MRCU leadership inquiry still unresolved

(CNS): Neither the minister responsible for mosquito control nor the deputy governor responsible for the civil service were prepared to offer an update into the current leadership inquiry at the Mosquito Research and Control Unit when they were asked on Wednesday. Answering an MLA’s question in the Legislative Assembly about the status of the director following the complaints made against him, Health Minister Dwayne Seymour said he was not responsible for staff.
Kenneth Bryan, the independent member for George Town Central, asked the minister what was happening about the complaints made by the MRCU’s team about the strategies that had been adopted by the director, Dr James McNelly, to control the local pests. Bryan pointed out the importance of the unit and its role spraying chemicals across the community and the need to know the status of the inquiry, which was revealed several months ago, given the serious allegations that were made.
But the minister declined to offer any information, maintaining that, as minister, he had no involvement in staff matters and that the inquiry was under Deputy Governor Franz Manderson.
However, the DG also declined to offer information, saying that he could not speak about it as the inquiry was ongoing. “Unfortunately, I am unable to discuss this matter as we are in the middle of an investigation and it would be inappropriate for me to discuss this in an open forum,” he said, adding that he expected the inquiry to conclude “in the very short term”.
A significant number of staff members submitted a letter to the ministry this summer about the way McNelly had changed how mosquito control is managed, how staff are deployed and the chemicals used, which they believed resulted in the serious surge in mosquito populations this year, including the potentially dangerous species, Aedes aegypti.
In August the acting chief officer in the ministry, Nellie Pouchie, confirmed that an investigation was underway following the complaints made by staff.
Category: Environmental Health, Health
With no disrespect the public talk about how the mosquitoes were plentiful and bite hard and it were not enough spraying before Dr. Jim McNelly became the Director for MRCU. Dr. McNelly got the spraying going regularily again. Complaining now that it is the wrong way of spraying. Where is the letters from the MRCU staff too prove that Dr. McNelly have a history of being a bully too them before they petitioned against him. With no direspect or did Dr. McNelly enforced the rules in the workplace that have not being there for years now and it mashed alot of toes. I feel less mosquitoes and see less MRCU government vehicles tripping up and down on West Bay roads now that Dr. Jim McNelly became the MRCU Director.
And yet ya’ll seem to forget that we had all the GMO mosquitoes released here….
I want them again
Enough of this BS So called Progressives and the Deputy Guv. No matter what the personnel matter is there needs to be someone else appointed to deal with the ever rising number of mosquitos. Because ona yard might be sprayed every day at your request does not make good governance. Do get off ona rass asses and either get rid of this problem or rest assured what will be unleashed on you in May will be worse than the bites of mosquitos.
Whatever they are spaying is killing bees by the thousands. Brilliant plan dumb dumbs.
If nobody’s responsible, nobody can be blamed.
Add mosquitos to Dwayne Seymours impressive resume of disasters, trash collection, healthcare, the dump. While he may not be in charge off the staff he certainly is in charge of MRCU and its manager. This latest disaster should clinch the 2020 Darwin Award for Jon-Jon.
If he was a Caymanian there is no doubt he would have been fired and replaced like yesterday.
Ooouch where mosquito bite ya.
Meanwhile we are into a 5th straight month of mosquitoes. This hasn’t happened since the early 70s. Something is desperately wrong at MRCU. The higher ups in CIG needs to resolve this debacle without further delay because without an effective mosquito control operation these islands are not fit for human habitation.
Seymour hides behind the usual politician’s lie that they have nothing to do with civil service “staff matters” yet it was him that got rid of Jennifer Ahearne because he could not “wuk wit her” and made sure that his present acting Chief Officer was appointed in her place.
He’s the Alden designated punching bag. Did you expect him to suddenly become a different person?
And the appointment of his friend as the new DEH Director.
Keywords are ‘research and control’. Mosquitos are impossible to eradicate. If you don’t want to be bitten by mosquitos, do not live in the tropics.
Dwayne cannot answer any questions except if it pertains to the full moon, or jackasses. PERIOD!!!
classic civil service incompetence at all levels…
time for more awards franz!!!
3:03 only a jealous illogical bitter person would complain of civil servants receiving
Awards because of their meritorious service during covid. Ask yourself this…why aren’t I still hiding under my bed from covid. Answer CIG and civil service world class performance. Now go back under your bed and hide from the 5 mosquitos outside your home.
Kenneth Bryan is wasting his time asking the Minister he is only responsible for donkeys.
Yes, does everyone notice the lack of criticism and inquiry concerning this matter? Things are pretty quiet, because of the demographic and ethnicity of the leadership being questioned.
Really?? You sure about that? You must have forgotten about how many people have been run down by Caymanians on the the road and WERE NEVER PROSECUTED. mmmmm..,
This is the worst year I can remember for mosquitos. Whoever is in charge does need firing as they’re clearly not competent otherwise I wouldn’t be getting bitten 10x a day.