37 with COVID-19 in isolation
(CNS): There are now 37 active cases of COVID-19 among those currently in quarantine and isolation, 13 of whom have symptoms, though no one has been admitted to hospital. According to the latest public health figures released Tuesday, another four travellers tested positive for the virus just one day before the government plans to open the borders and lift the limitations on residents travelling as well as visitors coming into the islands, though the quarantine requirements will remain in place.
Public health officials have not said how many people with the virus, whether they are ill or not, have been vaccinated.
Meanwhile, there was only a small increase in the number of people who received the first dose of the vaccine, making the target of a national vaccination rate of at least 80% of the population before isolation requirements begin to be lifted a near impossibility.
Just 52,194, or 73% of the population, has had at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine while 70% have completed both shots.
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Category: Health, Medical Health
I would like to know y 1 person who tested positive was left to quarantine n a house with the other 3 who tested negative last week n north side ??? They obviously trying to spread it not contain it in my opinion
25% of covid cases in the U S are from Florida and Texas, and where will these people be arriving from ??? hmmmm. They do not want to get vaccinated, nor do they believe covid is a deadly disease… Sooooo welcome Covid our ollllld friend.. Hospitals will be overrun, no beds, not setup for an epidemic.. So stay closed off to the idiots in the U S of KKK..
People who should know better are abusing quarantine in Cayman Brac. Some people always think that they are above the law.
Looking forward to lockdown #2.
Huge majority are entitled and don’t think the rules apply to them because they’re special. Caymanians, expats, the lot. They’re not going to respect the well-being of others.
Someone’s granny will die of Covid and we’ll be behind bars again.
Stop the panic. Panic will kill you all before covid. You think tourists are all infected with covid. What about the residents traveling in and out? You think they can’t get it?
It’s not just a tourist disease.
I am not a rocket scientist but will say that we have been living in a false utopia. We were all thrilled when we didnt have to wear masks and social distance. We felt safe but yet we have done more harm than good. We vaccinated the vulnerable etc. earlier in the year and now the efficacy of the vaccine is waning. We should have opened the border sooner so that this same vulnerable community would be protected from serious illness or death if they caught it. The young and healthy would have caught it and been asymtomatic in most cases so we might have achieved some level of herd immunity.
Now we have none to a certain extent. Some locals have travelled and returned fine due to taking precautions while travelling and/or they were exposed but it didnt take root.
We all know we cant stay closed forever and we will have to return to mask wearing and take precautions until we build some herd immunity or take a booster.
Imagine living in one of the hard hit countries and the mental toll it has taken. We have been spoiled. Nothing lasts forever and we will not live forever. This sounds morbid but some will die and others will be fine. You could be hit by a car tomorrow or die from cancer. The point I make is we are never truly safe and we want to protect our loved ones but we have to face reality.
I took the vaccine without hesitation to set an example so that others may live.
March 2020: Bend the curve
June 2020: We need to fully eradicate COVID from the community to prevent hospitalizations and deaths.
December 2020: We hope to get the vaccine in Cayman in 2021. There will be shortages so people will have to wait their turn. Believe me, we wont have any unused vaccines sitting on the shelf.
February 2020: Once all willing persons have taken the vaccine, we can look to opening.
March 2020: 89% of 65,000 and we are good to go!
May 2020; An unexpected surge of births and previously unknown people emerging from the bush have increased the Cayman population to 71,100 (not 71,000, but 71,100). But we will get to 80% of that number easily.
July 2020: Open skies September 9th!!
September 2020: Sort of open skies, but no flights so might have to take a boat. But October 14th, here we come!!
September 8th 3pm………..prediction: we will wait a few more months “and look at the science”. And PS, “get a job or we cut your stipend in half”. PS 2 “just kidding”.
But, please tourists, book a trip here.
When? When would you like us to book? Last March? July? September? October? November? When should my family put down money on a holiday? When is that firm “WE ARE. OPEN” date?
Last year, the other Caribbean islands gave a date. For example, Bermuda said the island will be open on July 1, 2020. Easy. Every tourist knew exactly the date, their covid protocol and when to expect to book a holiday there.
