‘Sir Alden’ gets top royal gong in NY Honours List
(CNS): Former premier Alden McLaughlin, the MP for Red Bay, has been given the top royal gong in the Queen’s New Year Honours List. According to a press release from the governor’s office, Sir Alden is only the second recipient of a knighthood in the Cayman Islands, given for his personal services to the people.
Governor Martyn Roper said it was an outstanding personal achievement for McLaughlin, whom he described as one of the most important and impactful political leaders in Cayman over the last 21 years. Roper said he hoped people could put politics aside and celebrate the achievement.
“It is a significant moment for our islands,” he said. “This historic award is only the second ever knighthood to a Caymanian since the first in the 1990s. It is a strong signal of the respect in which Cayman is held and a visible demonstration of the progress Cayman has made as a vibrant democracy with strong good governance foundations.”
Roper said the award reflected McLaughlin’s distinguished parliamentary and ministerial career, adding that he had ushered in a “period of stability, economic growth and sound financial management” when he became premier.
As well as making important contributions to Cayman’s constitutional development, he “led a step change in Cayman’s representation on the global stage, including robust support for Cayman’s highly successful and dynamic financial services industry”.
Roper also said he was the pivotal figure in leading Cayman’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.
Premier Wayne Panton issued a statement immediately after the announcement on New Year’s Eve, congratulating his once close friend and now political opponent.
“This is a day of celebration and great pride for all Caymanians as a son of our soil has been bestowed one of the highest honours in becoming only the second Caymanian to be knighted nearly 28 years after the late Sir Vassel Johnson received his knighthood in 1994,” he said.
“Sir Alden has dedicated the majority of his professional life to public service. He first entered representational politics by successfully standing for election in 2000, which effectively brought a blossoming career as a partner in a local law firm to an end.”
Paying tribute to his career, Panton said he was the architect of the Cayman Islands’ modern constitution and as premier, Sir Alden had “sought to build a strong, productive and mutually respectful relationship between the Cayman Islands and the United Kingdom, and few can argue that his representation of the Cayman Islands on the international stage was undertaken with anything but dignity, diplomacy and tact”.
The premier said McLaughlin’s second administration was defined by the COVID pandemic and the important decisions he made to close the borders, institute lockdowns, adopt a policy of COVID-19 eradication and launch a national vaccination campaign.
Panton also congratulated the other recipients in the 2022 Honours List, who have all made outstanding contributions to the country. “The recognition of their commitment and dedication in their various fields which has benefited our country should be celebrated and they should know they have our collective sense of gratitude,” he said.
Lucille Seymour and Sharon Smith both received MBEs while Natalie Coleman received a BEM. The governor also awarded 44 Certificate and Badge of Honour awards for outstanding service to the community, many of which were recognized for their work during the pandemic.
See statements by the premier and the governor (with list of recipients) in the CNS Library.
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Category: Local News
Alden singing “Sammy dead” at his last political meeting is ringing in my head right now…Why Governor Roper, WHY??
True. Like Sammy or not, that was the single most assholish thing I’ve seen in a Caymanian election. Reminds me of Trump.
We really need a new governor because this one is the worst.
Obviously never been to MakBush or Panton public meetings.
Ah well, automatic first-class upgrade on BA for life coming up.
It’s amusing to me reading all these comments with people worked up about whether Alden deserves this “honour”. Anyone with any brains realizes that anything related to the Queen has anything to do with merit. The whole system is based on birthright. What did the “queen” do to earn her position? Eff all. She was born into it. Pretending that the concept of a “knight” has any legitimacy in any sense is a joke.
Panem et circenses.
Au contraire, mon cher 8:48…
Knighthood is a powerful social contrivance. Hence all the hoopla and hullabaloo–including yours–in regard to Alden’s gong.
What is wrong with us Caymanians we always dragging one another down. If an expat had got the title Sir they would be singing another story, one of our own get it its worse thing since mosquitos. Grow up people.
