Two more lives lost to COVID-19
(CNS): The death toll from the SARS-CoV-2 virus increased to eleven on Tuesday as two more patients died who were positive for COVID-19. No specific details were released about the victims but officials said that from the nine deaths this year in Cayman in patients who acquired the virus during the community outbreak which began in September, seven were unvaccinated.
The two other patients were suffering severe comorbidities. There are still six patients in the hospital who are positive with COVID, but since the recent outbreak began, doctors have successfully treated well over one hundred people.
Interim Chief Medical Officer Dr Autilia Newton reported 52 new cases of COVID-19, as of 12:01am Wednesday, including one on the Sister Islands. Three were in travellers and 49 from the community from a batch of 682 PCR tests, pushing up the percentage of positive cases from a low last week of around 3% to more than 7.6%.
The number of Omicron cases is also still increasing at a steady rate, with ten more suspected test results, bringing the tally to 58, with just four of those formally confirmed. The genomic sequencing on the potential 54 Omicron cases is still underway and the Public Health Department said it will provide the public with an update within the next few days.
The number of active cases of COVID-19 in the Cayman Islands was 3,516 as of yesterday, 22 December, though an accurate number of people in isolation was not available as the number of travellers isolating was not released. But 3,483 people were locked down as a result of community transmission.
The number of people getting their first short inched up yesterday to 83% of the estimated population of 71,106. So far 57,001 people have had two doses, while those getting a booster shot increased significantly to 23% of the population, accounting for more than 16,000 people after more than 400 people got the third dose Tuesday.
Dr Newton also said that health officials are nearing the end of a review of data generated at different points across the health system. The report is aimed at reducing duplication, promoting consistency, protecting the integrity and enhancing the usefulness of COVID- related data. It is expected that changes, based on recommendations by a visiting epidemiologist, will be rolled out by the end of the year.
Despite the continued anxiety in the community relating to the impact of the recent community outbreak and the new threat from Omicron, the Ministry of Health asked for the patience of the public while they complete the data review.
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Category: Health, Medical Health
Be kind. No rationale in being rude to people who may be having difficulty grappling with a horrid pandemic among other challenges in their daily lives. We are all temporary residents on this planet no matter how rich and so called educated you are with all your “things”. Love for the least among us conquers all.
On what basis were these people “lost to COVID”? There is no evidence to support that statement from the contents of the story. Two people who died had covid. But there is nothing to say they died from covid.
The only number that should matter for public policy decisions should be the number of deaths of fully vaccinated people who had covid as a cause of death on their death certificate. That number appears to still be zero. Nations cannot close down to protect unjabbed idiots.
Very simplified comment.
Covid rarely is the out and out death cause of a person. Covid specialty is taking what is ailing you and making it worse.
This is not to say that fully healthy people do not die from covid.
If you see the terminology used and fully read what it means you would understand “Covid related” simply means that it hasten the death of the person. It “contributed” to their death.
So you can pick and choose how to mince your words but the facts are once you have covid and you are immunocompromised your risk of death goes up immensely.
There has been countless test on this by every country and its all settled facts and unlike opinions facts remain whether you accept them or not.
The UK has been boosting at a very high rate.
On Saturday a million people were given the booster in one day.
And 50% of the UK’s 68.5 million residents had received the booster by last weekend.
This all shows its not just the government and also British citizens that are taking Omicron seriously.
We have some data from South Africa on Omicron perhaps being milder, but it is Summer in SA now and winter in the Northern Hemisphere.
The virus is always more serious during winter, due to the increased viral loads at infection with everyone indoors.
And even if we are lucky and Omicron causes half the hospitalisations of Delta, if it is 10 times more infectious, then over the shortened wave, there will still be 5 times more hospitalisations in the same period from Omicron.
That is the concern, that Omicron will cause a strain in every countries healthcare systems and beds available
Everyone on the islands should be fully informed now, where covid is concerned. We all have freedom of choice. Thank you all for your help. Love they neighbors.
Total fully vaccinated deaths caused by covid still seems to total zero.
Actually 3 so far in Cayman according to the HSA.
‘With covid’ maybe. Not ‘of covid’
Does that include the ones that only had one jab, so weren’t vaccinated?
That is a lie. “7 were unvaccinated”. I personally knew 2 of the 7 dead, and both had their 1st dose of the Pfizer. Believe what you want but they are spreading false info.
CNS: I believe “vaccinated” means fully vaccinated, i.e. have had two doses.
Unfortunately it doesn’t help if you had your first shot on the way to the hospital.
So the ones you knew were unvaccinated.