Barbados opens July 12, 2020 . Gotcha. Easy. Tourists once again could look up their covid protocols and book travel starting June 30,
Each destination has done this. Cayman Islands is a mystery. Maybe Oct. 14. Possibly Oct. 14. Could be Oct. 14. How the heck do you expect any family to consider Cayman as a destination? And, quarantine has to go. Plus, figure out the acceptance of the CDC vaccination card. Every other island is accepting the CDC card. What is CI going to do? Most states do not have a digital format.
It doesn’t has to take a catastrophe for things to change.
This government had better be reading our CNS here, instead of watching and regurgitating what is said on CNN. Opening our borders and doing away with quarantine is dangerous!
Take a look at what is happening in Singapore now although they were initially very successful in controlling the virus there.
I want to know if we are testing for Delta and if so, how many positives do we have?, and are they allowed to self isolate?.
At this stage I think it pretty safe to assume that most if not all of the positives will be Delta.
And why shouldn’t they self-isolate in the same way as sufferers self-isolated pre-Delta?
I would think – although don’t recall seeing this anywhere – that anyone testing positive will have a GPS tracker strapped on them pretty quickly, even if they were initially not required to wear one.
You dont “test” for Delta. We test for the presence of certain genetic material in a PCR test. A positive on a PCR test suggests the presence of certain genetic material. This is a yes/no test.
A large sample of the COVID positives are then run through genomic sequencing to determine which variant of the positive sample the positive is.
You can assume that the vast majority of the positives are Delta, as this is by far the most common strain in the US and UK and elsewhere.
The isolation rules are the same regardless of the variant. If positive, you are required to continue quarantine until a negative test is produced.
Cayman has had 716 cases of covid. Not many of them have ended up being hospitalized. These have been residents who have traveled and brought covid in and out. Tourists are not the only ones who carry covid. Covid is not a tourist disease. People have been traveling in and out of Cayman the whole pandemic. 52 breaches of quarantine in one month. Honestly, is that a shock? NO. It has been happening all along. What has happened because of it? Do you think the vaccinated tourists are going to be more dangerous? Why? More so than what has already been happening with the residents who have been traveling in and out and breaching quarantine(over 52 times- those that have been reported in one month) The unvaccinated tourists still have to quarantine.
Really think about things.
It’s time to speak to the island regarding hospital capacity, PPE, Frontline worker numbers and antiviral drug options currently available on island. Time has gone by and vaccinations will go to waste. It’s possible Thursday the UK will announce a third jab is needed for people over 50. Where are we? How can we expect the same businesses who saw us through Covid 2020 be penalized going forward? Speak to us about the real plan please.
Nah, they prefer “unforeseen” influx of sick people. Fully equipped and staffed field hospital, ready to function in 24 hr isn’t on their agenda yet.
They can however set the beds in a gym, as they did in 2020 and got an AWARD for that. LOL
Government Wins National Award for COVID-19 Field Hospital Project
Look at the second photo in the link and say if this is a fully equipped and ready to function field HOSPITAL?
Cayman’s COVID field hospital receives award
Cayman News | 19/11/2020 | 53 Comments
Anonymous says:
20/11/2020 at 11:14 am
Reminds me of Yes Minister:
[discussing a hospital that has 500 administrators, but no doctors, nurses, or patients]
James Hacker: You think it’s functioning now?
Mrs. Rogers: Minister, it’s one of the best run hospitals in the country. It’s up for the Florence Nightingale Award.
James Hacker: And what, pray, is that?
Mrs. Rogers: It’s won by the most hygienic hospital in the area.
WHAT says:
19/11/2020 at 8:19 pm
I keep having to pause the photo’s so that I can get a good look at what they were awarded for. Surely, there is more to this story and award. They put beds in a gym- where is the equipment?? Where will the doctors and nurses come from? Enough on Island I’m presuming?? Using the term “field hospital” has to be taken at its loosest form it looks like.
What exactly did they get awarded for? Please tell me the photo with the beds in a gym wasn’t it……. Seriously, anyone, please educate me..
Anonymous says:
20/11/2020 at 6:32 am
Looks more like a shelter for homeless.
