Cops fire ‘bean bag round’ at machete-wielding woman

| 16/12/2021 | 29 Comments

(CNS): Police said they deployed “less-lethal methods” on Sunday afternoon to prevent officers and the public from being hurt by a woman wielding a machete during an altercation at Lakeside Villas, off the Esterley Tibbetts Highway. An RCIPS spokesperson confirmed the police had fired a “bean bag round” at the woman after they had warned her several times. The police were called to a report of a disturbance in the car park of the complex at around 3pm. When they arrived, the woman, who was armed with a machete, approached the officers in a threatening manner, the RCIPS said.

“In an effort to mitigate the threat posed by the woman to the public, the officers and herself, a less-lethal option was taken by the officers to facilitate her arrest in a safe manner and prevent any further danger to those involved,” the RCIPS said in a release about the incident.

The woman, who received minor injuries during the incident, was taken to the Cayman Islands Hospital for assessment. While there, she continued to be aggressive and threatening towards the officers as well as the hospital staff and was subsequently admitted for treatment for her own safety, police said.

A man reported being injured by broken glass during the incident. The RCIPS said the matter is under investigation.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (29)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    No rice? Hard times

  2. Anonymous says:

    Where do all of these machete’s come from, do people just have them laying around the house?

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes. It’s the Caribbean. It’s the equivalent to a firearm in Texas.

    • Anonymous says:

      I do, they are a legitimate tool you know, but like many things can be misused.

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      Welcome to the tropics. It’s a gardening tool used for trimming palms, harvesting and opening coconuts, clearing overgrown pathways, etc. There are whole selections of them at most hardware stores. Most are sold dullish, but its $10 to have someone sharpen it into a sword.

  3. Angus says:

    Thank you RCIPS. We are thankful for your professional ability.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Bean bags and tazers now. With the continuing militarization of RCIPS, next it’ll be real live rounds!

    US-style policing – here we come!

    • Anonymous says:

      Idiot. Militarization of RCIPS???

      They’ve had access to lethal firearms for years, as every police service on the planet. Live rounds have had to be used in the past.

      If you’re worried about what RCIPS are packing, I’m guessing you didn’t read the story about the high calibre rounds recently recovered? You think they’re going to come to a gunfight with a pea shooter?

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes maybe RCIPS should have sacrificed a couple of their officers to the machete rather than go down the US road. I’m sure their families would be good with that!

    • Anonymous says:

      Police already carry live rounds, instead they used a less lethal option. Sounds better that shooting her tbh

    • Anonymous says:

      ‘Bout time

      We just need to get some real police officers now: experienced, educated, not corrupt – all the usual qualities that this third world cop group of gangsters does not even understand much less possess.

      • Anonymous says:

        So where do you suggest these real police officers come from? Hope it’s not America where they’re mostly corrupt, ignorant, ego maniacs, and gangsters of their third shithole world,
        I just watched the news the other day in America where they emptied a clip on an unarmed old man in a wheelchair and another where they shot and killed someone for just holding a piece of rotten branch, imagine those types of animals here policing or streets Dumbass.

      • Rita Stallone says:

        “We need to get some real police officers”. Sorry, we don’t seem to have any on hand at this time. Soon come! (Maybe?)

  5. ELVIS says:

    Well done guys. good shot.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Anyone being a threat to the general public, especially with weapons, is not acceptable.

    There is concern, however, that the RCIPS are, in fact, the biggest criminals (certainly drug dealers) in Cayman.

    The only bigger criminals are almost all public officials, who use there positions for personal motives.

    There is a significant amount of information that, if released to journalists, will shock the world, much less Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      Just got to ask. If this machete wielding perpetrator happens not to be Caymanian, will the police even report her to the immigration authorities?

  7. Anonymous says:

    Well done RCIPS! Could teach the good ole USA coppers a thing or two about NOT KILLING their own people! Just saying.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Cool. Just watched a video of a gal getting tazed while running from the police. Dropped her smack on her face on the concrete. I think I’d rather the beanbag. Less dental work required afterwards..

  9. Anonymous says:

    The slow creep towards lethal means.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Good. Hope it really hurt. A machete is a machete no matter who is carrying it. Well done RCIPS.

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