This has nothing to do with expats vs Caymanians. A Knighthood was given to a politician whose political party was toppled at the polls and for so many reasons it would take and hour or more to write them here. The biggest one though in my opinion was when he tried to subvert the will of the people to have their first People’s Referendum. The same People Referendum that he advocated for and got in the new Constitution. He then decided it was not fit for purpose when the people wanted to activate their own.
There are many deserving Caymanians that this honor should have been bestowed on besides a highly controversial pompous politician like Alden.
Jamaica say one love, Cayman say one hate.
If “love” is expressed in threats, violence, corruption and bullets, yup, Jamaica, with its garrison politics is a shining example of “One Love”.
4:01 pm, if you take the time and check his track record you will see this country did more for him than what he did for this country .
While we preach hate. Bermuda is celebrating their female gold medal winner award of Dame. Which is the equivalent to a Knight.
Come on Cayman we are better than this.
What gold medal did Alden win? There are so many people so more deserving than him..
Shirley Roulstone stood up to her Goliath, Alden and won. She did this not for a Knighthood but for love of her country. If anything, alden should be thanking her because if he had gotten his way we would be singing a different tune about him right now. Had he had gotten his way he would have destroyed everything in the GT Harbor not to mention our economy to ensure he got what the Cruise Ship Cartel wanted from him.. We haven’t seen a cruise ship here in 2 years and lest we forget Alden was building this for larger ships, large petrie dishes..
I could go on and talk about the High Schools and and the bankrupted government to mention a few but I think this one should give you a sense of why a lot of people are questioning this appointment.
Spot on. The pandemic was the best thing to ever happen for Alden.
And even throughout that he was following guidelines set by the UK, not anything he came up with all by himself! What a joke.
What did Alden do for Cayman? In a word, NOTHING!
Hatred, disrespect and a wide open ignorance of social norms is driving the buss here. Anyone rising above this is ridiculed and targeted for criticism. Bush has taught his people well.
Not really 1:30, it’s recognising precedent set against improper principles, objecting to it and hopefully making a difference. If objecting to common civil rights/unions, not standing up to violence against civilians in the community by Govt officials and ploughing full steam ahead using the electorates/Govt funds against the broader spectrum of the communities wishes are acceptable social norms to be applauded then I submit you’re the one grabbing the seeds from Mr Speakers palm and chumming with a former Premier to continue an in parts ill standing legacy.
The only way to please a voter is with a free washing machine.
I agree as a local we need to stop, our kids is reading too and taking the negative away from this his friends, kids grand kids am a local and not a Alden friend or colleague, But what I can say we need to change this model about ourselves and many others who continue to see their own people talking bad towards individual who strive to move up on this rock expats helps one another they have empathy so does their kids in our schools as a past teacher am disappointing give the man his positive award if he did bad so we all do bad in some point.
This is where you become part of the problem 4:11, choosing to ignore circumstance and encouraging reward for questionable conduct. Lets remind ourselves that probably the underlying reason Sir Alden chose not to do anything about Mr Speaker before or following a conviction is because he deemed it strategically beneficial for primarily himself as well as his parties long game,- he was willing to forego ‘what’s right’ to achieve this.
Its concerning that you’re worried that if this is brought to light before our children the lesson shall be detrimental. How about use your word of ‘positive’ in the context of instilling real values within our children, – avoid the self serving temptation of short term gain and substitute short term sacrifice upholding integrity to be acknowledged, carried and dispersed by the many, – make our presence contribute to a more upstanding place and not have the chance to be stained instead by the questionable
It wasn’t Bush, it was Alden..Please remember how pompous and denigrating he was while pushing the cruise port.
It would be good if both he and Bush did the right thing and retired and moved on. As long as they are there, they are nothing but a stain on our country’s reputation.