I am extremely concerned about the country dropping quarantine. That is literally the only thing that is protecting us. From what I have seen throughout this pandemic, there are loads of people who traveled for s**** and giggles. I know of entire families takings trips, couples taking trips, people going away to take their kids to summer camps, long distance couples going back and forth – all getting through the borders being “closed”. To each their own, find your loophole all you want but what I am saying is that the reason there was not a wide spread outbreak is because we had quarantine in place. Since border reopening has been announced I have heard of several people who will be traveling and I know of people who are away right this second. It is the vaccinated persons who are eager to travel and come back and do limited or no quarantine that should be concerning to everyone. Unvaccinated people are doing their 14+ day stint no matter what. A vaccinated person who does get covid would not usually show symptoms – should they just be allowed to re-enter without at least a few days of quarantine? My other question is – how many of the people testing positive with covid and are unvaccinated are children? Because what I have seen is that unvaccinated persons have not been running to travel unless it’s vaccinated adults with kids. Open the borders and allow people their freedom but don’t put everyone in jeopardy (vaxxed or not) by taking away quarantine.
Excellent post – I agree 100%!
1 month, folks, 1 month !
It is time to get your experimental shot, before reopening the borders.
Go for it !
We r taking our children to colleges in Miami Newyork etc.they r not putting us in quarantine.they are allowing us. But we dont want to open and we dont want them. Is it not logical for them to recprocate.we need to be careful of our actions.
Hopefully the people you are sending to colleges in the US will help you with your spelling and grammar.
Spelling and grammer r not essential in such postings. Message is imp.

We need different vaccine options. Novavax is applying for UK approval this month and is showing promising signs against variants. This is a subunit protein vaccine that more people may be comfortable with.
Yes. The 15% of the adults in Cayman who havent been vaccinated were waiting for a subunit protein vaccine. These remaining mostly young people were concerned about messenger ribonucleic acid (MRNA), and were closely monitoring the development of subunit protein vaccines.
Im assuming most of the remaining holdouts have PhDs in virology so I can understand their informed, well-based hesitancy.
You hostility disguised as sarcasm is not becoming. Do some research, these current mRNA vaccines are not the solution to variants in the long-run.
Just take a look at Jamaica now, red listed by the CDC, after boasting uptick in visitors arrival. Countries heavily dependent on tourism and failing to adjust their economies to the changing environment are paying the price.
Cayman can and should do things differently.
What tourism are we reliant on?
Jamaica low vaccination rate.
And the Bahamas is struggling too, along with several other Caribbean destinations.
The government has not stated whether the ventilation systems in our schools and other public buildings have been upgraded to prevent airborne transmission of the virus in recirculated air. If not that is another risk that needs to be addressed as evidenced by this news item:
“Airborne viruses recycled through a low-grade ventilation system likely created Germany’s first super-spreader event of the Covid-19 pandemic, a CSI-style analysis of a carnival celebration has found.
The event at the town hall of Gangelt, a municipality on the border with the Netherlands, was labelled “Germany’s Wuhan” after it was found to be the driver of a major outbreak in the western state of North-Rhine Westphalia last year.
Of 411 partygoers who were later tested by the scientists, almost half were found to have been infected with the virus.
Such an adjustment is not possible at chhs as the “windows” are not functional
The windows where I work are not functional either. We have air filters in our room that are supposed to circulate the air that half the time we forget to turn on. Our desks are spread apart by 6 ft. That is 3 ft. Beyond the covid protocol. No one has gotten covid in our room and we have been in the room together since July 2020 to date M-F 8:30-3:30.
Social distance the desks.
They are called Medify Air. These units are n each classroom . Look like a small humidifier, but it is a heppa filter.
How about for vaxxed, get a PCR test on arrival and head to quarantine. Test comes back in 24 hours, and if negative, can leave quarantine. Get retested on Day 3.
(If positive, enjoy your vacation 10 days locked up in a tiny hotel room, then head back to the airport. Given that some vaxxed are currently testing positive on Day 5 exit test, this will happen).
The incubation period for the virus is 14 days irrespective of whether a person is vaxxed or not. Releasing people into the community after 24hr or 72hr would allow the virus into our community.
Complete rubbish. Vaccinated people have been released after 5 days with a negative test for a couple months in Cayman. Several thousand. Where are the community cases?
52 cases of quarantine breaches. What’s the point of it when everyone is breaching it. Honestly. Especially if vaccinated. Keep it only for the unvaccinated.
