Man mugged by gang on George Town street

| 29/12/2020 | 47 Comments
Cayman News Service
George Town Police Station

(CNS): An elderly man was taken to hospital by police early Monday morning when he turned up at the George Town Police Station after falling victim to a street mugging. The man told officers that he had been assaulted and robbed by multiple men as he was walking in the Shedden Road area at around 2:00am. He said the robbers had taken his wallet and cell phone.

The victim, who is understood to be 66 years old, was treated for non-life-threatening injuries at the hospital and has since been discharged.

Detectives investigating the street robbery urged the public to exercise caution when travelling late at night and to avoid travelling alone if possible.

Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to call the George Town Police Station at 949-4222.

Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or the police website. Tips can also be submitted anonymously via the Miami-based call centre of Crime Stoppers at 800-8477(TIPS), or online.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (47)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    As a Caymanian, we have to stop blaming every violent crime on expats. I know about some very thuggish Caymanians (some of them running our country) who love to cause trouble so stop making it seem like we’re squeaky clean. Every nationality has criminals.

    • Anonymous says:

      True. But every time a foreign criminal commits a crime here it is also a reflection on failures in our immigration systems and policies. Most of those crimes would be prevented if our laws were actually followed.

  2. Anonymous says:

    More to come next year as job losses and pay cuts increase. No real social net here and a curfew would be good again. midnight to 6am…bring it on. Just trouble after midnight

  3. Anonymous says:

    Sorry, Caymanian gangs of thugs existed even before the status grants. Stop trying to suggest these evil Caymanians are innocent victims – they are not. You want to blame all Cayman’s problems on foreigners – the oldest trick in the book for fascists.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m Caymanian and I know for a fact that there are Caymanian thugs and other undesirables, just as every other country in the world has- including wherever you came from.

      Stop assuming that we are all denying that fact and blaming the violence on expats.

  4. Anonymous says:

    ‘Detectives investigating the street robbery urged the public to exercise caution when travelling late at night and to avoid travelling alone if possible.’

    Is this a first, the RCIP recognising publicly we might have a problem ? 🤭

  5. Anonymous says:

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, a list and register of ganja smokers needs to be maintained.

    • Anonymous says:

      Weed is less addicting than nicotine laced cigarettes yet you turn a blind eye to that?? I went through hell trying to quit cigs but could easily take a few months break from weed when I was changing jobs before I got it medical.

      You obviously have no personal experience but I do, and can confirm weed doesn’t make me want to go mug someone. Makes me want to eat a plate of food and lay out in a hammock by the beach.

      You might be confused and thinking of crack cocaine that’s extracted with gasoline instead of a natural, medically prescribed plant.

      • Anonymous says:

        I agree 8:47 pm is probably some old fart that grew up in the 60s with Reefer Madness propaganda. Why? I went/going through the same thing.

        Can’t quit cigs for the life of me but quit weed like 3 years ago EASILY when I became a dad. Sucks that they make the worse thing (cigs) legal and the plant I get prescribed illegal but so it go. I rather grow it myself than buy a half a gram for $115

    • Karen says:

      The only people coming my yard to sell me a push lawn mower from unknown origin for $5 are the neighborhood crackheads.

      My neighbor seems to be in his 20s, and I sometimes notice him on his back porch with a spliff quietly enjoying himself. Very pleasant guy, but can’t lie to say I didn’t think he’d be a nuisance when I first moved in.

  6. Anonymous says:

    This is just one side effect from the work permit bonanza.

  7. Anonymous says:

    RCIPS lacks creativity. Lure the scum out by placing decoy bicycles, motorcycles or cars in places easy to steal with someone scouting it out or a tracker in it. I think suggesting letting someone walk down the road as bait is a bit of a stretch to be fair though.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Useless nuisance waste boys from central at it again smh..

  9. Anonymous says:

    What has Cayman come to? Before 2005 these type of things never occurred. Thanks to the drunk woman beater from WB.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s my observation that Hurricane Ivan was the starting point for much of the armed robberies and muggings; some criminals found out they could get away with it, and there was little to stop them. Prior to that, I don’t recall much of it happening.

      • Anonymous says:

        You appreciate that Hurricane Ivan happened within months after the Cabinet status grants and the mass importation of un-vetted kin, often in direct breach of applicable laws.

  10. Anonymous says:

    No surprise. They won’t allow people to have weapons to defend themselves. So, this will continue to happen. This is why the robbery and homicide rate per capita in Cayman is double the per capita rate in the US.

    CNS: If that makes sense to you, you have to explain why the homicide rate in the US is 5 times higher than the UK, according to the World Bank.

    • Anonymous says:

      CNS, I would say it’s because UK criminals are not as well armed. But why is Cayman’s rate so much higher than the UK? Demographics?

      CNS: UK criminals are not so well armed because it’s not a gun culture. Very very few people have guns. That’s the point. If people arm themselves for protection, there will be more guns in circulation and more criminals will have greater access and more motivation to be armed. It’s a vicious circle that Cayman should avoid at all costs.

      The murder rate here is much too high for complicated reasons (sorry that’s copping out. If you are truly interested, this is a good starting point). Introducing a whole mess of guns to the island to “help” the situation would be disastrous.

      • Anonymous says:

        CNS, this is a conservative American attitude. You’re wasting your time talking to people who imagine themselves to be Dirty Harry.

