McLaughlin moves election date

(CNS): In a significant and politically strategic move, Premier Alden McLaughlin has moved the date of the election up by six weeks, blaming the controversy surrounding Speaker McKeeva Bush. Ensuring that his team will avoid having to publicly support or condemn the speaker, McLaughlin has instead ended the current parliament. The election will now take place on 14 April and Nomination Day will be on 1 March, a move which McLaughlin said just last week would give his coalition members the upper hand.
Despite telling a Chamber of Commerce audience just one week ago that calling early elections would be wrong as it favoured his party and others in his coalition, he has done just that, blaming the saga over Bush’s position. There is no indication, however, that removing the speaker from office would have necessitated the collapse of the government, as McLaughlin has claimed.
But he has now fired the starting gun early, in what was already destined to be a contentious election battle.
Governor Martyn Roper has also given what is obviously a very political move his backing. In a statement from his office on Wednesday, Roper said, “At the request of, and in consultation with the Premier, I will be issuing a proclamation on Sunday 14 February 2021 dissolving the Parliament, in accordance with Section 84(2) of the Cayman Islands Constitution.”
He said he will proclaim Wednesday, 14 April, as the date for the next General Election. Returning officers will then be issued Writs setting Nominations Day as Monday, 1 March, just over two weeks from the dissolution of the Parliament and cutting the official campaign period to just six weeks.
“I have been assured by the Supervisor of Elections that the Elections Office will be able to deliver a smooth, fair, and transparent General Election on this new date,” Roper stated. “Cayman Islands General Elections have historically had excellent voter turnout, and I encourage all voters to exercise their democratic right and vote in the 14 April 2021 General Election,” he added.
Following the release of the governor’s statement, McLaughlin issued his own, blaming the change on the situation relating to Bush’s assault conviction.
“[I]t is plain that as long as Mr Bush remains as Speaker, the controversy over his recent convictions will not abate,” he said, adding that Bush has refused to resign as speaker and his forcible removal would threaten the stability of the government.
“Were that to occur, it is almost certain that the Governor would be forced to dissolve the Parliament in any event,” he said as he sought to justify his political move.” A rancorous session of Parliament debating the no confidence motion may not end with the removal of Speaker Bush, as some opposition members may decline to vote in favour of the motion, despite having signed a letter calling for a special meeting.
“But it will create rancor in our community and likely amongst members of my Government. Without question it will be a massive distraction from the critically important work we are engaged in, which ranges from dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic and efforts at reopening the economy while
keeping Cayman safe, to addressing the continued threat of EU blacklisting,” he added.
McLaughlin claimed it was in the best interest of the country for Parliament to be dissolved immediately, as that would mean the speaker would no longer be in the office. The country could then, sooner rather than later, determine who they wish to serve as their representatives, including the people of West Bay West.
McLaughlin’s decision also avoids actually ousting Bush and anyone having to state that they support his continuation in the job, despite the violent conviction, or that they believe he should be forced out because of it. This enables the incumbents on the government benches to continue navigating a difficult political landscape and holding the unity of the coalition members through the campaign.
The move also cuts the time potential candidates have to get themselves organised to be nominated now down to just 18 days and reduces the actual campaign to just six weeks.
See the premier’s full statement in the CNS Library
Category: 2021 General Elections, Elections, Politics
It looks like the Governor is sided with his loyalist, Premier Alden McLaughlin. To me he represents more of the the Foreign Office’s interest, not the people of these islands.
At least we get to rid ourselves of this administrations sooner! Adios!
The Governor is complicit in this too. He will say that he is doing everything within the rule of law yet he lets a common criminal sit in the Speakers seat.
I wish we could vote him out too!
Cayman Islands need honest MPs, who are men and women of the people, and who have integrity, intelligence and drive.
These political and social inadequates that are willing to buy your vote are also the ones that will sell out the people, when it suits them.
Every member of the Unity Government needs to go and never come back. PPM (including the “PPM in independents clothing”), CDP and government’s other independents need a one way ticket out of Parliament, never to return again.
Hallelujah! Buh-bye Alden and cronies!