Idiots doing to cayman what they did in other countries. If people didn’t breach it would have been eradicated. Now Cayman is doing a breach.
correct..so why 5 or 10 quarantine period?
Which we’ve had for a while and yet there is no community spread. Or there is and it’s simply not going to kill us all.
How about that is a stupid suggestion? @ 9:29 am. So if on day 3 the person tests positive, having been out in the community, don’t you think the virus could have been spread to many? Smh
From Bermuda paper today (same vax rate as Cayman. 50 flights a week. No quarantine for vaxxed, just day 1, 4 and 10 testing. Unvaxxed quarantine).
“Covid-19: Death toll rises to 35, 225 new cases identified. Hospitalized increased to 10”
And all those in hospital or dead are unvaxxed. Go figure.
Seriously people, PACT, and most of the people on here are terrified of Covid being in the community. They will not open the border on 14 October because hitting the 80% target was and still is their marker and WE ARE NOT GOING TO HIT THE MARK.
The reality is Covid is not going to stay out of Cayman – it is already here, and yes those people testing positive are in quarantine but at some point, it will be in the community. No one ever said the vaccine would stop people from getting Covid, but the facts are evident that being vaccinated provides great protection against serious illness and hospitalization.
If zero community spread of covid is the goal then we need to accept the fact that people will not be allowed to arrive without quarantine and we need to accept the fact that the tourism industry is done.
There are thousands of fully vaccinated long-term vacationers who would love to come to Cayman even with quarantine – they want Cayman to stay Covid free.
The vast majority of North Americans (Cayman’s main source of visitors) don’t care whatsoever about Cayman’s covid-free status. They are going about their normal lives elsewhere, where there is community spread to a greater or lesser extent, and are used to it. Anyone and everyone I know who left the island this summer has commented on their surprise to find life going on elsewhere. Elsewhere, people are learning to live with the virus.
Re Sheriff’s comment above about retention of quarantining meaning the end of the tourist industry, I tend to agree and would go one step further and comment on this also being the end of the road for many of the activities and restaurants that add to the quality of life for Caymanians and residents. One of the appeals of living in Cayman has also been the ease with which residents can leave and return to the island. There are very real longer-term consequences for Cayman if you start chipping away at those “quality of life” intangibles.
We’ve visited our house once under 10 day quarantine. We will not be doing it again until normal air service returns. It’s just too difficult and worrisome. If you stay locked up the rest of the year we will probably sell out.
1:40 go right ahead. It is a booming market and many are willing to buy!
Great time to sell. Lots would be interested.
I doubt it. 6.5 days locked indoors in a hotel room (..not your own comfy home with all of your stuff) for “vacation” is not a good start to a “vacation”. And if you test positive on Day 5 of quarantine, you will be locked in for another week.
There are alternatives where you don’t have to quarantine. We would get a trickle only.
If you could go to San Diego, but have to quarantine for effectively a week in a hotel, or Los Angeles, where you can get off an airplane and move about, where would you go this Xmas?
I will be traveling this Christmas. My criteria for travel is to an island that has no quarantine, lower covid risk and relatively easy covid protocol (testing policy).
I have learned to live with covid and the safety protocols and feel comfortable enough to travel and keep myself safe. I am vaccinated. Comfortable to wear a mask/ social distance when necessary.
WRONG- there are not thousands of fully vaccinated vacationers who would love to come to Cayman even with a quarantine.
I am a vaccinated vacationer who would never travel anywhere that has a quarantine. I would not spend one dime to be stuck in a hotel room when I could travel elsewhere and be free. I do not believe Cayman is “covid free”, tbh, and even if it was, that is not my draw. I have learned to live with covid and follow protocols to keep myself as safe as possible, so feel comfortable traveling where risk is relatively low, but not be paying for an expensive room where I am stuck in it like I am imprisoned while I am on my short, well deserved holiday. I have many friends and family members who feel the same as this has come up in many discussions over the past year and we have all searched for destinations where there is no quarantine, covid risk is relatively low and the covid protocols for travel are relatively easy.
