Opposition says work needed on opening plan
(CNS): Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart has said that government has shared details of the border reopening plan with the PPM, but he noted that it still needed a lot of work. In a press statement following their meeting with government at the invitation of the premier and health minister, McTaggart said the presentation was given by the deputy governor and his colleagues, but as they asked questions about what was presented, government accepted it still has much work to do to finalise the plan.
“We could not ask questions on the work that is not yet complete or that the government may not have fully shared with us,” McTaggart said. However, in a statement that was less critical of the PACT administration than previous ones issued recently, he said it was good to have some additional insight into the thinking of the government as it moves to reopen the border.
“We certainly appreciated the meeting and we encourage more of the same,” the opposition leader said. “We look forward to seeing, along with the broader public, a full update on the completed reopening preparedness plan and the assurance that all the government’s agencies are ready for reopening. More important than the plan on paper is how it translates to preparedness on the ground.”
On his social media pages, Panton said the meeting led to “great dialogue”, as the government recognised “that we are all in this together and our country will be stronger when we all work together”.
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Category: Politics
I love how people are complaining that there is not plan from PACT, or the plan is not clear etc. However, when the Opposition voices the concerns of the public, stating that the “plan” needs to be ironed out and properly explained to the community, they are the bad guys. Smh, Cayman is not a real place, can’t win for losing. How about you all either offer up helpful solutions or stfu and appreciate that someone is at least speaking out about the buffoonery that is taking place right now, where our guidelines are not clear, and business are up in arms about that to do with their employees etc.
These guys are like trump claiming they didn’t lose, Its been eighteen months of Covid and we’ve had vaccines for almost a year, grow up and get on with life,
Our Trump is over in Scottland pretending he’s Captain Planet.
Also, the independents got up on stage and instigated a lot of Trump-like supporters to go storming into East End to pressure Issac to join PACT.
Our Trump also has his own Tucker Carlson in the form of Marl Road.
Don’t even try the comparison. Because the only Trumpism I see is from Panton and his keyboard cronies.
I’m not a fan of either party but I would take back PPM in a heartbeat over this PACT of morons.
#NotMyPremier #WorseGovernmentEver
Pffftttttttt!!!!!! Do you consider yourself a glutton for punishment? ………… Or just a weirdo?
These letter days at the grocery stores need to end. Its been 20 months. Why can I not shop on a Tuesday and Thursday based on my last name?
Its not fair.
I hope you’re trolling or at least joking. Or perhaps you have been living on Mars with occasional Internet access.
How about you offering your support and input and working with PACT to reach the common goal? Time to hitch up your britches Roy and wade in. Stop being an armchair warrior.
Pretty sure they offered
They did, not sure why anyone would say they didn’t
Wagging tongues but no solutions
And PACT isn’t wagging anything and yet… no solutions.
I can’t think of anything in the past dozen years. I’m waiting see how long it takes for them to find their place at the trough.
I think Roy is going to sit back with a bag of popcorn and watch the PACT house burn to the ground…
I mean he doesn’t have any better ideas but he knows this will look bad on Wayne.
I was thinking pretty much the same thing 4:34, – additionally does Roy really want to see a motion of no confidence and have to step in and take charge of this calamity ? I’m guessing probably not, doesn’t make sense for the PPM to do so at this point at all.
Perhaps an accountant like Roy could have helped Sabrina with doing the maths. She told us they had 20 thousand Lateral Flow tests for the schools. That will last a hot minute! Really – you release a policy based on tests that nobody has an can get enough of. Go figure a house of 10 people times 14 days of testing – the need is millions!
Sure and she knew that we would be having all these cases right away.. Does Roy or Alden have that crystal ball to tell them what covid is going to do next?
Stop the constant criticizing and be a part of the solution.
Do you remember when these same guys came out in July and said to through the gates wide open September 1.. Can you imagine if they were in power and they did that then just how many people would have fallen already.
The numbers we need to be watching are hospitalizations and deaths. Covid is not a respected of persons PPM or PACT, Vaccinated or unvaccinated. We have done really well get our vaccine rate up to nearly 80%. People are getting sick as to be expected but luckily no deaths and only 4 people in thee hospital.
Which should be grateful yet we sit on the sidelines, complain, and offer no help our solutions.
How about those of us that are still well start a Facebook page where people that need help can go and we volunteer or help, time, food or whatever we can to assist them?. Won’t happen because we would rather stay home to bitch and complain on social media as to why the government is not helping them..
Roy Mctagalong always has something to say.
Ummmm most important is to share the details with everyone.
any super plans yourself roy?????
Here’s a plan – Let’s all push the government for a no-confidence vote and call an early election to get rid of PACT.
All who voted for PACT said it was to get rid of McKeeva. But PACT gave us McKeeva and COVID. So, double negative right there while the island drowns in COVID positives.
How’s that for a plan? Yes? No?