I could not possibly agree more! We need all of them gone! We need fresh blood and honesty. We need people without skeletons in their closets that aren’t beholden to black mail and special interest groups!
Completely agree! No “sworn behind closed doors brotherhood members” would be a GREAT start!
Can’t please yuo all,every election year its the same cry , new one’s .and by next election you all cry the same song .what a set of people .
Now there are rumors of giving all Civil Servants a 5% increase in salary after the Governor, Deputy Governor, Chief Officers and some Head of Departments just all got increases over 10,000 a year and some almost $20,000 a year. Vote buying at it’s best and just like in 2008 they will take back the increases and the people will have to pay for all the cash giveaways going on! People getting Tourism Stipend that don’t qualify! Bleeding this country and trying to win the elections on the backs of the poor people! Our children will not be able to afford a piece of Cayman because these jokas selling it to the highest bidder! VOTE THEM OUT!!!!
direct rule now please.
caymanians are not competent to run their own affairs. they are a largley a small minded, bigoted, poorly educated bunch of hypocrites.
apologies for the political incorrectness.
Go Home.
No apologies for not wanting the likes of you here.
And I am a first generation Caymanian…my parents are expats and we respect this community and its people.
Why can’t you?
You decry then apologize 10:14? You know that makes you no better than those you.state you dislike. As to direct rule, take ya meat out me rice yow.
alden..a spineless chicken till the very end.
Always was, and will be.
As long as Alden’s reign of terror is over, then it’s good times ahead. Sammy Jackson is going to take Alden’s seat in Red Bay. That would be a good replacement.
Alden can see that the walls are closing in on him, so you he had to make a move, because he is guided by his prideful ego, narcissism and psychopathic tendencies cannot allow the regular course of things take shape, especially when he’s just a sitting duck.
This might come with a silver lining, provided the people do not revolt against the government and public officials, then disaster averted, because we need peace and prosperity, not selective favoritism, conspiracy, collusion, cover ups and bleeding the country’s finances.
I agree, Sammy would be a fantastic MP. I can’t believe he’s offering to tun but I sure am grateful to him!
He’s no no nonsense. Just what Cayman needs now.
Hard headed and bullish! Sammy needs to stick to law
If you see strong morals as bullish? You’re just upset he’s not for sale
Agreed. All PPM gotta go: see yah, wouldn’t want to be yah!!!! Roy is a competent accountant and a nice guy, but even he is guilty by association and needs to be booted out.
I have the pleasure of knowing him well and I have so much respect for him. He is always true to his word and has taught many a battle for the good of this country without expectation of reward. He is tough and honest- that’s a rare combination!
Who is Sammy Jackson. I am a voter in Red Bay and I have never heard of him.
Thanks to Alden you’ve got a shorter timeframe but I’m sure you’ll get a chance. He’s going door to door- met him the other day. Seems like a good man and I liked his views. Seen him on CMR this morning too
Looks like Alden couldn’t face the motion against Mac. Pretty amazing. You’d think a lame duck premier would have more guts. Does he really need him so bad?
You never know. Alden is deceptive and power hungry, so I say that he and Mac will only play nice until they both don’t (or one of them doesn’t) need the other.
You don’t know the master strategist that Alden has become!
“But it will create rancor in our community and likely amongst members of my Government. Without question it will be a massive distraction from the critically important work we are engaged in, which ranges from dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic and efforts at reopening the economy while
keeping Cayman safe, to addressing the continued threat of EU blacklisting,” he added.
And you don’t think emboldening convicted physical abuse assailants has a priority anywhere on that list ? you’re a complete ******* disgrace Misfit Premier, a real proper, have never seen it before, complete ******* disgrace
The important work is cronyism and nepotism.
Alden has lost touch with reality. His ego allows him to think of nobody but himself and his arrogance makes him believe we are too stupid to notice him throwing us all under the bus. He is narcissistic at best, evil at worst.
No weed no vote
I’m not seeing anyone running on actual issues. Here are a few that come to mind that any candidate needs to answer directly.