Why can we not stop bullying each other over the vaccine, and actually focus on the problem at hand. The vaccine is not one size fits all, however, this virus can be carried and transmitted by all! We need to be fighting Covid and not one another over our personal thoughts, reasons, and abilities about taking a vaccine that has adversely affected some of our very own. It is unconscionable to keep people out of jobs, schools, restaurants, and prevent people from traveling etc. because of how they manage their bodies and what goes in it. Furthermore, why is the CIG seemingly so hell bent on bringing all of these variants back into Cayman to compromise our children, elderly, and entire community..including the vaccinated? Especially when the Deputy Premier stated publicly on July 28th, 2021 they would not do just what they are doing!
People are waking
Yes! @ 9:16 a.m well said!
So much to unpack here…
“The vaccine is not one size fits all”
It was in fact, designed to be one size fits all. The only reason to not take it is if your doctor says you shouldn’t. There are allergies and other conditions at play. It’s the only valid excuse not to take it.
“however, this virus can be carried and transmitted by all!”
Vaccinated have shown to have a much lower chance of being infected. Also, once infected, fully vaccinated recover quicker and be contagious for less time. Also, the pool of infected vaccinated is smaller than the pool of unvaccinated per capita. This alone reduces transmission because so many are not being infected in the first place
Source: https://www.gavi.org/vaccineswork/mounting-evidence-suggests-covid-vaccines-do-reduce-transmission-how-does-work
“We need to be fighting Covid and not one another over our personal thoughts, reasons, and abilities about taking a vaccine that has adversely affected some of our very own.”
Disagree completely. Your personal thoughts, religion and even your own freedom are not more important than public health. This is why it was written into the Bill of Rights for the Cayman Islands: “You are free to hold particular beliefs, and to practice your religion. However, this right is not absolute. The Government can interfere with this right if it is absolutely necessary in the interest of defence, public morality, public order, public health and public safety.”
As much as you think the vaccine will harm you, it’s far less likely to harm you as much as catching the virus will. If you don’t want to fight one another over it, just take it and be a part of the solution and not part of the problem.
“It is unconscionable to keep people out of jobs, schools, restaurants, and prevent people from traveling etc. because of how they manage their bodies and what goes in it.”
I guarantee most people put way worse than the vaccine into their bodies every single day.
“Furthermore, why is the CIG seemingly so hell bent on bringing all of these variants back into Cayman to compromise our children, elderly, and entire community..including the vaccinated?”
This bit I can agree 100% on. Opening up and doing away with quarantine will lead to the deaths of children. It just will… Can Cayman parents stomach seeing children on ventilators? The reopening should be delayed until children under 12 can have access to the vaccine.
“Especially when the Deputy Premier stated publicly on July 28th, 2021 they would not do just what they are doing!”
Yup, No Plan Panton and his crew are failing the residents of this island. What you mentioned with the disaster of a CPA board ready to rip up all of the mangroves I wonder how long it will be before mass protesting starts in front of the Government building.
If the border doesn’t open, a pay cut is coming for the Civil Service.
For your information information 9:10 a.m., I think most everyone would prefer a pay cut, civil servant or not, to retain our good health, safety and freedom of movement. So please stop targeting civil servants.
Why would that be needed. Revenues are higher than ever. If the government made even a reasonable effort at controlling spending there would be no need to run a deficit even with the borders “closed”.
yeah right…more likely a pay increase by the pact clowns and their spend/borrow economics
Ok.Time for us to hear from former Premier Alden and the PPM. We need a collective voice of leadership and we definitely need to hear from you. This is not about PACT or PPM but about our lives and all of the vaxed and unvaxed bs dividing this community has got to stop. Truth is both vaxed and invaxed are catching and spreading the disease and both are becoming ill and dying. Wake up people!
Right on
Vaxxed are catching it less, dying from it less and transmitting it less. So its lies you are pushing and not truth.
Excellent news from Canada today which should make parents with children going to university there feel a bit more secure. Multiple additional provinces, territories and cities have announced that vaccine passports are being introduced in order to minimise the risk of Covid transmission.
The reality is that vaccinated people can still transmit the virus. Maybe somewhat less frequently or easily than unvaccinated people. But if you think that limiting venues to vaccinated persons is really that helpful you’re looking for security in the wrong place.
