Crisis Centre plans to decline Bush cash

| 20/04/2021 | 142 Comments
Cayman News Service
McKeeva Bush

(CNS): In a short statement published on the Cayman Islands Crisis Centre’s website and social media pages, the charity’s board of directors said that they will be declining the offer of a monthly donation from what will be Speaker McKeeva Bush’s salary. The charity, which runs a shelter for women and children fleeing abusive situations and advocates for the end of gender violence, did not spell out the reason for declining the cash but said it was unaware of the understanding between PACT and Bush and should it materialize, the board will refuse it.

“The Cayman Islands Crisis Centre’s Board of Directors would like to confirm that we were not aware of the understanding between PACT and Mr Bush regarding the proposed contribution of funds to the Crisis Centre in advance of their press release,” the statement reads. “The Board, along with the people of The Cayman Islands, await the formation of the next Government, however, should the proposed donation come to realization, we will respectfully decline the offer. Violence against women, men or children is unacceptable and we pledge to continue to work on eradicating this violation of human rights from our islands.”

In the immediate wake of the assault by Bush on the female bar manager at the Coral Beach Bar back in February last year, the Crisis Centre board issued a statement supporting the victim and reaching out to her, but they also said that the incident could help to get more people involved in eliminating violence.

“While we abhor violence against anyone and work every day with people who have been victimized by those they love and trust we also recognise that there may be a silver lining in this particular incident in that if we can get more people working, in whatever small way they can, towards eliminating gender-based violence, anger, hatred and even ‘locker room talk’ from our society, then all is not is lost,” CICC stated in February 2020.

Meanwhile, a number of other activist groups have also issued statements regarding the inclusion of Bush in the PACT Government, given that voters are torn between his conduct and the public desire for an independent government in the face of the PPM-Alliance’s refusal to accept that it cannot lead the next administration.

A spokesperson for the growing grass roots movement, Amplify Cayman, avoiding commenting directly on Bush’s appointment as speaker but offered its support to PACT.

“People voted overwhelmingly in favour of Independent candidates which includes the member for West Bay West,” the spokesperson stated referring to Bush. “We appreciate this has been a difficult time for all and we pray that people will put their differences aside for the betterment of country and people as a whole. We are proud to support the rights of citizens to be involved in the democratic process, being vocal and participating in peaceful demonstration. Thank you to all the elected candidates on both sides and together we hope they will work together to build a better country and community and keep our islands safe and prosperous.”

Meanwhile, Taura Ebanks of Cayman Voices was less diplomatic, stating that she believed the hypocrisy was no different, despite her support for an Independent led government reflecting the popular and majority vote.

“We do not believe that any person who has shown such disregard for our Parliament, our laws, or our residents should be given more power by sitting as part of a government,” she said. “The voters of West Bay West have every right to vote for whomever they choose, but it is the responsibility of the remaining 18 elected MPs to decide how much more power they will put in this individual’s hands.” she added.

Pointing to the division in the country Ebanks said the activist group for which she was speaking believed the way to bridge this division would be to form a true coalition government with capable members from within both groups coming together to lead. “Unfortunately, as we have seen, this does not appear to be possible,” she said.

Given the desire for change, she said people were “bending over backwards to rationalise the compromise”, and she accepted that PACT represented more than not being the PPM. “Representing potential change from the status quo, change from the old ways, change from business as usual. The PACT represents hope,” Ebanks said but added that Bush was “too high a price to pay”.

“When the PPM failed to act we lost. When the PPM failed to act again we lost again. Now, as the country grapples with a stalemate it appears that we will lose once more. Yes, it was the Progressives who put us in this untenable position yet again, and each elected PPM and Alliance member hiding behind party loyalty instead of putting the country first bears the weight of what is to come. However, neither side has the high ground on this,” the Cayman Voices spokesperson said.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    These are the people that Caymanians have chosen to lead them out of the crisis that they have caused. Again. Patience.

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