Over 80 COVID cases reported at weekend

| 25/10/2021 | 307 Comments

(CNS): Just two travellers tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 on exit from quarantine at the weekend but another 81 people, including 13 children, picked up the virus in the community. According to various sources, people have tested positive across all sectors of the economy, including vaccinated staff at Cayman Airways and an unvaccinated civil servant who travelled to both Cayman Brac and Little Cayman before receiving a positive test result.

There have also been reports of bar staff continuing on the job while waiting for their own tests after co-workers tested positive.

Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee noted the importance of people staying home after they have had either a positive PCR test or a positive lateral flow test in order to slow the rate of progression of the virus through the community. They should remain at home with their household contacts until they have discussed with Public Health the next steps forward.

“If you’re positive you will need to isolate, but please contact Public Health on further advice about what to do with the other people in the household,” he said.

Public Health officials are also urging people to remain vigilant about COVID-19 safety practices, including wearing a mask, washing hands, getting vaccinated and getting a booster shot if eligible.

Dr Lee said that health officials are monitoring the level of hospitalisations and severe symptoms as compared to the overall number of positive cases, as the pace of the virus appears to be increasing. The number of active cases is now 320. The 83 positive cases were from 1646 PCR tests administered between Friday morning and Sunday evening and there are now 1458 people in isolation.

It is apparent that Cayman’s daily infection rate is increasing and efforts to curtail the spread of the virus do not appear to be working. The current number of symptomatic patients is 204 which is around 64% of those currently infected with the coronavirus. While one positive COVID patient has been released from the hospital, another patient was admitted Sunday for an unrelated matter.

Lateral flow tests were expected to be distributed today to schools across Grand Cayman and are now available at local pharmacies, but there is still no sign of the policy surrounding the use of the tests as a tool to manage isolation. “Further information will come as we move forward relating to the rollout of lateral flow tests,” Dr Lee said.

Vaccinations increased marginally over the weekend, with 217 people getting a second dose and another 135 getting their first shot. The booster programme is still open to all healthcare workers, vulnerable people and anyone over 50 who received their last shot at least six months ago. To date 2,603 people have had the third shot.


Anyone with flu symptoms is urged to stay at home in the first instance and contact the 24 hour Flu Hotline or your general practitioner to speak to a health professional about those symptoms before visiting the flu or testing clinic.

Flu Hotline: 1-800-534-8600 or 345-947-3077 or 345-925- 6327 or email flu@hsa.ky
Callers will be screened for travel history and advised on what to do next.

See the vaccine schedule on the HSA website here.

For more information on vaccines contact the HSA Communications team at

See here for more information on securely verifiable vaccination records.

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Comments (307)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I see that the CDC downgraded Cayman to high risk . It is amazing what a little refusal to mitigate can do.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Cayman has limited beds and ventilators. Less than 100 from what I have heard.

    Now I am no mathematician but 2% death rate at 70k Population is easy to reach in a matter of days if covid spreads fast as it does in other countries. Even if 10K people get infected, we wont have the hospital resources to deal with that. We have only 1k on the counters and everyone is bragging to reopen the boarders.

    People who have the Vaccine think they are immune from covid and they can’t get it. Covid Vaccine protects you, it doesn’t protect you from spreading it to others.

    Only people wanting to open are Business owners and Non Caymanians. Gov wants to open to boost up real estate sales and fees.

    People really have no clue what your asking for when you say just open up and drop quarantine. So you can go travel to see your family and shop in the USA.

    Would the Caymanian gov refuse care to any one, No. But they clearly see the risks in all of this. The pressure from the people and business loosing money have pushed them to open before X-mas.

    We did lock down with 10 cases now we doing almost 100 day and you want to open up boarders to do 1000 cases a day?

    Hope everyone that reads this has exceptional health, sub 10% body fat, can run 30 miles no problem, no health conditions.
    Because clearly CNS has been over run by comments that have no logic behind it when it comes to the seriousness of opening.

    • Anonymous says:

      If you ever saw the film “Animal House’ you will understand that the need to party and have fun is more important than life itself to some people. And we have many of these less-evolved and superficial beings among us. Toga! Toga! Toga! – ’til you drop!

    • Anonymous says:

      We current have a 0.6% or 2 per 320 people hospitalization rate and 2 deaths since the epidemic started in March 2020. We have 70K population as you noted. Out of them we have 56k vaccinated which can not die from COVID.

      Current case is 320 and 2 are hospitalized. So if we had 16k active cases at once we would have 100 hospitalized. Majority of the will recover.

      We have 14K unvaccinated, so the odds of us getting over ran is about 0.6%. I would guess it is the same odds as winning the lottery. Just saying…I hope this is logical enough for you.

    • Anonymous says:

      It is very obvious you are not a mathematician. Survival rate is 99% for the majority. The majority of 79% of Cayman is vaccinated. Where is the 2% coming from?

      • Anonymous says:

        LOL – If the survival rate is 99% for the majority, which could be as little as 50%+1, that could mean that the survival rate for the minority is as little as 1%, which would put the survival rate for the whole population around 50% – which would be the worst disease in the history of mankind. Saying the survival rate is 99% for the majority is thus a stupid statement, which means you’re not much of a mathematician either!

    • Anonymous says:

      More people died of gunshots in Cayman than Covid.

  3. Anonymous says:

    90 new cases today – that puts us at twice the per capita rate of new infections that the UK has, all made possible by the refusal to implement adequate mitigation measures. Part of the pre- November cluster &&!? (Rhymes with duck) Plan no doubt.

    • Anonymous says:

      No worries. The good doctor said this is to be expected. If you buy that BS, I have oceanfront property for sale in Arizona.

  4. Anonymous says:

    If anyone is interested in seeing a graphic depiction of the trajectory of our little Covid outbreak, this URL makes it easy to understand.


    Imagine what letting all of those infected tourists in starting 20 November will do to that graph.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Vaccines are available, or feel free to barricade yourselves.

  6. Anonymous says:

    So much unnecessary panic. Uk open with no restrictions since July 19th and been absolutely fine, and today showing great stats on case reductions. we have such a high vaccination rate and a booster programme. As Roper said, if we can’t open no one can.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Not really surprised about the spread. Total lack of competence in contact tracing isn’t helping.
    My wife and I were primary contacts with a positive case (a friend joined us for dinner, didn’t tell us she was waiting for a test result, which came back positive).
    Our friend gave our details to Contact Tracing, yet we have heard nothing from them in 11 days!
    There seems to be no way of contacting them either!
    Flu hotline, Doctors Hospital, and HSA all gave us different advice on what we should do.
    We have a 3rd adult living with us, and 2 young children. We have all isolated, and arranged tests ourselves.
    We don’t even know if we’re risking breaking the law if we test negative and go back to work without permission from HSA, as they won’t call us back.