What’s your position (be specific) on:
1. Immigration? Number of PR and Status grants?
2. Caymanian unemployment?
3. Concessions for developers?
4. Concentration of ownership of property?
5. Re-opening Cayman?
6. EU Blacklist and how to deal with EU going forward?
7. Cruise ship port?
8. Traffic?
9. Crime and police presence in general?
Mount Cayman
Public transport
I agree, but we as the voters now need to stand up and ask these questions. When your candidates come to your district, ask them their stance on these issues and any other ones that may be of interest or close to your heart. The biggest mistake I found was not calling out the government on their stance on the cruise ship port in 2017 and then finding out that plans were in the works in 2018.
Ask the questions, do your own research. Do not vote unless you have done your own research. Don’t trust the promises blindly and also don’t always trust the news reports.
It’s obvious you don’t have to worry about the cost of living huh well thousands of us do SMH selfish Elitism at play.
There are so many things that need to be addressed as well where Cayman is not taking any initiatives at all and we are out of date with the entire planet.
1. Agriculture/Cannabis cultivation and legalization
2. Focus on Children and Young adults (mental health, etc.)
3. Focus on Maternity/Paternity laws
4. Stringent corruption/ethics laws for politicians
5. Lowering our carbon footprint
Just to name a few.
Those in power will do whatever it takes to keep power. Even if they know they will lose it. Just look at what happened with the orange agent in the USA. So, Cayman, can you beat these guys at their game too?
As long as Alden’s reign of terror is over, then it’s good times ahead. Sammy Jackson is going to take Alden’s seat in Red Bay. That would be a good replacement.
Alden can see that the walls are closing in on him, so you he had to make a move, because he is guided by his prideful ego, narcissism and psychological tendencies cannot allow the regular course of things take shape, especially when he’s just a sitting duck.
This might come with a silver lining, provided the people do not revolt against the government and public officials, then disaster averted, because we need peace and prosperity, not selective favoritism, conspiracy, collusion and cover ups. DPP, let’s what you do with it.
I’d generally say that you normally need to like people and be willing to get involved in something than your own personal advancement to be in politics, but perhaps that would be a bit unkind to one candidate in Red Bay and a bit generous to the other.
Only positive to this $hitshow is that maybe Cayman will be allowed to open up sooner. It has become a power play for Alden to keep changing the reopening plan.
Didn’t govt set the borders opening on the day after elections? Thought I saw that somewhere.
If it is so, that could be bad for community spread of COVID and would be strategically placed to give the next govt difficulty.
Oh my, oh my, how long will politricks get hurting us? Haven’t we had enough?
Shame on you Alden. Very naughty. Maybe planned it this way. Either way there will be consequences for you.
So does this mean nothing can change with regard to covid till april? And if laws run out like quarantine etc it’ will end? nothing to open then till after the election assuming they have set these laws till last till then.
I have no doubt the WB swine knows some secrets but one big one of those came around during coalition of the parties to the conflicted but lucrative port deal. Hopefully Alden the Cowardly will move to Honduras so we don’t have to see is face again….I’ve said for 8 years he was the most destructive leader you have ever had.
Ya sound like a person who didn’t. Get to play footsies haha.
you sound like someone who was dropped on their head
Today we have seen the government’s true colours. Alden and his government are cowering puppets and their strings are pulled by a drunken, violent, misogynistic, homophobic, shameless villain who sits in a fancy chair in velvet robes with an ankle bracelet underneath. No government at all would be a huge improvement over these self-satisfied, self-important Mac loyalists coveting the perks of office while actively preventing any accountability or responsibility. They can’t hold back the tide forever.
No, their puppet strings are not pulled by a drunken, violent, misogynistic McKeeva. Don’t be fooled. The PPM MPs have their puppet strings are pulled by the campaign financiers who need McKeeva and Eugene to be re-elected in West Bay.
Follow the money. Its not about McKeeva, it’s about the money behind McKeeva. The people who give McKeeva money to dole out to his deplorables.
After Mac is gone, there will be a new puppet…
Early Election. Giddy-up! Vote all the swine who support McCuba out.
