Caymanians acting in senior jobs at home affairs

| 09/09/2021 | 7 Comments
Acting Deputy COs Lisa Malice and Julian Lewis with Acting CO Michael Ebanks (centre)

(CNS): Two Caymanian senior civil servants have been appointed as acting deputy chief officers in the home affairs ministry, which officials say is part of the succession plan to see local public sector employees move on to the top jobs. Lisa Malice and Julian Lewis were appointed to the new posts after a “rigorous and competitive selection process”. Malice was head of the Department of Community Rehabilitation while Lewis was running the Department of Public Safety Communications, which includes the 911 call centre.

“In their new roles with the ministry, they will now lead the pursuit of government’s policies and priorities across all six MHA departments,” said Home Affairs Acting Chief Officer Michael Ebanks. “It’s an absolute privilege to be working alongside such talented public service professionals. I have full confidence in the ability of Mrs Malice and Mr Lewis to successfully oversee and deliver on the ministry’s complex portfolio of security and public safety operations.”

Malice’s focus will be focused on the prison service, the cadets and her old department of community rehabilitation, while Lewis will be overseeing the fire service, the new regiment and his former colleagues at 911.

Highlighting the success of the civil service’s commitment to succession planning, Ebanks said that while they were directors both Malice and Lewis “invested in succession plans which equipped both DPSC and DCR with continuity of exceptionally talented Caymanian leadership”.

This succession planning has led to both departments having multiple new acting appointments within the senior teams, Ebanks added.

While minster are supposed to play no part in the appointment of civil servants, Home Affairs Minister Bernie Bush has been a long time advocate of a policy to ensure that Caymanians are promoted to the top jobs in the civil service.

Following her appointment, Malice said she was “humbled” to be working with the diligent teams supporting the minister and the chief officer. “I look forward to contributing to the tremendous work taking place in MHA in this acting capacity,” she said.

Lewis said he was honoured to “support the ministry’s goal to strengthen public safety in alignment with the government’s commitment to delivering on its strategic broad outcomes”.

Malice has a degree in social work and 17 years of experience within the public sector, while Lewis has a law degree and has around 20 years public safety experience, having also served in the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service for eleven years.

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Category: Government Administration, Jobs, Local News, Politics

Comments (7)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Too many employees, too many departments all sucking the rest of us dry.

    Can’t they find a real job?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Are they just acting or doing? There is clear distinction between the two. Civil Service wouldn’t need to be so top heavy if we had fewer chiefs swivelling rather than serving.

  3. neverwannabeacivilservant says:

    A never ending succession of Civil Service promotions, will their be any Indians left with all these chiefs?,. With all this “exceptionally talented Caymanian leadership”, in our “world class Civil Service” why is it that the proletariat i.e the taxpayer still cannot get anyone to answer their phone calls?.

    • Anonymous says:

      Having worked under the supervision of Mrs. Malice for the past 12 years, I can guarantee you that she is, indeed, exceptionally talented and focused on the well-being of clients and the community. I doubt that your call wasn’t answered at the Department of Community Rehabilitation. If you’ve had a bad experience at another department, that is unfortunate and unprofessional. Just asking that you think about not painting all Civil Service workers and leaders with such a broad paint brush.

      • neverwannabeacivilservant says:

        1.10pm What’s the number for the Dept of Community Rehabilitation?.Whilst we are on the subject what’s the latest number of departments in the Civil Service (growing daily).

    • Anonymous says:

      One of these appointments is for the DPSC, aka 911. If you can’t get anyone to answer your calls when you dial 911 then that’s pretty serious

      CNS: 911 calls are answered immediately. Any suggestion otherwise is nonsense. Just stop.

      • Anonymous says:

        Apologies CNS, was a sarcastic response to the poster complaining about people not answering phones

        CNS: So sorry! My sarcasm antennae need brushing up a bit.

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