90% of people aged 12 and over now vaccinated

| 11/10/2021 | 73 Comments

(CNS): Over 90% of Cayman’s eligible population has now had at least one shot of a COVID-19 vaccine, Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee revealed Monday. According to the latest statistics, although the daily number of people taking up the shots has levelled off, over the weekend 62 people got their first dose while another 185 people completed the two doses. The national vaccination rate for both doses now stands at 75% of the population, with 53,107 people having had two shots and 55,592 have had at least one shot of vaccine, which is 90% of people living here aged 12 years and older.

Meanwhile, 1% of the population has now had a booster. These additional shots are being made available to the over 70s this week as well as people who are vulnerable and all healthcare workers.

Speaking at the Healthcare Conference over the weekend, Health and Wellness Minister Sabrina Turner urged everyone who has still not come forward to get vaccinated as soon as possible to help protect the entire country from increased spread.

Giving credit to those who have got the shots and the people adhering to isolation rules, she took aim at those sowing doubt about the safety and success of the vaccine programme.

“It almost seems that people have become overnight experts on the COVID-19 disease, verifying their own versions of what they believe to be truth based on their own beliefs, theories and treatments rather than listening to the medical experts and the science,” she said. “The fake news, conspiracy theories and the suspicion around the vaccine must cease.”

With so much misinformation circulating in the community, the minister urged people to check the sources and the supporting evidence, only share information that is accurate and clear and listen to trusted public health professionals.

“You may have concerns, such as medical, political or religious reasons, and rightly so, but please go to your healthcare provider, who will reassure and provide you with the information,” Turner added.

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Comments (73)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Only 75% of eligible are at the full two shot course against COVID-19. 90% have had a half course of one shot. One shot does not confer full vaccination, until two weeks after the second.

    Additionally, we are now confronting dominant delta strain, which might as well be renamed COVID-21. Delta has a 30% breakthrough in those fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Yes, even Pfizer.

    That’s an effective vaccination rate of 45% against Delta, before we get into waning antibodies in those “fully vaccinated” from half a year ago, against what is a significantly mutated spike protein.

    As a tiny island territory with very limited, and largely untested hospital capacity, we need to get boosters in arms before the Miami Black Friday shopping trips.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes! The boosters are here, why are they not available to the 50+? Once again, we are making people wait and all the while the cases increase

  2. Anonymous says:

    CDC just said flu is coming. Get ready, roll your sleeve up 💉

  3. Anonymous says:

    For now, CIG should apply a risk-based approach, assuming boosters are on the way in good shape, and signal reopening border Nov 20 to all *fully-vaccinated* with a negative PCR, and no quarantine. Emergency Public Health Orders should be updated to require public masking and 6ft distancing.

    * Fully-vaccinated: with pre-loaded acceptable proof and updated definition of fully-vaccinated, amended to reflect new data on booster requirements. 6mos 3 shots. Also need to sort out how to recognise those that received a combo of AZ/Pfizer/JnJ etc. We shouldn’t accept the Sputnik, Covaxin, or Sinovac, and we should reserve adaptive extra screening measures for non-Cayman-vaccinated inbound passengers from those Level 4 and 3 crisis nations/labs furnishing a recurring pattern of suspect negative exit PCRs.


    • JustMyThoughts says:

      @9:25 am – the problem with requiring boosters for entry is that CIG would have to understand and accept that not all countries are offering boosters to all age groups. In the US boosters are only available to those 65 and over and/or those with health issues that lead to an increased risk of Covid. I imagine it would be extremely difficult for CIG to come up with a system to identify those individuals that qualify for a booster and those who do not qualify.

      The other BIG issue is the acceptance of proof of vaccine. Visitors from the US do not all have access to digital proof from one of the limited options CIG will accept.

      Just my thoughts on this entire mess.

      • Anonymous says:

        Most of the adaptive countries that were offering vaccines >6 months ago, are either offering now, or gearing up to formally offer boosters to “seniors” in days/weeks ahead – including Cayman. The clinical data supports this decision due to variable waning antibody protection, and 3rd dose safety.

