Campaign begins to help ‘old timers’ stay safe online

| 15/10/2021 | 26 Comments

(CNS): As more and more services, including those delivered by government, move online, a new awareness campaign is being launched to help the older generation stay safe online and avoid becoming a target of scammers. Given that the elderly are often deliberately targeted by cyber criminals, this year’s theme for Older Persons Month (October) is ‘digital equality for all ages’. In a video launching the safety campaign Governor Martyn Roper urged seniors to get help from family and friends, as he pointed to the importance of digital inclusion for all.

With the return of community transmission of COVID-19 and a reduction in gathering limits, many of the month’s planned events have had to be changed. As a result, government is utilizing technology, illustrating the need for everyone in the older community to go digital. Government is also holding beginning a series of workshops on Friday to help older people navigate the online world.

See video below:

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Category: Community, Local News

Comments (26)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    The Cayman Islands still desperately needs a Consumer Protection agency, where merchants can be reported for investigation for collusion, price gouging, and predatory practices. There are longtime bad actors that need to be removed from participation in this business market.

  2. Anonymous says:

    How about a campaign to use an indicator. Same dipshits complaining about traffic are the same ones that never indicate a turn thus hold up the flow of traffic.

    • Chris Johnson says:

      I completely agree about motorist signals but here is some good news. This morning about 8.15 coming down south near the Burger King on West Bay Road a cylist also going south turned left. Well in advance he stuck his left arm out. Now I just cannot remember in my 53 years in Cayman , when the last time I saw that done.

      • Anonymous says:

        Chris Johnson @ 10:37am – it’s called self-preservation but it went the way of lights and license plates on bikes, and common sense. Remember those?

        They existed in Cayman when you first came in the Sixties.

    • Anonymous says:

      This should be a HUGE motorist campaign! It could be combined with other campaigns such as wearing your seatbelt. And another important campaign, keeping your toddlers and kids belted and seated properly.

      If people would use their indicators the difference in traffic flow would be a 200% improvement.

      Not sure if it is ignorance or just plain laziness. Based on all driving skills up in here, I’m guessing laziness…

  3. Anonymous says:

    government and companys dont give a damn about elderly people. pure greed and lazyness Not everyone can afford a smart phone

    • Anonymous says:

      You whippersnappers and your fancy phones and mouth grills. Just give me a soft diet, some prunes and endless Golden Girls…..and stay off my yard!

  4. Anonymous says:

    I am an ‘old timer’ in my mid sixties. Been around since the birth of the internet, coding and programming since the early eighties. I can run rings around the next generation of so called IT professionals who in most cases are glorified, ‘help desk’ techs who can’t fix ‘you are posting too quickly’ messages! I want to retire but I keep getting called back, so please don’t just generalise us as helpless ‘old timers’

    • Anonymous says:

      Well la de da. We’re not worthy. Maybe you should try helping other ‘old timers’ instead of just Bragging.

    • Anonymous says:

      AMEN!!! Very derogatory way to speak about people.

    • Nathaniel Thompson says:

      Psshh I don’t consider people in their sixties old timers you all are still babies loll!! But I truly admire your generation, you all were built and molded off of hard work. Universities and such weren’t a walk in the park in your days.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I’ve been telling everyone with older parents… Check their emails!! Show them how to spot phishing!!
    Tell them not to respond to unsolicited offers.
    Never respond to an email that states your package has arrived or has been delayed. Go directly to the website instead.
    Never click a link in an email!! Go directly to the site.
    Show them how to read where the email comes from without opening the email.

    My dad got scammed several times. They tried to get $3K the first time but I happened to be visiting and was able to stop him from going to Western Union. Got him the 2nd time for $900 but then almost cleaned out his checking account of $13K but somehow his bank caught it before it went out. (Wells Fargo)

    This is so important as you know we have been getting scammer emails here in Cayman. They are everywhere and have gotten quite sophisticated.

    They are also trying to get in touch with you about your extended warranty….

  6. Anonymous says:

    Don’t give them too much information. I get my kicks on Our Time.

  7. Anonymous says:

    what an outrageous ageist campaign…
    what next…courses to help women drive better???

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