More vaccines coming after successful drive

| 01/06/2021 | 116 Comments
Cayman News Service
The vaccine arriving on the British Airways flight

(CNS): Government officials have now confirmed that after the successful vaccination drive, the supplies sent from the UK will be used before their expiration date. As of Tuesday, 44,122 people have had at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, which is equal to 68% of the estimated population, while 59% have had both doses. Cayman’s public health professionals now expect to use up all the vaccines they currently have before the end of June, and Governor Martyn Roper has confirmed that the UK Government will be sending an additional delivery on 16 June.

“This means that all those college students arriving back in the Cayman Islands from overseas can now be vaccinated when they get out of quarantine. We expect that the new doses will not expire until the end of September,” he said. “I know that many people are keen to vaccinate the younger members of their family so that they can travel safely and enjoy shorter periods of quarantine on return to Cayman. Despite the US and Canadian regulators approving Pfizer for 12-15 year olds, the UK regulator has yet to do so.”

However, Roper said that approval is expected soon and once that happens, public health will begin vaccinating the youngest age group, ensuring that Cayman will reach herd immunity this summer. In the meantime, the UK Government, which has provided the vaccine at no cost since the first shipment in January, has said it will continue to supply the entire eligible population of the overseas territories, including booster shots if needed later this year.

The government’s successful efforts and vaccination drive was credited with increasing the uptake and ensuring that the supplies were not wasted. “I am very grateful to the premier, ministers, Dr Lee, HSA, Public Health, the private sector and the wider community for the successful campaign on vaccine take-up to ensure we did not waste this precious resource,” Roper said. “We can all be proud of our vaccine roll-out in the Cayman Islands, a further demonstration of the success we have had responding to this global pandemic.”

Premier Wayne Panton said it was cause for celebration as many people had been reluctant, and had questions or doubts, as he gave credit to all those involved. “Whatever the reasons for hesitation, you have not allowed them to stop you from accessing what is the best available option for us. I and my Cabinet colleagues thank you deeply. We must continue on this road, as our destination is just within our reach,” he said.

Minister of Health and Wellness Sabrina Turner urged any remaining residents to ensure that they and their loved ones benefit from the protection offered by the vaccine.“We are deeply grateful to the management and staff of the Public Health Department and Health Services Authority, for their continuing work on this Herculean task. They have managed the delivery of the vaccine with vigour and a heartfelt commitment to safeguarding our citizens and residents.”

The Vaccination Challenge, led by the Ministry of Tourism, supported by the rest of the government and local businesses, has helped to boost uptake in recent weeks on all three islands.

“This effort has only enjoyed the success that it has thanks to the contributions of all concerned,” Tourism minister Kenneth Bryan said. “The vaccine is an essential part of the recovery process for the local economy but also the global economy on which we depend. With this objective in mind, we look forward to working with all of you to keep our loved ones and friends across the Cayman Islands community safe now and long into the future,” Bryan told the community in a press release.

According to the latest statistics, a large majority of those over 50 have all had at least one dose, as well as around 73% of those aged 40 to 50 and 63% of people between 30 and 40. Almost half of the youngest demographic, those under 30, have now had a first dose, which means Cayman now has one of the best vaccination rates in the world.

Meanwhile, there were three new positive cases of the virus among travelers reported yesterday and none Tuesday. There are now just 11 active cases of COVID-19 among the travellers currently in quarantine or home isolation with just one person said to be showing symptoms of the virus.

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Comments (116)

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  1. says:

    yall people acting like this vaccine protects you 100% imagine you had to pay for it lets say $250 a jab would you take it? stop running fa free stuff.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Reposting another users earlier comments on the other article. This needs to be reposted again and again,,, facts not conspiracy will hugest cayman safe from COVID and the borders open again.

    I guess the bullet points need repeating over and over.

