2,000 doses of kids vaccines coming from UK

| 14/02/2022 | 71 Comments

(CNS): Public health is about to roll out a vaccination programme for all kids aged between five and twelve as the UK has given the green light to begin inoculating children here. In a statement from his office issued Monday, Governor Martyn Roper said the paediatric shots are expected to arrive on Thursday after the UK “heard our pleas for Cayman to be allowed to move ahead with vaccinating our 5-11 year olds as quickly as we could”.

The governor also urged people to get the booster shot given that less than 30% of the population has had a third dose and the virus continues spreading across the community.

The Public Health Department has already begun vaccinating vulnerable children and rolled out an appointment-only clinic, held bi-weekly and administered by nurses at the hospital. No details have been given about how the shot will be given to all children in this age group.

“The UK has given us permission to proceed in advance of this wider rollout in the UK,” Roper said. “The Health Services Authority will be issuing a vaccination schedule for this age group shortly. Children will need two shots at least 8 weeks apart. As we increasingly learn to live with COVID, the capacity to roll out vaccines to 5-11s will be another important tool we have to protect our community.”

But he added it was vitally important to increases the uptake of the booster shot significantly.

“Our booster rate is low at only around 30% of the eligible population, well below that achieved in the UK. We know from irrefutable evidence that the booster provides essential protection as immunity wanes over time after two doses,” he said.

There was some indication last week that the number of people testing positive for the virus on a daily basis was starting to fall, which the governor said he welcomed.

“Our high vaccination take-up is saving precious lives in Cayman,” he said. “Our death rate remains very low on any global comparison and sadly it is overwhelmingly the unvaccinated who are getting seriously ill. Please get your booster if you are eligible. It is the best way we know to protect yourself, your family/friends and the wider community,” Roper added.

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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (71)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Kids are being vaccinated to protect the unvaccinated adults .

  2. Anonymous says:

    Keeping this as a parental choice option is key: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-60406155

  3. Anonymous says:

    No tourists. It was pretty much pointless and killed 14 people opening up unnecessarily. But then we are talking about risk takers.

  4. Anonymous says:

    What we need is for the people who are posting negative comments to stomp their feet and pout and say NO in unison. That will surely persuade the powers that be to deny vaccine access to vulnerable children.

    • Anonymous says:

      No one wants to deny access to vulnerable children. However, all kids are not “vulnerable”. Those who have no health issues should not be injected for what is really no good reason at this point. They’ve either all had it or will get it and have mild cold symptoms (based on what all other kids have experienced). Injecting kids will not result in fewer kids contracting COVID (as we know, the vaccinated can get COVID), fewer kids spreading COVID (as we know, the vaccinated can spread it) and the so-called effectiveness will wear off in 4-6 months.

      I’m pro-vaccine but am anti injecting my little kids with this one. I can’t see why they need it or how they would be “protecting” those in the community who are vulnerable as they’ll still get it and spread it around.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I have to say that I am impressed by the persistence of the couple of dozen anti-vaxxers who persistently object to vaccine access existing for anybody. Not very smart but lots of stamina – reminds me of quadrupeds used for pulling ploughs. Fortunately no one with decision making power listens to them

    • Anonymous says:

      Unless of course, there is one with devine power, who is above all others.

      • Anonymous says:

        The imaginary sky fairy Father figure? Last I heard he was replaced with the flying spaghetti monster. He boiled for our sins, rAmen.

        • Anonymous says:

          It’s best to keep ignorance to self sometimes.

          • Anonymous says:

            What does religion have to do with the vaccine again? Religious people are far more ignorant than most from personal experience.

            • Anonymous says:

              It’s difficult to see how your personal experience conveys much authority.

            • Anonymous says:

              Your personal experience must be quite limited. Many religious people have gone on to be scientists, Doctors, leaders, professors etc. It was a Christian that gave us immunity to smallpox too!

    • Anonymous says:

      You do not want this to end, am I right? None of those people are anti-Vaxcers, you know that. Why the label?

      • Anonymous says:

        Why does a comment supporting access to vaccines equate to the poster not wanting the pandemic to end? The pandemic will end when it ends and will not end simply because the ignorant demand an end to pandemic mitigation.

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t think you fully understand that hardly anyone is opposing vaccine access. What is being opposed is vaccine mandates which does not make anyone an ‘anti-vaxxer’, know the difference because it is an important one. Your analogy is that because they have a different viewpoint than you, you are smarter?

      • Anonymous says:

        You might want to look at some of the posts and likes/dislikes below that clearly indicate that a stalwart handful are clearly against anyone having vaccine access.

