Cayman faces new EU blacklisting

| 04/01/2021 | 107 Comments
Cayman News Service
MEP Paul Tang

(CNS): The European Parliament is planning a new blacklist of tax havens and the Cayman Islands appears to be at the heart of the move. While local political leaders here have made much of the efforts last year to get this jurisdiction removed from the existing blacklist, MEPs believe the removal of Cayman from it makes a mockery of the concept. As a result they have voted for new criteria that will see Cayman and other places with zero tax rates on corporate profits blacklisted again.

Reforming the blacklist of tax havens was discussed at a meeting in early December of the EU Subcommittee on Tax Matters (FISC), and the de-listing of the Cayman Islands in October was a significant issue. During his introduction to the meeting, Dutch MEP Paul Tang, who chairs the committee, said, “A list of tax havens that fails to include the world’s biggest tax haven doesn’t really deserve to carry the name.”

CNS contacted the Cayman Islands Ministry of Financial Services about the latest threat and officials said that the Cayman government will continue engaging with the EU on the issue this year, albeit given the limitations on travel.

“The EU listing process has evolved several times since the initiative was launched in 2017. Regarding the MEPs’ vote, we note that they call for EU Member States to also be included in the EU listing process,” the ministry stated.

The ministry said that in an earlier meeting the EU had noted the importance of dialoguing with regulatory bodies, including the OECD, in relation to the ongoing work of listing process. “The Cayman Islands Government notes that the OECD, following an assessment of our tax regime, gave it their highest rating of not harmful,” officials stated in an emailed response.

But the debate and press release from the later meeting on this issue makes it clear that the dissatisfaction with Cayman having been removed from the list goes beyond OECD standards.

MEPs referred to the Tax Justice Network’s research on the 60% of profit that they said goes through this jurisdiction and escapes taxation in their countries, compared to the mere 2% going through the nations that are on the blacklist. The issue of Cayman’s zero tax rate is the problem.

MEPs said the fact that the Cayman Islands had been removed from the blacklist while running a zero percent tax rate policy is proof enough, and all jurisdictions with a zero percent corporate tax rate or with no taxes on companies’ profits should be automatically placed on the list.

In correspondence seen by CNS, Cayman Finance identified the problem of the EU’s reliance on research by the Tax Justice Network. CEO Jude Scott told board members that the “tremendous reliance by EU decision makers on reports by TJN”, which had fundamental statistical flaws, needed to be addressed.

He said Cayman Finance was seeking support from the government’s statistical team or for public cash to be used to fund external experts to do a full analysis of the 2020 TJN reports to give Cayman “a credible basis for challenging, and, if appropriate, publicly discrediting, the TJN ratings of the Cayman Islands”.

But he added, “To date, we have not received this support.” As a result he is now seeking support from the Cayman Finance board to fund the external experts themselves, as he highlighted the urgency of the situation.

Meanwhile, although the FISC has accepted that EU countries are responsible for 36% of tax havens and it must scrutinise all member states as well, the MEPs are seeking new criteria “to judge if a country’s tax system is fair”. They also said that “removal from the blacklist should not be the result of only token tweaks”, a point that will have a direct impact on the Cayman Islands’ main economic pillar.

The MEPs have already adopted a resolution setting out the changes they want to see to make the process of listing or de-listing a country more transparent, consistent and impartial. “It also proposes adding criteria to ensure that more countries are considered a tax haven and prevent countries from being removed from the blacklist too hastily,” members said in their press release.

Tang said, “While the list can be a good tool, it is currently lacking an essential element: actual taxhavens.”

Watch the video of the FISC meeting here.

See the resolution and the press release in the CNS Library.

