it? The vaccinated if boosted are safe from omicron so time to move on.

  13. Anonymous says:

    “It is starting to become clear that the mandates have nothing to do with Covid. The measures don’t work, and travel restrictions are pointless when Covid is already widespread within the country. But the government won’t let go.”


    • Anonymous says:

      John Hopkins university study already proved lockdowns did more harm than good. No rules were ever going to avoid community transmission. The whole thing is ridiculous. Get vaccinated and move on. Only country I know of in the world with these absurd day 2, 5, 7 lft.

      • Anonymous says:

        The Zero Covid strategy did work for the Asian countries and many others who didn’t bend to the will of the business communities.

    • Anonymous says:

      If Government today do not announce total easing of travel restrictions and easing of testing/isolating, they should be sued.

      The booster requirements they’re hiding behind are nonsense and only the vulnerable should be getting them

      There is no risk to the majority of us at all, the cases go up globally per booster roll out, there is no reduction of transmission or infection and any supposed reduction on severe I’ll was is based on anecdotal observations only…the healthy have effectively zero risk

      Government need to stop this nonsense now before the human rights commission are involved.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Booster works against Omnicron. Sadly those that want it or need it have had it, others won’t be bullied into it. I’m boosted and have a number of close calls with infected ASSHOLES and I came through fine.
    Stop the 3/5/7 tests. No significant amount of tourists will come with those restrictions. They will likely get it here before bringing it down with them. I’m one of those that’s happy not to have tourists back yet, but I do understand many people need them back to so lets get on with it already.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Lift the testing for domestic travel NOW! We are suffering more from restrictions than the actual sicknesses! This is just foolishness at this point! 0 patients at Faith hospital and we passed the omicron wave with little to no serious illnesses here. COME ON PACT STOP KILLING THE SISTER ISLANDS ECONOMY! Have trust in the vaccines and let us move on with LIFE! From a country perspective its like saying or comparison to someone having to get a certified covid test to take public transport from Eastend to Westbay. Sister islands are no more at risk of the virus than any other part of these islands. Stop the madness please!

  16. Anonymous says:

    “Number of people who are stupid enough to report themselves in decline” should be the title of the article.

    • Anonymous says:

      Agree. The only hard data you can rely on is the number of hospitalized. Public Helath can count those without having to take their shoes and socks off – probably why they are accurate and they apparently have zero idea about even the number officially in isolation.

      • Anonymous says:

        Not even that. Some there out of an abundance of caution. Others there for various illnesses and happen to have Covid.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Just open up & let life return to normal. Those who have not had their booster are mostly those who have tested positive, so are waiting for natural antibodies to wane before getting boosted. Six months maybe?
    Enough already. Move along

  18. Anonymous says:

    Pact is a sick joke. 60% before they consider further lifting restrictions? By which time, the responsible persons will be in need of another dose. To hell with the unvaccinated and unboosted. Stop this never ending cycle of insanity now.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Yet again, the people of the Cayman Islands are being held hostage by the incompetence of the Civil Service.

  20. Werthy says:

    As of 1 March in England it will only be suggested that those that test positive isolate. But it is a free choice, you will be go about your business if you want after a positive test. Which to be frank is what half the English population have been doing since Christmas.

  21. Anonymous says:

    There is an assumption by public health that a drop in reporting means a drop in cases and the two are disconnected.

  22. Frustrated Caymanian says:

    5,000 Civil Servants isolating….the guy that has to work to keep the lights on is. This is absurd setting another “goal” for boosters. Another cash prize in the works? PACT Let us carry on with our lives….70,000 people attend the Superbowl and our law enforcement was focused on policing local parties. 2 years on hold….get on with it already.

  23. Corruption is endemic says:

    PACT Public Health showering themselves with glory with their approach to communication…

  24. Anonymous says:

    And now they are suggesting the restrictions will be in place until 60% get the booster which could be at least 6 months. By then we will probably need round 4 so the restrictions will stay in place based on that and round we go. In the meantime this lovely island will decline and slip further into debt and dependency as people find easier places to come, such a shame.

    • Anonymous says:

      It wont be 6 months, it will be never. Everyone that is going to get a booster has gotten one already.

      (Vaccine-hesitant people got double vaxxed for inward/outward travel).

      • Some Guy Wearing Flip Flops says:

        You are 97% right (leave 3% deviation for general tomfoolery). Many recalcitrant folk that recently got vaccinated did so solely for travel. I am one of them.

    • Anonymous says:

      cig targets are laughable….and proves their plan is really no-plan.
      they have treated/restricted the vaxxed just the same as the anti-vaxxers…so what is the point of getting vaxxed?
      hence the poor rate of booster take-up…..cig now trying/failing to put the genie back in the bottle

  25. Anonymous says:

    How can positive cases be dropping to under 100 per day & we still have approx 5,500 in quarantine. Adults are supposed to be over 90% vaccinated do it should only be primary people (those infected) isolating. Kids can go to school & vaccinated contacts/household members can go about their business with daily LFT.
    Please tell me more about these 5,500 souls in quarantine. Breakdown unvaccinated visitors (should be zero as not allowed). Returning unvaccinated Caymanians (a few who can’t be vaccinated for health reasons). Positive cases (2,000 at most). Who are the other 3,000 people?

  26. Anonymous says:

    Still not going to be reporting. Two consecutive days of negative LFTs and on with life we’ll go.

    • Anonymous says:

      @8:48am Just as long as you stay your ass home and not out infecting other people..

      not saying that you won’t isolate but lots of people are not doing that and just going about their business as usual infecting other people. We will never get out of this if we keep this up.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Pandemic of the Civil Service

  28. Anonymous says:

    Still not reporting. I will LFT myself and family until clear. The PCR testing is a joke. When Doctors Hospital and Health City can run PCRs through in an hour if they are paid to do so for travel they should be paid for by the government for exit tests. No one will report until it is a quicker process.

  29. Anonymous says:

    10 out of 11 in hospital are unvaccinated….says it all.
    why do we just not introduce restrictions for the unvaxxed? and reward the vaxxed?

    • Anonymous says:

      Because science does not back that approach. People like you have been clamouring to follow the science and then you post such a stupid comment.

    • Anonymous says:

      Agree 💯 %!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Who is the unvaxed? The definition changes from time to time.
      Is it:
      No jabs?
      One jab?
      Two jabs but 6 months since last shot?
      Three jabs but 6 months or longer since the last shot?
      What if you have recovered in any of the over conditions – does that count?

  30. Anonymous says:

    This is great news. The sceptic in me wonders how many people have just decided to stop testing.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Are we waiting for zero cases before an announcement of the next steps?

    • Anonymous says:

      Seems to be not. I did try to post a comment here about the restrictions staying in place until at least 60% boosted but CNS seem to have moved it from being moderated to bin so assume we aren’t reporting the whole story any more in CNS smh

      CNS: Your comment was posted here. There was about a 40-minute gap between the first and second comments. Sometimes comments are held in moderation for longer than that as this is done in between my other tasks. Moderation is necessary since we allow people to comment anonymously without registration. Take it or leave it.

  32. Anonymous says:

    I think not. People just have stopped reporting and rightly so.

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