Pedestrian knocked down on Cayman Brac

| 12/10/2020 | 21 Comments
Cayman News Service
Medevac ambulance at GT Hospital

(CNS): A woman has sustained life threatening injuries after she was knocked down by an SUV on Cayman Brac at around 8:15 this morning in the area of Cemetery Road and West End Road. The victim, who was on foot at the time she was struck by a blue Toyota Fortuna, has been airlifted to Grand Cayman for treatment. She was originally taken to Faith Hospital but because of the seriousness of her injuries, she was medically evacuated by the RCIPS helicopter.

Police have given no other details about how the woman was knocked down and it is not clear if she is at the Cayman Islands Hospital in George Town or Health City in East End. Meanwhile, the eastbound lane along West End Road has been closed at the location to enable officers to investigate.

Officers from the Traffic Management Unit flew over to Cayman Brac after the incident to assist with the work.

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Comments (21)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    As long as cars are driven on the road it going to be accidents. But I hate it when expats don’t know the rules of the road..,and stops and blinks for me to come out of my yard or a side road when they have the right of way. I always stops and wait until they start moving again and passes me. If one has the right away then use it and all drivers should know the rules of the road.

    • Anonymous says:

      I hate it when people don’t know the grammar rules and make so many grammatical errors in one comment. If you don’t know the rules of grammar, autocorrect feature underlines it for you. It “blinks” for you to stop and make a correction. All people should know the rules of grammar.

      • Anonymous says:

        5:00 am, you must be one that should not be driving on the roads

      • Dexter l Ebanks says:

        Does it matter about grammar when someone could or may lose their life because of this motor vehicle accident =
        It just goes to show how inhumane people really are =
        Maybe if some PEOPLE could be like my dogs = they may become more HUMAN =
        Dexter L Ebanks

    • Anonymous says:

      CNS: is “ Run down” a British phrase to mean bit or knocked down? In this part of the world “run down” suggests intent. Unless you are talking about salt fish “ run down”.

      CNS: Yes, it means knocked down. I’ve changed it though in case it makes a difference.

  2. Anonymous says:

    how you all know that they had communication if she couldn’t speak and she was un responsive?
    try stop trying put a story together.

  3. Anonymous says:

    At the blink of an eye, Two lives have changed forever. One has to live with it, the other, if she survives, will never be the same. The unpredictability of what is around the bend is frightening.
    In the world where you can be anything…try to be Kind.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Simple fact of the matter is that the standard of driving throughout Cayman is abysmal. Monkeys would do a better job.

  5. Anonymous says:

    It is comical to watch people at the 4 way in WB. The show starts with a “you go wave” then the other driver gives a smile and wave indicating no, “you go” then after 2 or three exchanges they both go and then have to hit their brakes to keep from an accident. Free entertainment.:)

  6. XXX says:

    Considering the extent of her injuries and the fact that she’s in critical condition, it seems doubtful that he stopped to let her cross, then she waved him on and then stepped in front of him.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I can’t see her waving to let him go, then walk out in front of him. It must be a case of miscommunication there. He only thinks he saw her give him the ‘green light’.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I once waved to a driver to let her know I”ll be pulling out of Cricket Square into Elgin Ave. I assumed she stopped to let me go. She interpreted my window of opportunity and my waving differently and hit the gas pedal. Needles to say both cars got scratches. She also jumped out if her car yelling and screaming at me while her male passenger tried to calm her down.

    • I can only drive in the right hand lane says:

      If you were pulling out of Cricket Square, then Elgin Ave traffic has right of way! Just follow the rules of the road and don’t make up your own.

      • Anonymous says:

        She stopped, I assumed to allow me to pull out into Elgin Ave.

        • Anonymous says:

          My friend failed a driving test for waving a pedestrian to go across the road. It is not an acceptable thing for a driver to do apparently.

          • Anonymous says:

            It’s to do with the fact the waiving driver might not be aware of all the other cars on the road and effectively luring a pedestrian to their doom.

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