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Category: Business, Financial Services

Comments (107)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    It seems that these so called First world people are not so brilliant afterall. They want to destroy Cayman so that they (EU) can continue to cripple their populace with EXTREMELY HIGH TAXES.If they are so smart why haven”t they figured out a way to low tax rates for their citizens. We are doing pretty good here with our tax rates, and please stop saying that we have Zero tax rate it is simply not true; everytime we consume something on island we are contributing to Governments coffers via the import duty that they collect from importers who then pass it on to consumers. If we have figured out that low tax rates are good , why haven’t they? Like a Tradewinds song it begs the question, “Who civilized and who is the jackass?

  2. Anonymous says:

    The EU is entitled to protect itself from the parasitism of tax havens, if that is its preference.

    • Hubert says:

      Money laundering, money laundering, money laundering in real estate. China, China and others.

      We just don’t get it after all these years.

      With BREXIT we are screwed.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Communist bastards

  4. John says:

    I have said many times that we will never satisfy the EU. If they demand that every company here employs 3 people to prove Economic Substance and we do it they will up it to 5 people. If we do that they’ll up it again.

    It doesn’t matter how transparent we are or what beneficial owner information we disclose.

    The ONLY thing that will make them happy is if we tax corporate income at the same rate they do. Nothing else.

  5. Anon says:

    A full in attack on Cayman was always going to follow from Brexit and there will be no UK to lobby for it now.

  6. Anonymous says:

    These days, the EU should be more concerned about the use of Crypto currencies, as an avoidance mechanism…good luck regulating that one!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Dare to compare to Canada: as a favored member and observer nation, the country has deferred their own self-condemning FATF checkup since 2016, when it nearly failed in many critical AML/CTF areas. Global hot money has flown into largely unregulated ask-no-questions Canadian real estate, with many facilitators and nominee smurfs in large urban markets accepting Chinese government worker Union Pay credit cards, as a way to skirt the USD$50,000 Chinese government capital controls. Many Canadian real estate firms proudly boast of their stable of “Chinese all-cash buyers”, as if that would ever be a plausibly permissible situation from a Chinese standpoint. In the years since 2016, FINTRAC’s previous “speeding ticket” sized fines levied against Canada’s criminal laundering and tax evasion facilitating banks, tapered off to zero. In early 2020 the RCMP quietly disbanded it’s tiny 6-member Financial Crimes Unit in Ontario, where some $20Bln a year was estimated to be funneling into real estate in the Greater Toronto Area alone.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Lest we forget: In 1776, history records that the USA fought a war for independence, largely on the basis of having to pay outrageous “unfair taxes” to a King/motherland colonial supplier across the ocean. At the time, there were no income, no corporate, no payroll taxes levied at all in the colonies. The unthinkable sum of what drew many to load their muskets, and pick their side/loose their lives, amounted to a paltry 10% stamp tariff “import duty”, level and proportionate to consumption of goods like tea, tobacco, alcohol, and all other imported goods. All of these goods had to navigate for months across a perilous ocean of disease, piracy and foes of the day, through commercial corridors patrolled and supported by the Royal navy. Consider that’s still a 100-200% better tax situation than what we “tax haven subjects” pay as “tolerable rates” in Cayman!

    • Anonymous says:

      …not to suggest anyone should be unhappy about our deal, it is still light-years better than the tax situations in Europe and North America. More illustrative that we are only a “haven” in comparison to decades of tax-fueled profligacy and reckless subsidies elsewhere. The planet’s changing environment is showing the result of that.

      • Anonymous says:

        Capital is a shy animal. It likes good governance, a broad working middle class, and political stability; however, if you punish it too much, it will take its chances elsewhere.

        Surely there are more creative methods of collecting taxes inside the country than selectively bullying countries that almost fortuitously land on their fecal roster.