      • Anonymous says:

        CNS and I don’t always see eye to eye. And CNS has the advantage of choosing whether or not to post my comments. But I have to agree with CNS on this one. Can you imagine with our rate of alcoholism and lack of education if our leaders carried weapons?

      • Anonymous says:

        CNS – Nobody suggested firearms, but bear spray and other “non-lethal” (chemical/electronic?) deterrents are certainly warranted, and would reduce this nonsense if there is the potential that a victim could likely fight back!

        I’ve used chemical deterrents twice in the past, and without them I would likely be dead, as one of the assailants was armed. He later murdered another victim over a cell phone! Of course, the court system “gave him a break” in my case, which allowed him to be back on the street to rob and kill!!

        CNS: The original commenter used the term “weapons”, which I think most people would take as meaning some sort of gun. Legalising non-lethal deterrents like Mace is, indeed, a different discussion.

      • Anonymous says:

        It’s pretty much the people, not the guns.

        CNS: The problem is that everyone thinks they are a responsible gun owner – or they don’t care. In a gun culture, the authorities must have a reason to deny someone having a gun rather than that person having to prove that they need and deserve one. This means that while you may be responsible, a great many people who aren’t will also have a gun, including criminals and the mentally unstable, who could be your employee, your partner, your neighbour. When my kids were small I was once really taken aback when an American mother (here in Cayman) asked me if we had a gun in the house before a play date. This is just not a question you have to ask in the UK or here in Cayman.

      • Anonymous says:

        I am interested. One question is why Cayman’s rate is so much higher than US when the US has several guns per capita. Seems like the number of guns on hand does not provide the answer.

        The vast majority of murder victims and/or culprits here are young men and they seem to be tied to gang / crime culture, resulting from deep social issues and the consistent election of politicians who don’t appear inclined to do anything about them. The police do appear to have successfully got most of the guns off the streets and that has reduced the murder rate in recent years.

        It doesn’t really work to compare a very small jurisdiction like Cayman to the US since a few deaths will drastically increase the rates. However, if you compare the US to all other developed countries, its gun deaths (murder and accidental) is off the charts. To most Europeans the gun culture in the US is insane. One of the results of that is that all criminals have guns and so do all police officers, some of whom are way too trigger happy.

    • Anonymous says:

      Americans who live in fear and carry guns are like the old show Barney Fife. When guns are allowed, innocent people die. Muggers will not wait for you to draw, cowboy. Go bock to Texas.

      • Anonymous says:

        No living in fear, The innocent are safe from me. The large burglar I found in my house ran like hell at just the sight of my pistol. I’m happy I had more than my finger to point at him. Muggers get shot regularly according to news reports, so someone is drawing down successfully.

        CNS: The large burglar would probably not have got in your house in the first place if you had a good security system or a dog.

        Muggers are a scourge. They need to be caught and punished and more often than not helped with an addiction. But mugging is not a capital crime unless you are part of a death cult. Mace would probably have the same affect. That’s illegal here, too, but that’s a different conversation.

        • A. Vet says:

          Are you saying we should have a dog and/or a security system? I cannot agree with you, CNS. I do agree that both are good to
          have, but they should not be a necessity.
          It sort of sounds like you are saying muggers and home invaders aren’t bad. Besides, having a dog along when muggers show up is not exactly convenient. I don’t know what crimes are “capital” or what makes them capital, but if muggers come at me with weapons and want to rob me, I damn well consider it capital! I shot people when I was in the military and have been shot twice myself. Guns are not the cause of death…. People are!

          • Anonymous says:

            So you read “Muggers are a scourge. They need to be caught and punished” and your interpretation was “muggers and home invaders aren’t bad?”

  11. Anonymous says:

    Idiots, if they had chosen a female victim they could just take the slap on the wrist.

  12. BeaumontZodecloun says:

    Not much good happens here after midnight. Still, a person should be able to walk late at night if they choose.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Thanks Mac.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh, were they West Bayers then, 11:07?

      • Anonymous says:

        Nice one, 1:44. We have so many posters on here insinuating that most of our crimes are being committed as a result of the Status grants when those of us who actually know many of these guys (mostly guys) and read the Court listings know that they are mostly Caymanians or the products of foreigners and Caymanians doing something together that people have done for a long time here before the status grants…had unprotected random sex resulting in unwanted and therefore neglected children.

        • Anonymous says:

          Except you miss the fact that a large portion of crimes can in fact be linked directly to cabinet status grantees. You also ignore the fact that the grants so overwhelmed key infrastructure (including as to education, opportunities, law enforcement and rehabilitation) that systems collapsed, leading directly to many of the problems we face today.

          • Anonymous says:

            Interesting point. Instead of legalising guns, maybe we should rethink family planning. If Cayman had access to the morning-after pill eighteen years ago, would we be discussing this today?

            • Anonymous says:

              Family planning and immigration policy…

              • Anonymous says:

                The current policy: “Send us your poor, uneducated, huddled masses, yearning to scrounge off a tax free society causing its inevitable collapse, and let’s welcome all their families and friends to hasten our demise.”

          • Anonymous says:

            6:44, you would have to back up that opening sentence with hard evidence. Merely saying it….and in effect repeating what all those who deny Caymanian involvement in crimes are constantly claiming…..does not make it true.

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