    1. 99.7% of unvaccinated people survive covid 19
    2. The Pfizer vaccine is 95% effective in preventing illness due to covid.
    3. Taking 1 and 2 into account, vaccinated individuals risk of serious illness or death due to covid-19 is nearly ZERO.
    4. If you are vaccinated and test positive for covid 19, again see 3.
    5. Vaccinated individuals who have tested positive for covid are far less likely to infect others, but if they do, see 3.
    6. The CDC recommends the Pfizer vaccine for all individuals over the age of 12 including pregnant women, individuals with autoimmune disease, elderly etc. The only exception noted is for those who have extreme allergic reactions to specific ingredients in the vaccine itself. This does not mean people who are generally allergic to various things. Polyethylene glycol is one cited ingredient.
    7. The Pfizer vaccine is effective against variants.
    8. The since vaccination programs have been widely implemented in the US and UK, infections and deaths have sharply plummeted demonstrating that the vaccine is highly effective.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Just don’t complain that you’ll have to pay for it.

  4. Say it like it is. says:

    Could the Minister demonstrate some “Wellness” and also thank the UK Govt for providing all our vaccines without charge. Also could she advise which type of vaccine is coming on the next shipment?.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Of the 30k ex-pats, I assume the take-up rate is near 100% as they likely want to be able to travel home to visit family. If only 45k people have had one shot does that mean only 50% of Caymanians have been vaccinated (45-30=15k, 15/30=50%).

    Are my numbers or logic flawed?

    Because, if it’s only 50%’ish of locals getting the jab this place isn’t ever going to reopen for international travel.

    • Anonymous says:

      Remember there are expats here from many different backgrounds and doing different types of jobs. Not all of them are professionals with enough money to easily fly home to visit family. The few people I personally know that refuse to get vaccinated are expats that just believe ridiculous conspiracy theories.

      • Anonymous says:

        The Jamaican expat population are very fearful of the vaccine and majority won’t take so I think you should deduct that amount from your statistics. I work with a lot of them in the construction industry and many of them don’t even have a logical reason for taking or that it is too much trouble to got get it.. Then there are the Trump political supporters who won’t take it because he has filled their heads up that covid isn’t real and no one dies from it..even though he had covid and took the vaccine afterward. Deduct them too…By the way they may balance out with the Caymanian Trumpers too.

      • Anonymous says:

        “… are expats that just believe ridiculous conspiracy theories…”

        This is getting tiresome. say something new and original instead of parroting. CIA is responsible for introducing the term Conspiracy Theory.

        By the way, one does not need to be vaccinated to travel. So your assumption is WRONG.

        • Anonymous says:

          The beliefs that the vaccine is being used to modify people’s DNA or make them sterile are ridiculous conspiracy theories and we shouldn’t normalize it by saying otherwise. That type of thinking is harmful to the person and the rest of the community. No one said that you have to be vaccinated to travel but rather that there are some expats here who are not able to afford to fly home to see their families regularly anyway so it is not as big a motivator for them to get vaccinated as others.

    • Anonymous says:

      My Brit friends are almost 100% done but my Jamaican friend tells me none of his workers are so I don’t think your initial assumption is correct.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your Caymanian which means you have to assume.

  6. Anonymous says:

    God has truly blessed these islands.. Both with good fortune (Being Covid free, and the fact that we have the life saving vaccine, and can get it for FREE) and with some of the most ignorant, contrary and ungrateful people on this planet earth! We don’t need the latter here!

    • Anonymous says:

      but they’ve come from here…

    • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

      You’re right. We should put all people who disagree with you on the barge and set them adrift, thus ridding ourselves of all the selfish, uninformed and dangerous people. Then, you can sip tea at your seaside table and pat yourself on the back for having saved the territory.

      Listen and listen well. Science isn’t determined by consensus, but by the scientific process. If you, me or anyone researches vetted medical studies and makes an informed decision, that is all we can ask of anyone. I took the jab, but I’m damned tired of people like you trying to seize the moral high ground from people who chose otherwise.

      We are Caymanians, and above all, we stick together.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wonder the difference if not a UK Overseas Territory.

    • Anonymous says:

      Go independent then!

      • Anonymous says:

        Brazil seems amazing… Cayman is great some time in Wyoming travelling fishing…I wonder when Scotland goes independent which Island will be given to the Scotts? Will they get Cayman Brac? Will we get a choice… I want to be Scottish Caymanian and my wife can be British Caymanian sounds like fun.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’d love to know what God has got to do with this. Serious question, I’m not being disrespectful to your right to hold your views, I just don’t agree with them.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Why do you Vax-Shamers think that degrading people and name calling is how you encourage people to get vaccinated, eh!!?
    You have no idea why some are hesitant AND it is NONE of your business.
    People at work asking me if I’ve been vaccinated… It is NONE of your business. (And none of your business who I voted for either – during election time) Some things are just plainly not your business.
    Sometimes I say yes I got the jab and sometimes I say no.
    You try to shame people into it and you do not know if there is a medical reason why. And guess what?? That is none of your business either!
    See how that works?