  9. Concerned says:

    There is no example of a prosecution in these islands. I’m not talking about the average joe drug dealer here. I am talking about anonymous corporate structures registered here to move criminal money through these islands internationally. I am afraid with the size of the industry here this is inexcuseable. It is a simple fact the regulation side is under resourced in terms of human resource, human ability and software to track entities properly. Give me an example of one successful prosecution for money laundering that is international in scope AND prosecuted successfully with people sentenced here in Cayman. I’m not holding my breath. It isn’t an excuse to say ‘ah well, we respond to MLATS so others can prosecute’, this because there is no proactivity, just reaction when the regulators can do nothing else but respond, because to fail to reinforces the belief nefarious activity is ongoing. Additionally, the timliness of those responses is frequently far too slow. Remember money can be moved in a second. Finally, bearing in mind the size of the industry, do you think it appropriate that the UK has ten times the regulation staff than this place? The islands should have to seriously increase the AML/CTF footprint to reflect the size of the money/industry/risk. This to include skilled analysts, investigators and management levels. Only when credible moves aligned to the risk here will the islands break free from the reputation and be removed from ‘grey’ lists.

    • Anonymous says:

      Canover Watson and Jeff Webb…if we can ever get him here.

    • Anonymous says:

      or that fact that there hasn’t been a prosecution shows there is no money laundering here.

      If onshore put more resources towards stopping illicit funds from entering the banking system in their own countries at source then it would go a long way to stop it.
      But they don’t, as it is easier to cast the blame elsewhere.

      • Concerned says:

        Don’t be ridiculous. Absence of evidence isn’t absence of crime. It’s just the regulation side is so inept and under resourced they can’t identify it. Do you really believe the sixth biggest financial centre globally has no money laundering? Come on, get real.

    • Anonymous says:

      Its not about money laundering, terrorist financing or criminal activity. Its about tax – read the article; the entire thrust is to backlist countries that have zero tax regimes that facilitates vehicles that hold investors monies offshore, profits of which are only taxed (if declared) when re patriated i.e. the whole basis of the offshore industry. Its all about the perception that if only offshore didn’t exist the onshore major European economies would massively increase their tax revenues. Claiming offshore facilitates criminal activity is a good rabble rousing position, but the realpolitik is trying to increase their own tax base. What that means is it doesn’t matter how clean we are as a jurisdiction, or how tightly regulated – a zero tax base will get you blacklisted.

      • Anonymous says:

        This is the crucial distinction. Previously the issues have been dressed up as AML or some other peripheral concern that we could fix with more regulation. This time they are at least being honest about the problem but we can’t legislate our way out of it. We really need to control the messaging on this issue so that people understand it better. The EU can’t compete with Cayman and so wants to put us out of business.

        • VBE says:

          This is what happened in Andorra. the EU forced Andorra to create an income and a corporate tax or else… Now 10% tax for everyone in Andorra.

    • David Gludston says:

      Concerned why don’t you ne dome of these entities who handle these anonymous structures . Talk is cheap if you are so concerned spill the beans. Obviously you are or were in the field at some point is thatcwhyvyiubuse the moniker concerned or because you lack the cojones.? It does no good to the territory if you have knowledge and don’t disclose it of course if you too seek to remain anonymous you are just another didparaged charlatan.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is about taxes, not money laundering

    • Anonymous says:

      Not all cross-border cases are published locally. I haven’t seen this case, unsealed by the USDOJ on Oct. 15, 2020:

      • Anonymous says:

        Robert T. Brockman, 79, is accused of using a family charitable trust based in Bermuda and other offshore entities to hide assets from the Internal Revenue Service while failing to pay taxes, according to a 39-count indictment unsealed Thursday, October 15, 2020 in federal court in San Francisco. The Tech Mogul, in part, used Cayman Islands Companies and Bank Accounts to conceal income and launder taxable income from the IRS via an complex web of Caribbean-based corporate structures.

  10. Plastic Rice anyone says:

    The EU is now a petulant child with out the UK to prop it up thus the China groveling had to take place but they will have to swallow their European egotistical pride and China parasitic politics and pollution with grace and the payback to the Chinaman is forever! Bon appetite! Enjoy cock$@#%$

  11. Anonymous says:

    Oh no! How will we survive with only North America, South America, Russia, the UK, China and the rest of Asia and Africa to do business with!! /s

    Anyone with money in Europe has either stashed it in an European tax haven or gotten themselves out altogether. Cayman does very little business directly with Europe (I heard 4% but I’d be surprised if it was even that high). Let them isolate themselves from the offshore world.