    • Anonymous says:

      It is absolutely ridiculous. Similar has happened with a family member of mine. They were actually advised by an MLA (after getting no helpful information from the flu hotline, HSA etc) that if they tested negative to just get on with life, even though they were a primary contact of a COVID positive individual. Around them for hours and in a confined space. At this point, I am convinced this Government just does not give a damn about the health and safety of these islands.

      • Anonymous says:

        Are you the good cop?
        I don’t like you.

      • Anonymous says:

        Logically, we have two prime factors possibly at play. One is that PACT and minions do not give a damn about the health and safety of these islands. Or, they are incompetent and are tapping around blindly with a white canes hoping not to fall in the hole and takes us with them. The glaring evidence of this is that these clowns are sending non-vaxed census workers from door to door to door and into our homes. My opinion is that they do not give a damn that they are incompetent. I have zero faith in PACT’s ability to safely lead us through relaxing entry restrictions. They are so stupid that they announced an opening date without having a plan in place. Panton, in a meeting with an Open Our Borders big wig: “Yes, sir! Right away, sir! We don’t have a plan in place yet. But no worries, sir, we don’t need any silly plan. We will have those borders open in no time, sir. I will be calling the funeral homes to ask them to order more caskets.”

      • Anonymous says:

        Friend of mine was in close contact with a person who tested positive. Contacted HSA, git tested, but they are telling them that their result is not a priority and the system is swamped. he is self isolating on his own initiative and responsibility, but as far as Public Health are concerned he is free to roam the island until they get around processing his test. I guess PACTR is trying to manage the numbers in official isolation.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not surprised. I know of people that the flu hotline has discouraged them from getting tested even though they are presenting with symptoms. Trying to say they just have to flu and go to the pharmacy to get flu meds. Luckily the individuals had enough sense to arrange to be tested, low and behold, they are COVID positive. CIG just wants people to stop being tested so that when we open they can say “see its working, our numbers are low” regardless of the fact that it can be detrimental to our community, and the health/safety of our people.

      • Anonymous says:

        Thank you for posting and letting the people know the truth of what is going on. Unfortunately sweeping problems under the rug is the go to response from so many government departments.

      • Anonymous says:

        The reopen cayman cabal definitely doesnt want these truths revealed

    • Anonymous says:

      I would suggest that you, and others who are being treated badly in this regard, call Dr. John Lee or Dr. Hazel Brown directly and explain your experience. In my experience they are decent caring people who can get things done but if they do not fix things within an hour please post again relating your experience. It is only if we know the truth that the public can take action.

    • Anonymous says:

      So there’s nothing wrong with you at all?

      Moan, moan, moan.

      Get on with your life you sad git

      • Anonymous says:

        How much does you condo rent for? How much for dinner? Missing party time? So sad that a pandemic is raining on your parade. SAD!

      • Anonymous says:

        Hmmm, you sound real mature and community focused.

        Better to be a sad git in your eyes, than be irresponsible, and potentially spread a disease through my family, friends, and their children.

    • Caymanian says:

      The premise on who to test was EXTREMELY flawed based in 1800 virus theory. This damn 6ft and 15mins stupidity. There is clear data showing germs can move up to 16ft through the air and stay in the air as small droplets for several hours.

      Medical people now saying it only takes seconds for someone to contract Covid.

      Many people who could have contracted the virus were just allowed to live their lives and walk away.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Someone needs to warn potential tourists that if they come to Cayman and test positive when attempting to leave they will be required to quarantine until they test negative which can take 2 weeks or more. That is a risk most will not have contemplated.

    • Anonymous says:

      People will or at least should know this because you are informed of all the covid-related requirements for entry and re-entry into a country when you buy the flights.

      Some countries have dedicated quarantine hotels for travellers that test positive when they get tested before returning home. Not sure what they’ll do here.

      It’s an inconvenience but lots of people are travelling again and this hasn’t deterred them at all.

    • Anonymous says:

      What potential tourists?

  9. Anonymous says:

    Does anyone know.. I’m planning various trips tot he US in late November and the UK over Christmas and new year. Assume we know longer have to register on Travel Time when we fly back anymore?

    • Anonymous says:

      I think that you will find that you still need to register and provide proof of vaccination and a negative PCR test in advance in order to be cleared to fly back to Cayman.

      • Anonymous says:

        Certainly not! Reading the ‘end is near comments above’ it’s only fully infected people who will be allowed in. From 20th November you may travel if you are infected. Reality is you must be vaccinated and have a negative PCR test. Get vaccinated, Wear masks, keep good hand hygiene…. Take personal responsibility and learn to live with a disease that is here to stay.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Wow – such a brilliant post. You and your magic medicines ought to teach the US CDC and the UK authorities, and the EU authorities and the WHO. Clearly you are the only person on the planet that understands Sars-CoV-2 and how to treat it. Let me bow before you oh great one.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I nominate this post as the most nonsensical post of the week. But then it is early days.

    • Anonymous says:

      I give the person kudos for using spellcheck. Add grammar check and force the person to wear boxing gloves for a week, and we have a poster with potential.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Arrrgggh! It doesn’t MATTER how many cases there are. The only thing that matters is that people are not dying of it. And given the number of cases we are supposed to have here now, then statistically, shouldn’t some of them be in hospital by?

    • Anonymous says:

      It is complicated. You see first people get sick. Then after a few weeks some of them get very sick and need to go to the hospital. Some of the people that go to the hospital get even more ill and after a few more weeks have to go to a special part of the hospital called the ICU. After a few more weeks, some of the people that need to go to the ICU unfortunately get so sick that they die. Got it?

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh, don’t worry… the Grim Reaper is coming.
      “Never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.”

    • Anonymous says:

      I too, like enabling the Reopen Cayman cabal by repeating this tired trope

    • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

      We get it. You don’t care, not really. You want your former life of fun to be restored. Therefore, YOUR narrative is that all’s well, let’s do like the ________ (fill in country), only current hospitalisations matter, etc.

      Don’t you see? This virus and its effects are an evolution, and while they affect every place differently, there are certain statistical commonalities. What we see NOW isn’t so frightening, but to extrapolate in accord with other places in similar situations, puts us at a terrible place, and we haven’t even opened up to tourists to wander freely without quarantine.