        Proof of vaccination might have to be adjusted to an honour-based attestation, as with CDC’s USA entry form, and many states and provinces that were issuing nothing more than crumpled thermal receipts. Pains and penalties of perjury etc. Good faith and negative PCR are all that most airlines are relying on to issue a green QR and allow passengers on flights.

        Additionally, the VOC-specific boosters ought to be retrialed, approved, and available early in the New Year to get everyone willing over the moving finish line. Shame those phase 2 clinical trials weren’t correctly sample populated, or we’d already be on the path to viral eradication.

  4. anon says:

    1400 in Quarantine wow. looks like a dictatorship to me !!!!! Also I will not be getting the booster. reason being iI got the vaccine to have my freedom and travel look whats happened. Back to 8 days quarantine when the whole world, YES THE WHOLE WORLD IS OPENING UP. If anything Cayman gone backwards. I will only get my booster when the borders open and I suggest everyone else does the same.

  5. Garth says:

    The border shall remain closed until this number reaches 107.3%.

    Party time. Excellent.

  6. Anonymous says:

    And over 1400 people in quarantine. Money wants the borders opened now!

  7. Anonymous says:

    They better put on lots of flights cuz people want out and people want in! People been apart for close to two years. The hospital better get ready… and not for Covid 🤣

  8. Anonymous says:

    So with this number we are up there like the UAE. There is no reason not to be opening now.

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually, there is. It’s precisely because of our miraculously early access to the vaccines, that we confront the early bird problem of “fully vaccinated” with waning immunity antibodies. Those over 50 may need an opportunity to access a booster, assuming they arrive in good order in next week.

      • Anonymous says:

        The 50+ were promised boosters weeks ago. The boosters have arrived. Lets get them into arms, please!!

  9. Anonymous says:

    When can we expect an update (of any substance) from the Government? It’s like they are afraid to hold a press briefing because they don’t know what to do or say.

  10. Anonymous says:

    90%!!!!!!! Yet here we are….living like it’s March 2020.

  11. Anon says:

    How many doses are being discarded at the end of the day? Why are those not available as boosters to the thousands of people wanting them? Pact is the Sang Woo of Cayman.

  12. Anonymous says:

    No vaccine prevents Covid or the spread.

    Can we just open and get on with our lives

  13. Anonymous says:

    Whatever happened with all those raffles they were holding? Got vaccinated back in Feb/March and never heard about entering or anyone winning. Did this Govt flip flop on that like they have everything else?

    • Anonymous says:

      The Government isn’t having the raffle, DMS is, and it is for $100K. I believe the cut off was the middle of this month so you better go get vaccinated if you want a chance to win the $100K.

      • Anonymous says:

        But the eligibility small print says as long as government target is met which it won’t be so watch for the, we are sorry but ….

    • Anonymous says:

      I waited in the hot sun for hours and did the right thing to get vaccinated at the first opportunity. Where are the boosters for responsible citizens? So disgusted with PACT. Sorry I am only old, but not yet 70. Let’s make sure 20 year old anti vax idiots get a jab first. Lord if I live through this idiocy, I will vote every single one of you liars out.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s contingent on the eighty per cent rate of whole population being achieved.

    • Anonymous says:

      It was just another PACT hoax, but instead of being “scare tactic” it was a “fake incentive.”

    • Anonymous says:

      Same thing as the jingle competition.

  14. Anonymous says:

    And it doesnt help that a few people in the medical profession are also sowing the seeds of doubt.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think both of these doctors have done themselves more harm than good with their anti- vax promotion.

      One was my GP and once I found out he was unvaccinated, my family and I have made the decision to find another doctor who has turned out to be one of the best decisions we ever made.

      • Anonymous says:

        You didn’t try to understand why a medical doctor was not blindly pushing a vaccine? Or maybe you did.. can you share what his reasoning was? I would love to know why a medical doctor has reached a particular viewpoint. That’s how learning is achieved. You listen to all viewpoints.

        hmmm, so much for listening to the experts but it was never about listening to the science or the experts for people like you. Its just about compliance. You just want to hear what you want to hear.