    In fact let’s blacklist them so no offshore jurisdiction will do business with a company or person in an EU member state. Watch the capital fly away from there as fast as they can.

  12. As a Caymanian living in Europe- have noticed a trend over the last 4 years which has accelerated ie more “onshoring” vs “offshoring”. Last year the exempt funds regime was destroyed, China’s growth in question and now the final death commeth with this further threat of blacklisting in a post Brexit world. Lord help us. This may be the End for all things offshore.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Read the Brexit document. Countries like Cayman will no longer have the protection we need from things like this. Good ole Boris might have sold us out, no wonder it’s now Parlament instead of the MLA. They know something we don’t?

  14. Michel says:

    We will not be able to please them as they keep moving the gold post and we are competition.

  15. Anonymous says:

    It’s time for the CI to say FU to the EU..

    Enough of this crap of moving the goal post every time they feel like it..

  16. Anonymous says:

    We’ve met all the criteria for getting off the blacklist time after time. Now they’re saying the criteria have to be designed explicitly to ensure Cayman is non-compliant? I can’t say I’m surprised since that has always been the intention. They can’t compete with us so they want to put us out of business.

    Since we now know that appeasement won’t work it is clear that we need to take the following steps: firstly unite the overseas territories/ zero tax jurisdictions so that we can respond as one; second get a decent PR campaign going to counter the misinformation and nonsense being spread by the TJN and to remind people that tax is not a moral issue; thirdly to make it clear that if any jurisdictions are blacklisted all of them will immediately repeal economic substance and all the regulations that we have been forced to impose.

    • Anonymous says:

      Fourth: create a blacklist for anti-competitive tax practices and predatory international policies and put the EU on it then bam all EU businesses from the offshore world.

      • Anonymous says:

        or better ban all investment into the EU from outside from passing through the offshore world.

        As the outside investment dries up, they will soon release what offshore funds actually do for their economies.

  17. Anonymous says:


  18. Anonymous says:

    I’m not the world’s biggest fan of Alden or this government, but no one can honestly say there was a credible alternative.

    This is happening. There is nothing anyone can do here to stop it. The only thing we can do is drag it out as long as possible. If we’re lucky the EU will collapse in on itself before they manage to ruin us.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Racist list anyway.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Now that the UK is no longer a part of the EU, can we just say FU to the EU?

    • Anonymous says:

      You will never satisfy the EU. The French and Germans want to impose their tax structure on the whole world, not just Cayman. They are already butting heads with the US and next the UK. You don’t want to be the cat in that dog fight. Satisfy the US and UK financial institutions and you will be fine. Your immediate worry is the UK trying to require a public beneficial ownership registry. The US doesn’t do this and doesn’t care so long as the IRS can get what it wants. Sell the UK on the idea that London has to compete with the US on this, not with the backward and socialist EU.

      • Concerned says:

        I see absolutely no reason for freely available corporate structure and ownership data to be put online. Of course people will bleat about privacy but when this place is the sixth biggest finance centre globally, when $2 trillion is laundered every year and when only 1% of that STOLEN money is recovered, any jurisdiction effectively helping to hide this information will always be suspected. Add to this the woefully under resourced AML structure, the fact the island has NEVER convicted a money launderer and it is hardly surprising the EU is acting as it does or CFATF how they do.

        • David Gludston says:

          Concerned your statement of non conviction of money launderers locally is nonsensical. There have been local cases and indeed corroboration with other jurisdictions via the provision of evidence from activities conducted in Cayman. You obviously are not fully conversant with what goes on here. May I suggest you speak to CIMA and research court records etc some more before you open your deceitful clapper.

