Prospect school closed after child positive for COVID

| 28/09/2021 | 143 Comments
Prospect Primary School

(CNS): A Year 6 student of the Prospect Primary School as well as the the child’s family, classmates and teachers who had prolonged interaction with that class have all been placed in quarantine after the child tested positive for COVID-19 on Tuesday. Public Health confirmed that it has been on site testing children and staff across the school today, but all primary contacts have already been isolated. According to Tuesday’s other COVID-19 test results there were another two local cases of community transmission of the virus unrelated to travellers but no further information on these cases has been released.

At the school parents and guardians of the positive child’s classmates have been asked to go to the school for testing and the education ministry said it will be closed tomorrow to enable deep-cleaning and contact tracing to get underway. The source of the outbreak has not been identified and there is no indication at this stage that this is connected to a traveller. Officials did not say if the child was ill or not.

With a possible third distinct outbreak in the community, the public is being urged to adhere to the guidance issued by the Public Health Department and the Ministry of Education in relation to controlling the spread of the virus.

Public Health officials also revealed Tuesday, nine days after the fact, that a COVID-19 positive traveller in isolation was inadvertently released from quarantine on 19 September before they had been cleared. The person was contacted immediately and returned to isolation.

“There is no public concern in this case as the positive traveller and their contacts were immediately advised and isolated,” Medical Officer of Health Dr Samuel Williams-Rodriguez confirmed.

In the rest of the days results four travellers in isolation tested positive as did two family members quarantining with travellers, along with the two additional community transmissions which officials have not yet detailed. CNS has requested further information and we are awaiting a response.

Anyone with flu symptoms is urged to stay at home in the first instance and contact the 24 hour Flu Hotline or your general practitioner to speak to a health professional about those symptoms before visiting the flu or testing clinic.

Flu Hotline: 1-800-534-8600 or 345-947-3077 or 345-925- 6327 or email
Callers will be screened for travel history, advise on what you should do next.

See the vaccine schedule on the HSA website here.

For more information on vaccines contact the HSA Communications team at

See here for more information on securely verifiable vaccination records.

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Comments (143)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    The problem is the students are not keeping their masks on in class. Teachers have to constantly remind children to put on their masks – and that’s at the high schools!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Absolute hysterical insanity

  3. Anonymous says:

    1 in 500K child die from Covid, 1 in 371K die every year of influenza (CDC). Are we going to start testing and closing schools for influenza going forward since children have a 40% higher chance of dying from influenza?

  4. Anonymous says:

    I notice that someone on here is suggesting that Cayman should emulate TCI rather than last month’s poster child from dropping quarantine (Bermuda).

    Covid deaths in TCI are now running about 1 a week or so. I suppose that whoever wants us to emulate TCI thinks a few locals dying every week is acceptable collateral damage for any contribution to their wallets.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Stop the constant testing. Just test when someone has symptoms if you want to. No point in keeping statistics either. They’re meaningless and only serve to frighten people. It appears the island is moving backwards rather than forwards.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your logic is seriously flawed and no doubt self-serving at best. Keeping the people ignorant of their situation is not the best way to build confidence.

      • Anonymous says:

        You are far too charitable. By all means debate what you do with the test data but not collecting it in order to make decisions with less information ranks right up there with injecting bleach for a dumb idea.

  6. Anonymous says:

    The American Academy of Pediatrics today came out formally in favour of masks in schools saying;

    “The AAP said in the document filed with the court that their review of the research and the experiences of the front-line pediatric practitioners “prove beyond any doubt that universal mask policies in schools significantly reduce the spread of Covid-19 in school populations.”

    • Anonymous says:

      Not surprised, but saddened to see the dislikes of the advice from the AAP. Demonstrates the appalling ignorance of those who believe they know better than the experts.

      • Anonymous says:

        So because they are experts mean they are beyond reproach? Do they have no agenda? Maybe they are right but don’t act like they can’t be wrong. I just find it strange that they never mandated masks during flu season when the flu kills more children than covid does.

    • Yabbadabbadoo says:

      That makes sense in backwards place where vaccine take up is poor. Like Republican voting fly over states.

      • Anonymous says:

        Really? Do some research genius. Four of the top 10 states with the highest per capita covid deaths are New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. Not exactly fly over Republican states. Yabbadabadipshit.

        • Hubert says:

          9:21, Perhaps you should no some research and not play so loose with the facts.

          What you are not saying is that 90% of the COVID deaths in those states occurred before / before vaccinations became available.