Ah the old “impeachment is too decisive” deflection
West Bay will be voting back in Mckeeva Bush !!!. He is the Best we got, he has always been there for his people and No One has come out of the woodworks that we can replace him with. Yes he has done wrong, but let one without sin cast the first stone”, surely XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, Austin or XXXX (maybe more) cannot point fingers regarding ‘women beating’’ and in most cases the public knew this when they elected them so my question ‘how can they point finger at McKeeva? They should remember one is pointing back at them.
CNS: Austin Harris has admitted to violence against a woman in court. But I can’t post rumours.
The fact he’s the “best you got” says a lot about your district…
You have better choices feel free to make them. WB will make theirs. By the way “what’s hidden in your closet?”
McKeeva The God, rules in West Bay.
Unfortunately, McKeeva is the Best and Brightest of the Cayman Islands. Gets no better than McKeeva.
We really need direct rule.
Well actually when you point your finger at someone there are 3 pointing back to you, not 1. Gonna guess based on you math your a McKeewa water from West Bay.
Cayman – You have a total train wreck for a gov’t! I do feel sorry for you.
Too bad all of you who were chopping at the bits to hear 19 Caymanians tear down each other and our Islands.
This is a brilliant move by our Government.
Too bad most of you simply don’t get it.
Chopping? Lol.
Now is the time that you’ll hear from those that you have not heard from for years. Both incumbents & wannabees will be your best friends for the next few weeks.
My mind has already been made up for months: CLEAN HOUSE.
Premier is basically saying PPM is ready.
Have your questions and issues ready. Be relentless until they completely answer every last one. No foxing around this time.
The all enCOMPASSing underhanded and diabolically contrived dissolution of free speech is almost complete. The monopolization of information dissemination for the purposes of a propagandized indoctrination is effectively complete. Not even a blind man/woman/child could be unaware of that at this time, unless they are willfully ignorant and/or cowardly complicit or quite simply guilty. The timing of the latest move to that end has been purposeful, and the reasoning is not for the benefit of the interests or the well being of the Cayman Islands and her people.
Most, if not all, of the political hopefuls, to say nothing of the already entrenched, are willing and/or able to withstand any real discourse, debate, questioning and real transparency of their own real positions and/or agendas. Whatever farcical debates and/or public questioning will once again be formulated to fit the agenda of one special interest’s agenda or another. They are, for the most part, just as beholden as any other to the core root cause and effect ‘influences’ who are the designers, promulgators, facilitators and/or benefactors of the institutionalized corruption which the Cayman Islands are now subjugated, manipulated and/or abused by.
The source of said institutionalized corruption is largely entrenched within the private sector, and it is the greed induced prostitution of democracy itself which is and for far too long been at the root of the problem.
Anyone who thinks and/or portends to portray otherwise is a part of the problem, not the solution.
The system itself, and those who ‘govern’ it, is designed to further facilitate the institutionalized corruption and sociological degradation of the Cayman Islands and her people from the inside out and the outside in.
In the absence of a tangible paradigm shift, a tearing away of the walls of secrecy, valid self determination and the responsibility which accompanies it, real participatory democracy and the ability of the electorate to hold directly accountable those given the privilege of any and/or all positions of power and/or influence, then nothing will change for the better and the negative consequences will continue to be exacerbated exponentially and the practice of applying lipstick to pigs to will continue as the beat goes on.
Not only has parliamentary democracy proven itself to be a woefully inadequate system of governance as it pertains to the Cayman context, it has proven itself to be at the root of the problem. It is a formula designed for naked emperors, criminal facilitators and self interested, greed induced, lunatic and megalomaniac hubris at the continued expense of all and sundry.
Any hollow rhetoric which would seek to say otherwise remains just that, hollow, and is as useful as tits on a bull regardless of what said bull identifies itself as.
We need a special holiday to celebrate when the premier is finally out of the house for good.
The house needs to be swept totally clean.
Enough is enough.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with the Premier’s statement or the Governor’s for that matter. The current Government is the strongest this country has seen in decades. The decision may not be popular with some people but it’s a lawful decision. Now let’s move on and see what the people say on April 14th
Alden, stop typing on cns and do something for your country!
Hmm sounds like the brother of one of the politicos.
No, Alden. Let’s packed it up. It’s time to tend to your farm.
