Bars and clubs get reprieve for NYE

| 31/12/2021 | 37 Comments

(CNS): After an enforced early closing time for bars and clubs over the last few weeks, government officials have revealed that they will be able to open until later on Fridays, starting with New Year’s Eve. Liquor licence holders in the category of retail bars are permitted to open until 2am on Friday nights only, with liquor sales ceasing at 1:50am, while nightclubs can now operate until 4am, with sales stopping at 3:50am, on Friday as well as on Holiday Monday. The Department of Commerce and Investment said the increased hours for Fridays was until further notice.

But despite the increased opening times, the gathering limits remain at 100 people indoors and 250 outdoors, which officials said will be strictly enforced.

Meanwhile on the Sister Islands, liquor stores will also have an additional hour until 9pm. 

After the holiday weekend, bars and nightclubs must close at midnight from Saturday to Thursday. Licence holders are also reminded to adhere to all other conditions of their licences.

For more details, please contact the Department of Commerce and Investment on 244-2202, 244-6677 or email at or

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Category: Business, Food and Drink, Local News, Retail

Comments (37)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Well, between the more transmissable Omicron and the Christmas/New Year gatherings we’ll soon know how life fares generally in the 345.

    I’m all-vaxxed, immuno-compromised elder and I attended gatherings, all outdoor, with other appropriate measures implemented…masks, tests, etc. No one disrespected the protocols so I feel fairly safe, now. Not sure if that was the general approach at most gatherings, though.

    I’ll see by next week!

    • Anonymous says:

      U.S. COVID update: More than 1 million new cases, including backlogs

      – New cases: 1,045,968
      – Average: 494,660 (+81,979)
      – States reporting: 44/50
      – In hospital: 104,737 (+6,034)
      – In ICU: 19,542 (+654)
      – New deaths: 1,909
      – Average: 1,343 (+33)

      India reports 37,379 new coronavirus cases, an increase of 488% from last week

      Australia reports 47,799 new coronavirus cases, by far the biggest one-day increase on record

  2. Flushing Meadows says:

    We have our priorities right all liquor stores remain open during lockdown, all bars and nightclubs allowed extended hours over the holidays, Omicron must take us all for eager meat desperate for infection.The liquor kings remain omnipotent in this country aided by our “co-operative” politicians.

    • Bert says:

      Between getting life back or being forced into hiding for something that is just a sniffle for those that took simple steps to protect themselves, I choose life.

  3. tom says:

    Excellent Lets continue to make it a pain in the A$$ for fully vaccinated travellers while at the same time encourage community spread. How about everyone in the nightclubs (with unknown vac status) goes and gets a mandatory lft 2, 5 and 10 days after partying instead…cause we KNOW that is a super spreader. meanwhile I have to find a place that is open on new years day to get my triple vacced nose violated because I sat on an airplane with a mask on with a negative test in my pocket. This is a banana republic (without any fresh bananas)

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually, at this point everyone should know their risk profile, how to protect themselves and what treatments are available if they get infected. It’s time to let people live and stop with the divisions and rules based on science rife with confounding data.

      In short, the experiment failed.

  4. Anonymous says:

    The unvaccinated should be forced to stay in in nye, they are the ones that are selfish and will fill hospital beds if they get Covid.

    • Anonymous says:

      unbelievable ignorance. The vaccinated get infected at higher rates with Omicron and there is no evidence either out of South Africa, Denmark or the UK that the vaccine provides any protection against death with the Omicron variant. Which by the way, so far has lower death rates than the FLU in both vaccinated and unvaccinated!

      • Anonymous says:

        No evidence that the vaccine provides protection against death from Onnicron – you mean, other than the absence of any material numbers of vaccinated dying from Omnicron?

        Per Dr Fauci “ “I’m still very concerned about the tens of millions of people who are not vaccinated at all because even though many of them are going to get asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic, a fair number of them are going to get severe disease,” Fauci said.”.

  5. Anonymous says:

    What about Hospice (called Jasmine here now). They do so much for people at no cost to the patient/family.

  6. Mitchell Welds says:

    I don’t have a problem with the extensions of opening hours on New Years Eve for bars and nightclubs. However, I feel the privilege should have been granted for all licensed holders. Additionally, the bars that offer entertainment (music/dancing) in the evening hours, should be granted extended hours on Monday 3 January 2022.

    • Anonymous says:

      If the event isn’t outside, the entrance numbers should be extremely small or the event canceled.

  7. Anonymous says:

    De-masking into Omicron while still in the thick of a domestic Delta wave is negligent. Everywhere else is going into war mode to prevent 30% of the population going back into quarantine. Since when does DCI prescribe our public health orders?

