No new local COVID-19 cases in latest results

| 20/09/2021 | 21 Comments

(CNS): Another 853 COVID-19 tests were carried on Sunday but there no new positive cases of the virus among people without a travel history. There were, however, eight positive cases among travellers who had been due to leave quarantine and isolation. Since the first reported case of a community transmission on 8 September, more than 9,000 PCR tests have been carried out, which found just 25 confirmed local cases.

Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee also reported that of the test samples that had a high enough viral count and selected for gene sequencing over the last month, 12 were the Delta variant.

There are estimated to be more than 50 active cases of the virus among those in quarantine, though officials have not yet confirmed this figure or the number of people in isolation or how many of those who are positive are suffering symptoms.

The vaccination uptake continued to improve over the weekend, with another 181 people getting their first shot on Saturday and another 132 completing the two-dose course. That brings the total number of people in Cayman who have had at least one shot to 54,681, or 77% of an estimated population of 71,106, while 71% completing the two-dose course.

See Dr Lee’s Monday update below on CIGTV:

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  1. Anonymous says:

    So, the tourism industry can’t get back on its feet starting in October because of a few Covid cases and a whole bunch of hysteria and now things settled down? But, let’s not reinstate the plan that is on pause? Insane!

    • Anonymous says:

      The plan was rightly delayed as why open ourselves up to a world wide plague so we we can sell a few watches and t shirts. Tourism is a low wage industry we should move away from it. It’s not just tourists, it’s returning residents who are often coming from places where this disease is out of control and their governments compromised on treatments and ineffective. This is the correct decision and history will prove it correct in the next few months.

  2. Anonymous says:

    “Live with Covid” because of people with bad hygiene and refused to listen to their Government when they were told to quarantine at home. If the world did what they were supposed to do a long time ago we would have been able to open a long time ago. So now we have to give in to these nasty entitled mf’ers who dont care about anyone elses health! Wayne is a weakling just like Biden.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Our press conference provided far better news than Bermuda’s which is open to Covid:

    Bermuda reported 4 more Covid deaths last evening as will as
    a total of 51 Coronavirus Disease (COVID) cases in the Hospital with 12 persons currently in intensive care.

    How many dead Caymanians and residents is acceptable?

    • Anonymous says:

      Is these dead people are unvaccinated or vaccinated?

    • Anonymous says:

      “Kim Wilson, the health minister, indicated that the vast majority of the hospitalizations and all of the patients in the ICU were unvaccinated”.

      Same story as everywhere else. Any lessons to the remaining 10% of adults not vaccinated in Cayman?

    • Anonymous says:

      Bermuda has had around 135 hospitalizations since January. Five of them were fully vaccinated and none of them have died.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Please tell us where each positive passenger is coming from when posting. It should be public knowledge!!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Oh no, quick, run and hide! Close the border forever! Double mask while driving alone in your car! Stay away from boats, they are super spreaders!

  6. So says:

    our test positivity is around 0.25%, with active contact tracing.

    Just go back to the original plan please. There are not out of control outbreaks, the hospitals aren’t overrun, people are not dying in the streets…

    Or wait a couple more weeks and when things are even better, then go back to the original plan.

    But what is causing CIG to panic at the moment and say let’s pause until the end of the year?

    • Anonymous says:

      Ridiculous vaccine mandates and coercion from various employers that will cause social upheaval

  7. Anonymous says:

    Beautiful. So after the panic days are basically over, can we have tourists coming for Christmas? What are we waiting for again?

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