Speaking of putting stains on the reputation of our territory, you have neglected to include Panton and his PACT Clown Car. They just rewarded a criminal ex convict who went to jail for committing fraud to squeeze money from poor people while he was a high-ranking board member with the affordable housing scheme. The ex con now sits on the transportation board thanks to Panton and fellow criminal-hugging clowns. That is worse than a stain. The appointment of that malevolent convicted fraudster is a big reeking skid mark.
Sir Alden is deserving of such an award and the governor is right for putting him forward he is a far better recipient than last. Alden’s humble deposition is a stark difference from elitist mindset we see from certain Caymanians who look down on others and believe they are better than the average Caymanian whom they consider low class. Governor Roper is to be applauded for correcting this wrong and putting their arrogant and pompous asses in their place. Its about time!!! Our boy from Crewe Road is moving on up Cayman lets celebrate his good fortune . BIGG UP My Boy Alden
This is a joke, right? Sometimes it’s hard to tell.
I assume you typed that firmly tongue in cheek….”Alden’s humble disposition…” lol
Alden and humble..two absolutely opposite word definitions…
maybe try using pompous and politically expedient next time if you are going to define him properly.
UK awards Parish Councillor with a gong. Literally he led a British village through the pandemic and he gets knighted. An utter, utter joke.
Name one village with an economy the size of ours ? Get out of here with that drivel
Impact is relative donkey.
No parish Councillor has to deal with constitutional issues, foreign leaders, cross border issues, face down global regulators, get interviews on Hard Talk.
It’s the same crock you lot carry on with when you encounter a qualified and capable Caymanian. You try to down us by questioning where we went to high school, where we went to Uni, what circles we run in.
Simply put, the gong isn’t yours to give. Suck it up.
The people who are whining about Alden getting a gong are the very same who still love the Royal Family and everything to do with it. Or maybe it’s because we get an extra public holiday out of them occasionally. An island of hypocrisy.
10:52 am, I don’t like hoildays we gets enough vacation time, holidays only drive the cost of living up, but i guess lots of people don’t realize it, because common sense are not common any more .
No its not the system, its the recipient in this case.
Congrats and well deserved.
Mercy, his performance leaves little to desire or write home about.
I would have liked to read some uplifting news to start the new year.
Please wake me up and tell me that this is a joke. If we were in the month of April, I would be convinced that it was indeed a joke.
Caymanians always putting their own down. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. If a Jamaican was getting, the Jamaicans would be partying. A few days ago, a Jamaican said to me “why Caymanians are so set against their own people?”
No one is immune to criticism no matter who they are. You can’t tell people how to feel. Dismissing any criticism of Alden as “crabs in a bucket” just because it hurts your feelings is total deflection and not even true.
Alden performed admirably in respect of Covid to me his greatest achievement, partially offset by the cruiseship piers saga, but a knighthood?- in my humble opinion perhaps a step too far.
I only have one question..WHY????
Billions of £ washed here by the Bank of England
Simple! Governor wanted his regiment (on orders from FCO?) and Alden said okay, but I want a knighthood in return. Deal, agreed Governor. Sir Alden happy and Governor happy. Win-win!
It is a scary thought to imagine what Cayman would be like this year forward if this man was still the country’s Premier.
I can’t muster the energy to feel a sense of pride in this decision. I am trying but…for the life of me it really scares the sh** out of me.
Alden is a man for himself and glows in the dark more and more each day.
A scary fact of life in the Cayman.
@ 11:44 am. You sound a bit jealous to me. Perhaps you have lived in Cayman for a long time and contributed to the “natives” therefore you feel slighted because your contribution/s have not been recognized. Could it be that you believe you should receive an award or even a Knighthood for your contribution/s? This certainly would impress friends back home.
As for such a title being awarded to people only of the highest integrity in the UK, hogwash, and you know it. As well, what about the badly behaved Royals who us little folk are supposed to bow and scrape to? With all their fancy titles and uniforms with medals, they are generally a badly behaved bunch.
Good for Alden.
The betrayal of your people is rewarded by your Queen.