The most sensible post of the year. Thank you7:06 pm.
Bunch of cowards, all of them. But we put these people in Parliament! We keep believing their siren songs and marking their box in the ballot. Are we fed up being used yet? Cause they sure as heck do not represent us. We pay them thousands a year plus perks to:
– lie to us
– hide things from us
– embarrass us internationally
– designate incompetent idiots to Chair boards
– they cost us MILLIONS because this administration starts a project and the next administration shelves it
– put bumbling fools as Managing Directors of Departments, Authorities and SAGCs that in the end cost us MILLIONS due to ineptitude
STOP!! Let us call, WhattsApp, or visit honest and competent people who are qualified to represent us. I am tired of pompous Austin, delinquent MacBeater, zealot Julianna and Eden. I’ve had enough. Let’s put them in the landfill, where they all belong. And no, do not choose new people who are just as delinquent and worthless. We deserve better.
7:05 WHO?
You sound like you were one of the advocates for One Person One Vote.
Tek garbage ya hear?
Can there be a more corrupt, bent and inept bunch of politicians (term used very loosely) anywhere in the world? I doubt any one of them could actually spell integrity or honesty. Cayman, you get what you deserve with this bunch. To use some UK vernacular, they are ripping the p!ss.
No biggie. Every candidate will be asked whether they support Bush as speaker or minister. Sometimes this government looks Italian.
Please every voter demand they declare publicly their standpoint on the speaker’s actions.
I don’t understand what the concern is. The effect of the Parliament being dissolved is to remove Bush as Speaker and as an MP in one blow. That is the result that people wanted. Result achieved. Why does it matter whether there is a protracted debate in the LA ? Is it that we wanted to see the blood sport versus the actual result?
I think what we wanted to see was each MP stand up and say what they thought about the behavior. Apparently that is too painful for them, so instead we will simply move on and try and pretend none of it ever happened. You have to wonder how much power and influence that Mc has that the government will surrender their hold on power for an early election rather than have any open debate on the Speakers conduct and what each of them think about it.
The Opposition Leader requested a meeting of no confidence to remove Bush as Speaker. That was the objective. Objective accomplished. Bush is gone as speaker. Now let’s move in to the election.
Not the same! He should have been REMOVED!
What a coward!
Exactly!!!! He wimped out!
So having refused to address the McKeeva issue because it would collapse the government, A,den has now collapsed the government rather than address the McKeeva issue.
Just when you thought our politicians had got about as ‘honourable’ as they possibly could …
Words fail me to describe this disreputable, dishonest bunch of chancers.
The real criminals in all this are the WB voters who keep putting MacBush back in the house.
Surely they must now see that the man is a stain on West Bay and a menace to Cayman.
8:13pm He is a disgrace to the world. Who in their right senses could ever select/want a retard to represent them? Wake up WBW and do what’s best for country.
Whatever he is holding over Alden’s head, is very critical. Too many bed-fellows. The Jackass is the beast of burden, and his burden is heaviest when there is a full moon, carrying McTurbit and Alden on its back.
Why bite the hand that feeds you?
Let me help you with a few words A brilliant move on Aldens part.
Indeed. Alden has always been adept at political expedience.
8:36 pm. Which could be to his detriment. You don’t need educated people to run for a seat in parliament, only Jackasses and moon walkers. Was the Premier high on something or just downright a mental case?
What the populous must remember, is Alden’s words last election, “every caymanian would get a job”. What will be his new strategy? Every convicted woman beater will get a shot at being Speaker or Premier. He is known as a tongue twister, so don’t be deceived this time around. Hopefully we will need some beds for the metal institution.
Yes, if you share Alden’s contempt for the electorate and his assumption that they neither understand how they’re being played, or care about violence against women.
I hope he is proven wrong.
Incredible that he would be willing to tarnish his reputation and any legacy in order to protect the serial abuser.
$pineless $ell outs
The Christian, JuJu has been very quiet. The Devil must be fanning her. What is her supporters in Cayman Brac whispering with regards to her profound Christianity and her support for the devils woman beater? I’m sure they are proud of her upholding McBeater.
