Brac driver sober in latest light pole crash

| 24/03/2021 | 15 Comments
Crash on Bight Road, Cayman Brac on Tuesday

(CNS): Police are investigating how a sober drive managed to literally wrap his white Honda Civic around a light pole on the Bight Road, Cayman Brac, yesterday morning in a single-car collision. Police and emergency services were called to the crash scene at around 11:40am Monday when the driver, who was alone in the car, provided a negative a roadside breath test at the scene. The Cayman Islands Fire Service and the Public Works Department were called to give assistance at the scene of the collision, and the driver of the car was transported to the Faith Hospital by ambulance, where he was treated for non-life-threatening injuries and later released.

No one else was injured as a result of the smash and even the light pole appears to have escaped unscathed.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Was the light pole sober?

  2. Anonymous says:

    What happen years before was traggic but the person who died was also to blame because he was taking oart in racing this guy too so stop pointing fingers at what you dont know about and be thankful 1 actually made it out alive! Get a life

  3. Anonymous says:

    Stop judging before you know the facts hunny because you all need to ask why the pwd trucked suddenly pulled out why and that is what caused him to swerve and end up where he did!

    • Anonymous says:

      A real danger on the road. Always speeding. There were eye witnesses who saw the accident unfold.

    • Anonymous says:

      Swerved to miss truck and ended up hitting light pole ten feet off the ground – not an accident reconstruction expert – but I seriously doubt that he was going speed limit.

      Most on Brac know this young mans driving reputation, he can be seen all over the island zipping around – just a matter of time before it happens again.

      • Anonymous says:

        You must of been at the scene to say it was ten feet off the ground hhhmmm thats interesting.
        Oh well we all need to brush up on some driving skills or should i say knowledge skills.
        People in the cayman island need to stop bashing people you all should be trying to help one another not bring yall people down. Hey i know he isnt caymanian born but he is a resident and has more rights that many other caymanian as he has papers to say he is one but hey what do i know right

        • Anonymous says:

          We all felt that way for a long time, and then repeat events that are much like the previous…. these events compile and eventually a pattern of repeated reckless endangerment become clear.

          Many of us are fresh out of hope, and just pray that this young man doesn’t take anyone with him.

          • Anonymous says:

            Remember accidents can happen to anyone and anyones not saying im giving him right for speeding so lets get that across but facts are it can happen to anyone of us.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Hmnn, speed maybe. The driver has already killed one person with his reckless driving. Wasn’t so long ago that he took a spill on a motorcycle.
    Same driver has been known for driving with excessive speed, doing wheelies on his motorcycle and overtaking cars with reckless abandon.
    It is a miracle that he is still alive and has not killed any others.

  5. BeaumontZodecloun says:

    Glad the young man is okay. I’ve had two auto accidents in my life in which it was miraculous that I wasn’t killed. I hope this event is as positively life-changing for him as mine were for me.

  6. Anonymous says:

    That’s a poser all right. I liked the one in Marl Road that hit the house and ended up suspended in the air against the cistern.

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