Women stalked and assaulted by cyclist

| 04/01/2022 | 23 Comments
Junction at Elgin Ave and South Church Street

(CNS): A 26-year-old man from George Town has been arrested after reports that two women were stalked and one was assaulted in the South Church Street area on Monday morning. Just after 6am this morning, a woman reported the first incident. The second woman said she was stalked and assaulted about half an hour later in the same area.

In the first incident, a man riding a bicycle approached a woman who was walking on Elgin Avenue and started saying inappropriate things to her and acting suspiciously, police said. She then encountered the man again on South Church Street, at which time she sought the assistance of a security officer at a nearby condo complex and made a police report. The woman did not receive any injuries.

However, in the second incident, which took place around 6:30am, another woman was jogging on South Sound Road when she was attacked by a man of a similar description riding a bicycle.

The woman first saw the man on South Church Street and then on South Sound Road, where he grabbed her and pulled her into nearby bushes. She fought him off and managed to get away and call for assistance. The victim was injured as a result of the incident but did not require medical assistance at the time.

Both incidents are being treated as serious unwarranted attacks and are being investigated with urgency. The George Town man has been arrested and is currently in custody pending further investigations.

The police are appealing for information from anyone who might have seen the incidents take place or seen a lone male riding in the areas of South Church Street, Walker Road or South Sound Road in the early morning.

Members of the public, especially women, are being advised to be alert and ready to dial 911 at the first sign of suspicious behaviour that may prove to be dangerous while they are out walking or jogging.

Police are urging anyone who has had a similar experience recently but has not yet made a report to do so now.

See more safety tips on precautions to take when running or walking on the
RCIPS website here.

Anyone with information regarding these incidents is encouraged to call the
George Town Police Station at 949-4222.

CNS note: We’ve left the comment section open so that readers can discuss this issue generally, but because someone has been arrested, no comments on these particular incidents will be published.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (23)

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  1. annnother says:

    Ammonia in a spray bottle is all you need

  2. Anonymous says:

    Ammonia in a spray bottle. Spray into eyes!!!
    Easy as that.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Carry a small sanitizer bottle – good spray!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Cayman has a real problem with the way some men treat women. I’m definitely an advocate of the “not all men” mindset as I have a brother and many male friends who treat women with respect and it’s unfair to tar every man with the same brush. At the same time, women here experience a high level of harassment. Not just physical but verbal, in my case, on a near-daily basis. I can’t walk into fosters at the airport or around George town without being leered at or having crude things said to me. I’m even hesitant now to say “good morning” back to men as it’s normally followed with a request for my number or to tell me I look like an “angel”. This happens even when I purposely wear baggy unappealing clothes to try and circumnavigate this negative attention (not that it works). It might not seem like much but it makes me extremely uncomfortable to be stared at and talked to as if I were a prime piece of steak. I’ve recently had to ask my friends on multiple occasions to walk me to my car as I don’t feel safe walking to it alone when groups of men are waiting and hollering outside of bars and restaurants. I don’t want to play the name game but it tends to always be west Indian men. I don’t know if this is a societal or upbringing problem or how we can fix it. But it is getting worse and something needs to change. i know I’m not alone here.

  5. Anon says:

    “Members of the public, especially women, are being advised to be alert and ready to dial 911 at the first sign of suspicious behaviour” and yet we’re not allowed to carry pepper spray or anything else that may protect us from attacks. SMH

  6. Anonymous says:

    Errr what’s with the rcips hatred again? they literally arrested someone. Their appeal for information is to build a case.

    Preventing future crime is not yet possible. As long as these people get taken off the street, I’m happy. You can’t eradicate these scumbags, unfortunately.

    If women don’t feel safe on south sound, I’d say the most likely threat is from speeding idiots.

  7. Lets stop this crap from happening here. says:

    This is ridiculous. Where are you RCIPS? There is no reason that Cayman should not be safe for women to go about on their own. XXXX

    As a Caymanian male, I hate when these thing happen here, as I think it casts a negative light on Caymanian men in particular. If I ever see any woman being confronted by men inappropriately, I will becoming to her aid IMMEDIATELY!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Didn’t this same thing happen about 4-6 years ago? I’m sure I remember a few articles in CNS about it. Not sure if the guys was ever caught or not. A guy on a bike attacking and assaulting women. I THINK it was in the WB area that time.

  9. Anonymous says:

    RCIPS are like most Government workers – missing in action! Watch Franz Manderson dish out more awards this year!!

  10. Mother of a victim says:

    Department of Community and Rehabilitation needs to be close down and reorganised too much BS going there ! Poor management and favouritism and pandering to certain criminal elements in or society.

  11. Lock Dem up Cayman says:

    That time of the morning ain’t no police anywhere near the road that was the old RCIP putting that aside there are too many criminals who shouldn’t be out of prison or out on bail and the probation officers need to be held fully responsible and fired for this terrible situation and need to stop writing lies and falsehoods to put dangerous convicts on our streets. This situation needs to address immediately XXXX.

  12. Anonymous says:

    something that would help
    enforce regulations regarding lights on bikes at night…etc.
    rcips should then ticket all cyclists who who break rules and remove these people from the streets.
    problem with this plan…it would mean that the over-staffed, underworked rcips would have to their job…..

  13. Anonymous says:

    Cayman is getting to where women can’t exercise alone outdoors. Where is the RCIPS? It’s as if there’s no police presence.

    • Anonymous says:

      @9:36 am.

      The RCIPS Officers are busy stopping women for frivolous reasons, and asking for their mobile numbers…As well as visiting their girlfriends during duty hours.
      CIG really need to make the shift from recruiting so many Officers from nearest English speaking Country.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is why I always walk/run with a stick.

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