Vaccine take-up increases just 2% in last week
(CNS): The percentage of the population that has received at least one does of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine against the COVID-19 coronavirus barely moved Tuesday, according to the latest statistics. Cayman remains a world leader in the percentage of the population who have had at least one dose, with 34,614 people vaccinated or 53% of the estimated population. However, the goal to reach between 75% and 80% in the next six weeks or so is looking less and less likely, as the pace of vaccine take-up slows.
Just 260 people received their first shot over the last day, and since last Tuesday the percentage rate of those vaccinated has increased by only 2%.
Meanwhile, with no scheduled flights over the last two days, there were no new positive case of COVID-19 in travellers and all of the test results over the last day were negative. There are still 21 active cases of the virus among the more than 660 people in quarantine and isolation, two of whom are still suffering symptoms of the virus.
Cayman’s tally for COVID-19 is 531, with just two fatalities attributed to the virus since testing began in March 2020.
- Fascinated 13%
- Happy 00%
- Sad 27%
- Angry 2379%
- Bored 310%
- Afraid 00%
Category: Health, Medical Health
We are never going to reach our designated goal so the goalposts need to be changed to conform to reality. We also need to consider what will happen to all the unused vaccine does – donate them to Haiti before they expire?.
Why are the oh so mighty vaccinated people so afraid of those not vaccinated? Apparently your vaccine is going to stop you getting really sick so wtf? If someone doesn’t want a vaccine and hasn’t left the island, they don’t have Covid and infact are less a risk than you are for traveling and catching it. News flash, the vax doesn’t stop you getting it or spreading it. Which means guess what? Vax or no vax, you’re quarantined and tested and masked and swabbed.
What a joke this whole thing is.
Because antivaxers allow the virus to mutate. If the virus mutates it is difficult to contain. If everyone takes the vaccine the virus is starved of a host, and cannot mutate, nor infect more people.
7.44pm It’s a bit like our election system which also mutates and becomes difficult to contain.
“..antivaxers allow the virus to mutate..” Quite the opposite happens.
Vaccines Are Pushing Pathogens to Evolve
Humans are silly talking monkeys who are unaware of just how primitive they are with respect to Nature.
Not afraid of the unvaccinated. Just dont like being held hostage by them. Set a border opening date. Unvaccinated can then choose if they are happy to stay unvaccinated or if they will get the shots in advance of the border opening.
There are more pregnant Covid suffering ICU admissions right now, than in all the previous months since Covid began added together. Shelve your fantasies for another year.
Here in Cayman? Oh I wasn’t aware.
You do know pregnant women can get the vaccine.
News flash, a quarter way through 2021, the rest of the world is living the worst wave yet, with younger symptomatic, and unvaccinated filling hospital ICUs and dying. The penalty for being a knucklehead isn’t just quarantine, wearing masks and being swabbed…for over 3,000,000 and counting it’s death.
News flash- states and countries are getting rid of the mask mandates and opening the last few things left to open. People are living their lives, traveling, going to school, summer camps for children, stores, malls, gyms, restaurants etc. Not many people are staying home anymore. Get vaccinated, wear a mask in high traffic areas and social distance if necessary.
HSA needs a massive push. Every district health centre must be staffed up and used to dispense the vaccine. Ditto for all private hospitals. The rigid restricted access hours at ORIA are not enough to get this done.
Daily appearances by Dr Lee would also go a long way. He has led us ably over the past year. Don’t let the momentum stall.
Maybe work with large supermarkets to host vaccinations days on-site to employees and customers. On Saturdays, so many people go shopping. Worth a try!
Shuttles to the construction sites to bring workers to the clinics and back. Or bring the shots to them.
New government, now open the borders to those vaccinated without a quarantine period!
Open up early summer (low season) to vaccinated travelers where numbers will be slower and realize that it wont be gloom and doom.
Scientists launch study to find out if COVID-19 vaccines are causing period changes after hundreds of women notice irregularities
CNS: The other two links were specifically about the J&J vaccine. We have the Pfizer. People can google if they want to find out about the others.
It’s far worse that that viral shedding will be all our down fall , every breath every skin flake will have the the new biologic in it changing our cells vaxed or not will be hard to escape this, Dr. Vernon Cole explains it very well an intelligent and compassionate man
Tinfoil alert
Open up now to the vaccinated.
3 studies have shown breakthough infection is very very rare at 0.001% in general population and 0.1% in the elderly. There is no reason to isolate vaccinated people!
After a year of testing and development, the IATA Travel Pass App is now in live trial…does Cayman Airways have their 6 digit passenger code to allow their loyalty members access to it?
Let’s not miss the ball on rollout this global initiative.
Same in Israel and USA…eventually vaccinations process through all the sensible people and stall at the indifferent and rightwing brigade that remain. Those fuelled on a diet of bad info and conspiracies, are hard to sway using science. Some corp CEO’s in USA red states are offering $100 prize money to employees that get a jab. I’m not sure how much that buys in crystal meth, but it seems to be working. Maybe we should do the same? Past CIG’s have farted more than $3mln on less critical objectives.
