Post office still using collection notices

| 12/05/2021 | 14 Comments
Cayman News Service
George Town Post office

(CNS): The Cayman Islands Postal Service is still putting printed ‘Notice of Item for Collection’ slips in customers’ boxes when they have a package addressed to a specific P.O. box number, but they are also texting and emailing customers if a package has this contact information on it. Following queries raised by customers and erroneous postings on social media saying that post offices had stopped using the printed notices, the CIPS confirmed that the notices still go into boxes.

When a delivery address is not valid and no email or phone number is provided but there is a tracking number, the item is held for at least 30 days to allow the addressee or sender to track it online.

Customers waiting for packages who have not received a printed notice, email or text message should visit the CIPS website to track the item. They can also contact the service via e-mail at and provide your full name, address, country of origin for the item and the tracking number.


Category: Local News

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Surprised they’re not still using telegrams to send people notifications.

  2. Male critic says:

    Can we get Juju working on these problems, she carries a lot of weight in problem solving, and presumably has knowledge of the system as she travelled half way round the world (with shopping stopovers in New York), to attend an International Postal Union Conference.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Time for another overseas jolly to a Postal conference!

  4. Anonymous says:

    The post office exists only to sell souvenir stamps to nonexistent tourists.

  5. Anonymous says:

    9:04 am, very true, on the Brac is 5 post Office, 3 will be plenty enough

  6. Anonymous says:

    Fact: Snail Mail, or mail items, leaving or arriving at our Post Offices has dwindled to a trickle since the onset of the Internet and emailing:(note the absence of queues at any time in our Post Offices).

    Fact: since Covid lock-down overseas mail in both directions has come to a grinding halt.

    Fact: rental fees on letter boxes have not been adjusted reflecting the almost total absence of mail since lock-down.

    Fact: I am one Post Box renter who inherited a large box from a defunct business a number of years ago. Since the dwindling of the receipt of mail I applied for a smaller box, to me told that there were none available at any Post Office convenient to me. So I am between a rock and a hard place, paying top dollar for a box I don’t need and receiving neglible amounts of mail.

    It is time that the government considered subsidising the Post Office and terminating box rental fees,perhaps cancelling the subsidy given to places like the Turtle Farm. That way I, and people in my situation, would feel we are getting more bang for our Buck.

    Post Office, please join the 21st century!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Wait, they gone back to work now? Who knew?

  8. Anonymous says:

    The government can save some $$$$ by shutting down some of the post offices on island (you don’t need offices, just boxes) and a few of the teeny tiny mold-filled libraries too. So many places to save!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Why don’t they enforce the law that speaks to mail in general is the property of the Post Master General until it is delivered to the rightful address(postbox)?
    My mail for years have been placed in the wrong postbox which is one digit less than mine and is disposed of by that postbox renter. Is this not a condition of rental and in the rental agreement? Attempts to have this rectified have been met with rubbish from the authorities at the Post Office.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Maybe, when they find them, six months later at best.

  11. Truth says:

    World class incompetence backed by world class excuses. It’s expected now. The legacy of poor education that will never change.

  12. Anonymous says:

    The amount of mail lost on this island my our postal service is criminal.

  13. Anonymous says:

    At least two flights a week, and still receiving trickles of weathered Christmas cards post marked in November from North America. A small parcel, with tracking, has been sitting somewhere at Customs since December. Someone needs to pump some oxygen into these back rooms, and check for life. It’s mid-May now.

    • Anonymous says:

      12/5 @ 9:19pm – Please remember that the USA (not sure about Canada but also likely) were not dispatching overseas foreign mail for months. If it doesn’t leave North America on time it can’t arrive in Cayman on time.

      Just saying.

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