Prosecution boss makes sudden departure from job
(CNS): The director of public prosecutions, Patrick Moran, has suddenly resigned from the job for what officials say are “personal reasons”, but officials are refusing to comment on allegations that it was driven by an internal complaint. A short press release announcing Moran’s imminent departure as the chief prosecutor was issued Wednesday afternoon, stating that his last day in office will be 18 May. Governor Martyn Roper is now seeking advice from the Judicial and Legal Services Commission on the appointment of an interim and then a permanent post-holder.
Moran was appointed as DPP by that commission after an open recruitment process in December 2019 after service as acting director for a year. Moran joined the prosecution office in 2015, serving as deputy to the former and first director, Cheryll Richards, who is now a Grand Court judge.
In the release, Moran was described as having contributed enormously to the prosecution of criminal matters, the advancement of Cayman’s status in accordance with CFATF, and undertaking of the National Risk Assessment. “I wish to take this opportunity to thank Mr Moran for his effort and commitment to the criminal justice system since joining our civil service more than five years ago,” Roper said about the departing director.
However, Moran has not been without his critics, both inside the office and in the wider criminal defence community. Allegations have been made that the resignation was driven by an internal compliant against him of racism, but the Governor’s Office has neither confirmed nor denied these accusations.
In response to questions from CNS, officials said, “His Excellency has no further comment on this matter.”
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Category: Courts, Crime, Jobs, Local News
Shows the true racism on these Islands. Bashing Caymanians and calling them lazy just to do so. How many Caymanians work in the DPP compared to work permit holders?
Well, majority if not all people in legal departments are Jamaicans on contracts or Jamaicans with status
After the ridiculous prosecution of the American curfew breakers, someone’s head had to roll.
DPP: I’d like you to turn up for work occasionally and put in a reasonably productive days work.
Staff member: Are you having a giraffe bobo?
DPP: Is that too much to ask?
Staff member: Too damn right bobo! I didn’t come here to put a shift in!
DPP: But you are on a pretty good salary.
Staff member: RACIST!!!! I’ll get you chucked off this island!
DPP: Epic facepalm
So apparently expecting a Caymanian or Jamaican to do the job they are paid to do is racist?
To the twisted ones…YES!
Lets get someone who is willing to charge lodge members when they commit crimes. And not just the unwinnable cases that result in retirement size payouts for the defendants.
It’s time for This Corruption to be remove Cayman it’s getting stronger and stronger now the plan is to remove commissioner of police the prison director the fire chief and head of DPP is gone come on Cayman do not allow this or dog will eat our supper we are a British overseas territory not a Caricom garbage dump.These people have too much say here.Come On Brits please stand up with us Caymanians and stop this onslaught now! I am tried of Jamaican police and prison officers running our law enforcement branches this shit has to stop!
Not the only things Jamaicans running either.
need clean house as new govt….maybe courts next…
I would be pleased to see a thorough internal review done on the DPP by the governor, especially relating to staff who have been there for a long time and a sample of the cases they have handled. Let us start there first and then we move to the top.
Everything is not what it seems . You need to see who benefits from this the most within the Dept and draw your own conclusions about which way this racism goes and went.
Can someone say how many Caymmanians prosecutors work in the DPP office and how many are senior positions.
Why does that matter? The DPP should have the best qualified people there regardless of sex, race or nationality.
So why are so many from other Caribbean islands? Are they truly the best that can be found in direct open competition with equivalently trained and experienced Kiwis, Kenyans, Australians, Indians, Brits, Irish, Nigerians, and South Africans?
Come to think of it, why is the same thing so prevalent in education and law enforcement in Cayman?
Maybe they believe that well trained outsiders will be more objective in those roles…
Exactly! So let’s talk about the elephant in the room. Why are we hiring only Jamaican or Trinidadian lawyers? How many of them even still need to obtain laws from UK or English lawyers to begin with?
How about the hiring of three Trinidadian lawyers at same time and (Acting?) SG at the time was a Trinidadian? Was there a fair hiring process? How qualified are these lawyers, except for the training they get from local and English lawyers now that they are in the post, which could have been given to local Caymanians?
So in 5-10 years all these contracted workers will get status (unless we have another Cabinet status grant, drafted, approved by the same department in which they work *kmt) keep these jobs for another 15-20, get free health, pension for themselves and children, while students in high school and university now, who want to serve their country will be excluded?
We need these contracts to NOT be renewed and yes bring in English lawyers, since they’re the only people who will be grateful for the job for few years and leave.
Is Saunders in charge of Labour and willing to accept discrimination against everyone except Jamaicans?
Many people think prosecutors should have a connection to the community they operate in. This may not b the view of UK elites, but it is not an unreasonable idea.
So that they can go easy on their friends?