          The deaths in Republican flyover states after vaccinations became available, are off the charts compared to the 4 states you referenced.

  7. Anon says:

    What? 1 case and a whole school closes? Zero covid strategies don’t work. What is magically going to change next month or next year.

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually, we had a nice zero covid bubble for over a year and it was glorious. People came here specifically to enjoy that freedom. We’re in Delta now, brought to you by dominos jackasses. By the end of this year there should be a variant-specific booster ready for EUA, then we can revisit the idea of being “over it”.

      • Anonymous says:

        According to the Cayman covid counter= 816 cases of covid, 56 active cases, 2 deaths.
        Doesn’t look like covid free.

      • Anonymous says:

        People came here… LMAO

      • Anonymous says:

        People came here specifically to enjoy that freedom? No they didn’t- the only people who could get in were residents. And you can’t have it both ways – claim that are a desirable location for visitors because we are COVID free, the. Close the borders to be COVID free. The two things are incompatible.

    • Anonymous says:

      Perhaps more cases linked to this positive child? let’s wait and see.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I don’t know if this approach will be workable in the long run. This closing of schools, significant quarantine requirements, etc. can’t continue if we are going ahead with the opening of the borders at any point in the not too distant future.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Further good news for limiting Covid

    “Merck & Co’s experimental oral Covid-19 antiviral drug molnupiravir is likely to be effective against known variants of the coronavirus, the company has said following laboratory studies.

    Jay Grobler, head of infectious disease and vaccines at Merck, said that as the drug does not target the spike protein of the virus, which is where the variants differ, the drug should be equally effective as the virus continues to mutate. Instead, it targets an enzyme needed for the virus to replicate.

    Research shows molnupiravir is most effective when administered early on.

    The first study is expected to finish in early November.”

    • Anonymous says:

      Pfizer has a very promising anti-viral that Dr. Scott Gottlieb, Pfizer board member, might likely get an emergency use authorization before the end of the year.

      This is taken orally (a pill).

      Like Merck’s anti-viral, this slows replication of the virus. Will be like Tamiflu. If exposed or test positive, can quickly take the pill (each day for five days).

    • Anonymous says:

      To the person that called BS on the fact that Merck & Co would make an antiviral drug and sell it for profit. Seems things you once called a “conspiracy theory” is now a fact.

      But sure, keep blindly trusting pharmaceutical companies. They really do care about our health. It has nothing to do with making money. Nothing at all.

  10. Anon says:

    In our high school in the US if a student is Covid positive they are required to isolate for 10 days if they are vaccinated or until they produce a negative PCR test. If unvaccinated they must quarantine for 14 days and produce a negative covid test. Contact tracing is carried out and only those in close contact with the student are asked to quarantine. The school is not closed down, there is no “deep cleaning” and life goes on. Out of a total of 500 students, we have had 5 students and 3 faculty/staff test positive. Masks are required indoors, not outdoors, and not while eating. Social distancing is followed in the classroom as much as possible. Our school’s approach is working. Not saying CIG should do the same thing but there are lessons to be learned from other areas that have tried multiple options for keeping schools open.

    • Anonymous says:

      Masks are worn though yes? And you have windows that can be opened in the classrooms?

      • Anon says:

        @12:26 masks are worn indoors they are not required outside. Masks are not required when sitting down to eat, not even between bites. Windows are not kept open, we do have a top quality ventilation system. Like Cayman it’s WAY too hot and humid here to keep windows and doors open in the early months of the school year. My point is there are ways to keep schools open rather than shutting them down over a single positive case. Our school does not shut down a classroom for one positive case nor do they shut down an entire school to “deep clean” studies show that covid is airborn and the chances of catching covid from surface contamination is extremly low.

    • Anonymous says:

      We are in a school district with about 40 schools that are made up of 51,000+ students and staff. Did we have positive cases? You bet! Guess what, though? We were open ALL of last year and never had to close a single day for Covid! Not one school, not one day!

      Masks were required for staff and students aged 10 and up. Positive cases just stayed home for required time and, after contact tracing, close contacts were asked to get tested….negative meant no isolation. Close contact meant closer than 6 ft without a mask for more than 15 minutes.

      This year, our school district does not require masks but some do wear voluntarily. No contact tracing this year either. Been open about 2 months already and not a single closure.

      If a student/staff member tests positive, it is self-reported via the school website and person must stay home for 10 calendar days from onset of symptoms or positive test….whichever is earlier. No negative test needed for return. Also, no early return due to follow-up negative test result. Others in the home are allowed to attend school as long as they are asymptomatic or no positive test.

