Queen’s birthday parade moves to WB road

| 31/05/2021 | 17 Comments
Cayman News Service
Government House

(CNS): The traditional official 95th birthday celebrations for Queen Elizabeth II will move to the West Bay Road this year and be concentrated all around Government House, the official residence of the Cayman Islands Governor, instead of the House of Parliament. Officials have confirmed that on Monday, 14 June, the Cayman Islands’ uniformed services will be on parade on the roadway in front of the governor’s home before the traditional garden party on his lawn. For the first time, the Cayman Islands Regiment and Cayman Islands Coast Guard will also be among the 200 uniformed service staff taking part in the parade.

“I hope members of the public will come out and enjoy the celebrations as we express our collective wishes for Her Majesty’s continued good health and longevity on her official birthday,” Governor Martyn Roper said in a press release about the change in arrangements.

The parade will commence at 4pm and will be followed by the handing out of various royal gongs and local awards. With COVID-19 suppression measures still in place, the Garden Party Reception is limited to 500 people and the Parade is limited to 1,000 people, including participants.

Organisations taking part include the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service, the Cayman Islands Fire Service and the Prison Service, as well as members of the Girls Brigade, the Scouts and the Cadet Corps. They will be joined by musicians from the Royal Cayman Islands Police Band.

The Queen’s Birthday events will be broadcast live by Radio Cayman, and filmed by Government Information Services (GIS) for future airing on CIGTV. In the event of inclement weather, the awards ceremony will take place under a tent at Government House, officials said.

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Comments (17)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Good to be born in the Royal family for life. And don’t have to work and get voted in by the people and can’t be voted out.

  2. Anonymous says:

    They best try so remove that “protester” from in front of the Governor’s house with her Jamaican flags and barbaric signs. Ridiculous that the Governor is allowing her to continue with her antics instead of getting her the help she so desperately needs, or better yet, ship her back to her home land that she so clearly misses.

  3. Anonymous says:

    What garbage. The “Queen” and her ilk have presided over the demise of the moral constitution of the UK and its people by allowing corrupt government after corrupt government to grind us all into the dust.

    It speaks volumes that Martyn Roper is all over this. Why did we have a moment of silence for racist, philandering Prince Phillip? What did he ever do to help any of us?

    We need to wake up to the criminality that pervades our society at the highest echelons of power. They are laughing at us as we put on our costumes and perform our stupid rituals that mean absolutely nothing but subservience to the elites.

    Take the stupid costumes off, they merely indicate your own slavery. Put the guns down and send these scum packing out of your islands while you still can.

    Dismantle your corrupt government and live in peace with each other in a true democracy where everyone’s voice counts, everyday.

    • anon against ignorance says:

      5.02am Pray tell us, did you by any chance apply for and receive a full British passport, courtesy of the Queen and her Government?.

      • Anonymous says:

        I have only ever had a full British passport nothing else.
        I am fully qualified to speak with or without your “Queen”.

      • Anon againt ignorant being ignorant says:

        Just stop with that garbage statement. People wouldn’t need a British passport, if the British didn’t raid countries and put people into poverty. Learn history..cause and effect

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m living a peaceful and blessed life here. Sometimes you need to stop, take a look in the mirror and give thanks.

      • Anonymous says:

        When you extract your head from your derriere, make a useful comment.
        I give thanks for truth.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Please tell me this will be a civilised parade and not a walking roadhump (gag).

  5. Anonymous says:

    Should be an interesting parade/show with the protestor in front of the Governor’s Residence!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Step 1: move the Parade from its historic location in the town centre

    Step 2: move to a nice neutral, non-contentious SMB location where it is closer to the tourist who will all rush to view it

    Step 3: then move to Camana Bay due to traffic congestion on SMB Road caused by the Parade

    Step 4: check mate!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Time for Cayman Independence

    • Anonymous says:

      The pros of us being a territory far out way the cons. We were one of the first countries to get the vaccines for that reason. Stop being foolish.

  8. Anonymous says:


  9. anon says:

    Will the Speaker get a gong for the greatest example of effrontery in the history of the Cayman Islands?.

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