      There are countries whose vaccination density are very much like ours, and yet their cases, hospitalisations and deaths rise.

      So, I suggest you look beyond YOUR immediate needs and beyond our current situation and compare that with other places and ask yourself: “what is SO different about the Cayman Islands’ approach that will result in a better outcome than everywhere else?”

      Then ask yourself the real question: “What number of collateral damage — dead residents — is acceptable?”

  13. Anonymous says:

    SO currently nobody in hospital due to covid. That’s good so let us just get on with it, otherwise it’s like Canute trying to hold back the ocean.

  14. Anonymous says:

    It would make lots of sense for the unvaccinated to stay out of the public domain for awhile.
    As can be seen in other countries, they are being blamed for the continued spread, hospitalization, death and clogging up the health system.
    Then being paraded in MSM of begging and wishing they were vaccinated.
    If you have done all the touristy stuff already, sitting out a year, or 2 or 3, will not hurt.
    Some has to remain unvaccinated and depending on their financial situation, which subset they fall.
    Bear in mind, you could be unvaccinated and be perfectly fine too.
    Cayman is now in a position of uncertainty, as we are all now watching and waiting.

    • Anonymous says:

      You used a lot of words but I am not sure you said anything.

    • Anonymous says:

      I am unvaccinated, had Covid, and I am getting on with my life. For me, I only had mild symptoms – runny nose, fever for a day, and slight headache for 2 days. Yes, I know I was blessed to not have it any worse. I have family and friends who are both a mix of vaccianted and unvaccinated who had a more rough go of it than I did. However, the fear mongering needs to cease. Why should people who are unvaccinated hide away? Myself and others I know who are unvaccianted are not afraid, we are getting on with life and not sitting nibbling our fingers. My best friend is vaccinated and she lives in more paranoid fear than I do. I constantly have to tell her that her worry and fear is going to make her sick faster than COVID will. We all need to be sensible in our actions and maintain the health protocols that are constantly preached. Reality is that many will get the virus, but the vast majority will survive it. This virus, as serious as it can be, has a very high survival rate. Stop with the nonsensical, fear mongering, and radical comments…get on with your life.

      (before any smart mouth days anything I am immune compromised and my doctors, who KNOW my health history, have advised me not to take the vaccine. You do not know my health history so save your BS about getting vaccinated).

      • Anonymous says:

        Well if you had it, you are now in the vaccinated camp -studies show that post infection resistance is almost as good as vaccination. Just saying – don’t paint your self as an ongoing unvaccinated person, you have been vaccinated by the virus itself and no longer have the same risk threshold as another person who is unvaccinated and has immune compromise.

        CNS: Talk to your doctor. Here’s a good primer on the subject – How good is natural immunity?

        • Anonymous says:

          1:43 I agree, however, our government unfortunately does not give natural antibodies the respect they deserve.

        • Anonymous says:

          Natural immunity is far better than the vaccine or any other drug you push into your body.

          • Anonymous says:

            Yes, it is much better to get polio and then to get vaccinated against it. Seriously – can you imbeciles be any more stupid?

      • Anonymous says:

        100% AGREE!!! I also have had it. For me, I only had mild symptoms – fever for a day, and slight headache for 2 days. Just like you.

        I notice that one is talking about natural immunity. They only care about the vaccinated or not vaccinated. It is clear to me it is not about the science.

        CNS: People are talking about it and scientists are studying it. An interesting article – How good is natural immunity?
        Also this – Unvaccinated people will likely catch COVID every 16 months on average, study finds

        • Anonymous says:

          Thanks for the articles from Canada and US. I’m was reference to here in Cayman. Natural immunity is not accounted for in the plans.

          I note the WHO statement in the article:

          Natural immunity, it turns out, “may provide similar protection against symptomatic disease as vaccination,” states a WHO report from this May, with “current evidence point(ing) to most individuals developing strong protective immune responses following natural infection.”

          CNS: Yes, but it’s important to read the whole article to put that into context. The next paragraph begins: “There are some caveats, though.”

        • Anonymous says:

          And there are plenty of other studies that show natural immunity is superior. Vaccines target a single protein. Natural immune response targets the virus as a whole, not just a single protein.


  15. Anonymous says:

    Common sense is not too common. If a coworker tested positive, common sense should tell us to stay home until we are cleared. Some people swear they will starve if they lose an 8 hour shift and, unfortunately, Public Health takes FOREVER to advise people of the results (or they never get back to you if you are negative)

  16. Anonymous says:

    Is it true that concerned individuals are responding to the current situation by going on travel sites and trying to discourage tourists from coming to Cayman?

  17. Anonymous says:

    Don’t rely on Tourist dollars returning anytime soon to bail out that failing segment ,that ship sailed over the horizon
    here long ago. It will take virtually years for the sector to recover here, if it is ever able to again at all. Even then , it will be miniscule in comparison to what it was. There are places where tourism will & is showing recovery, Cayman wont be one of them.

    • Anonymous says:

      The current tourism situation is bad but it is also an opportunity to design our tourism product to make it better and to make it appeal to repeat and stay-over health conscious tourists. We should not try to build back what was already on the way out before the pandemic.

      • Anonymous says:

        Excellent post! Unfortunately PACT only listens to the cabal.

      • Anonymous says:

        Kenny B is working on a dramatic black and white video to sort that all out.

      • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

        Exactly right.

        We have managed to do without cruise ship herd dollars. Those dollars mostly benefitted the government coffers. We have an excellent opportunity to redesign what we want to offer to visitors.

        Let it be, finally, that which we most want and benefits the most residents. Let it be what we WANT, instead of being overrun.

        Let it also be a good product for tourism, rather than masses of people in George Town hoping that the line they are standing in at least has a beer and a bathroom.

  18. Anonymous says:

    I see a lot of fools and babies on Grand but I haven’t seen God.

  19. Anonymous says:

    CIG has to tell us how many of the covid positive have been vaccinated. Particularly the adults. Anything else is outrageous censorship of vital information that’s important for good policy making. Too many countries are outright refusing to disclose the data in order to better control the narrative. If the the multitude of coercive measures don’t serve an epidemiological purpose (like reducing the outbreak) then what the h*ll is the purpose other than creating a pretend safe environment? A Potemkin village is not for democracies!

  20. Anonymous says:

    for all your doomsday people, SHAAAADAAAAAP.

    you cannot stay in this bubble forever. what happens when government runs out of money. Then what? going to wait until that happens, THEN open up?