Need to hear your comments ASAP.
Everything he did this term was for self enrichment…without regard to any legacy or reputation…pig plain and simple.
Alden is no political fool.
The Opposition wanted to play games with a vote of no confidence and bring the govenment down.
Alden called their bluff.
End result is the same, game just played a different way is all.
Bravo Alden!!
Wrong. The Opposition wanted to see who had the courage to go on the record and condemn the dishonorable speaker and hopefully remove him. #bananarepublic.
You really think the Opposition gives a rat’s ass that McKeeva beat a woman? Boy, you fool then. Their play was pure politricks!
Doesn’t seem like you care if he beats a woman either.
Why are the men and more importantly the women of Parliament not taking a stand against someone convicted of assaulting a woman?
What does Mackeeva hold over them. For Gods sake can we not just see what happened in the US with Trump and the Republicans. Are we going to follow MacKeeva like he is another Trump? Come on people, it’s time for change!
There are no alternatives in West Bay. McKeeva the best we got.
Courage, when just a few weeks ago they were plotting how to divide the spoils with the same McKeeva in anticipation of running together for the next election?
No principles there, but perhaps one last platform from which to launch a viable campaign.
Platform gone!
Alden has once again disrespected the people of these Islands, as he is fully aware that the majority of Caymanians want Bush removed as speaker. He is protecting his own political agenda by calling an early election as he is prohibiting some new candidates from qualifying, he is fully aware of what he is doing and Franz and Roper allowing this shows the level of corruption. All the politically ignorant think that what he is doing is a great thing and will vote this useless government back into power.
Alden win? It’s like someone threatening you with a stick, and your reaction is to shoot your self in the head. Oppositions goal was to bring down the government- Alden’s collapses it and declares it a tactical triumph!
A vote to remove the Speaker, would not bring the government down. He would still be a member of the coalition. No member of Parliament should be Speaker of the House, and worse a convicted individual. A world class disgrace. Thanks to the people who have fought so hard to uplift McBeater.
Today I am ashamed to call myself a Caymanian. No spine in the leaders that WE elected. I only hope we na so fool so recycle this same bunch.
While you’re here: No weed, No wote.
What’s the problem here. Caymanian gets to decide who represents them and the Speaker is out of office next week.
Exactly how is this a bad thing.
I pity the posters who can’t think straight.
Yes they will all be on paid vacation buying votes and the speakers fate will be determined by the borderline retards of WBW and the Honourable House will continue to be plagued by a corrupt drunken woman beater. But I guess that is acceptable to our unity government and the governor.
“It would happen either way, so let’s just brush it under the carpet and move on.”
NO. Any of us do wrong we can’t just decide to not be held accountable. Much less someone who calls themselves honourable.
That there my friend has always been the problem..brush it under the carpet and move on..
You have been taught properly by Alden and this bunch..
We are not putting up with this any longer. This is like the Republicans saying about Trump and the insurrection..Sure he caused, sure there are a few people dead, sure there are many mentally scarred for live…but lets just move on and brush this under the carpet..We don’t need to hold anyone liable for their wrongs..all good..):
Drain the swamp!
Lord please help us, Our so-called leaders do not care anything about the people! All they want is more power and more money. Amen.
Swamp is GT. Drain WB too!
Still not voting for the incumbent!
No matter; all MPs have now shown their true colors and voters will pass them the bill to pay. I encourage every single person who is eligible and qualified and whose dignity and honesty are well known, to run for office. No one that has a penchant for owing money, lying, back-office dealing, wooing under-age people or beating others, should bother apply. And I hope WBW grows a pair and votes MacBeater out of that constituency once and for all. Have some dignity!
Bumbo we bad boy
Dear UK,
Please can you come and take over.
Our government is simply not working (but they did make sure they get their $30k each)
Pissed off voter with nothing left to vote for
It would have been in the best interest of all if Mac had resigned months ago, but that wasn’t happening.
Wouldnt have been in the best interests of Mac
Silence makes them all complicit on the matter.
So Govt supports Mac.
Corruption at its finest.
Apparently, by supporting this move so does our Governor. Roper needs to go too!