    Stop name calling like immature school children. It is pathetic and childish. Just stop it. Seriously.

    • Anonymous says:

      For or against, we all need to thank Alden’s administration for sticking to unpopular difficult decisions to keep us safe.
      Thank you also to the UK for stepping up and providing free vaccines for all.

    • Anonymous says:

      You must be an absolute pleasure to know…

    • Anonymous says:

      If only herd immunity worked that way. Unfortunately we need to care because having more people vaccinated makes individual communities and the world safer by making it more difficult for covid to spread. Cayman will eventually have to open the borders in some capacity. Please get vaccinated for the sake of your friends and family. It is safe and effective.

    • Jotnar says:

      Right now it doesn’t matter because we do not have community transmission, but when we reduce quarantine or get rid of it, it will matter very much indeed.

      At that point whether or not you have been vaccinated affects the risks I have in being within 6 feet of you or touching surfaces you have touched. So I think it is my business. I think its your employers business too, as they have to factor in the risk to their employees in providing a workplace environment. If they don’t know that everyone has been vaccinated, then they have to act as if no one has – 6 ft between employees, masks in the workplace, partitions…..

      I think you are so angry about being asked because you have not been vaccinated, and realise deep down that you cant justify that decision – but that’s a matter for you.

      • Anonymous says:

        It is not your business, your employers business, or anyone else’s but your own. That’s what is wrong with society today. We all believe we are entitled to step foot in other business, well we aren’t. We all need to leave to stay in our lane and mind our own.

    • Anonymous says:

      1:00 pm You are correct, If you have a medical reason to not take it that’s understandable. But yes! no ones business to shame or question you is correct. I can say i think the majority of Pro vaccine persons hold NO malice and really understand why some people don’t want it for “legit reasons”. Its the conspiracy theories thats the concern.

    • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

      Thank you, friend.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I hope we can soon get approval for our 12-16 year olds to get vaccinated.

  9. Anonymous says:

    So who is the Gov’t Minister who has not been vaccinated? The Premier dodged the question on the Rooster yesterday. He could answer yes for the opposition but not his own team. Come clean Mr. Premier.

  10. C'Mon Now! says:

    Is there really a “massive black market”?

    I know loads of people in the U.S. what I hear is that the people who are against the vaccine are proudly against it and not of the mind to pay $ to get a fake card saying they have the shot.

    • Anonymous says:

      Those are the people that will buy the fake vaccine cards because they want to travel without taking the Vaccine..Cruise companies have already said you must be vaccinated to get on their ships.

      • Anonymous says:

        2/06 @ 9:11am – Please note, Trump-crazy Ron DeSantis has legislated that vaccine passports will not exist or need not be used in Florida. This could cause a major upheaval in the Florida-based cruise industry (the majority).

      • Anonymous says:

        I refuse to be injected and there is no way I will lie and buy a card that says I have taken this bullshit.

      • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

        I wish luck to anyone who would choose to travel on a cruise ship. I took three years of chemistry, and two of biology, concurrently. If you think your own kitchen is occasionally negligent in superlative hygiene, think about the massive food preps of people who don’t give a single solitary shit about your safety. Hey, but they deliver the food with a smile, so there’s that.

    • DLF says:

      @ C’Mon Now! – I live in the US. I am vaccinated but I know many people that are very much against the vaccine. Each of them is strongly opposed to getting vaccinated, so much so that they refuse to travel to any country that requires them to be vaccinated. Of course, they are going maskless into establishments that ask you to wear a mask if you are not fully vaccinated but these are the very same people who never wore a mask in the first place.

      There will be fake vaccine cards, there are and will continue to be fake covid test results, just as there are fake driver’s licenses, passports, etc…This is something every government will deal with. But I agree with you that it is highly unlikely that those opposed to the vaccine will want a fake card saying they are vaccinated. They would prefer to have a card stating they ARE NOT vaccinated and be damned if anyone doesn’t like it, and to hell with any country that doesn’t want them because they are not vaccinated.