    I love how people have drank the kool aid so much, they live in fear cause CNN does the thinking for them.

    Use your heads for something other than a hat rack. Please.

  21. Anonymous says:

    So first you were all upset that they didn’t honour the opening date and now you’re all upset at the rise in Covid cases. Make up your mind already. This is here to stay, LIFE WILL NOT CHANGE back to what it was. The newest Delta Plus variant is already out in the UK.

    The goal of Cayman must remain to achieve some level of normalcy across all sectors including tourism while ensuring the hospital is not overwhelmed.

    Living with Covid mi seh! Better get used to it…

    • Anonymous says:

      Right! Get used to death because the profits must go on!

      • Anonymous says:

        Well, you have to get used to death because it is a fact of life. Noting that the overall death rate in Cayman is lower than pre pandemic years. For now at least.

    • Anonymous says:

      Living with covid sounds OK. Dying from Covid not so much.

      Dying is going to be the avoidable reality for some if we fail to learn the lessons learned by other countries that minimized deaths during re-opening. So far there is no evidence in ‘the plan’ that any of those lessons will be taken on board.

  22. Anonymous says:

    And when all the deaths start, the selfish money grubbers will be on this site complaining about the traffic jams the funeral processions are causing, making them late for golf, squash or their wine tastings.

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly. Literally fiddling while Rome burns

    • Anonymous says:

      I’ve gone past that thought process and I am now of the mindset that you can’t stop this thing, it will happen, all that you do with lockdowns is delay the inevitable. Sometimes a lockdown can buy you time to get everyone vaccinated, or reduce the strain on the hospital temporarily, but that’s all. I feel that most people advocating a reopening have got to that same point, no one wishes death and suffering on anyone, but you also have to accept that this is inevitable.

      • Anonymous says:

        Rubbish. Within 2 weeks the modified vaccines for children aged 5 – 11 will be authorized for those parents that want them and within 6 weeks the new Merck and other oral medications that cut the death rate by 50% will be authorized. PACT refuses to take those facts on board because they have not been authorized to.

      • Anonymous says:

        Exactly! One of the primary purposes of a lockdown during rising case numbers is to decrease pressure on the healthcare systems. With our relatively small healthcare system it is inevitable that we will have future lockdowns as we experience rising cases as a result of relaxing travel restrictions.

  23. You do realize says:

    That we are actively looking for virus and have a small enough group to contact trace that we are finding it in a high percentage of cases.

    Throw in the possibility of a couple false positives and we are away to the races.

    Our Covid-19 isn’t any different from the rest of the world where only sick people are being tested for the most part. But we have very few people getting sick with any concerning symptoms and thankfully hardly anyone really needing to be in hospital. That is because we are still able to contact trace and detect a bunch of asymptomatic and mild cases.

    If you are at risk please get the vaccine and take serious precautions to avoid getting infected. Eventually there will be bad outcomes for people that are not careful.

  24. Anonymous says:

    why do we not have covid vax passports for social activities…..?
    the unvaxxed are most at risk….they catch it easier and they spread it easier….putting our health service at huge risk.
    its only a pandemic now for the unvaxxed…..put them in lockdown!

    • Anonymous says:

      the cabal does not want vaccine passports or anything that might limit cash flow

    • Anonymous says:

      You could lock down every unvaxxed person and it’s still going to spread through the vaxxed community. Better wrap your mind around that.

      • Anonymous says:

        But the healthcare system will not become overwhelmed.

        • Anonymous says:

          Until it is.

        • Anonymous says:

          So you want to get priority treatment for your obesity related diabetes. I’m sure the unvaxxed healthcare workers will move you to the front of the line.

        • Anonymous says:

          We have 320 active case 0.6% or 2 people are hospitalized. So if we get 3,200 active case we could have 20 people hospitalized. We have 3 hospitals. Not sure they can handle 20 people.

    • Anonymous says:

      The unvaccinated should go off grid for a while if they can afford it. The unvaccinated will continue to be blamed for everything that is going wrong.

  25. Anonymous says:

    What ever happened to the vaccine lottery? Did hear about any winners except some getting coupons for Burger King.

  26. Anonymous says:

    60 days ago we had 13 active cases – all caught on exit testing following quarantine. Today, because 1 or 2 infected people got into our community about 50 days ago, we have 271 active cases, most being community spread cases. If over the past 60 days we had simply sent all the infected travelers discovered on quarantine exit testing out into the community when they arrived, we would now have thousands of active cases. That is what government is proposing to do to our community in November.

    • Anonymous says:

      I tend to believe it was doing the rounds in Cayman long before that date, it wasn’t a thought here that a bad cold might have been Covid, no one tested because we were Covid free, and happy not knowing!

      • Anonymous says:

        Actually government was testing hundreds every day – tens of thousands over the year August 2020 – August 2021 and not one person from the community tested positive. Your theory does not hold water.

    • Anonymous says:

      Shhh! Wayne and Kenny are working on their Plan and do not care to be distracted by statistics and logic and concern for the health and safety of the wider community. Such a distraction would severely sidetrack their thought processes. Shhhhhh!!!!

  27. Anonymous says:

    81 over weekend (sat morning to sunday evening) for example 40 per day in 70000 pop equals to about 60 per 100000 pop equals to 600 per million equals to 30000 per day in uk approximately.
    I dought this as too much community transmission in short time. Cant prove. Are we using same testing mechanism as uk and usa. Are the testing cycles same or are we reporting at higher number of test cycles.
    Do we cross check by two methods to make sure not false positives.
    One good thing is no serious sickness and death.

    • Anonymous says:

      We are using similar testing mechanism but not the same. The fact we are a small population means we can and do test more per person than most other places. Which other place in the world is routinely testing 1% of its population a day, every day? Not many, if any.
      This has to be increasing our infection rates compared to other jurisdictions where a lot of covid cases are probably not reported or picked up in more limited testing.
      There is a lot of doom and gloom happening on these forums right now but it is interesting and encouraging that the vaccines are working well at keeping people out of hospital. The doom-mongers conveniently forget that we have one of the highest vaccination rates in the world with an excellent vaccine.
      When I was a kid I used to read Asterix comics and there was a character there who was always convinced the sky was going to fall on the villagers heads. I didn’t understand it at the time, but now I do. There really are people who are convinced the sky is going to fall on their heads, when in reality life just goes on. We need to be balanced in our thinking and approach. With such a high vaccination rate we need to move on with life. There will never be a “good” time to open up the country. The Government aren’t rushing it and Nov 20th is as good as any date we can pick. There will always be people who want to delay a few more weeks or months or years. It’s time to move on.