      We’ve definitely had cases in our schools but they’ve been nonissues. Right now, we have less then 0.5% of our people with positive cases.

      Most of the kids in our school district (mine included) were asymptomatic or barely symptomatic….whether vaccinated or not. We tested to be proactive as we knew others that were positive…one kid was positive and the rest of us negative and it stayed that way. Teachers that are vaccinated are having minimal/no symptoms. The unvaccinated ones have also done well for the most part….a few felt ill but none seriously ill or dead.

      Cayman’s policy of closing down an entire school for one positive case is not sustainable.

    • Anonymous says:

      That is a reasonable response. So it will not fly here with the pants on fire government we have.

  11. Anonymous says:

    The small number of “open the borders and let the dying begin” crowd or their bots are busy!

    Meanwhile in Bermuda – the island that the “open the border” bots are advocating we follow – it was announced today that so far this month 28 people have died of Covid.

    I am very glad that our government is not being fooled by this small number of people and their bots.

    • Anonymous says:

      Before the Covid hysteria, 700K to 1.5M million people died of the the flu *every year*.

      Where was your grave concern then of “the dying”?

      Just another typical sponge of hysteria.

      CNS: You’ve been lied to. According to the WHO, there are between 290,000 and 650,000 flu-related deaths each year globally, which is why there are programmes to tackle it and flu shots, etc. So far there have been 4.77 million deaths due to covid in the last 18 months (John Hopkins), which would have been far higher without the preventative measures, including vaccines.

      • Anonymous says:

        Thank you once again CNS – the purveyors of disinformation never seem to give up despite the overwhelming evidence against there lies. They seem intent on doing all they can to ensure that as many people die of Covid as possible.

    • Anonymous says:

      When hypocrites like this gets their income stripped, you’ll see how fast they change their tune.

      • Anonymous says:

        Not sure who this barb was aimed at but as the original poster let me say that I and everyone in my extended family in Cayman are fully vaccinated and some of us have lost income as a result of the measures designed to control Covid. We are simply determined to protect our country from those who put dollars over lives and have no connection to Cayman other than their wallets.

      • Anonymous says:

        They’ll just demand free money from the government.

    • Anonymous says:

      How many of them were fully vaccinated? We can’t stay closed forever.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s funny when it’s someone you disagree with, it’s the bots and the small numbers. Just realize that there are probably just as many people who view this issue differently.

    • Anonymous says:

      We agree on something – we should never follow anything Bermuda do! There are plenty of success stories out there on islands that have re-opened, for your own sanity go look at them, if nothing more to get a balance. Turks and Caicos have just had there busiest tourist season ever, they require tourists be vaccinated, negative PCR 3 days before travel and that’s it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Pretty clever bots. They not only hit the thumbs but post unique comments as well. Presumably a Dart funded conspiracy 😉

  12. Anonymous says:

    And only “essential” travel allowed is by government ministers and their servant aides.

  13. Say it like it is. says:

    Self isolation is not working in Cayman and never will,this is the cause of the community spread.

  14. anon says:

    another ridiculous decision and as for deep cleaning they have been testing all aspects (touch services) of london transport since end of 2020 ( Tunes, buses, trains) and not found one trace of Covid !!!!!

    so lets all get on with life because sooner or later your island will become like the forgotton planet because you can be sure people will leave and no one will come.

  15. Anonymous says:

    closing an entire school????… really don’t have any plan or any clue….

  16. Anonymous says:

    GTPS is still closed as well….

    The kids are going to be impacted more from lack of education / time off at already poor schools moreso than what covid would do to them. GTPS has been closed for like 3 weeks now!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Better than Bermuda where quarantine was dropped and all schools have closed and more people are dying every day.

      • Anonymous says:

        And what about TCI where they have had open borders since July 2020 and have never had quarantine since opening. They currently have one person in hospital. Hardly the “bodies will be piling up in the streets” scenario you claim. On top of that they have significantly lower vax numbers than Cayman.

  17. Anonymous says:

    The commenters are more over dramatic than PACT. Has to be Americans. They are the only people so nonchalant about other people lives. XXXX

  18. Anonymous says:

    People who are unvaccinated and can live off grid – solar energy, grow own food – and can isolate should consider this as an option, so as to not hold the vaccinated hostage and for them to carry on living.
    The vaccines appear to be effective, however other treatments should be made available for those not wanting to be jabbed.
    The country cannot stay close, if nothing is going to change.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Do the parents that have to isolate receive the government’s COVID stipend?