        • Anonymous says:

          What a self-righteous comment! Have you actually taken your own advice?

          If someone is uncomfortable with their doctor, they should definitely change and do not deserve to be criticized for that decision.

      • Anonymous says:

        Neither of those “doctors” had any credibility to start with.

  15. Anonymous says:

    And drop the quarantine for those vaccinated plus accept the CDC card.

  16. Since we don't says:

    know the actual population we may be hitting close to the maximum number that will actually get vaccinated.

  17. Anonymous says:

    I don’t believe them. If they don’t know how many people are on the island, how do they know we’re at 90%?

    Also, I’ve noticed that since it became mandatory for people to show their vax card at gyms, they’re completely deserted. Makes me think there’s way more non-vaccinated than first thought.

    I suspect big business pressure is getting too much for Ol’ Wayne and this is the prelude to opening.

  18. Anonymous says:

    hey Sabrina… what say you about the “overnight experts” that keep being put on air at Radio Cayman every week??

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, I agree with you about the Radio Cayman host Sterling Dwyane. It seems that at least once a week he has these anti-vaxx hacks on his show promoting their misinformation and screening anyone that tries to call in to try to question or correct them.

      He also promotes their foolishness and never ever corrects them even when he knows what they are saying is not true. In my opinion, he should be fired for using the Government’s airways to promote misinformation particularly at a time when we are still in the midst of a pandemic and the Government is trying its best to get people to get vaccinated. People like him and his fellow anti-vaxxers are the real reason we have still not re-opened.

      • Anonymous says:

        sterling dwayne…another product of our civil service. unqualified for his position but has fallen into a job for life.

      • alaw says:

        I am Confuse as to why Government has been Paying Sterling Dwyane so long, to Promote what they are against

  19. Anonymous says:

    Someone should tell Wayne

  20. Anonymous says:

    What are we waiting for Wayne?!

  21. Anonymous says:

    Then we should be open!!

  22. Anonymous says:

    So no reason not to open the borders and remove quarantine requirements ….

    • Anonymous says:

      Except for the fact that Bermuda is on track for 100 dead. Nothing as sobering as the ability to see your own future.

      • Anonymous says:

        So stay closed forever? What is your endgame?

        The consensus is that COVID will become endemic with seasonal waves, and become the fourth circulating coronavirus (the other three cause the common cold) along with the flu virus.

    • Anonymous says:

      And accept the cdc card like the rest of the world

  23. Anonymous says:

    So why are we not OPENING!

  24. Anonymous says:

    Well, lets see how the government processes this information and the actions that follow. We were told that opening was dependent on reaching 80% or whatever it was before.

    I wonder where the goal posts will move this time. I hope I’m just being cynical and that I will be proven wrong.

    • Anonymous says:

      We do not yet have 80% vaccination. We have 90% in ONE dose vaccination and 75% in two doses. So we would still wait for the last 5% which seems really close. I honestly think we will open in November, sans cruise ships of course.

      • Anonymous says:

        But those of us who got our second dose in Feb are at about 50% risk .. why is the booster not being administered faster to those who want it?

  25. Anonymous says:

    Ever since the US announced it would admit through its borders only those who are double vaxed, our brave anti-vaxers have been falling over themselves for the jab.

    Our right to choose has been trumped by our right to shop.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Open up immediately!

    • Anonymous says:

      why? u so desperate for a lil trip Miami?

      • Anonymous says:

        No – desperate for my family to be able to come and visit and not have to quarantine for 14 days!

      • Anonymous says:

        Im desperate for my son to be able to come home for Christmas since I don’t have the luxury of being able to work from home and just quarantining with him. Not everyone wants to go shopping.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Insightful comment today below from the US. He was speaking about how we lose trust in leaders who have ever-changing goals.

    “What are we actually trying to prevent?” says Joseph Allen, Harvard Professor and Lancet COVID19 Commission. “The administration is not being clear about what our goals are. Once we set those goals, the American public, for the most part, is willing to make some of these sacrifices to reach them.”

  28. Anonymous says:

    Waiting for Wayne to give his “one month notice of opening”.

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