          • Anonymous says:

            Cases are not always reported by the Cayman Islands Judicial Services/ Courts. The ‘Cause List’ is unreliable & misleading to the layman person attempting to follow a Cayman Islands case matter. Even the parties (involved in the case) are confused &/or mislead by the judicial process. Many times its deliberately orchestrated to mislead people. Hence, the reason many can’t rely on, or trust, the judicial system. A very crafty system, indeed. However, they didn’t see this one coming:

            Let CIMA, Cayman Finance, Ministry of Finance, and CI Financial Division (Judicial) deal with this one, now!

      • Miami Dave says:

        You will never satisfy the EU until you start taking action against money laundering here.

        How many prosecutions the past 20 years here? ZERO.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes. But in a nice way.

    • Anonymous says:

      Repeal all the economic substance laws ! FU to the EU.

  21. Anonymous says:

    get rid of the self regulatory bodies. Also permitting practicing attorneys to sit on the regulatory body for attorneys is ridiculous

    • Know dadeal says:

      Attorneys do not sit in any body that regulates attorneys in Cayman – that is just factually wrong.

    • Anonymous says:

      Agreed. Why are attorneys and accountants able to self-regulate? This only breeds the opportunity for them to insulate themselves against attack, which might be warranted. And it allows for them to attack other competitors, which is unwarranted, just like has happened with local attorneys having to defend themselves in court.

      It is wondered what CARA and CILPA are doing to protect the major law firms, who are attached to corporate management and trust companies, that are being investigated for tax impropriety? How much protection are they allotting to themselves, since they can control AML issues?

      With unlicensed practice of Cayman law by lawyers in foreign jurisdictions, who (in many instances) have attachments to local law firms, why have none of the local law firms’ partners been prosecuted for aiding and abetting as accessories or for conspiracy to profit from unlawful practice of Cayman law? Where these unlawful profits are deposited into bank accounts, is this not money laundering?

      Why is it that the Government is protecting these law firms from prosecution, but allowing CILPA and CARA to go after local attorneys for nominal issues unconstitutionally?

      Why has the Attorney General not seemed to have done anything? Who is it that he and the Government are protecting?

      This has to be the worst leadership that the Cayman Islands has ever seen. What is the Premier trying to achieve?

      Also, as can be expected, the Cayman Islands is always going to be under attack from onshore jurisdictions trying to shift the goalposts every time the Cayman Islands irons out the kinks. As the Leader of the Opposition said (of the OECD and FATF) that “every time they cannot score a goal, they keep shifting the goal posts”. It’s remarkable how inhumane the treatment that the Cayman Islands gets treated internationally.

      Also it now in humane how bad the local attorneys are being treated by the Government, who cannot take the international pressure brought on them. It’s an all around bad situation.

      What is happening is that, where professionals are trying to uphold the law, there are constant attacks to discredit the Cayman Islands internationally and, now (presumably due to international pressure) locally (such as the local attorneys that are trying to uphold constitutional rights of them and their clients) by making the decisions to throw local attorneys under the bus to save themselves and those that they protect.

  22. Anonymous says:

    face facts…our ‘financial services’ is based on money laundering and tax evasion.
    the more people deny this the bigger hole you will dig for yourself

    • Anonymous says:

      Not true. It can be used for that purpose but its an extremely risky way to do it if you ever are investigated by tax authorities. The Cayman Islands is a transparent tax neutral jurisdiction. You cannot hide money from any government in the Cayman Islands, but you can exploit tax loopholes and use legal investing methods to accumulate wealth, or pay less tax. Keep in mind the word “LEGAL” when discussing the financial services industry here.

    • Anonymous says:

      You sir are an ass..