  20. Truth says:

    Caymanians are going to keep the island clear of the virus even if it kills the entire economy starting with the private sector and going until only CIG is working until no more loans. Then what is the plan. Same as now? Wait. See. Trust in CIG. Unless something changes.

  21. Stellar leadership says:

    Let’s close the whole school down for a day of deep cleaning.

    Isn’t COVID an airborne disease?

    At least they can say they did something.

    Such stellar leadership by an autocrat dictatorial principal.

  22. Anonymous says:

    I hope that’s NOT the case. However, if so, do remember you can always move.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Imagine the over reaction when the first tourist is tested positive after the island reopens! The whole population will be sent to jail.

  24. Anonymous says:

    The border is not closed. Anyone can come (or go). They just have to quarantine. That is entirely appropriate.

  25. Anon says:

    This is going to happen over and over again and Cayman will be in a stalemate ! Open the fxxxxx borders and live with it like everyone else. Cayman is going backwards into the dark ages with an incompetent government. This is now affecting people’s mental health! Have the govt thought about that with people not being able to see families overseas

  26. Anonymous says:

    Though I agree with the precautions, my guess is that covid has been in the community since the original outbreak…nothing to worry about. Be safe, take precautions – live life.

  27. Anon says:

    Closing schools when a positive result is encountered is not consistent with accepted practices and recomendations. This government needs to get educated themselves.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Why are schools closing?

  29. Anonymous says:

    Zzzzz. Isolate the child, keep the school open. And stop the late 3 hour press conferences, embarassing.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Were they recently returned and on a 5 day quarantine?

    • Jotnar says:

      Can you read? “The source of the outbreak has not been identified and there is no indication at this stage that this is connected to a traveller. “

  31. Anonymous says:

    What a waste of time. When cayman “opens up” we will have COVID in the community. Why are we putting these poor families through this streets? COVID is in the community and no one knew because our vaccination rate is great. This means we should accelerate the reopening!

  32. Anonymous says:

    not news. was always going to happen once quarantine was reduced from 14 days.
    this is completely normal and is another step to cayman adapting to covid and re-opening fully.
    fulll closure of the school is of course a complete over reaction.

  33. Anonymous says:

    Why is there never a “public concern”? This government swears that the public are idiots. They have no concern for the elderly or children. They only care about these open the border idiots.

    • Anonymous says:

      97% of the elderly are vaccinated. 0.001% chance children die from this virus. Every time there is a car accident are you going to ban the country from driving cars? At some point, the country has to start living life again.

      • Anonymous says:

        Car accidents are not contagious in Cayman. Neither is the “opening the borders and let people die” strategy.

        • Roundabouts aren't rocket science says:

          I beg to differ.
          Car accidents seem to be contagious in Cayman.
          Surely there can be no other reason for the disproportionate amounts.

        • Anonymous says:

          Actually, car accidents tend to be contagious. If someone makes a mistake many times another person pays for it.

  34. Pastor Alfredo says:

    Given that they’ve panicked and closed an entire school again, it’s abundantly clear that the government’s “plan” is to eradicate covid completely from the community.

    And given that it is absolutely clear that covid will just come back to cayman as soon as the border reopens it should be obvious now to anyone with any common sense that the government wouldn’t be implementing the kind of restrictions, school closures and rules that it is now if any kind of border opening was imminent. It clearly isn’t going to open in January – three months away – if the government are closing schools down to try and stop the spread.

    My advice to anyone with any kind of significant interest in Cayman would be to start making preparations for the inevitable effects of continued medium term border closure and isolation from the rest of the world. If you’re concerned about your business, real estate investment, children’s education, future travel freedoms and the slow introduction of authoritarian rules and punishments for those who don’t toe the line it’s now looking like the right time to take a look at what the next 1-5 years is going to look like and think about whether that fits your outlook.

    In the absence of any direct rule or push back from the wider population it’s very clear now which path the government has decided to take and hopes to continue with. There won’t be any more inward investment. There won’t be any more tourists. The government can’t pay stipends indefinitely. The money will run out.

    When things take a turn for the worse here it’ll happen really, really quickly.

    Prepare accordingly for yourself and for your family.