What I find so annoying is how they cheaply the UK toss these honours to the natives of OTs for doing little other than their job. Many counterparts in the UK have amazing records of public service, spent over many years, and who may receive a simple MBE or OBE. In the OTs you get one just for being elected by a few dozen voters.
But a knighthood for this chancer?? A Knighthood is supposed to be for super~exceptional conduct that went above and beyond, with no question as to the integrity of the individual. And politics should have nothing to do with it. Alden doesn’t qualify under any criteria.
The tossing of honours to OT people costs HM Govt nothing but they forget how it devalues the honours system in general. It’s just rewarding mediocrity.
If you want a prime example of shortcomings of the honours system, you need look no further than our homeland shores. Check out the list of those we have been declared National “Heroes”. Overwhelmingly populated by politicians and civil servants. I would deem being declared a “hero” to be well above the status of a mere knight. Not all knights are heroes. Thus, we are even more lax than the UK regarding who we place on a pedestal. But you do have a point. Sir Mick Jagger is but one many examples of how abysmally low the bar is for knighthood.
02 @ 12:32pm – BS. Sir Mick Jagger definitely deserved his knighthood! My issue with that is the exclusion of “Sir” Keith Richards!
Mick may be the image and lyrics but Keith is definitely the music of The Stones! Rock on!!
Look, just accept that the British Crown and all it stood for is no longer what it meant! Racists and perverts in the Royal family. So, what is a knighthood these days?
Wait until McKeeva Bush gets one, then you can heave up!!
One man’s mediocre is another’s extremely successful governance of an overseas territory both fiscally and in terms of ‘tax haven’/evasion /ml issues giving London little to worry about. Local political gripes aside his government’s handling of covid was exceptional .
Racist clown. At the very least a jealous troll.
Many of the people in the UK with gongs are laughable- so don’t even go there.
You speak as if your nationality alone is the main qualifying factor.
Get over yourself. Alden played his cards as best as he could. As a result many in Cayman has benefited.
We certainly didn’t tank under his watch and if there is anything locals are United in criticizing him for, it is creating an environment tolerant of chancers and one trick ponies who couldn’t make it elsewhere, washed up here and pretend to be blue bloods.
You all should be lying down on the road for him because you could go to no other Caribbean Overseas Territory and enjoy the life you do.
Not a single one!
He gave himself and other MP’s a very big raise of pay, He wasn’t thinking of the people,he was thinking of himself. He and other was only doing their jobs. But he did a good job keeping the Vurus out of these Islands, facts are facts. But don’t ask what the Country can do for you, but ask yourself what you can do for the Country. Remember the country did very good to you.
PACT could have stopped that and they didn’t so please ;eave the blame where it belongs. PACT voted it in.
11:44, I am from the UK. Please do not give the impression that in the UK awards system there are not “chancers” (erm, Jimmy Saville?) and civil servants “doing little other than their job”. “Devalues the honours system in general”: you need to read Private Eye to get a breakdown on the ‘chancers”, corporate whores and political cronies who EVERY time honours are given out for UK citizens get them in an abundance. Obviously, for some reason, you want to dump on Cayman, Icannabelieveit, but I suggest you “hud yer wheesh”.
2 @ 8:17pm – Exactly! Jimmy Saville was a sick pervert who preyed on minors! “Sir” Jimmy Saville?!! Disgusting!
“Sir” Cliff Richards”. Remember the raids on his home?
Wait until the pervert Pete Townsend is knighted!!
CNS: I have to note that Cliff Richard was never arrested or charged and won a substantial settlement from the BBC for airing that raid. And I’m not sure the Pete Townsend story is so clear cut. Jimmy Saville, I couldn’t agree more. Pure evil.
As a UK expat we don’t see these as real knighthoods. For example Alden would never be in the Lewis Hamilton level of respect.
One thing for sure; you are xenophobic and make no effort to conceal it. You have no problems with UK politicians being knighted but get upset that ‘natives’ of OTs get them also.Shame on you.RACIST through and through.
