Daily average COVID-19 caseload falls to 46

| 25/02/2022 | 31 Comments

(CNS): Public Health officials have said that the seven-day rolling average of COVID-19 cases up to 25 February has now fallen to just 46, and as of 24 February there were 1,169 estimated active cases in the Cayman Islands. Eight patients are currently hospitalised for COVID-related causes, six of whom are unvaccinated and one partially vaccinated. Over the previous two days, around 100 new cases of SARS-CoV-2 were reported to Public Health.

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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (31)

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  1. Bonnie Scott says:

    How many cases are in the Sister Islands now?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Story from NY Times today on the child vaccine. The one-third dose not really doing much (for Omicron anyway).

    “Pfizer Shot Is Far Less Effective in 5- to 11-Year-Olds Than in Older Kids, New Data Show.

    While protection against hospitalization is still strong, the vaccine offered almost no protection against infection, even just a month after full vaccination.”


  3. Anni says:

    Can I now take off my useless mask?

    • Anonymous says:

      Just hang on in for the next wave. This is a virus!

      • Anonymous says:

        New Zealand reports nearly 20,000 new coronavirus cases, by far the biggest one-day increase on record, after following the trend of abandoning precautions for economics.

        Thank goodness for the cruise ships returning!

      • Anonymous says:

        You may not like it, but soon come, Bobo.

  4. Anonymous says:

    The actual number is 10x that amount. By now most of us are thankfully immune to any harsh effects and symptoms, but people are either purposefully avoiding tests or not reporting. It is what it is

  5. Risky says:

    Time to Dismiss Covid

    • Anonymous says:

      Was it ever time to overreact? It was so well-scripted across the world. Countless lives destroyed, millions bankrupted, kids out of school and many now with mental health issues.
      Politicians and their friends now multi-millionaires because of testing and PPE supply contracts.
      Pat on the back everyone involved.
      Oh and did I forget to say that we seem to have cured the flu?

      • Anonymous says:

        @7:49am. Thank God we had your knowledge and expertise..sure it was just the flu..Obviously, you must be one of those who never suffered the loss of a loved one to covid..You are so stupid and uncaring. You have no idea how covid destroyed my family forever. Tell me how a young 24 year old in excellent physical shape contracts covid and dies within a week of being diagnosis. Before you continue with your foolishness at least have a little bit of compassion for us that know have been through it and know better.

      • Anonymous says:

        New Zealand reports nearly 20,000 new coronavirus cases, by far the biggest one-day increase on record after reopening the country.

      • Anonymous says:

        Moronic comment. Scary amount of likes…

  6. Anonymous says:

    Since the case numbers are dropping and the Government has stopped the day 2,5,7 test and increased crowd gathering sizes I think now is the time they should look at changing the social distancing regulations. Either scrap it completely or change it to 3 feet. Six feet really can’t work with larger crowds. The church I go to is still at half capacity because of the 6 feet rule. It would be nice to go back to a full church again soon.

    • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

      If you’ve been on an airplane recently, you know that the moments when they announce boarding and that in which the plane is unloading, there is zero social distancing, and probably the most dangerous activity — Covid-wise — in which a person could participate.

      That said, I’ll feel a lot more comfortable if/when the BA.2 variant has come and gone without impact.

    • Anonymous says:

      I am fully supportive of this for the churches where the head on the congregation has encouraged people to take the vaccine.

  7. Anonymous says:

    This is welcome news that hopefully lasts!

  8. Anonymous says:

    What a joke. Zzzzz

  9. Anonymous says:

    This is a joke. The public has simply wised up and are no longer reporting LFT results and are not going for PRC tests due to this government’s ridiculous quarantine regime. People and businesses are fed up and much wiser now, understanding that the fear mongering is only to drive vaccine uptake and that the virus is not what we were made to be so fearful of. People also understand that a majority of the 17 reported deaths were not caused by the virus but was due to other disease, although the individuals may have tested positive for the virus. So no, people are simply managing themselves and not reporting.

  10. Anonymous says:

    The sunshine pumpers have been fueled up, turbocharged and are firing on all cylinders!

    No coincidence at all that the sunshine pumping comes on the heels of the cruise ship news.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Because everyone has had it and was always going to get it. But vaccines saved us,

    What about Denmark, Bermuda, the Cabal and profit for people (just kidding… all of these were absolutely ridiculous but clogged these threads over the last year).

    If a dangerous new variant emerges then respond. For now, please end the mask nonsense.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Thats because no one is wanting to pay $75 or $150 for a PCR!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      @7:53am You don’t have to pay for a PCR if you test positive so I doubt seriously if that is the reason. Public Health provides them for free in these instances..

      The only time that you a PCR test would be if you are travelling to a country that requires a PCR..not many do anymore, most places are now accepting LFT’s. You can get one of those for $25.

      • Anonymous says:

        If you are feeling ill and use a LFT and it comes out negative sometimes. No one is going to go and pay $150 or $75 to go and find out what they really have. Instead they will just take flu medicine and just continue to spread the virus in the community.

        • Anonymous says:

          You don’t have to pay anything if you test positive on a LFT. Public Health will pay for a confirmation PCR or for an exit PCR if you are indeed positive.

  13. JM says:

    I am so blessed to live in Cayman.

    The Government and the Public Sector must be applauded for developing the reopening plan.

  14. Anonymous says:

    World class reopening plan. Thank you CIG.

    • Anonymous says:

      Feel bad about the dislikes as guess this was sarcastic? Nothing world class in cayman civil service. Third world at best

      • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

        Yes. The dislikes were just in cast the poster was serious. ;o) We might have gleaned that it was sarcastic….. but just in case………

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