The security is that very few vaccinated people who do contract covid become seriously ill or die. That’s actually also true for unvaccinated people. But you’re increasing your odds somewhat by taking the vaccine.
That’s what you should take comfort in.
day tourists simply cannot be tolerated IF the goal is to keep us as close to covid free as possible – letting anyone come in without quarantine for any amount of time, whether vaccinated or not, simply goes against every single policy we’ve had in place
Whether it’s PACT or PPM, we’re not going to make 100% of the people happy with the plan or lack thereof regarding getting back to ‘normal’ borders and lifestyles.
There is a chance PACT (and others) are oblivious to the growing concern among the population regarding dropping quarantine. I don’t sense the same fear regarding letting tourists back, but dropping quarantine has caused alarm and its only getting stronger.
Vaccinated or not-vaccinated is becoming completely irrelevant as regards transmission of covid delta variant, therefore its prudent for the Govt to carefully reconsider dropping quarantine. If i was in charge, i’d go for this:
quarantine stays, but its 3 days for everyone minimum
all travellers (residents/tourists/all) must provide pre-arrival pcr negative test (preferably same day but of course that doesnt happen so 72 hours has to stay).
on arrival, everyone is tested with a pcr. Everyone has to quarantine minimum 72 hours. If your test is negative, you can come back out but must then test again 48 hours later. Negative, good to go. Positive, well…Northwood or something.(joke..sort of)
There’s no real issue in making different rules for vax/d or unvax/d, the vax/d actually hide the symptons better so that’s a problem also that’s getting dangerously ignored by the Oct 14th opening plan.
PACT need to be very careful in coming weeks, the population is getting very uneasy regarding quarantine being dropped for anyone, regardless of vaccination. It should stay.
will keep asking:
if we open fully….who and how many will get sick and require hospitilisation?
it’s a very simple equation that forms the basis of every national covid policy in the world.
will wait for answers
You will wait forever because no one can answer that question. It’s an equation that countries with far more sophisticated health systems than ours have got wrong far more often than they’ve got right.
But the basic answer is: hundreds and, after a month or two, eventually thousands will contract covid. Most people will be asymptomatic or have the sniffles. Some people will have difficulty breathing and require hospitalisation. A smaller number of those will need to be put on oxygen and/or ventilators. A few of those people will die. More unvaccinated than vaccinated will be hospitalised and die. Most of the people who die will have comorbidities. A few people will have been otherwise healthy. One or two might be teenagers or a child.
If you want more specific numbers look at Bermuda – it should be more or less the same.
Can you stop asking now?
Very few
Agree with almost everything you have written except reducing quarantine to 3 days. The incubation period of the virus is 14 days for both vaxxed and unvaxxed. Even the current 5 days for fully vaxxed is taking a significant risk made less only by the fact that fully vaxxed people tend to be suppressing virus replication by day 7 as their immune systems should have kicked in by then.
Let’s look at actual data, rather some hypothesis. We’ve had 5 day quarantine for vaccinated persons in place for 3 months now – how much community transmission have we had in that period – none. So the 5 days quarantine for vaccinated persons works. No need to make it more than 5 days.
“Vaccinated or not-vaccinated is becoming completely irrelevant”. Exactly.
This needs to be shouted out. There is no magic shield protecting anyone if their neighbor or coworker or tourist is vaccinated. CDC and WHO have clearly and repeatedly indicated that a vaccinated person can infect you just as easily as a non vaccinated person.
Go and get the jab to protect yourself and your family. But STOP separating out people for entry or work based on a mistaken sense of safety. This is dangerous. It literally makes no difference in terms of transmissible outcome.
Thank you 9:01 am 100% agree with you!
I really wish people would stop pushing these lies. Yes, once infected, a vaccinated will be as infectious as unvaccinated. What you are wrong about is the amount of people getting the infection is much lower in vaccinated than unvaccinated. The pool of infected vaccinated is lower than the pool of infected unvaccinated. This alone reduces transmission without even discussing how infectious vaccinated people are once infected.
@1:14 – Wishful, uneducated response. Simply not true. Read the stats right off the WHO pages. In fact, they are saying that the pool of infected vaccinated is actually likely *higher* due to their ability to carry the virus with equivalent loads, but not show symptoms, thus not be tested, thus not be included in the count.