The Jamaican officers convinced Caymanians that they would be better cops because Caymanian officers ‘couldn’t police their own’ and that they would be able to handle locals better than English police officers. Thirty years later we have a force with majority Jamaican officers who are policing islands where majority of work permit holders and new status holders are Jamaicans yet the logic that can’t police your own isn’t applied to Jamaicans in a British territory with Caymanians, still don’t understand how our people can accept this and NO it doesn’t mean we hate Jamaicans, we just want our people to be first and yes, English people have just as much right to be here as the Jamaicans.
Hopefully none based on my experiences
Oh my…. where are you going with this?
This is concerted effort by some calling themselves leadership Cayman who are made up non Caymanians but consist of Jamaicans and Trinidadians who are try take control and some of our very foolish political dingbats are aiding and abetting them in this endeavor. Very very dangerous road Cayman is now headed down!
I agree as the Jamaicans take over the judicial system, the Prison, some Banks, and now moving to customs. When will this government see the true value of the discrimination of our educational system Please bring the Brits in to take over and “oops I forgot am a Cayman local saying this and a lot of locals feel this way don’t allow them to lead DPP, Please hire a intern from outside also look to other jurisdiction country Brits am not against JA but this is not normal to say how the head person left this is the way this particular country boot people out of jobs strategical tactics so sad we are a lot of people are hurt trenching of his departed in this dept. ,
Most of the comments seem to be favorable to Mr Moran. I am black… just making that clear. I know firsthand he was dealing with a group of what I consider to be crooked prosecutors, mostly from our neighbor to the south and a least one from the twin island republic. They have been known to prosecute nothing cases because of the influence of friends in their social circles, and have withdrawn cases for persons connected to that same circle of friends.
Outside of that many of them bring charges against persons where either no crime was committed or they do not have the evidence to bring a successful prosecution but yet they proceed. It is almost as though they are trying to increase the volume of prosecutions so they can keep themselves employed or create job opportunities for their friends from back home to come and join their dept. Ask for the volume of prosecutions undertaken by this DPP office and the number that were successful, you will be stunned at the low rate of success. Technically charges should not be brought unless the prosecutor is sure that a properly directed jury would find the defendant guilty, in other words the prosecution losing cases should be the exception.
I believe Mr Moran was pretty fed up with the lot of them and maybe they turn and call him a racists. The UK prosecutors are way more solid, and typical do not have a social circle of friends to appease.
Agree, and I am a black Caymanian (not of Jamaican descent but of African descent) and have worked in that department years ago and can imagine what he had to deal with.
Time for English, Canadians and Filipinos to support Caymanians and stand up to reverse racism, positive discrimination by Jamaicans and Trinidadians in our civil service.
Yep also people changing there identity on Island when close family of theirs prosecuted Please Governor do a investigation this is not what was said they want power to help there friends and families please don’t let them lead the DDP.
They here cause they can’t make it in their own country. Caymanians wouldn’t have any top positions or possibly any positions over there as they are so third world. Come to think of it, which caymanian in their right mind would want to work in some of those backyad islands anyway
I have met Patrick on several occasions. He is a good man, hardworking and of utmost integrity. He doesn’t suffer fools and I should imagine he has had to deal with a fair few of them over the last couple of years. This is a loss for justice in Cayman.
I agree again this man is honest and leads this dept fair takes no negative chat they booted him out get another Brits No next in line its not fair investigate bias and compromise, they using Cayman people as excuse not too good poor my people.
DPP continues to be a big mess! Time for a total clean out/clean-up
@3:22, Agee that the DPP needs to be cleaned up and this will be one of the first signs of this PACT government to ensure clear transparent recruitment process, by also advertising to the public and not simply promoting Jamaican or Trinidadian lawyers who will still need to consult with British lawyers to draft and review laws.
Our laws are based on English laws anyway, tweaked by lawyers here so why do we have so many people from other countries in our legal department?
Do foreign lawyers come here to get trained and learn current laws from England & Cayman for their own countries?
Let’s go PACT, show us you are going to put Caymanians and Cayman (a BOT) first.
And Caymanian lawyers are so much nicer to work for than the Canadians, Brits and Aussies. Too much snootiness from that section of society. I’m an Aussie expat by the way, and back Caymanians all the way!
He didn’t prosecute Dr Lee
To the down voters, Is it ok to lie under oath in court?
Nothing to do with his prosecution and conviction of the Speaker, then. Been here 6 years and suddenly there’s a complaint about racism which merits dismissal?
BTW what’s happening with the investigation of the perjury findings by the judge in the Doctors Express case? Or is prosecuting the Chief Medical Officer and the head of CBC a racist issue as well?