4:27pm…..Having had 1 shot does not make you “vaccinated”.
To add to CNS comment fully vaccinated means 2 doses plus about 10 days as it takes 10 days for 2nd dose to take affect.
In some good news, Omicron up to 70% less likely to need hospital care:
In bad news, Delta is the predominant strain here according to the official reports. No time to let out guards down!
Time to let Omnicron in and surpass Delta, so that we have a less deadly variant.
3516 active cases, 3483 in isolation. 33 gone missing?
Down at the Mango Tree or Cotton Club.
33 well connected positives not required to isolate.?
Seriously, the number of active cases does not make sense. This number should have dropped.
100 average daily for 20 days = 2,000
Some would have been cleared after 14 days onwards….
3,516 means 175 cases daily for the last 20 days & no one out. I chose 20 days as a suggested average for being cleared & released.
Condolences to the families. Some people could have lived with their so called comorbidities longer if it wasn’t for getting Covid. My father lived to 94 with these so called comorbidities. He wasn’t in the hospital until he was 93. He was walking all over the place. He was in much better shape than me. My uncle with his comorbidities was riding a bicycle all over the place too.
This is very sad news. Hopefully the spread of the virus can be contained so no other families have to deal with such events.
Died with, not of, so although it’s always sad when someone dies, covid had nothing to do with these situations. They both had severe comorbidities.
Still zero deaths ‘of covid’.
I think you will find a high percentage of the population have comorbidities.
A nurse told me that comorbidities can include a lack of vitamin D.
“Lack of vitamin D” can be due to a defective VDR receptor.
The vitamin D receptor (VDR) is a nuclear, ligand-dependent transcription factor that in complex with hormonally active vitamin D, 1,25(OH)2D3, regulates the expression of more than 900 genes involved in a wide array of physiological functions.
And comorbidities include being obese which many people are in the Cayman Islands.
Is stupidity a comorbidity? Because there is a pandemic of that going on right now.
Give it a rest. Enough with the blatant lie from the same ‘with not from’ denier. Covid is only listed as a cause of death when it was the cause of death or a contributing factor in relation to the death.
Not true. You are simply stating what you would like to believe as fact.
Same with motor vehicle accidents and shootings. No one ever died as a result of a motor vehicle accident or a shooting. They only die ‘with’ motor vehicle accidents and shootings.
Yep, when your in bed with Covid it can sometimes smother you. What a nasty bedfellow.
The With/Not Off user has logged on! The Koch Brothers salute your service!
News from U.K. Two thirds of hospitalised patients recorded as Covid positive were only discovered to be so after being admitted for other illnesses and accidents.
News from Cayman. Still zero deaths as a result of Covid amongst the vaccinated.
You didn’t pass math!!!!!!
Wrong 3 deaths of fully vaccinated persons
Young and healthy?
Does it matter? Or do you only support those stats which support your view?
People died. Some of them were fully vaccinated. Most of them were unvaccinated. Getting vaccinated increases the odds of most people living through the virus.
It shouldn’t be a political football.
Not as a result of Covid.
pandemic of the unvaxxed.
said it before…no one healthy under 70 who is vaxxed will die from this. get vaxxed.
hsopital cases down to 6…that is real story.
Wrong and strong are you.
It would be good to know how many vaccinated people have died this year of any other causes, vs unvaccinated people, in a normalized calculation (i.e. per 100,000) and per age group. This data in some countries have been showing that vaccinated in various ages group have died in higher numbers.
Why? So you can attribute blame?
Why? to confirm if the there is an overall benefit or disadvantage after the multiple shots. However the vast majority of vaccinated people do not want to ever hear about this, as the overall conclusions could be difficult to accept.
Why? Any sensible person understands that comorbidities, compromised immune systems and advanced age reduces the effectiveness of vaccines.
There is nothing to be gained by generating statistics that cannot give the individual circumstance for illness or death. In other words, stop trying to promote an excuse for conspiracy theorists and anti vaxxers to quote unverifiable numbers.
That’s as bad as saying someone died of covid when they were in fact infected when hit by a bus.
And the breaking news in the U.K. is Omicron is 50-75% less likely to result in hospitalisation.
Now that’s a statistic you should concentrate on and then get on with your life.
wow…so you belive in a worldwide conspiracy amongst 99% of medical proffesionals and scientists on the planet?????
Yes, because the most at risk groups got vaccinated first, and have the highest vaccination rates.
Not hard to understand why that group has a high death rate from other causes, is it?
Maybe think before spouting utter tosh.
My sincerest condolences go out to the families and loved ones of those who passed.
God bless,