Your answer was hoped for originally, but it has been shown to be factually inaccurate.
You say that with a lot of certainty. But I don’t think anyone, let alone the CDC and WHO have “clearly and repeatedly indicated” that a vaccinated person can infect you *just as easily* as a non-vaccinated person.
It seems that being vaccinated does provide some protection against infection which wanes over time. But to say “just as easily” is a misrepresentation.
That said, I agree with the general premise of your comment. It’s quarantine that protects us right now. Once we’re open all the segregationist stuff about vaccine passports is a waste of time. It would only be worthwhile if it were actually true that you were substantially less likely to transmit the virus if you are vaccinated (say for example more than 5x less). But since it’s been shown that this isn’t the case there’s no point differentiating.
3 days wouldn’t catch anything. 5 days is even pushing it, however we have been incredibly lucky. The 5 days needs to stay
In 5 years from now are we still doing the quarantine thing? What about 20?
I like much of what you posted @8:46 am but disagree with the suggested 3 day quarantine reduced period. That will be dangerous. I would add that since we now know that both the vaccinated and unvaccinated can be infected and spread the virus I think that it is safer to require the negative PCR test prior to travel and again upon arrival with a 7 day quarantine across the board, ending with a negative PCR test. That will be fair to all and not discriminatory.
Maybe the US should not let any tourist do day travel and have to quarantine for 10 – 14 days also.
If this government follows international news at all they will clearly see what is happening in other countries that opened their borders worldwide. Having a high vaccination rate does not matter folks. The effects of the vaccines are waning and the virus is winning. If our government members are foolish enough to ignore what is already happening with the growing number of positive cases here from travelers, give in to pressure from the few and move ahead with opening up at this time, then the sickness and deaths that will come are on them.
AMEN! Very well stated.
Vaccination rate still matters. It means fewer people clogging up the healthcare system and fewer people dying. That is a fact that even the anti-vaxxers can’t deny.
We should maintain quarantine for vaccinated people because its now clear that they still catch and transmit the virus.
We shouldn’t drop quarantine at all.
More and more countries, states, provinces and cities are taking the common sense decision to implement vaccine passports for access to non-essential and higher risk activities. Time for Cayman to do the same.
The city of Brussels is expected to introduce a Covid vaccine pass from 1 October, requiring residents to prove their health status to enter bars, restaurants and other public places…
Belgium has one of the highest vaccination rates in Europe.
Do you know how many business would suffer by doing that? Cayman is far too small for that nonsense.
But that’s just it. It is no longer a common sense decision, it is a lack of education decision based on previous hopes.
What are we protecting with this passport? Transmission is happening just as strongly from vaccinated people. We’ve seen this repeatedly from CDC, WHO, even our own recent infection rates of incoming travelers.
This made sense six months ago when we thought the vaccine would slow p2p transmission, but it is now known that this is simply not the case. Get the vaccine to protect yourself and your family, but relying on this method to protect the community from transmission is anything but common sense.
Prep for increased transmission, protect against it with more intelligent precautions than a doctor’s note. If govt is hell-bent on opening, make the same rules for vax’d and unvax’d, as they present equal threat to us.
Complete nonsense. Vaccinated people are substantially less likely to get infected in the first place. If infected, they carry the virus for a significantly shorter period of time than unvaccinated, reducing the time they are infectious. That is what pre-existing circulating anti-bodies and memory T and B cells do, having been previously primed by the vaccine.
Collectively, these two factors reduce spread on an exponential basis. Just as importantly, vaccinated individuals are substantially less likely to require hospitalization, reducing the community burden.
You are in the minority in your thinking…and wrong.
Why not be different, why follow the herd?
Common sense ain’t so common 8:15. The science clearly shows now that none of the vaccines prevent infection or spread of the virus. So what purpose does vaccine passports serve to permit entry anywhere? Discrimination against the unvaccinated perhaps?
Happy goalpost moving day everyone!
With the border temporary close
⁃ No travel for now
⁃ No tourism for now
⁃ People affected retrained elsewhere
⁃ Businesses affected no longer viable, if not adaptable.
⁃ Grow our own food, the situation world wide will leave us no choice, be ready.