    • Anonymous says:

      And why a “black” market? Because it’s a bad thing? Why not a white market?

    • Anonymous says:

      I have not heard of a single fake card. Just
      people saying it could happen. Let’s believe our eyes first….

      • Anonymous says:

        There are none yet…but they are coming..It will be big business.. i’m thinking about it myself..

  11. Anonymous says:

    You people are so stupid. They were always coming.

  12. Elvis says:

    just wait till you catch it i guess then wish you had taken it like so many others underground.

  13. Anonymous says:

    If we are to remain in our “bubble” for the foreseeable future what is the point in us getting more vaccines ? Send them to a country that is not lucky enough to to be able to close their borders where people need the protection the vaccine provides !

    • Anonymous says:

      You need to read before you engage with your foolishness..Read the article again and you will see why your statement makes no sense.

    • Anonymous says:

      Agree with 10:50! The UK themselves could use vaccines versus sending more to us when we’re CHOOSING to ignore science and choosing to remain closed off. People in the UK still have to be 30+ to be eligible for vaccines yet were offering to 16+.

      Seems wasteful to bring more vaccines if borders aren’t opening.

    • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

      You and me should be preparing for our “booster” jabs that are meant to account for the variants. I hope I’ve made the right choice, don’t you? We will see.

  14. Sheriff says:

    Lucy holds the ball, Charlie Brown runs toward the ball ready to make the kick, just as his foot closes in on the ball, Lucy pulls it away and Charlie Brown falls on his arse.

    Lucy = CIG
    Charlie Brown = All of us hoping for a plan to reopen the border

    EVERY SINGLE TIME CIG has given us a target and we get close to reaching that target, or we in fact reach the target, the target is moved.

    Panton said “70% is doable” we all heard him at the press briefing last month but now that is no longer true? What, did my ears deceive me?

    Begging, pleading, bribing people to get vaccinated to what end…oh never mind, we have a plan but we are not going to share it with you.

    More vaccines are on the way so more people can get vaccinated. What then?

    CayMAS…we can have that event, but we can’t open the border until afterward.

    We have to see what happens when we reduce quarantine to 5 days. But when will that happen, in July? Yes, July, oh wait we need to hold off until August. Then August arrives, and some people in other parts of the world still have Covid so we’d better wait until September to reduce the quarantine to 5 days….

    Come on Charlie Brown, try to kick the ball again. You can trust Lucy to not pull it out from under you. But she does. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.


    • Autonomous says:

      Caymas will require vaccine to participate, but govt is not requiring Caymanians to be vaccinated. This will be interesting.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Zero deaths in the UK today. Its done. Positive cases are irrelevant, the only stats the counts is hospitalizations and deaths.

    If 90% of the over 40s are fully vaccinated then we know a tiny percentage of those under 40 will be hospitilized and soon this number will be reduced further as vaccination reaches critical mass.

    Its sad but Virus’ kill people every day, if covid is killing less people than Meningitis then why are we worried.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Open the damn borders to vaccinated individuals.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Someone had commented on another post about 2 close family members having such bad reaction to the first shot that they need 24/7 care since the first shot. Why aren’t we being given such information? It means people with such reactions obviously will not be getting their 2nd shot. Hope they do get over with the reaction from the first shot.

    • Autonomous says:

      So we are to assume that some gossip spread on a social media platform by an anonymous user is true and the govt is covering it up?

      • Anonymous says:

        Is HSA reporting anaphylaxis cases to CDC-VAERS? It is the CDC’s database to report any adverse reactions no matter how insignificant they may seem.

      • Anonymous says:

        It is true. I was the one to post that I have two elderly family members who had their first shot and are under 24/7 care. I have also heard from coworkers and people in the supermarkets talking of knowing of family members or friends that had bad reactions either to just the first dose or after getting the second dose. You need to look at the wide disparity between the number of people who received 1 shot and those that received 2 shots. It should be allot closer, but people are having reactions, so they can not get the second one or because of their experience with the first one are terrified or have doctors orders not to receive the second!

        • Anonymous says:

          It would be an interesting question for Wendy to ask at the weekly press conference on progress on Covid – oh, wait….