Expat to local… “Please get something done!” Local to expat… “You’re a racist and if you don’t like it here and the way we work, you can leave!” It plays out over and over again.
and again and again and again…
Welcome to Caveman
Define local please…
8:59pm I’m a 10th generation Caymanian and all that other malarkey. It’s fine if ya’ll want to work slower, just work somewhere else!
Except that there are no “locals” in the office of the DPP.
Mr. Patrick Moran is an ethical and honorable man. Let’s see who is put in his place by the powers that be. Should be interesting.
Jamaicans and Trinidadians can bet NO NO .
Even the hint of prosecutors being racist can have serious implications for anybody that he has convicted , Defense attorneys would be all over that . Many cases could be put in jeopardy with that accusation .
Look further down the chain in that office to see the real racists.:::
I agree look further amounts the problem they right in the seat waiting to lead.
The DPP has staggered from one mess to the next under this guy. Probably not all his fault, but still.
I feel sad for him too as we all know he must have a hard time dealing with my people am born caymanian. Go Sir and make yourself a better life and I hope the governor do not allow the wrong person to act and god bless.
Well Well am so sorry he never prosecuted the big fishes in this island but only Cayman people, XXXX
Violet, it comes through many hands including police before reaching him. We need to look at entire system.
Hi are you one of the JA just saying” The truth hurts.Governor hire another UK Head investigate Please do not give this position to none of them inside put another person outside until a thorough review is done we all know this leader was very good person and holds respect in the community. all Cayman people should call upon the governor to investigate them all.
11.47am That explains why Northward is full of Cayman people, so unfair to pick on them.
Irony, I presume, 4:50?
And yet so many of the people there you call Caymanian are in fact, on any true analysis, Jamaican or Honduran.
But not the majority 9:37. Most of them are ours, all true born.
Oh really? Back that up. And tell us how many of them are only half-Caymanian, and of those, for how many their Caymanian half is their good half. I will never forget the fury of my grandmother, 98 years old Sunday, when someone in our family asked if we should have a meal after the funeral for my grandfather. She said: “THAT. IS. JAMAICAN.” True blue Caymanians are nothing like so many other nationalities that people think of as being Caymanian because well there’s some sort of accent there and there’s mixed skin or the surname is common or whatever. WRONG. When you come across a ‘Caymanian’ you enjoyed talking to or meeting, you met a real one. The rest of the time, their papers are just older than yours.
Source: I am a direct descendant of two of the oldest known Caymanian families, and by marriage two generations ago, also a member of a third such family. All frontier families that managed to settle different parts of the three islands when absolutely nothing existed here. We know who we are, and we are not in Northward – nor is anyone we would consider kin, not one soul.
When you have stays you are caymanian
I feel for him. He was probably just trying to get some of the lazy employees to work and this is what happens when you do that.
Something similar happened to the last Governor!
10.50, you are so right.
From personal experience I can tell you that telling a local employee to get on with it is considered racist.
12.17pm We have a new Govt now; why don’t you make an appearance on Marl Rd and repeat your idea to the Cayman Public and the new Administration.
It depends how you say it and who you are in relation to the person who says it. If a male white superior told me to ‘just get on with it please, I don’t have any more time to talk’, I would know I was messing up. I would indeed get straight on with it. If a black female superior told me to ‘get on wid it man!’ and walked away muttering and repeating herself to colleagues, I would interpret that *very* differently. It would be for me the difference between a valid reprimand and a wanton show of disrespect and attempt to diminish and embarrass me. Cultural differences are real.
Besides, we didn’t grow up in a ‘get on with it’ place. That culture comes from cold countries where no time could be wasted because the fire might go out or there was little daylight for most of the year etc. etc. We grew up under palm trees. We have extended families. We have customs. We’re in no hurry to live our lives. But an expat who comes down here on a mission to prove something is going to expect more of himself and others, and rub those living and working at a slower pace the wrong way. I see it all the time; I’ve lived it. Many expats understand this too and if they stick around long enough, they slow down too.
Who knows what actually happened here, but I can tell you, if a superior is going to tell me to ‘get on with it’, I better be wrong, and that better be all they say, and not in some exaggerated tone of voice. One is personal and directed at the lack of performance, the other is an attack on your conscientiousness and person. If anything like this happened with Mr. Moran, I would not be surprised if he lost his cool, tried to finally tell that bunch about their asses, and ended up out on his for it. Such a shame. And the ODPP is far from the only office with this hiring pool/culture clash problem.
10:50 am: how blatant can you be. Couldn’t hide the racist attitude if you tried.
And I doubt you have any clue regarding the irony of your own statement.
10.50 Obviously you haven’t a clue as to what happened but given a choice you then chose the low road. Big clue as to your low level mindset.
Its just that the low road constantly plays out to be the truth over and over and over.
It happens all the time regardless of nationality and regardless of whether it is public or private sector.