        • Anonymous says:

          Like it or not parenting includes choosing what is thought best for their kids, and clearly and almost world wide there is medical consensus that kids are extremely low risk. My own kids all had covid with no fever or sickness. Why would I give them a vaccine that will be of no benefit? Not only that, we are still unsure of long term effects defeating any risk vs benefit analysis. Your comment on ‘vaccine access’ makes no sense. Those who choose to vaccinate their kids will have access to it.

        • Anonymous says:

          Again, a figment of your imagination.

    • Anonymous says:

      And I am impressed by the Uk’s continued generosity.
      Thank you.

    • Anonymous says:

      Very funny how you think that you are in the majority with your opinion. It’s obvious from the comments here and the majority of parents I talk to in the real world, that most are against vaccinating their 5-11 year olds, because it serves no real purpose.

  6. Anonymous says:

    This is a good option for immune compromised children or children living in households with immune compromised adults. We should also be offering 4th doses of the vaccine to adults at risk in the same way that the NHS has been for months now.


    • Anonymous says:

      Apart from rabid anti-vaxxers who would object to the suggestion that the population should have a choice??

    • Anonymous says:

      Asking for a friend – why would any rational person dislike this post – or maybe it is the case that no rational person would dislike this post.

      • Anonymous says:

        Because so far the government has been more on the command side than the choice side. Your nuances are beside the point in getting us past all this compulsion. There will always be the choice of vaccinating until you die of old age.

  7. Anonymous says:

    When kids start having strokes and heart attacks will you all say this is normal and the way it has always been, or will you wake up to the madness? Better you tie a millstone around your necks and be drown in the depths of the sea than harm an innocent child.

    • Anonymous says:

      Please – read the science not Facebook and Marl Road. It’s so old and tired now. I could say to you, what will you say when a child dies because their parents didn’t give them the vaccine? This has already happened around the world and innocent children have died because they couldn’t get the vaccine or their parents did not vaccinate them when they had the chance to do so. Ask the parents that have lost their child if they regret not giving their children the vaccine.

      • Anonymous says:

        Again the assumption is that if you don’t agree with the narrative you are getting misinformed by facebook and the like. The science is conflicted too. Just educate yourself on the harm lockdowns have done, vaccine passports failing, booster programs having little effect. The vaccine did not perform as expected, therapy drugs are also now available, but all we hear is get boosted and then boosted again. Out of all of us, kids are the least likely to be affected so it is disproportionate to advocate vaccines for them.

      • Anonymous says:

        It is a reasonable medical question whether it is safer to vax a 5 year old or skip it. The jury is still out. The vax probably won’t hurt them but covid probably won’t hurt them either. The deciding factor for many seems to be school compulsion or travel requirements. Pretty scientific, huh?

  8. Anonymous says:

    – All are surviving having caught the omicron, even those with underlying illnesses.
    – It has no effect on the healthy especially the kids.
    ⁃ There are no lost of taste or smell
    ⁃ A PCR test will give a positive for the flu or cold.
    – The UK is where they are, because they are ignoring the science and the scientists.

  9. Why says:

    I am pro vaxx, I was part of the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine study, I am vaccinated and boosted. I do not have a child between the ages of 5 – 11 but if I did I would not vaccinate my child. We know the vaccine does not stop transmission nor does it prevent infection. We have strong evidence the vaccine does prevent serious illness and death. Children with underlying health issues might benefit from vaccination but for healthy children, why the need to push the vaccine?

    • Anonymous says:

      What do you mean push? They are making 2000 doses available for those that want to vaccinate their kids, for safety, travel etc. That’s obviously not sufficient supply for all kids in that age bracket, but we have shown there is a high percentage of knucklehead parents here that won’t even protect themselves.

      • Anonymous says:

        What are you talking about? The adult population is 93% vaxxed.

      • Anonymous says:

        The only knucklehead on this thread is you, blinded by the push to “get vaccinated, get vaccinated”. I am vaccinated and have always encouraged others who are able to do so. However, it is a free society and people have choices. if I had a young child I would not vaccinate them at this time either. It is hateful characters like you who give provaxers a bad name and actually turn off those who are hesitant. You are obviously not following the science or even listening to reliable news, only the get vaxed chant! Pfizer has even pulled back on the vaccine for children because of concerns. Did you even know that? Just settle down, stop attacking parents who want to do what is best for their children. Get yours vaxed if you have some but leave other parents alone. Let the scientists continue to do their work and let parents continue do what is right for their kids.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m also pro-vax and have had my booster already. If I had little kids (5-11), I would not have them get the vaccine as their risk from Covid is already so low.

  10. Anonymous says:

    A little late, don’t you think? This pandemic is almost over and majority of the kids have been spared major reactions without the jab.