    Pastor Alfredo

    • Anonymous says:

      Substantially incorrect as usual on the conclusion. There may be no tourists but they will keep paying stipends for as long as they want. The money continues to come via the financial services sector. Tourism has always been window dressing.
      No one has gone to sea since the 1970s but they still pay a seaman’s stipend. Same thing. The time to “consider your future” will be when US tax law changes to make it punitive to do business here.
      That’s when it will happen very, very quickly.

      • Anonymous says:

        I run a FS business and I can tell you for a fact that we cannot keep going the way we are. Our clients expect us to visit them and them s. Our staff are largely expatriates because qualified Caymanians in a population of 65000 is never enough to service one of the worlds largest offshore structuring jurisdiction. You try and recruit staff now to come to Cayman when they are told they cannot take annual leave off island without quarantine, or have family visit, assuming they can even get a flight out, when they can get a job in other offshores with nice sunshine and low tax and see how far you get, let alone retaining the ones we have.

        The FS business here is headed for an uncompetitive cliff in terms of competing with the other offshores – and when that happens, the money tree dies. It will be like the Bahamas back in the day.

        • Anonymous says:

          Many FS firms are now staffing with working remotely anyhow & have been for quite some time .That means of conducting business will from this juncture take off like the proverbial 747.

        • Anonymous says:

          Perhpaps your fear of failure of your FS business is more to do with YOUR business as from what I’m seeing and hearing out there…it’s golden…maybe you should look internally

        • Anonymous says:

          Sincere question – what kind of business do you run? I appreciate that there will be certain types of businesses even in the FS industry that suffer because of lockdown, but the reality is that we’re not talking about pain to individual businesses. We are talking about people setting up companies and funds here. Nobody needs to travel for that to happen. That’s substantially where the revenue comes from. Incorporations and CIMA fees and the recurring annual fees.

          It’s not like we can’t travel and now that there are more regular flights we can travel almost as easily as before. The quarantine is inconvenient but, other than your particular business, most lawyers, accountants, insurance people etc can work from home.

          Again, not sure what service you’re providing in particular but I’m pretty sure the products available in the other offshore jurisdictions are inferior to those that Cayman offers. It’s not sales calls that result in people using this jurisdiction.

      • Anonymous says:

        Financial services are run by wealthy expats who like to travel and send their kids abroad to school. At some point these people will get fed up this crap and move their firms to one of the MANY jurisdictions where they can do the same thing without being locked up. Add in the new fees levied on the industry to the tune $50M/yr and I would say that the only industry keeping this island afloat financially is getting dangerously close imploding.

      • C'Mon Now! says:

        You may be right if you assume that financial services will continue on the same basis when the predominantly foreign-born work-force can’t leave the bleepin island.

        Otherwise people are quietly making other arrangements so they can continue their business with less of a footprint here in Cayman.

        Given the recent foolishness the die may have already been cast and it could be too late to stop serious damage from unfolding.

        The recent panic from Panton and his PACTsters has not been good for Cayman in the long run.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hey Pastor Alfredo, Have you been vaccinated yet?

  35. Anonymous says:

    Again, no one in hospital (the one there is not because of covid). It’s in the community, and the borders will have no relevance now.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ah… there are people in the hospital. They may be there for other reasons, but there are people in Cayman’s hospitals.

      • Anonymous says:

        Go tell the damn parents and family members that hide those that should be in quarantine, putting others at risk!

  36. Anonymous says:

    Who’s given PACT/CIG a mandate for these crazy policy responses.

    Did they platform on this in the recent election?

    As very recent arrival from Europe who came on the expectation that things were opening up, given the high vaccination rate, I’m having problems making any sense of it.

    Are there any grownups in the room when these decisions are made?

  37. Anonymous says:

    Okay, Covid is out in the community. There is a teeny tiny minuscule risk for kids. The numbers of deaths in children are near zero. So let’s all agree that we are not doing these stupid measures for kids. We are doing this for anti vax adults. All agreed?

    We knew it would happen. So let’s open up. The anti vaxers are not going to jump ship. What the heck did they think would happen? Anti vaxers made their choice. They assumed a risk. And now it is the time to say enough is enough.

    • Anonymous says:

      How have you come to that conclusion? This has nothing to do with the non vaccinated. We have a huge vaccinated population here.

      It has everything to do with the Government and the Government alone and it’s disproportionate draconian measures. Stop spreading BS.