        • Anonymous says:

          There’s a 21 day lag between shots. Given the daily uptake rate, the gap is wholly expected.

        • anon against ignorance says:

          1.01pm Did they have underlying conditions for which they were already receiving care?.

        • Anonymous says:

          Hush up with your nonsense.

          None of this is factual. There have been zero serious reactions to the vaccine in Cayman. No anaphylactic reactions.

          Stop trying to frighten people with your fake gossip and outright lies.

          • Anonymous says:

            You’re an idiot. There have been people coming down with flu-like symptoms after receiving the vaccine. I know that have and people that have not had a bad reaction. Anaphylactic reactions can range from a numb arm to needing an EpiPen. So please stop spreading misinformation. There have been thousands that have died from the vaccine. However, compared to the number of vaccines that has been administered, the percentage of vaccine-related deaths are quite low.

      • Anonymous says:

        8:13 why would anyone want to come forward and share their experience with you abusive lot? I sure as hell wouldn’t. Instead of being kind and understanding all you people do is bully and degrade. Whether you believe it or not, people have had adverse reactions and it is wrong that CIG is covering it up. So much for transparency

        CNS: Numerous commenters have expressed sympathy and understanding with your situation. Numerous commenters have noted that some people cannot get the vaccine. It’s time you acknowledged that instead of calling everyone bullies in every comment.

    • Anonymous says:

      8:48, we aren’t “being given such information” because it isn’t happening! Have no doubt if anyone had even a moderate reaction, news would have spread here like wildfire.

      Plain and simple, people are making shit up to post anonymously to further their agenda.

      • Anonymous says:

        12:28 It is precisely because of VAXshamers like you why people who had adverse reactions are keeping it private! You people a such bullies! Worse than kids on a playground.

    • Anonymous says:

      8:48 – If real, they are anomalies but more than likely they’re fake comments. Hundreds of millions have been vaccinated including myself (fully vaccinated for months now). If there is a risk to taking the vaccine, it’s a lot lower than the risk of a complicated bout with Covid-19. Many people have taken the vaccine because they want to see family. Other British territories have put a plan in place that opens the borders for vaccinated travelers that test negative. Cayman is lagging behind because of poor leadership!

  18. Anonymous says:

    No need to quarantine if vaccinated.

    • Anonymous says:

      We are almost there..there has to be a system in place to verify vaccinations.. The united States alone will have a massive black market selling these. We must tread carefully..

  19. Anonymous says:

    Exactly why I did not rush to take the vaccine. Everyone was so hyped that there would be no more. What a laugh.

    • Anonymous says:

      Agreed. We will consider it once the new technology has full FDA or MHRA approval/licensing not just Emergency Use Authorization

      • Anonymous says:

        No you won’t. Trll the truth. You won’t consider it until you’re in the hospital, struggling to breathe with COVID-19 and hoping if you get the vaccine at that point, it will save your life.

    • Anonymous says:

      Fool if we had all gone out and taken our early and not dragged this out so long that would not even had been an issue..

    • Anonymous says:

      Rush!!!You had months! When exactly do you plan to get it? Let me guess – the earlier of never or when you are forced or bribed to?

  20. Anonymous says:

    No mention on whether the borders will be open to vaccinated travelers…😐

    • Guido Marsupio says:

      And how, exactly, are we to confirm that someone who claims to be vaccinated actually is? You can buy a US vaccination certificate on eBay for a few bucks, put your name on it, and come here and spread COVID to the (few) residents medically-unable to be vaccinated. (The ones who choose not to get the jab can suffer.)

    • Anonymous says:

      Not this year. Check back in 2022.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Education, accessibility, and anonymity.

    I am sure a good many of the reported young government employees would be more comfortable taking the shot if their most vocal anti vax peers had no way of finding out,

  22. Great news. says:

    Good news,now let’s hit 80 percent vaccinated!

    What is a bit frustrating are these constantly moving goalposts.

    Covid in the States and the UK has been virtually eliminated thanks to 60 percent vaccination rate.
    The time for us to reopen the commercial flights is now!
    Keep 3 day quarantine for Vaccinated persons if that gives you placebo safety, but no good excuse to keep us closed anymore.
    The health crisis is over in the US and UK.

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