I think that way our democracy is designed the governor is acting in accordance with the norms. the government sets that timing and the Governor simply makes it a formality. Regardless of the motivation every parliamentary type democracy allows the ruling party to set the timing and usually always as a result of political motivations
The current norms are twisted, corrupt and threaten Cayman’s already struggling social and physical environment. Our infrastructure, especially waste management can’t even handle what we’re generating now. Where else in the world has a “world class” town centre and international school been built next to an active dump? And who is crazy enough to even plan this, let alone live, work, play there???
The pure greed and selfishness of prioritising land development over education, affordable living and adequate infrastructure will not see Cayman through the next two decades without serious consequences.
Surely the governor knows this but what does he care he’ll be on his way back to Ole Blighty once the dust settles. Seems that he’s joined the sick little club of greedy, self serving, morally and ethically deficient twits that make up 98% of our parliament. We need a new governor with balls, balls of steel preferably.
Of course they support.
You know how many information Mr. Bush has in his hands? AHHAHAHA
Corruption is all around!!!
All now you still you not showed up on the steps of the house
Good. Sick of seeing all these “hopefuls” at community clean ups and charity fun runs all of a sudden. The sooner they all crawl back in to their holes the better.
5:28pm. All McBeaters & Company must be voted in to continue burying us alive? Their are none too blind but those who don’t want to see or understand.
You are a coward Alden! Nothing you do is for this country it is all for you and your special interest groups. I can’t wait to see the door knock you in the ass on your way out!
OMG I just spit on my monitor when I saw this. That picture is GOLD! So perfect..
But this is ridiculous. If they get away with this…
You folk think this is okay??? Can’t wait to see the comments from the peanut gallery.
Again, our ppl cont’d to be treated like an endangered species with this political football non-sense. Nothing amazes me what we do for the big projects in the pipeline. Can clearly see the silver lining behind the dark cloud.
Dart cloud … oh, sorry, dark you said …
Anonimus – you are correct. should have said Dart instead, but the truth of the matter, it is not only Dart. Other Heavy hitters need to get there projects off the ground before….you know what. They have already drunk the kool-aid!
Alden and McKeeva must go this time around!!
My God, this is like having Trump in power. If they don’t get their way, they do what is necessary to get elected.
This has never happened in the history of this country and this is Alden taking a page out of Trump’s book.
Our country has always been known for political stability..What does this show to the world now?
The Governor should not ever have allowed this but we all see now his true colors..
And Joey and Austin and Barbara and David.
Mckeeva already put the Governor in his place…
Any gays around? Do I need to pass more laws for them? I’m in the drivers seat. Bye.
To remove Bush is to remove the stability of the government. Gee, but not as much as to dissolve it!!!!
Governor Roper, how can you go along with this malarkey?? You are supposed to be on the side of the PEOPLE.
Remember Mckeeva called the Governor a cockroach in the first LA sitting. I guess his bullying and intimidation worked as planned.
I cannot in good conscience, use the word that characterises the Premier’s action, however it is synonymous with “feline”.
I have lost all faith in you Sir. I’ve applauded your handling of the Covid-19 crisis, but to continually keep looking away from McKeeva’s ill deeds, to not even support the process in which a majority might have brought it to bear…..
According to the CNS elections map, you are currently running unopposed in your district. As of today, I fervently hope that someone — anyone — steps up to the plate.
Maybe it is time we found out what Bush knows that he’s holding over all of you. Past time.
I am disappoint, and you know, I’ve been one of your strongest advocates. Well, no more. I hope you are finished.
Sammy Jackson is running against him! And he’s a force to be reckoned with- honest, intelligent and incorruptible!
So excited to have him as a MP!
Yes!!! Finally someone to vote for! Woop
Will he be handing out Royales wit cheese?
This isn’t Europe, you know. We call them “quarter pounder with cheese” here.
I’m sure this was always his plan. A snake will always be a snake. Nothing he does is for the people of Cayman, just to save his A$$. Next he will run away to another constituency for fear of being beaten by Mr Jackson….just like how he ran away from KB and threw MA under the bus. The ego and the political games are unbelievable.