You’re a little quick playing the racist card. Fact is, I lament the fact that the UK still gives a disproportionately high level of honours to its territories, because they find flattery works, and you guys still lap it up.
I take the point that there are plenty of examples of unworthy UK citizens picking up honours, although the worst examples are of individuals “found out” after the event. Whatever, the UK honours system is becoming pretty farcical, just exaggerated in the OTs IMHO.
I could not agree more. Well said, nothing more to add.
Any surprises given today’s political climate in most Western European & American countries? Participation Awards, Mediocrity Awards, Awards for being a certain colour, gender, or political stripe? Can’t qualify under normal circumstances, let us help you: Have your feelings ever been hurt? Award is in the mail. Do you identify under the following groups: Non-white, straight males? Your award is being printed. Are you an illiterate thug who can catch balls, throw tantrums or act? Stay tuned, we’ll find some sort of criteria under which you qualify. Clowns be clowns!
Hey Deary,
If Lewis Hamilton got knighted for driving a car; Mick Jagger, Elton John, and a few others for doing karaoke; and Anthony Hopkins and Michael Caine for pretending in front a camera, I think Mr. McLaughlin surely deserves it for the reasons explained in the article.
Stop whining!
For pretending in front of a camera, yes I suppose Alden did indeed do that!
Governor Roper is a clown, – he asks that he hopes ‘people could put politics aside and celebrate the achievement’ and then goes on to cite the reasons attributed to the achievement which are, – political

Congratulations to all recipients. Caymanians stop being envious and bad minded. We’re supposed to be a “Christian nation”. Nothing Christian about those hateful thoughts.
Don’t 3:41, just don’t
There was nothing Christian either about the hateful actions of an elected member with all but two of the other elected members (including Alden) choosing to ignore or do anything about the said member convicted of assault.
Nothing Christian about the Premier of Country Western either.
I didn’t say he was a Christian but if you are going to sling stones at him because he’s goes to Country and Western and speaking of hateful comments and woman beater. Please remember all three of them is with PACT. The most hateful comments against gays came from two PACT members.
Anyway, I give up …continue with your hatefulness.
@1:58..You are correct but the two PACT Members that were former PPM members. They haven’t done any of this while with PACT (as yet) but they certainly did a lot of it with PPM.They have only been in the PACT government for a few months but if we want examples let’s take another look at the PPM members over the last 20 years…I would keep quiet on this one if I was you..It’s a crazy can of worms that you are opening there..
Nothing Christian about some of them high up in Government giving or trying to give others a hard time only wanting everything for themselves. Lodge are corruption, big time all around.
arise sir alden….
celebratory drinks in country and western later on????
South Coast tonight, man…
I don’t care anymore. I’m joking, I never did.
-Ricky Gervais
McBeater must be furious that he didn’t get one.
He deserves one for services to himself.
Your including “McBeater” and “services to himself” in one paragraph made me laugh. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The only thing separating Alden from McKeeva is education.
Yes,and 100 lbs and a Law Degree…both cut from the same cloth.
Boss Dart must be very happy now!
It’s one big club
Guaranteed to upset the crabs.
I am always amazed by this thing that Governor Martyn Roper does where he tries to tell people how they should think, feel and conduct themselves in any given situation. Some people will be happy and will express that happiness while others might feel differently and should also be free to express their position.
Congratulations to Sir. Alden McLaughlin on this achievement. My personal position is that Mr. McLaughlin, while not perfect, provided competent leadership at a time during the pandemic when we needed it the most.
“competent leadership” should not be reason for a knighthood. Maybe for the people re-electing him but not a Knighthood. This is like awards for showing up.
And doing his job during the pandemic makes him eligible for Knighthood? Seriously?
Remember the days when the governors of these islands didn’t seem so political or so public facing? I think after the UK sent David Cameron and told Jamaica to f itself (aka 20 mil for a prison) Bahamas after the last storm with the US granting Bahamian temp residence and evacuating them, Barbados going it’s own way, China influences, let’s just hope the UK remembers our loyalty Alden has his reward.
