Brush fire in Windsor Park now extinguished

| 12/03/2021 | 20 Comments
Windsor Park Brush fire, 12 March 2021

(CNS) UPDATED SATURDAY: The large brush fire that began in the Windsor Park area Friday afternoon, 12 March, has now been fully extinguished after around 18 firefighters worked overnight, using one light portable pump, four tankers and one rapid intervention vehicle. The RCIPS X-Ray One helicopter also surveyed the scene for aerial risk assessment Friday evening. Officials said that a small flare-up on Saturday morning was put out by a Cayman Islands fire Service crew on standby. While no other issues have been reported, the area is being monitored throughout Saturday as a precaution. The cause of the fire is under investigation.

The fire affected residents and businesses in the area who were advised to close all windows. It also interrupted the inter-school sports day at the Truman Bodden Sports Complex, which was evacuated, as was the UCCI campus.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    If the cause of the fire is due to an idiot burning garbage in a yard, they need to be prosecuted.

    The cost, inconvenience, and endangerment was substantial.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Incorporate GT South into GT Central

  3. Anonymous says:

    No lie Jamaica supposed to be in drought but one load of greeeenn green stuff land the other day

    I guess even with higher demand and lower supply locally, the Jamaicans know that we’re too dumb to legalize it so they can just smuggle it over and get 5,000% ROI which easily covers any loss from busts. Making one trip covers a year+ of salary which is paid before. They have become expendable mules and it is truly sad what we continue to allow to happen under this failed war against a plant.

    Legalize personal use and consumption for now. I understand until the USA federally legalizes in an election cycle or two the financial aspects of the industry would be tied up. We can get to commercial applications later. Let me grow this God given medical herb in my land. I will ensure it’s concealed from the public.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Thankfully it was the rain that extinguished it.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Who’s Aric?

    • Anonymous says:

      Alric is the Candidate running for George Town South against the PPM Barbara Conolly. Barbara Conolly MP Nolly was very anxious to place blame on Alric (who is only a running candidate, Barbara is the existing MP responsible for the welfare of Windsor Park and to add and Executive Member of the Government – in short has full access to get whatever she wants, so I believe if we are to point fingers All Ten should be pointing at Barbara….Nolly hopefully 🙏 the people of WP or GTS will be able to hold Alric with this same accountability after April elections. My Caymanian people the politics in Cayman stinks. We have the opportunity to TRY to change this. The only way forward is a clean slate. We need to vote NEW people to represent us locally and internationally. PPM and their ALLIANCES need to GO and NOLLY we definitely don’t want or need no more stool pigeons we need people on the ground who will call a spade a spade

  6. Anonymous says:

    Nolly says it was Alric’s fault because the lady had waited on him to move her garbage for months so she set it on fire.

    What a pile of crap..Alric isn’t the representative, Barbara is. Was this lady waiting for Barbara and then went to Alric because Barbara didn’t do anything about it. Didn’t Barbara see the garbage too? sounds like someone has an axe to grind.

    We have to stop this foolishness. Politics can turn us into real idiots some time. Blaming a politician that is not even elected for someones garbage being burned by the owner is so stupid. Couldn’t she have cleaned it up herself or call the department of the environmental health to pick it up or maybe even ask her neighbors to help her clean up her mess.

    • Anonymous says:

      This mentality is a huge part of the problem. Waiting on someone to move her garbage? Who can do that? If I have garbage on my property I make arrangements to have it removed. I wouldn’t dream of calling my representative. Same if my roof need repairs. Especially if the roof in need of repair is on my rental units. Ridiculous.

  7. anon says:

    Well did we finally get to use those multimillion new tanker trucks?.Apart from the dump which never lets us down,I don’t recall many fires in the last year or two, and certainly none at ORIA and the Brac airport, except when they burn tyres on the fire engines engaged in speed tests.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Weed strong bo

  9. Anonymous says:

    ‘Advised to close all windows if they are impacted by smoke.’ LOL, all that happens then is your a/c sucks all the crap in.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Was this sabotage for Arics’s campaign kick off?

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