So true. Red states have so much meth.
Maybe we need to start charging $1000 per dose. That would soon focus people’s minds on just how anti-vax they think they really are!
Why not use something similar to Israel’s “green pass” vaccine passport for over 16s? This restricts entry into restaurants, bars, gyms etc to only those vaccinated. The UK is considering this once the vaccine is available to everyone which it already is here. People can still choose not to get vaccinated but it will affect their quality of life. But keeping the borders closed is also affecting a lot of people’s lives.
Move on and set a date for vaccinated people to come without isolation. We have alll been given long enough.
Set a damn date. Vaccinated, 1-2 days of quarantine; unvaccinated, enjoy your 10 days of lockup.
No shortage of vaccine. I know there are no lines there of any consequence. And now on some days have evening hours. And have Saturdays. No excuses.
I completely agree except the unvaccinated should remain in quarantine for the full 14 days.
1-2 days for vaccinated people allows them enough time to process their covid test and then they should be free.
No isolation period for vaccinated people except the short time it takes to get results from test and that should be hours, not over night or days!
Those under 16, pregnant, allergic, and elderly frail do have valid health excuses, not to mention, people still thankfully have free choice, even if it is the ill-advised passive option.
And these groups are exactly why all the healthy should get vaccinated – to protect those who genuinely cannot. This is a public health issue (as a reportable disease) not merely a matter of personal choice – refusing the vaccine endangers the safety of others. Get the pastors to tell each one to protect the community by doing the morally correct thing.
Set a firm date. Every where else has been open for almost a year.
We can’t be locked down forever !
If someone in Cayman is admitted to hospital with Covid who can’t prove they have had the vaccine.
They have to pay for their treatment or leave the hospital as soon as a real emergency happens and someone needs their bed ..simple
The vaccination does not ultimately protect you from Covid, you can be vaccinated and still be a carrier and be asymptomatic.
Correct but it appears to significantly reduce your risk of both catching and transmitting asymptomatic covid.
A face visor, mask, social distancing, washing your hands protect from “catching” COVID-19. The Pfizer vaccination doesn’t clean a swathe of contaminated aerosol water droplets away. Vaccinated still can “catch” and possibly get sick enough with new variants to transmit. Vaccine efficacy data from December was from COVID-classic, not the new strains. Better than nothing though!
Well, that’s just it isn’t it…we AREN’T locked down. We can all leave whenever we want.
More ides brought to you by Bad Idea Jeans…
And sit in jail for 10-11 days when you get back
simple question:
we had the option of vaccinating 100% of adults many weeks ago…why hasn’t it happened?
not many countries are in our postion but we are where we are…..why????
Everyone that wanted to be vaccinated now has..
It is very clear we will never reach the fabled 75/80% for reopening…
CIG needs a new strategy or we will stay locked down forever which is unsustainable…
Or at least set a date – that way more people will get vaccinated
YUP, I was waiting until a date was set. I hate shots, but will have it eventually.
Please announce the BA schedule beyond May 5th
Open the damn borders Wayne!
Get the moron anti-vaxxers to take the effing vaccine then maybe we can open the borders.
Don’t force the morons to take it. Set a reopening date with no quarantine. There has been ample opportunity to get the protection. I got my 2 doses.
Unna granneh never said “can’t hear you ga feel” to you?
Agreed. Tourists coming here to vacation should be coming from places with access to vaccines too so why not?
It could be a fountain of youth injection and I still won’t get it until the government definitively says when the border will open regardless. Suck it up buttercup.
If you don’t get the vaccine than we can’t open up. It’s your ball and you’re fumbling.
No, not really. I can get injected and we can reach the 75%-80% and the government can still require a quarantine. We can get more panic porn in 2 weeks and the government can change it’s mind again like it has over and over. I can’t un-inject so I’m fine waiting. Call your rep and complain to him/her.
You’re insane.
No, insanity is to guzzle narratives without considering an expanding universe of *preliminary* information on the subject and zombie mode your way through life. I’ll bet you chant Insanity is holding the population hostage to a pack of paranoids, neo-commies and hypochondriacs. If I’m insane you are a useful idiot.
Things more likely to happen than anti-vaxxers get the shot.
– first black Pope.
– first humans on Mars.
What about a black Pope on Mars?
This is definitely part of the problem. We all know it’s based on misinformation and selfishness so they can’t be allowed to hold the country hostage. Set a date and open up to vaccinated people.
Perhaps some incentive like 2 hours paid leave to motivate those that just haven’t bothered to get vaccinated yet.
You can’t force people to take it, just allow the insurance companies to refuse treatment for covid+ non vaxxed.
Well u might as well do that for smokers and obese people too.