    • Anonymous says:

      Ridiculously stupid comment

    • Cayman against Turds says:

      Hahaha what a fool you is star did not get any Christmas gifts eh! Alden soon bring ya turkey and Ham on the other hand he will send Beatdown Mac wid some Spam you ungreatful “basturd” I support the UK 1000%

  23. Sucka Free Cayman says:

    Who is the burden now? EU is deliberately doing this to disadvantage and destroy the UK’s financial situation and they meanwhile kissing Beijing’s ass to get money to support their defunct governments. Run them broke ass Racist Cock#@!%&$ outta here Cayman!

  24. Anonymous says:

    The accounting firms got their mandatory annual Cayman audits for 12,000 Cayman private equity funds, so they got what they wanted.

  25. Say it like it is says:

    More Brexit sourgrapes from the E.U., no coincidence they are picking on a British Crown colony.

  26. Anonymous says:

    They seem to think we’re some child incarcerating woman beating backwards banana republic…oh hold on…nevermind.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yet you still here!!!!

      • Anonymous says:

        Still hoping someone in judiciary will see merely “grounding” an adult government representative for publicly beating a woman is insufficient punishment. Obviously you’re one who agrees with this slap on the wrist for PUBLICLY BEATING A WOMAN…your family must be very proud of you. BTW it should be “still are here”…I know English is hard.

    • Anonymous says:

      If you don’t like it here then go!

      • Anonymous says:

        You can bring up the crappy things here that SHOULD be easily fixed and still stay here for the good. The effing problem is no one is fixing the bad things. And YES, they can easily be remedied like ditching fat Mac for one.

      • Anonymous says:

        I like it here so I will stay. Obviously you can’t go anywhere else on earth and get a job so I will let you stay for now.

  27. Anonymous says:

    If spy and vampire movies have taught me anything it’s never trust guys in black turtlenecks that seem to have been drained of blood.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Same old nonsense – like a broken record.

  29. Anonymous says:

    And so the EU moves the goalposts yet again……

  30. Jacky Boatside From Oldbush says:

    Alden say hush unaaah friggin mouth before he lick unaaah down like his mentor McKeewa did Ms Kwong His plan is get unnnah infected with this new strain and distract us from this type of crap going A couple of you will die he will be re-elected and return to his village ram status !

  31. NoName says:

    Predictable outcome !

    It was only a matter of time before the goalposts were moved again. The oh so reassuring discourse from our dear .gov was yet another attempt at dissimulation . Who would have guessed ?

    The OECD’s aim is to impose public Beneficiary Ownership for every single fiduciary entity / company / financial institution on island and nothing else, bringing the financial industry of the island to a grinding halt ! I very much doubt they will stop short before that is in place and Cayman off its peg to the USD and heavily indebted .

    As to our dear .gov having a plan during an election year , I sense this is probably something as likely as the Dump issue getting resolved by the current administration !

  32. Anonymous says:

    Oh my god, does it ever end? I’m beginning to see why the UK withdrew from Europe…

  33. Anonymous says:

    Wasn’t Ms Rivers recently congratulating herself about the great steps she had taken to address the common misconceptions about Cayman – or was that just in Hollywood?

    • Anonymous says:

      Complete waste of 4 years.

    • Anonymous says:

      Single cease-and-desist letters with government seals to try scare people. Basically lipstick on the pig.

      “So much grueling work” should be nominated for national hero status. Smh

  34. Anonymous says:

    lets just accept we’re going to forever be on blacklist, unwind the previous b/s laws and regulations and save ourselves the time and hassle and just say… whatever… and concentrate our CI-Inc. marketing budget on educating the world on what we actually do down here.

    • Anonymous says:

      Like our hapless politicians, I don’t think many on CNS quite understand the magnitude of a more permanent blacklisting: CI domiciled financial services businesses and funds rely on international custodial relationships to hold their EU assets and settle and clear EUR denominated trades and money payments. Some of their investor clients are themselves large EU pension funds, endowment funds, and supranational entities. If our tax neutral CI investment entities are no longer able to transact on the many individual securities exchanges of that large financial market, then there is significant knock-on affect to the appeal of EU-dealing money managers domiciling their entities in the Cayman Islands. An entire subset of our financial industry may decide to shift the domicile of its capital to where it is better treated, and not return. Similar shifts have had in the past, such as the insurance industry that fled Pinder’s confiscatory regime in Bahamas for Bermuda, and Bermuda business that has come here. Post-Brexit, we have no allies in our corner, and will need to spend more money on sophisticated and targeted diplomacy. Why doesn’t our government know that?