Alden is no Sir Vassel
Nor should he be expected to be.
Vassel Johnson didn’t exactly deserve a Knighthood, he was a just CIG civil servant who did nothing other than show up for work.
Alden at least kept a strong hand on the tiller and saved your ungrateful backside at the height of the covid rampage..
It was the incompetence and greed of his administration that brought COVID to this island in the first place, so “saving” us was the least he could do.
I refuse to bow down to him like some peasant just because he fixed a problem that he created. Too bad so many had to suffer financially because of his incompetence and love of the cruise industry. He has done sweet F.A to improve the lives of ordinary Caymanians.
We gather from this that you deem that it is the incompetence and greed of this administration that brought Omicron to these islands. Right?
R U Dumb?
To 6.13pm. Duh. He is Sir Alden.
Please tell me this is indeed an April fools joke. But in all honesty,folks,this just demonstrates how low the bar is now set. And worse, it means the value of anyone else’s award will be lessened, which is a shame for those who are genuinely deserving. A dark day for the people of the Cayman Islands.
The talent pool for politicians in our colony is just so low.
Truly a sad development.
Alden, the opposite of everything a progressive should be. No surprise he is rewarded by an archaic backward-looking UK government whose leader thinks having crowns on pint glasses (which were never removed) is the height of his achievements this past year.
Alden, failed half the population to let Mac live another day, failed to ensure full legal marriage equality, stood in the way of every step towards environmental integrity and sustainability.
I could go on.
A knighthood for someone whose extremely adversarial politics were clearly rejected in the last election and who wasted millions of dollars on the one school he managed to start leaves some room for amazement.
So clearly rejected you still have Bush in government.
Clearly rejected? Are you dreaming? The entire party was re-elected. We know how this government was formed. So don’t be extremely biased and hateful.
Why don’t you talk about this government appointing convicted criminals on their boards?
What about the cost of that school, like 30 or 40 million too much of tax payers money gone, is that good for knight hood ?
These royal gongs handed out in Cayman are a complete and utter joke. Might as well give every civil servant and politician one just for showing up to their job. They are only bestowed upon political brown-nosers who are obviously in the governor’s bobo club. Mind you, Alden did plenty of hob nobbing with political elites in London. Were those shoulder rubbing sessions deemed worthy accomplishments? It seems so since sherpa Stran received his royal crumb too. I bet many will find it shocking that this autocrat received this honour and notice that the bar has significantly lowered since Sir Vassel was knighted.
it’s a little bit ironic that the address ‘Dear Sir’ was likely used most frequently by the electorate already when crafting letters of protest about the port referendum to the then Premier in a context far from endorsing a Knighthood
And no Mr Roper I can’t put politics aside when this ghastly initiative was pushed headstrong for his own achievement porfolio despite the objections and using Govt funds to propel it in complete contradiction of ‘services to the people’, – ‘ Sir’? GTFOH
What a joke. The UK must have really had to scrape the bottom of the barrel to give that clown a knighthood. Is this the best Cayman has to offer.
A reward for being a good yes man to HMG no less, and fulfilling their agenda. Now let us see if any maturity follows that shows he is deserving of such.
Congratulations Sir Alden. People will always speak the rubbish that they have on their minds and I will speak mine. I sat with you in 2005 and listened to your dreams of Cayman. I did not run the race with you but you ran it well and for that you are being honoured. Congratulations and all the best.
A knighthood in this day and age is a pile of bullshit anyway. How long do you think Alden would last dressed in chain mail armor, in the Middle Eastern heat, riding on a horse, swinging a broadsword??? It’s sad that the English still worship those noble men who helped Europe plunder the world in the Middle Ages.
Being granted knighthood also does not make you a good person. It wouldn’t be the first time an asshole has had “Sir” before their name and literal pedophiles have had this meaningless medieval title bestowed on them.
A “knight” who gets manicures. What a joke.
