Rapid test pilot programme coming after half-term
(CNS): Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee is hoping to see the first deliveries of rapid test kits arrive next week so that government can begin a pilot programme with the home COVID-19 tests that officials hope will help them manage the spread of the virus in the community, especially in schools. When families are able to test regularly at home, only households where someone tests positive will they be required to isolate, enabling children in families where everyone is negative, even after direct exposure, to go to school.
While no details have yet been revealed about access to the tests and how they will be monitored, in a video message Thursday the CMO spoke of the “availability in schools of lateral flow antigen tests for the latter half of the school term”.
The simple tests can be done at home and school to identify COVID-19 more quickly while minimising the impact on the wider school community.
The extended mid-term break, fuelled in part by a shortage of teachers, was an opportunity to curtail the current rapid spread through local schools, Dr Lee said. Children have tested positive in at least a dozen schools and kindergartens, and with so many households now isolating, another week was added to the school break to slow the spread on Grand Cayman.
Asking families not to mix with other households, children and families during the longer break, Dr Lee said this will help break the cycle of transmission. He also reminded the public to contact the Flu Hotline or their family doctor if they’re feeling ill with what could be COVID symptoms and to immediately self-isolate.
See Guidance for Isolation Planning flyer in the CNS Library.
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Category: Health, Medical Health
Would be nice if they get introduce these for travel out of Cayman as well. Save a bunch of PCR tests. UK and US accept antigen test results.
Would the rapid test kits be distributed freely to families? It would especially be helpful to frequently test the (vaccinated and unvaccinated) caregivers, nannies and domestic helpers who assist at houses who have vulnerable persons.
If you can afford a helper, you can afford a lateral flow test.
Cost of the test is more than they pay the helper an hour.
8.28pm No-one should have unvaccinated caregivers etc in their homes. Govt needs to stop making everything free because this encourages persons to demand more and more. For example PCR tests should have small fee attached to cover some of the cost. No wonder we can’t get people to go home where nothing is free.
Like the old people said, “if you can’t hear then you will have to feel”. Apparently, two children in hospital isn’t enough. You all are just a bunch of selfish, irresponsible people and innocent people will suffer for your self-centered egotistical selves. I can only hang my head in shame. If you all are Caymanians, your ancestors are turning in their Graves. I hope that Education department has put in some ventilation systems in the school to filter out the Rona because our people are too selfish. They obviously don’t care if children are in the hospital and I’m sure they don’t care if people die either. If these comments are any indication of their feelings
Definitely not getting a PCR test if I test positive on this. Not locking me down!
Well if you test positive you should self isolate. Would be very selfish if you went around your normal business and infect multiple people.
Virus gonna spread with or without them on the road. Give your head a shake.
What a stupid comment. The whole point of rapid self tests is to allow for more frequent serial testing so that infected people, especially if asymptomatic, can self isolate earlier.
Sorry I take back the term stupid; moronic and selfish are better descriptions.
Government should create a special law for people like you that you all would be required to do the rapid test in front of authorities you report to and not in the privacy of your home – and because they cannot identify morons like you, I guess the law would have to be applied to everyone!
Okay Mao !
And you are part of the problem not part of the solution …
The solution is being exposed to the virus and building natural immunity along with our vaccinated selves. What is the point of getting vaccinated anyway.
What caused this problem in the first place was families mixing with those supposedly in self quarantine. With all the publicity on severe penalties for breaking quarantine, how many Caymanians have been taken to court for this offence?
Caymanians don’t get punished, there are several sets of rules here.
Will the pilot program be a rapid test of the rapid test?
Yawn. Open the damn schools, open the damn border.
“Asking families not to mix with other households, children and families during the longer break”
No one will be adhering to this (nor would I). Children are not going to mix with other children over the extended break?? Haha…good one.
And parents of children on break are not going to go to work (which would be “mixing”)? Come on, why even suggest this.
Spot on!
Sadly Dr Lee looks like he’s now suffering from Pactitis, and there’s no known cure.
3.56pm I thought politicians were bad enough but Pacticians are far worse.
Dr. Lee should have left earlier this year before the shine came off…