  35. Anonymous says:

    Do you see now? They will keep changing the rules. Will we keep jumping through new hoops?

    • Anonymous says:

      If anyone in Cayman honestly believes that onshore jurisdictions care about investment flows/tax neutrality/facilitating pension funds’ investments etc (here list all the offshore jurisdiction selling points – which I believe in and support, by the way), they are kidding themselves. Politicians onshore don’t care, and their voters don’t care.

      This regulatory pressure on Cayman – the poster child of offshore – will not stop.

      But I do think Cayman has no choice but to continue jumping through the hoops.

    • 345.... says:

      Seems if you have to always defend yourself you may be cutting it too close. And as much as you want to spew technical jargon-these Islands have always operated in the shadows, and have a deserved reputation.

      • Anonymous says:

        ….you really haven’t a clue, do you…..

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh really. Try putting a few thousand dollars in the bank and can’t show where you got it. A relative of mine sold a car to someone and two banks refused to deposit the money because she couldn’t show where she got it from. One bank questioned me like crazy and I had a check from another bank which was a loan check. We’re not talking $100,000, we’re talking just $3000-5000.

  36. Anonymous says:

    Strike three. Expecting the usual pathetic response by CIG. Plan accordingly.

    • Anonymous says:

      They’ll get it all under control again…instead of Tara they send Mac this time and get a woman to touch his dish while he’s eating.

  37. Ambassador of Absurdistan says:

    Just Another Day in Absurdistan

  38. Anonymous says:

    Alden resign now!
    Tara resign now!
    Please do not run in 2021 you do not deserve another chance to screw up the country more

    • Anonymous says:

      People we need alternatives…anyone with integrity…lots of smart Caymanians out there..your country needs you now more than ever.

      • Anonymous says:

        Allow Status Holders to run.

        • Anonymous says:

          You mean the law-abiding ones that want the best for this country and actually understand how the rest of the world works and could implement benefits for all caymanians – not just their cronies?? Please – you’re making too much sense for the umpteenth generation locals who’d feel threatened by too much common sense filling local politics.

      • Anonymous says:

        The EU is demanding a “fair” corporate tax rate be implemented in Cayman or be on their blacklist. Curious if low-tax jurisdictions are being blacklisted by them.

  39. Anonymous says:

    The Premier and Minister of Financial Services really only have one important job and they are failing at it miserably.

  40. Anonymous says:

    The unity government are shambolic in every sense of the word

  41. Anonymous says:

    Do not waste any public funds on Cayman Finance. It is a pay to play club of super rich firms. Let them spend from their profits not the public coffers

  42. Res Ipsa Loquitur says:

    Tara and Alden you cannot stay silent on this issue the way you have over McKeeva’s conviction for assaulting a woman.

    This is now about the livelihood of Cayman’s main economic pillar. The fallout of again being on the black list by the EU is something the Caymans cannot afford. Does this government have a viable plan?

  43. Anonymous says:

    Imagine where we’d be, if we had allocated half of the last three years gay-fighting budget on effective international diplomacy.

  44. Anonymous says:

    These assholes in Brussels again!!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Effectively anyone with a more efficient taxation system than them is a haven. Ireland has fairly light corporate tax…are they a haven?

    • Kmany says:

      Lol thought you guys were ever so powerful! Maybe you should just tell um you covid free, that might help 🤣😂 Seriously though it seems you depend more on greasing palms(Dolla dollar bills )than actual economic strategy. 2021 and you still have but one useful industry, of course, it is positioned for non-locals. You guys are brilliant.

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