  28. Anonymous says:

    6.05pm – absolutely. What did people think? That we were going to float through this pandemic with it virtually never entering? Wake up and face reality. This could all have happened months ago – or maybe months further on down the line, if we hadn’t dropped quarantine to a shorter period – or, yes, that person who entered with a positive certificate hadn’t come in. We don’t go beserk when 100’s of people get bad colds do we?

    All these positive cases – tons of them won’t have any symptoms and those that do won’t feel very well at all for a few days – just like when you have a bad cold or regular flu (am not saying these two are the same thing because they’re not). I’ve now come across quite a lot of people who have had covid – family and friends off island and they’ve all recovered, come out the other side and, for all I know, have the t-shirt.

    Learn to live with it. There is no other option.. Get vaccinated, wash your hands, blow your nose, keep your distance when in groups of people and get on with it. I, for one, am sick of hearing about covid. We are now a year behind the rest of the world because all our efforts went into keeping people away from these shores, and others from leaving them. It cannot remain like that for ever.

    • Anonymous says:

      There are many public health measures including vaccine mandates and controls on high risk activities that government could implement to minimize the risk to people in our community. These measures have been used by every highly vaccinated country that has limited death on re-opening. Sadly I suspect that our government will mot implement anything to limit Covid spread or the risks of serious illness.

    • Anonymous says:

      The pandemic doesnt play by your conjured up reality. Viruses mutate and spread. We deserve safety and security no matter what. No dollar amount is worth a human life.

      • Anonymous says:

        What? No dollar amount is worth a human life? Of course it is, silly! To get an education on this, ask the Chamber of Commerce. They will tell you it’s ok to trade a certain number of lives for a better economy.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Hey Folks,

    Our young people will be the super-spreaders, but we are still allowing “Fright Fest” at The Strand Friday?

    All these Halloween parties will have huge knock-on Covid consequences….

    I’m already “scared.”

    • Anonymous says:

      Expecting government to think of such things is probably getting your hopes up a little too high.

    • Anonymous says:

      Have you been to an inside restaurant lately? Lots of staff not wearing masks properly, some not even wearing one at all, and zero social distancing, all while cases are spreading.

      • Anonymous says:

        For exactly that reason my family will not be going to restaurants or other crowded places where Covid is likely to be spread until government does the right thing and requires proof of vaccination for admission and also limits all high risk indoor activities. It is simply not worth the risk.

        • Anonymous says:

          I feel the same way. Because of my age and being vaccinated I’m not worried about getting really sick from covid but I still don’t want to get it and have to quarantine for at least two weeks. Plus tell my roommates and coworkers that they have to quarantine too.

          I know being vaccinated isn’t 100% but it’s still less likely you’ll catch it and spread it. I’d rather go places were everyone is vaccinated. Or at least the adults.

          Tourists should also think about this because if they test positive they won’t be able to return home when they planned.

        • Anonymous says:

          Us too, and we are limiting shopping trips as much as possible. We don’t trust a single restaurant to practice safe protocols to protect patrons anymore.

          Unfortunately, the majority here simply do not share our concerns, and are living life as if nothing is wrong. Selfishness and willful ignorance has this country barreling towards a horrible spread of the mutating virus.

        • Anonymous says:

          It’s clearly obvious that the majority of business establishments have not been and continue to use haphazard practices while cases climb, and are being emboldened by patrons who say “learn to live with it”. Most grocery stores seem to be at least trying, but no one is social distancing in them or at any restaurant or bar.

          The winter holidays suddenly seem sad again just because the reopen cabal is pushing their narrative and people are actually believing that placing people in danger is the cost of doing business. Madness!

    • Anonymous says:

      Why they should have announced a vaccine passport when they announced the border reopening.

    • Anonymous says:

      Be more afraid of knife and gun violence as well as ca accident deaths among the young people here than COVID deaths.

  30. AZM says:

    We are over a 1000 cases from my off the cuff stats. Since this new gov took over with their policy of opening up no matter what, that is where the majority of cases have come from since their tenure started.

    From what I read daily, the minority of cases is in travelers, the majority is community transmissions, sadly in children too.

    And they want to open, no quarantine, etc., reduced quarantine times. The UK has a major uptick of the new variant, the USA is still gaining cases (contrary to Florida Desantis statements). Those are our primary source of visitors, no?

    So, I have not read how the cat got out of the bag; was it quarantine breakers? shortened quarantine times for visitors? Or just slackend protocals/monitoring?

    While I understand that Cayman can not be locked down forever, it needs to have its economy, I just wonder how many people they are willing to loose to this greed, lobbying, and pressure from big business, SITA, tourist industry, etc.

    Stupid me, I would have thought that while community transmissions had a radical uptick, they would have become more cautious and control the infection rate b4 they blew the borders open.

    Good job PACT!!, thanks for your bullshit “Cayman Kind” rhetoric.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think you’ll find that the UK numbers are beginning to go down again – it takes a few days for the numbers to get through to ONS.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Past performance is not indicative of future results.

    • Anonymous says:

      true in general – but I suspect that in the current instance past non-performance in relation to Covid controls probably does predict future illness.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, but if 50 people jump off a 100-foot roof without some sort of gravity mitigating factor and hit the pavement and die, you can draw a pretty logical assumption about what will happen to you if you do the same.

  32. Elvis says:

    See you all in supermarkets before the 20 th.
    Stock up its gonna get ugly

  33. Anonymous says:

    If we get infected tourists, those tourists are not allowed on a flight out of Cayman. So they will remain in Cayman as long as they’re positive, and if some of them get very sick they’ll go into our hospitals.

    And we can expect to get, on average, older tourists as unvaccinated kids won’t be allowed. So it will be a lot of older empty nesters.

    The Cayman government might just be factoring in sick Cayman residents but it probably has not considered sick tourists.

    • Anonymous says:

      None of that matters as long as the profits of the re-open cabal increase.

    • Anonymous says:

      All of the tourists will be vaccinated. They could still become infected but most vaccinated people who needed hospitalization also had other serious illnesses. It’s doubtful a lot of those people would be travelling anyway.

  34. Anonymous says:

    Two more deaths in Bermuda. 65 in 7 weeks. Our cases are where Bermuda was end of August, then exploded over there after followed by overflowing hospitals and deaths. I guess we will see where we are in a few weeks. Hoping we have a better experience.


