Woman robbed by masked armed men

| 26/07/2021 | 22 Comments

(CNS): A woman was robbed of an undisclosed quantity of cash after parking at an address on Palm Dale Avenue in George Town on Friday night. Police did not confirm if the house was the victim’s own home, but after she arrived at the location a small car pulled in behind her. Two masked men dressed in all black approached the woman’s vehicle, brandishing a firearm and a machete, and demanded cash, which was handed over. They then fled the location in the car they arrived in with her money. No shots were fired and no one was injured.

The matter is currently under investigation and anyone with any information is asked to contact George Town CID at 949-4222.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (22)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Time for the people of Cayman to say enough! This ends here. If our Government will not do their job, then we need to take matters into our own hands. First of all mandate vaccinations for all expats. That will remove a huge chunk of fools. Second, mandate stop and frisk. Third up jail time for any and all property crimes to felonies, including, but not limited to robbery. Forth prosecute every crime, even minor offenses. Fifth, allow deadly force in protecting one’s home and or property.

    • Anonymous says:

      Stop and frisk? No thanks. Have you ever lived anywhere where stop and frisk is employed fairly? Have you ever been randomly stopped and frisked? Dumb idea. I’m all for keeping crime to a minimum, but a cursory Google search will show you all the research that indicates stop and frisk isn’t effective. Employing that tactic in Cayman would be absolutely stupid.

      • SJW, another acronym for those with serious mental afflictions says:

        Stop and frisk works perfectly well and has worked perfectly well in the past. It’s the Liberals and Social Justice Warriors who have taken it out of circulation. Look how well that’s working out in San Francisco, Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, etc and all those great Democrat cities. Google by the way is not the arbiter of truth. Neither is CNN.

        • Anonymous says:

          That’s your personal truth and that’s fine, the evidence still indicates that it’s not effective.

          The random opinion of some anonymous troll vs evidence and statistics? I think ill go with the latter.

          • Anonymous says:

            Ah, ok. Because statistics cannot be manipulated. You’re like the people watching the weather channel all day to find out what the weather is like outdoors – maybe you ought to stick your nose outside once in a while. Go visit San Francisco, Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore once in a while, particularly the rougher parts of town, then talk to me about statistics. Go talk to the cops who do the work, instead of playing armchair quarterback like yourself.

    • Anonymous says:

      Expats, you mean the people who have clean criminal records?

      All this crime is Jamaican

  2. Anonymous says:

    6:25pm, pointing a gun at someone is NOT asking , that demanding/robbing.

  3. Anonymous says:

    This is a tiny island. I find it hard to believe that the police do not know who the possible doers are. This place leaks like a sieve. Maybe hire someone to follow social, you know these losers will boast.

  4. Anonymous says:


    • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

      Certainly many of those criminals are Caymanian, but not all. The exact demographics matter less than the fact that various criminals seem to be supported by their people.

      We are seeing an emerging thug culture, which is comprised of a strata of many peoples. What is important is that we help the RCIPS to identify the areas in which the thug culture is entrenched. Police in every culture depend upon intel from the people, and this place is no different. Police, I suppose, can become numb to the day to day crap. We MUST help them. Let us not assume that nothing will be done. Let us give them direct information and insist upon a follow up. That is the way in which we will root out these criminals.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Was she finishing her shift at a bar/restaurant? Was she followed from that location?

    You think you are safe once you arrive home. Apparently not. I will need to start paying more attention to my surroundings as well…

  6. Anonymous says:

    Border closed, people hungry, more to come.

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s absolutely incorrect. You need to check yourself. When I’ve been dirt poor I never once thought about robbing anyone.

    • Anonymous says:

      On canoes, through closed border?

      If not, what is wrong with a job in construction? There are thousands of them!

    • Anonymous says:

      12:18 pm, you sound like you giving the criminals the ok to be criminals. Are you sure about yourself ? They are jobs to get if they willing to work. Even begging are better than robbing ?

      • Anonymous says:

        It’s easier to ask someone for something while pointing a gun at them. John the gentleman Dillinger.

        • Anonymous says:

          Don’t be mad at me I was just quoting a famous saying by one of America’s most public enemy#1.

    • Anonymous says:

      Disgusting comment. How does an open border stop people robbing women with a gun? People that belong in jail for life are going to start serving dinner at the ritz and cleaning the rooms?

      • Anonymous says:

        Expats have clean criminal records, this crime way is Jamaican

        • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

          Does it matter any more? Let’s all identify where the criminals live, how they move, what they drive, their licence plate numbers, and pass that vital information on to the RCIPS in the various districts.

          I think the police will act upon fresh intel. That is what makes a difference. The RCIPS doesn’t like this crap any more than we do. Let us assist them in every way we can, and help return Grand Cayman to a place where people can walk again and come home from work without fear and sleep with both eyes closed.

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