    • Anonymous says:

      “Since when does DCI prescribe our public health orders?”
      How can it be otherwise with CITA as our masters and The Dollar as our god?

    • Anonymous says:

      So you prefer endless restrictions and life being curtailed every time there is a new variant? We will be doing that a lot then. You get one life, personally I’d rather not have a significant part of it restricted by others.

      • Anonymous says:

        Putting tiny commercial gains and/or conveniences and comforts ahead of easy transmission interventions that serve to safeguard the vulnerable, speaks to the corrupt morality of today’s me-driven society. Small personal sacrifices in regards to distancing, putting down phones, are a bridge too far. You aren’t from a generation that has known any collective rationing or sacrifice. God forbid the Wi-Fi or data plan should go out.

        • Anonymous says:

          How long should we make these sacrifices for? How about you hide at home and the rest of us go out and live our lives.

          • Anonymous says:

            Yes. Everyone should abandon reason so you can live your best life.

          • Anonymous says:

            Stages of Omicron denial…

            1. There are only a few cases of Omicron.
            2. Cases are up but not hospitalizations.
            3. Hospitalizations are up but not ICU admissions.
            4. ICU admissions are up but not deaths.
            5. Deaths are up but nobody could have predicted this would happen

        • Anonymous says:

          If anything, the pandemic has given us a glimpse into the souls of millions of people, and it’s bleak for the future of humanity.

        • Anonymous says:

          I would be happier making sacrifices in personal liberty to safeguard the vulnerable if the vulnerable didnt seem to consist mainly of people who choose not to get vaccinated. And having not geotten vaccinated then don’t take basic steps of social distancing, mask wearing etc either, because God forbid we should introduce on their liberties.

  8. Caymanian says:

    PACT…and this was wise how?

    Is not Omicron getting worse?

    Let me see if I get this right. So when the virus gets worse we weaken the protections? Is that your mental approach? Should we just go dancing naked in the streets now?

    • Anonymous says:

      The wealthy bar and restaurant gang got exactly what they wanted. Someone dense enough to believe that Delta is gone. Looking forward to all the mask tosses at midnight and the resulting spread of Covid next week.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Covid taking the night off for drinking and dancing. Got it.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Thank you so much oh great one’s

  11. Anonymous says:

    What was the point of that 2 week hiatus?

  12. Anonymous says:

    why not just bring in restrictions for the unvaxxed???
    the people that need to be protected most and the people that are at most risk of putting our health service at risk

  13. Anonymous says:

    this must be on the back of ever increasing hospitalisations….oopps, soory…never mind.
    when did we stop believing in stats and science regarding this?

  14. Anonymous says:

    bonkers stuff again…
    so now cig has invented a new strain of the virus that only transmits after midnight every night of the week or after 4am on a saturday morning.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Another day, another stupid ‘brain storm’ from our fearless, feckless leadership. They don’t have a clue what they are doing and we wait with abated breath for their daily ‘ring-around-the-rosie’ process of impersonating a government.

    But, in a few hours they have another New Year to screw things up in new and magical ways.


    • Mumbichi says:

      Some of you folks have no patience, and no long view. You appear only concerned about the moment, and tend to judge — without experience — that which you believe to be true should be acted upon.

      All indications SO FAR are that Omicron is less virulent while being more contagious. I don’t want people to do anything. I don’t care what they do. I only control what I do, and that is because I am responsible for myself and my health.

      I am willing to do that which I suspect does no good, but might be beneficial, such as the masks and distancing, etc. It doesn’t hurt me a single iota to do so. You seem chomping at the bit, and whatever you think is the case, you think we should all agree and act upon it. Health by consensus. Does that make ANY sense you to you?? To determine health protocols based upon the common consensus of the people? The same people who sit it bars six inches apart and don’t have any consideration for anyone else’s safety, those people?

      Just slow it down. If Omicron is as we hope and things are attenuating, we will know soon enough. When it has been relegated to the status of the common cold or seasonal flu, we can celebrate, knowing that we did all we could for those most in peril.

      Of course, there IS your precious New Years celebration to consider. God forbid you watched fireworks and celebrated with a few libations with your friends and family while also following the guidelines. No, forget it. Too much to ask. You’re obviously far too important for such things. Besides, I’m sure you’re right, that your hundreds of hours of vetted medical research has borne plump fruit.

      • Mumbichi says:

        We could have all done without the last paragraph.


        • Anonymous says:

          So you deny the obvious? Or simply don’t want it mentioned. Sadly, if a problem is not acknowledged, progress won’t be made. You want a better future for Cayman, stop denying the truth.

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