    • Anonymous says:

      Mentioning the measured consequences of losing control of community spread is guaranteed to get ‘dislikes’ from people who would prefer that information does not get into the community.

  35. Anonymous says:

    Bring it on baby!

  36. W says:

    Prior to community spread my family was regularly going to the gym, coffee shop, cinema, restaurants, yoga classes, taking my primary school aged kid to martial arts lessons, bowling, birthday parties, we were planning a staycation…

    Supporting local businesses as much as we could. Now? Cancelled every single thing I can and staying home. Only shopping I do is a hasty masked-up dash round the supermarket.
    We still meet friends for beach walks but that’s it.

    Talking to friends, many are doing the same. None of us wants to pass the virus to our unvaccinated children, and we want the schools to stay open do the kids continue to access in-person education as is their right.

    Sure hope the tourists make up for all this lost business for local businesses.

    • Anonymous says:

      Lets hope that the tourists don’t make up for lost local business because that is the only way PACT will get permission to do anything sensible.

    • Anonymous says:

      Totally agree. My family is doing the same thing. It is too risky now and it will be much more risky once government starts allowing infected tourists in.

      I am hopeful that some places my family likes to go will voluntarily implement necessary public health measures but I don’t believe that will happen without government making it mandatory.

    • Anonymous says:

      Make sure you put your tinfoil hat on too!

    • Anonymous says:

      You should probably hide under the bed too, just in case.

  37. T says:

    Calm [down] everyone. 2 ppl in hospital. That is the statistic we need to worry about.
    The goal is not to overburden the hsa. We haven’t up to this point. Hopefully we can say the same thing in 6-8 weeks time. I dont know. But one thing I’m sure of is now is as good a time as any to start the process of opening up. Our vaccine rate is as high as it will be and the bubble has already burst as far as community spread and it has been relatively fine.

    • Anonymous says:

      If you look at the experience of other countries with high vaccination rates, the horror begins weeks after the beginning of community spread. On top of that all the highly vaccinated countries that managed to limit deaths had strict vaccine mandates and public health restrictions that limited spread in high risk indoor locations such as bars, restaurants, cinemas, gyms, and hair and nail salons.

      • t says:

        Can you provide sources of other countries that have opened up after 75%+ of the country being vaccinated and the horror that ensured? I think that would help.
        I don’t disagree that we could have stricter mandates in place to help control the spread.

        To 8:28 – yes, I’m very comfortable with math. I’m fully aware that we will see an increase in numbers exponentially. My point is, it’s going to happen at some point, and we are as prepared as we are ever going to be in terms of vaccination numbers.

        To 8:37 – This isn’t about the dollar amount. I don’t work in the tourism industry, I’m not an expat, and none of the other hateful speech I see in the comments are applicable to me. My POV is that this lockdown is having a negative effect on people mentally and that toll outweighs the risk that we currently face. It’s time to move on.

        • Anonymous says:

          Here is are the fails in your argument:
          1. Being “…as prepared as we are ever going to be in terms of vaccination numbers” is not equivalent to being adequately prepared. And even that is arguable. If you can do the math fetch the equation for population scale immunity factoring in the effectiveness rate for the vaccines we use (NOT the clinical “efficacy”). Then factor in the R-nought for Delta. You will get a needed fully-vaccinated rate of over 90%. Thus, I am highly dubious of your math skills vis-a-vis Covid stats. The Clown Car is going Oscar Mike with reopening but they have no map, and it operates with blind drivers with lead feet.
          2. The general population is not currently in any “lockdown”. We have travel restrictions in place. I see that argument regarding mental health all over the internet but it is applied to strict Covid lockdowns and curfews, not travel restrictions.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not very comfortable with math, and the concept of exponential curves, are you?

    • Anonymous says:

      What dollar amount do you place on human life?

    • Anonymous says:

      and both were admitted with covid not because of it so actual covid admissions is 0 currently

  38. Anonymous says:

    These numbers show a massive failure to plan for and implement mandatory measures to slow the spread of the virus. If the government was competent they would have had widely published Covid thresholds and scaled responses. That is the way to build confidence. What do we get from this government? Crickets.

  39. Anonymous says:

    No need to be testing, if there will be no quarantine for some travelers.

  40. Anonymous says:

    This is going to be really really bad and much worse when quarantine is dropped. Government’s threshold of admitting people coming from countries with 60% vaccination rate is ridiculous. People coming from countries with low vaccination rates and high Covid rates cam simply buy 2 tickets and bypass that stupid restriction. One ticket to get to the ‘adequate vaccinate rate’ country and a separate ticket to get to Cayman carrying the virus with them. Who dreams up these ridiculous safety measures that are worthless.

  41. Randall Flagg says:

    After the debacle in Las Vegas, I am coming to Cayman to make a Stand

  42. Ghost says:

    What is TCI doing that we aren’t then? Hiding it?

    • Anonymous says:

      TCI is far from perfect and has the death rate to prove it. However they did get some things right in relation to re-opening including:

      Vaccine mandates for all those likely to interact with tourists,

      Mandatory curfew to slow the spread of Covid by liquored up tourists and locals, and

      Mandatory insurance so that infected tourists do not pass costs on to the TCI public purse.

      PACT will not implement any of those things because their bosses won’t give them permission to so.

      • Anonymous says:

        @7:47 this comment is self defeating.

        “TCI is far from perfect and has the death rate to prove it. However they did get some things right in relation to re-opening including”

        So you say in the same “breath” they are awful but they did some things right… but that means the right things led to awful results.

        Things that make you go hmmmmm….

        • Anonymous says:

          They did a crap job on their vaccination campaign but after they got that in gear they introduced the measures referred to and from that point had far fewer deaths.

  43. Anonymous says:

    If you are in a high-risk group, fully vaccinated or not, but got symptoms, get tested and if positive start early treatments that prevent the progression of covid to respiratory failure and avoiding hospitalisation. Your doctor knows that window of opportunity is 1-3 days only. Don’t wait, call your doctor ASAP.

    Examples of medical conditions that may pose a higher risk for severe illness include, but are not limited to:

    Older age (65 years of age and older)
    Individuals overweight
    Chronic kidney disease
    Immunosuppressive disease or treatments
    Cardiovascular disease
    Chronic lung diseases
    Sickle cell disease
    Neurodevelopmental disorders such as cerebral palsy
    Having medical-related technological dependence such as tracheostomy or gastrostomy

  44. Anonymous says:

    Questions regarding the justification of the government’s ‘opening’ decisions will not go away. When Caymanians and residents start dying, those left to mourn will quite properly ask why?