  11. Anonymous says:

    NO WAY I am forcing my kid to get a vaccine. I think my kid should make his own decisions. I let my kid eat want he wants and stay up as long as he wants.

    My kid is 26 though.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Time to drop the silly 2, 5 and 7th day test post arrival.

    Walk into any urgent care and there are a bunch of elderly tourists crowded together to get their mandatory poke for $25. Great way to put a burden on our healthcare workers and annoy visitors.

    Try flying in with a family of 5, $500 before you are done with all the silly testing.

  13. anon says:

    Now approved, does that mean that 5-12 year old dependents of work permit holders will be required to have the shots>

    • Anonymous says:

      Bloody better not

    • Anonymous says:

      HELL NO!!!!! Go ahead and try that nonsense. Kids don’t need the vaccine. Their polio shots don’t still allow them to get and transmit polio. Nor does their polio shot fade after six months and require more and more shots. COVID is mild in kids and government will have a lawsuit if they think they can mandate this on the kids.

    • Anonymous says:

      Great idea. Get those expat kids vaccinated.

  14. Anonymous says:

    The uptake of the booster is low and will continue to be low because people realize that the first two jabs did not provide the protection promised so there is little point in taking a booster that will not provide long-term protection.

    In such a small community we are able to see firsthand that the current virus is not lethal. If one is not elderly with comorbidities, he/she will survive this virus.

    As for the children, they should not be taking this jab. How many times during the height of the original varient were we told that the virus is not a threat to children. One day our government will realize that they blindly followed the UK. Thank you, PACT.

    • Anonymous says:

      @5:34PM ..I think you are wrong.without so many of us being vaccinated the level of hospitalizations and deaths particularly from Delta would have been much much more.

      I don’t understand why people are still thinking that the vaccine is a cure, it is not. It has done its job in reducing covid hospitalizations and deaths and for the most part those of us with covid have had much milder cases than those unvaccinated.

    • Anonymous says:

      Third dose, not a booster.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Cue CIG enforcing unnecessary medical procedures on minors, not for their benefit as there is no benefit for them.

    And no doubt it will be enforced by de facto travel restrictions and unlawful detention. Enough. There really needs to be something like the trucker movement here.

  16. Anonymous says:

    With a stroke of a pen, the demand for this child vaccination dropped off when the government finally joined the ranks of most developed nations and allowed children to travel under their parents’ vaccination status.

    Yeah, especially as so many kids have already had omicron already – the vaccine’s appeal is harder and harder to justify.

    But saying that, vaccinated children will help reduce transmission in schools and (perhaps more importantly) households. It is still a good idea.

    • Anonymous says:

      No, it is not a good idea to subject our kids to this when they don’t need it

      • Anonymous says:

        One of my young kids has already had covid twice, not vaccinated and displayed zero symptoms. The vaccine will do nothing for them as it won’t for the majority. Let kids immune systems develop on their own!

  17. Anon says:

    As a triple-vaxxed adult, I will NOT be vaccinating my kids. I think we all realized its not serious for kids by now.
    Now let’s drop the mask mandates in school please.

  18. Anonymous says:


    There is NO justification for this when the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation of the UK does not support this.

  19. Anonymous says:

    One has to question the sanity of those in the Ministry of Health who promote vaccines for any children without obesity and/or serious comorbidities. Put simply: It’s child abuse.

  20. Anonymous says:


  21. Anonymous says:

    Vaccines are being cancelled for children world wide. The vaccines have been causing clots, heart problems, death, for a 99.7% recovery rate of a coronavirus like the common cold (common colds are coronaviruses, too).
    Why is Cayman hanging on, Big Pharma?

    • Anonymous says:

      Please could you put “Big Pharma” (5G would work too) at the start of any future post so we can save time and skip the rest of your American nonsense.

  22. Anonymous says:

    No way! Unlike the other standard childhood vaccines, I will NOT be injecting my young kids with this. Not an anti-vaxxer – I’m triples jabbed and my kids have had all other childhood vaccines on the standard schedule.

    Why would I put them through this when we know that a) COVID is MILD for kids; and b) the effectiveness wears off. Is there going to be another campaign in 6 more months to inject the kids again? Forget it!

  23. Anonymous says:

    will make zero difference to community transmission.
    it’s a first world luxury for our ‘poor litlle rich kids’

  24. Anonymous says:

    There is absolutely no justifiable reason to vaccinate non-vulnerable 5-12 year olds. None. Plus I’m not an anti-vaxxer before anyone says anything. Terrible cow-towing by Roper to certain questionable out of date UK viewpoints. Roper is turning into an ever-increasing disappointment.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Wonderful news

  26. Anonymous says:


  27. Anonymous says:

    Send them back with Roper.

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