Anonymous at 2:28. You are certainly a bitter sounding person. I doubt you have a 10th of the accomplishments of Alden McLaughlin. If you want to see an asshole just look in the mirror. Idjit.
This is such good news to start the year.
I just looked at the entire list. I am in support of all the persons who received an award.
Big thanks to the civil servants who developed our reopening plan.
Has anyone noticed that we have been opened to tourists for over 6 weeks. Thankfully the so called spike in cases has not materialised or tourists becoming sick in hospital.
Huge congrats to Vicki Wheaton!
2:28? Stop with the trashing and jealousy!!!
These are traditional values and we should be proud to be under British rule. They brought Countries good education, good law and order and discipline. We could go on and on but you are just plain wrong about all of your comments. England was the first to outlaw slavery. Slavery was started by Africans themselves so stop with trashing the British. Read and educate yourself and get the truth about history.
Check history, and see how many lives was lost by the British
This is what I mean when. I say we are a bunch of crabs in a barrel.
One of our own has received such a high honour and all you can do is be jealous and tear down.
@ 2:28 feel better ? And to think you missed your Mensa meeting in order to make that ridiculous post…perhaps you should put some chainmail on and go for a snorkel.
You dont know what “chainmail” is do you?
Truly not a knight by spiritship but by clownship meanwhile promoting township. Burn colonialism.
2:28. Its the season to be jolly….come on scrooge.
It’s Jan 1 not April 1 CNS. Too soon for April fools pranks.
It must be for service to homophobia, corruption, and environmental degradation. Didn’t even have the grace to accept the governor’s reluctant use of reserve powers on the first score.
Because he had the fortitude to hold us together and safe when the pandemic was raging .
You have obviously forgotten that in Cayman , before the vaccine, we were leading normal lives as the rest of the world was locked down.
That only happened because Alden had the courage to stick to what he knew was the right thing to do, in the face of huge pressures to open up.
Thank you Sir Alden, well deserved recognition of a leader .
Because it is Cayman. No logic needed..
1.58pm Read the article, then comment or question.
Because he did nothing, he did nothing wrong. The exact opposite of your King Bush and the best you can hope for.
ohhh he did a lot of stuff…well a lot of damage anyway.
His proudest moment – the alliance with Big Mac to stay in power?.
Just like all of the Pact/UDP have done right..?
Isn’t that what PACT did? How come it’s okay for PACT to do all the same things as Sir Alden and only Sir Alden is ridiculed?
Believe it or not, you can criticize Alden and not be a PACT supporter. Your black-and-white view on things is very telling.
Two wrongs don’t make a right.
Kudos, Sir Alden! Cayman is proud of your achievements. In your last battle for the good of the people of the Cayman Islands, like a true knight you stood in shining armour against the onslaught of Covid and protected your people valiantly. Thank you. Panton and his PACT Clown Car are also highly worthy of recognition of their rank: Panton and his fellow clowns have been benighted for quite a while. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Does the Queen bestow a Royal BoBo award?
Let’s get a some perspective here … if he had got his way and proceeded with the port, he would have bankrupted the country and ruined the Cayman environment for generations to come. He refused to criticise his coalition partner for committing criminal assault. And as for handling the pandemic well … he appointed a particularly inept Health Minister and basically repeated the advice from the chief medical officer. Given the flawed honours system, it seems paradoxically appropriate that he’s being knighted.
From the same House doubling down on Prince Andrew not sweating.
We were literally blacklisted. For, among other things,(still unaddressed) political corruption. Environmental considerations and protections were set aside and he tried to suggest his corrupt government coalition had been cleanly elected with a voter mandate to destroy a Mission Blue Hope Spot to build a cruise pier for which his cabal still can’t demonstrate a need. Actively fought against citizens and their civil rights using millions in public cash. No formal investigations into any of these puzzling motivations. Failed to complete schools, vocational school, addiction and mental health facilities. Instead we are left with a deeply entrenched legacy of systemic CIG opaqueness and obstruction we are still trying to unwind. He even promised to retire and didn’t!