⁃ Adapt to online learning
⁃ Get healthy to boost natural immunity
⁃ See self, fix self – seeing the wrongs, if any, in the actions of our daily lives. What was right then, is not right now.
⁃ The leaders should have weekly forums with the residents to discuss issues and to get the best possible solutions from the public. Many heads are better than few. We need to work together and as one.
⁃ To see opportunity in anything, see the positive first, ignore the negative.
⁃ Want less
⁃ Every person on the island should have basic access to food (that grows on trees), utilities (solar energy), free Wi-Fi, technology and education.
⁃ When everyone is taken care of, everyone wins.
⁃ God help those, helping themselves
The countries heavily dependent on tourism will be the hardiest hit. Tourists from the heavily jabbed countries are spreading the virus all over the world.
Luckily we have the choices of not to participate and to be an observer.
We are that special group, lucky us.
How was about independently re-testing them ?
And, here we go…
This PACT government is demonstrating that they might not be fit and ready to take on the COVID-19 pandemic and to make the decisions that need to be made to protect the citizens of the Cayman Islands from the potentially devastating outcomes that could result from moderate community transmission of the various COVID-19 variants that will inevitably take hold after the border is further opened without the existing suppression measures for incoming travelers.
The first to get vaccinated in the Cayman Islands were the elderly and those individuals with potentially compromised immune systems. There is evidence that the protection provided by the vaccine is reduced over time and that booster shots are needed. As the elderly and those individuals with compromised immune systems will be some of the most vulnerable when the borders open it is beyond understanding why the government has not started the process of giving those individuals the booster shots they will need to keep themselves safe.
The PACT government’s statements about government finances doesn’t hold water as they are engaged in or have proposed new expenditures that would suggest that the public purse is not under any significant pressure. If the public purse is under pressure then no new non-emergency expenditures should be undertaken.
Excellent post! Thank you!
maybe they should all rescind their pay-rises if the economy is in such dire straits
You said it. 100% agree.
walker and dart have given the cig the perfect solution and template.
restrict movements of the unvaxxed and they will soon get hte message.
Move to Australia, the dystopian penal colony!
Why don’t you move to a country that had the draconian measures you love so much? Cayman won’t miss ya!
CNS: This is a good link but make sure you read the whole thing. “However, the higher number of fully vaccinated people dying does not mean that the vaccine is not working, but instead reflects the large majority of people in England who have now been jabbed.”
can some one ask the question tomorrow:
when you test positive, are you then kept in a governmet facility or are you able to stay at home under the ‘honesty’ system?
Yeah, that honesty system is working real good. 52 quarantine breaches in one month & those are only the ones caught.
When borders open and no quarantine we will have community transmission but low morbid as most of us r vaccinated.if quarantine no tourists.
tomorrow is press conference day. cig trying to jump the gun and avoid the bad publicity of sept 9…the day it would have shown 80% was impossible for oct 14th.
please ask the obvious questions tomorrow:
if opening as planned on 14th oct….how many people has the govt calculted will get sick and need hospitilisation?
if opening from the 14th?…what is thier plans when communituy transmissions start?
if a case happens in school, will the school be shut?
why has britain fully re-opened, with vaccination rates lower than cayman?
why is cayman not following britains lead?
We are not following Britain’s lead because they failed to control Covid and have it in wide circulation. Their cases are increasing. Thousands have died already and the numbers are growing. We have a unique bubble, and should preserve it. Quarantine works.
Because The UK isn’t us. Simple.
42 people are going to die with COVID in Cayman.
That’s the world average for our population.
wrong…consider our high vaccination rate?
try harder…maths ain’t that difficult
Meanwhile the loudmouth anti vaccine cranks Mario and Kattina are paying to run anti vaccine ads on Radio Cayman!
You cannot make this stuff up!
Don’t forget the anti-vax host that we pay with OUR money to spread misinformation on OUR radio station.
Both of them have done more for this country in this short time than you ever have in your entire existence.
Holy Rollie at 9:48 pm Yeah and meanwhile other pro vac cranks have invested for some loud mouthing through CMR. Nope can’t make this stuff up!
Those two should never open their mouths. I don’t know who is a worst embarrassment.
Isn’t opening borders October 14th? So what is this article referring to?
CNS: See opening plan here.