    They will want to know whether the deaths of their loved ones could have been prevented if government had acted. They will also want to know why the government did not close the numerous gaping holes in their not quite a plan long before opening the country to large numbers of infected tourists. These are some of the obvious holes:

    1 – No vaccine mandate has been announced for high traffic/high risk areas like gyms, bars and restaurants. Countries that have somewhat minimized death rates have put vaccine mandates in place and closely limited indoor occupancy. An example of this is Singapore.

    2 – Government is relying on an ‘honour system’ for lateral flow testing. That makes as much sense as an ‘honour system’ for bank withdrawals. Some will abuse that approach and infect and kill others.

    3 – Government is also relying on people who have probably been exposed to an infected co-worker/family member/gym buddy to isolate and get tested. That is clearly not happening on the ground nor would any rational government ever assume that it would.

    4 – Government is relying on high risk businesses to implement proper public health procedures without any legal obligation to do so. That is not happening and it is naive in the extreme for any government to assume that it would.

    5 – There has been no mention of any requirement for Covid insurance for tourists like TCI has meaning that the Cayman public will bear the cost of sick tourists while the hotel owners take the profits from hotel rentals.

    6 – There is a high risk reliance on overseas PCR testing and PCR test results, particularly given the ease with which results can be faked. Government ought to require lateral flow testing on arrival as a partial mitigation prior to dropping quarantine. Lateral flow testing would only add a few minutes to the arrivals process but would prevent some of the spread of Covid that will result from dropping quarantine.

    7 – Government is wilfully ignoring the fact that in those countries which have minimized deaths, the percentage of tourists in the total population is relatively small. Infected tourists therefore add little to the pool of infected people in those countries. In the case of our country, if the end of quarantine goes ahead tourists may triple or quadruple the number of infected people in the population in a few days making testing and contact tracing far less effective and any purported reliance on testing and tracing as an effective tool in limiting infections and deaths nothing more than a sham.

    PACT please get it together before easily preventable Covid spread takes the health and lives of out people.

    • Anonymous says:

      On point 1. There is currently a vaccine (or recent PCR test) mandate for gyms. Enforcement is of course another matter.

  45. Anonymous says:

    Cayman is having its first wave. It will wane eventually. If 90% of adult population got the jabs, you’ll be fine. Testing symptomatic only, as in other countries, is the way to go, for some in the high risk group would want to start early treatments.

  46. Anonymous says:

    Well done PACT!

    By my calculations we have now passed the 500 cases/100,000 population in any rolling 30 day period that is the requirement for being classified as a Level 4 “red list” country by the CDC. That is impressive with quarantine in place. No doubt PACT will achieve even higher numbers once quarantine is dropped!

    • Anonymous says:

      By refusing to punish important and well connected quarantine breaches , govt are saying if you have a low friend in high places, there is no reason to obey any mandates.
      So spread away PACT, spread away.

    • Anonymous says:

      You seem very angry but (unsurprisingly) you don’t offer any real alternative plan. Which one are you Alden or Roy?
      Whichever one you are perhaps you may wish to take into account that Cayman is running more PCR tests than most other place on a per capita basis. Routinely we are running 750 to 1,000 tests a day. Thats the equivalent of the UK running something like 650,000 a day and the US 3.3 million a day. So yes it is not surprising that we are finding cases because the government is actually doing it’s job!

      • Anonymous says:

        Our PCR testing rate is indeed commendable but it is not sufficient. Here are a few suggestions for measures that have worked in every high vax rate country that has opened while limiting death:

        vaccine mandates

        mandatory restrictions on high risk activities/locations – bars, restaurants, gyms etc

        mandatory supervised testing of suspected Covid contacts

        eliminate even one of those measures and death rates go up.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’ve advocated to make opening January 2022, not in four weeks. By then 5 to 11 year olds would have had the opportunity to be vaccinated, every adult would have had the option of being boosted, and the antiviral oral (pill) drug by Merck is expected to be approved by the FDA at the end of November (UK has pre purchased), available for use in high risk patients in January (proven to significantly cut hospitalizations).

      Going to be a sh###ty Xmas break for hundred of families if they have to isolate the last two weeks of December.

      Couldn’t wait seven or eight more weeks after 20 months? Does it make sense to initially open during the absolute busiest tourist time?

    • Anonymous says:

      The fact that offices and bars are blatantly disregarding mask mandates, I figure we should be engulfed in a full-fledged wave within 30 days and back into lockdown. Merry Christmas Cayman. Hope you didn’t make plans for the holidays!

      • Anonymous says:

        There are no mask mandates for those places.

      • Anonymous says:

        So we must put a mask on to walk in the bar/restaurant but, take it off to drink and eat. Tell me where that makes sense. Wear it if you choose but, some of us are tired of masks now. The virus is here and we have to live with it. Let’s move on.

      • Anonymous says:

        Absolutely correct! They have basically said “screw it” and are emboldened by patrons who think the same. We are doomed.

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s why we should have opened up a year ago

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t blame PACT! Blame the lawless amongst us. We think we’re above everything. We don’t go to jail for beating women, drunk driving, leaving the scene of an accident, breaking quarantine and the the least of it! We’re shameless! Where is the independent legal system we boast of?

  47. Anonymous says:

    Harbingers of things to come. The current spread was probably caused by just 1 individual getting around or through quarantine 6 – 8 weeks ago. Imaging what hundreds of infected people can do.

    Government is proposing to drop quarantine and is hoping for 1000+ tourist arrivals per day. Based on the experience of the last 4 months that will translate into 10 – 20 infected individuals per day being released into our community.

    This prediction is based on the fact that over the past 4 months Public Health has reported 10 – 20 Covid cases detected on quarantine exit testing per 1000 arrivals. All of those individuals had negative PCR tests prior to boarding their flights to Cayman. Without quarantine and exit testing all of those individuals would have been allowed to enter our community to spread the virus.

    As the Covid numbers have not changed much in the populations that will be coming to Cayman, we can therefore expect that 10 – 20 Covid infected individuals will be released into our community every day as of 20 November.

    That is the part of the plan that government and the developers and the hotel owners don’t put into their publicity efforts.