Well, Caymanians don’t spit but when Alden’s name is brought up in conversation, they come close.
That’s all…
1.03 You are a hate filled LOSER.
Don’t like the truth?
To 1.03 Blacklisted for political corruption? Where? In your own mind? Obviously you don’t like Alden or Cayman but you will just have to suck it up.
Political corruption is one of the central issues cited repeatedly in our failing report cards from FATF, CFATF, OECD, etc. They go into some detail on this. We are delivered headline examples regularly and, many of us encounter it daily.
Prove it. You are talking drivel. There is no place more corrupt than the UK or US. UK use pay for play all day and night. US have legal corruption called lobbyists.
Show me where FATF or OECD have cited political corruption in our local parliamentary system as a reason for blacklisting us.
Do you see who we have as MPs lately? What sophisticated scheme do you think they could manage?
Couldn’t even complete a simple park for family and kids in Prospect for 8 years – he’s a absolutely waste of time in the political field
Still does not have an office in his district in 21 years..that is unless he considers Station his office..but the majority of the time now he is at South Coast Bar which a long distance for any of us from REd Bay to drive to go see him.
Station as well as Country and Western?! Busy man.
Well said! It was a real shame that Sammy didn’t get to take his RB seat. Seems we need to have a joust next time around.
Well done Sir!
Its great to see contributions recognized!
A national embarrassment that this man is the best we can offer
Who would you put forward ? Convict Kenneth or perhaps Convict Mac?
Criticism takes no talent. Hiding behind a pseudonym takes no courage.
Serving your country for 22 years, holding together 2 consecutive political administrations and representing us well both here and abroad all things considered is nothing to be embarrassed about. Rather it is something to be lauded.
Luckily for you the rising tide lifts all boats- including yours.
Congrats Sir Alden. Such an honour is usually accompanied by an investiture at Buckingham Palace – top hat and tails recommended, if you find a hat to fit.
Now, would you be suggesting Alden has a big head?
I had not noticed before, but now that you have said that, his head is …….
This is outstanding a very proud day for Cayman and all who live here.
I agree with the Governor let’s put politics aside and start the New Year with a celebration of Sir Alden’s award.
I am so happy to see many junior civil servants and public servants being awarded Cert Hons. For too long staff in the trenches are overlooked.
Congrats to all Recipients!
You must be JOKING! The only ones I see getting any Honours are civil servants or Government related and they all get handsomely PAID for doing their jobs…a lot even get overtime pay. This is par for the course almost every year Covid or no Covid
Where are the Honours for many true community service volunteers who DONATE significant time, energy and personal funds to much needed community services?
Now are they anyone of them that goes beyond the call of duty, goes in to work early and stays late working hard for the Cayman people doing charty work etc without big wages ?
One thing for sure; you are xenophobic and make no effort to conceal it. You have no problems with UK politicians being knighted but get upset that ‘natives’ of OTs get them also.Shame on you.RACIST through and through.
To 10.27 How many ” true community service volunteers who DONATE significant time, energy and personal funds to much needed community services” did you nominate to be put forward for an award.
OMG, Sir McKeeva Bush waiting in the wings??!!
OMG. Hope Big Mac never gets an honor. No Sir. He is a looser, assaults women, abuse of government credit cards, etc
Hope another mistake will not be made!
All his life he has ‘ winged it”
That would profoundly degrade the entire process.
Hell yea…..he’ll wait for that one. Alden appointment is bad enough. Two egoistic clowns who taken the piss out of Caymanians over the years. Why don’t we think PPM & their poster boys didn’t became Govt in April…..they are a fading waste of time who’s clock has stopped. Time for a new batch of Caymanians politicians who can upgrade policies for Caymanians.
Why not, if you do take the time to check his track record you will see that he has done more for Caymanians as a whole than any other previous or present.
Why not? If you do take the time to check his track record you will see that he has done more for Caymanians as a whole than any other previous or present politician.