      • Anonymous says:

        I came to this conclusion by viewing the known science regarding infections in the population by age demographics….and the nonsensical, irresponsible, reactionary, irresponsible, and economy destroying response by our Government.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wayne’s approach is to ‘Lets wait and take our time to adapt ‘. If you actually believe that as well as the statement ‘ to protect our children ‘, when a near Nil threat to children is proved by medical science. So if CIG is doing all this on behalf of the anti-vaccinated as well as not following any International medical science in the matters , what is Dokter Lee’s role now and up to when he boards the 777 in January?

    • Anonymous says:

      @7:47 – i thoroughly agree. I was skeptical of the vaccine, but once I did my research and compared the number of people dying and those that had long term effects after recovering from COVID versus those that were vaccinated, breakthrough cases and long term effects after recovering from COVID, the number of deaths directly related to taking the vaccine, FYI there are 3 and they appear to be linked to blood clots (

      I’ll take my chances with the vaccine.

      Why are responsible people now being penalized because of a majority of people getting their news from irrefutable sources?

      • Anonymous says:

        Because people who would not even qualify to be the night manager of a WAWA are running this country.

  38. Anonymous says:

    Deep cleaning? No research has been able to show it can spread via surfaces.

    When can we give up this senseless zero COVID strategy. It’s such a waste of time. Fix the roads/bad driving, the dump, gun crime, eroding beach etc.

    Can CIG please move on to more pressing issues?

  39. Anonymous says:

    What is the point of closing the school. Absolutely preposterous.

  40. Anonymous says:

    Omg, can we please just stop this foolishness. Children do not get serious Covid…, unless they have major underlying health issues, number one comorbidity is obesity. So let’s address that.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are right, but the problem is given ipads, phones and Cayman’s national restaurant of Burger King being in short distance of most hubs (and some instances walking distance of schools which is outrageous) of the Island some of the kids on Island are morbidly obese and unlikely to reach the age of 30.

  41. Anonymous says:

    Just lock us down and get rid of it. I want our bubble back. So do the thousands of snowbirds (long term tourists) who are about to descend on us for winter. Our economy will be fine without short term tourism. Anyone who wants to come can, through quarantine.

    • CSF says:

      With all due respect, this is naive. Thousands of snowbirds? How many snowbirds did we actually have pre-covid? Only a fraction of those will want to spend much time on an incredibly expensive island where restaurants and other tourist-facing businesses are either closing or operating on a reduced schedule owing to the lack of visitors. Yes the beach (even though in places it’s not what it was) is glorious especially when it’s quiet, but the novelty of that soon wears off. We might get a contingent of family members visiting for extended periods over Christmas period, but that’s going to be about it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Get rid of it? Are you for real? Getting rid of it is an likely as these ‘snowbirds’ returning. Why come here to the madness of over reacting, mixed up control regulations and a Government with no idea? They are flocking to T&C where it’s cheaper and handling a disease you can’t get rid of, not without ensuring no one at all, ever, lands on the island.

    • Anonymous says:

      Did you miss the bit where Covid got into the community through no contact with travelers? a bubble will always be burst, it is not sustainable.

      • Anonymous says:

        No no, it was you idiots that couldnt quarantine for 5 days.

        • Anonymous says:

          Or an Immigration or Customs officer who is unvaccinated. Or an unvaccinated member of a flight crew. Or a breaching teen, or a canoe runner, or a traveler with falsified documents. Doesn’t really matter. It was bound to happen. Now it has. So what do we choose to do moving forward.

    • Anonymous says:

      Snowbirds have all had their flights cancelled, or haven’t you heard? They are off to Aruba and Cancun instead.

  42. Anonymous says:

    Sure hope the ongoing plan isn’t to shutdown a school for every case that pops up. They’ll be closed more than they’ll be open. Not to mention how often parents will have to be off work.

    Why is there not a feasible plan in place for when there is a positive? Isolate the positive person and any other positive or symptomatic members of the household. Everyone else continue as normal unless/until symptomatic or test positive.

    The government keeps reminding us that Covid will be in the community and that we have to learn to live with it. They say we’re not in suppression mode anymore but in management mode. Then…….they turnaround and do something extreme like this.

  43. Anonymous says:

    Cue the hysteria! 🙄

  44. Anonymous says:

    Absolute madness, soon enough it will be determined that i will be the primary contact of a positive person… We ALL will. We can not go into hiding each time.

    This will cause people that actually have symptoms to not contact the flu centre and not seek medical assistance.

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly. I don’t want to be the one that causes the whole office and their families to go into quarantine for 14 days when they are just going to end up being negative. Just get everyone tested and move on.

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