    • Anonymous says:

      Cayman is not going to get 1,000 air passengers. Flights are not easy to come by and hotel prices are too high. Other destinations are more attractive. The beach is gone. The covid is being blamed on tourists before they even arrive. Blaming covid on anything except residents who broke quarantine themselves. Reopening plans that kept shifting and now a date is set, plans are still a confusing. Nothing is inviting to plan a trip to the island.

      • Anonymous says:

        I hope that you are right on the air passenger numbers. However many we get, the evidence is that 1 – 2% of them will be infected and if they are allowed into the community they will spread Covid. That is inevitable.

    • Anonymous says:

      Welcome to the new world!
      This is the case everywhere else on the planet….Learn to live with it!

      • Anonymous says:

        Why? We are special Because we are NOT like everywhere else. Now you have come here and are forcing us to be like everywhere else.

      • Anonymous says:

        Cool. Open the floodgates for disease and profits and overwhelm our health care system.

    • Anonymous says:

      Money … it’s a gas. Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash.

      I’m in the high-fidelity, first-class, traveling set and I think I need a Lear jet.

    • Anonymous says:

      Looks like the travelers are less infected than you people.

    • Anonymous says:

      Get vaccinated

    • Dr. Prestone says:

      It appears the trolls from the opposition are becoming more active!

      • Anonymous says:

        From your multiple posts it appears that only the PACT trolls are active. Most people commenting are just pointing out their concerns and the obvious problems with what government is doing and not doing.

    • D. Same says:

      It is also blatant trolling.

    • Anonymous says:

      Question: How many trolls do we need?

  48. Anonymous says:

    Don’t worry the government has things under control. Everything will be fine. Oh look there goes another flying pig!

  49. Anonymous says:

    80 positive cases in the community approximately 6-8 weeks after 1 or at most 2 positive cases got into the community either as a result of the decrease in quarantine to 5 days or possibly a drug canoe landing and bringing the virus. We are following the path of other countries in that regard without dropping quarantine. Soon we will be at 100+ new cases per day and that is without the hundreds of infected (but vaccinated) people government is planning to let in starting 20 November.

    • C'Mon Now! says:

      Can we stop the hysterics. 100+ cases on our population would be equivalent to over 460k cases a day in the United States. Even on the worst day of the Pandemic before vaccines, the U.S. was barely over 300k.

      Unless PAC truly doesn’t have any sort of plan and we’ve learned nothing from the rest of the world, this just isn’t happening!

    • Anonymous says:

      Who cares! No one in hospital so numbers are irrelevant!

  50. Anonymous says:

    Things completely now out of control. On a per capita basis these figures are massive compared to many other supposedly hard hit countries.
    The Govt has lost control of things.
    People with infected family members are being selfish and ridiculous in not staying at home and not isolating properly.
    The gyms etc are a joke- no mandatory masks, no cleaning of machines etc.
    Only a matter of time before some folk start dying.

    • Anonymous says:

      What you say is true, but there is no viable alternative other than closing restaurants, curfews and ultimately lockdowns.

      Covid is not going away. Society (aka) government has made a decision that in order to live normal lives, some people will die.

      Despites a small vocal minority on here who think we can maintain a bubble, I suspect the majority of residents understand that life must move on and want it to move on.

      • Anonymous says:

        Clearly you are not from here.

      • Anonymous says:

        Actually there are many public health measures available that have been used in other countries to slow the spread of Covid including vaccine mandates and moving high risk activities outdoors and restricting numbers. Those measures have saved lives but are unlikely to appeal to or be approved by hotel owners, developers and the handful of other PACT overseers.

      • Anonymous says:

        I completely agree with you and the need to reopen is clear. But PACT could have instituted a vaccine passport system as many other places have done to help slow the spread of covid. They should have planned to get this up and running before the borders opened.

      • Anonymous says:

        You find it really easily to dismiss the lives of others don’t you.

      • Anonymous says:

        Are they the vocal minority though? The people I’ve talked to, very few are exuberant about opening up.

      • Anonymous says:

        I wonder what the value of a life is …??🤷‍♂️

      • Anonymous says:

        Prioritizing profits over the health and safety of the country is truly sociapathic

        • Anonymous says:

          Looking at this in a monochromatic way (save lives only thing that matters) is truly idiotic. People in government authority have a LOT of factors they must balance and choose… and there is NO WAY to always save everyone. Hard truths. Hard choices. Thanks be that you are not the one in charge.

      • Anonymous says:

        Agreed…This is 2021 and its not going away.

      • Anonymous says:

        They want it to move on until a loved one dies or they get long Covid. We are one prominent Caymanian death away from a Christmas lockdown.

      • Anonymous says:

        Actually, there is things that could be done. I went into three hair saloons and no one in them were wearing masks and there was nothing there to use to sanitize your hands with. Just because someone says that more can be done, doesn’t mean they are saying to lock down. PACT is doing a piss ass job. They are giving in to the whinners. Stay your a– home and stop spreading the virus. Use masks and sanitize. The police needs to do some enforcement. I observed a cashier in a grocery store with her mask under her chin talking to the person who she was cashing out with no mask on at all.

      • Anonymous says:

        you and all that think like you is a fool and that is garbage. We were living perfectly normal lives as we were. Are you suggesting this is normal, since you are the one saying it shall not go anywhere?! You selfish garbage. Govt better close this down. If caymanians start passing then you can bet NOBODY shall be living in their gated communities unscathed. Fool

      • Anonymous says:

        But we could move on AND keep our bubble. The two are not mutually exclusive.

      • Anonymous says:

        An old favorite. The population reduction trope for the global stage of late term capitalism to continue

      • Anonymous says:

        Given two choices, selecting one, which do you choose?
        1. More businesses going broke.
        2. More people dying.
        By the way, in case you missed your failure: trading lives for mammon is hardly living a “normal” life for most Caymanians.
        What seems to be “normal” in most countries who have not extremely well managed their Covid policy and who have seen rising infection rates, is that rising infection rates often result in returns to tighter restrictions and lockdowns. Thus, be ready for the return of lockdowns. PACT’s actions thus far thus far merits zero faith in their ability to manage Covid in these islands as travel restrictions are eased.

    • Anonymous says:

      God protects fools and babies n there’s a significant number of the former in the Cayman Islands.

    • Anonymous says:

      Nobody is dying actually. 1 person in hospital due to covid.

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t be so melodramatic. It’s embarrassing.

    • Gym enthusiast says:

      Gyms are not essential. If you don’t like the risks, don’t go to gyms. You can exercise outside. People need to make personal choices based on their own health status.

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