Archive for May 26th, 2021

COVID vaccination rate inches up to 66%

COVID vaccination rate inches up to 66%

| 26/05/2021 | 110 Comments

(CNS): With another 269 people getting a first shot of the COVID-19 vaccination over the last day, the current rate of those having at least one dose has risen to 66%, while those who have had both does is now at 56%, which is still 14% short of the government’s minimum target before consideration will […]

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Showing off ‘imitation’ gun earns man 6 years in jail

Showing off ‘imitation’ gun earns man 6 years in jail

| 26/05/2021 | 37 Comments

(CNS): Kurt Stephenson Carter (31) has been sentenced to just under six years in prison after he was convicted earlier this year for possessing an imitation firearm with intent to commit a crime. Carter was caught because of CCTV evidence that clearly shows him showing off the weapon to people outside a George Town bar […]

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CPA to hear apartment plan before re-zone

CPA to hear apartment plan before re-zone

| 26/05/2021 | 36 Comments

(CNS): The Central Planning Authority’s agenda for today’s meeting includes a controversial application for a high density residential project in the South Sound wetlands that remains the subject of a re-zone application. However, Cabinet has not yet decided on the re-zoning, which poses a significant environmental and flood threat to the area. Pro-Plus Construction and […]

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Public to get their say on Dart dump project

Public to get their say on Dart dump project

| 26/05/2021 | 58 Comments

(CNS): As Dart gets down to work on tackling Cayman’s waste-management problem after signing a deal with the previous government just weeks before the election, the islands’ largest landowner and government officials will hold three public meetings next month, according to a government advertisement in local print news. The meetings are steps towards the environmental […]

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