Cayman braces for another bout of rough weather

| 30/10/2020 | 12 Comments

(CNS): The Cayman Islands can expect rough seas of up to nine feet along the south coast early next week, as a tropical wave over the eastern Caribbean heads west. The US National Hurricane Center is predicting that the weather system could become a tropical depression by Monday, bringing another bout of rain and rough seas here, though any storm is forecast to remain well south of the Cayman area.

If 96L, as it is currently dubbed, becomes Tropical Storm Eta, it will be the first ever by that name. As the 28th storm of the season, it will place this year even with 2005 for the busiest storm season on record. The last storm in that season was never formally named as it was discovered in post-storm analysis, according to weather experts at Yale Climate Connections.

The system is expected to remain southwest of Jamaica as it heads west across the Caribbean and slows down from its current speed of 10-15mph. The system is currently producing a moderate amount of heavy thunderstorms that have grown organised over the past day.

The Port Authority of the Cayman Islands said that owners of small vessels moored in the sea or beached near the waters edge should prepare accordingly. Fishing vessels should note that there will be a small craft warning in effect.

See the full local weather report here

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Category: Science & Nature, Weather

Comments (12)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    It has already passed. Chill out.

  2. Paula Langford says:

    Go back and look at the track of the storm of 1932

  3. Anonymous says:

    Judging by the accuracy of recent warnings this system will miss us by 100 miles and none of the predicted weather will occur.

    • Anonymous says:

      Welcome back!

      Tropical Storm Zeta by 11pm Sunday.

      Hurricane possible by Monday night.

      Hope you right Mr. Loverman all weather guru😂

      • Anonymous says:

        Original poster here. Where was the storm last night and where is the hurricane tonight? I am just asking. It has rained a little.

  4. Anonymous says:

    the weather can change without any warning! So we need to prepare for the worst never get caught up in forecast too much, it’s good science but it doesn’t steer the weather

    • Anonymous says:

      4 very sensible comments on here thus far.

      Waiting on the “all weather know-it-all idiot” to try to belittle them😂

  5. anon says:

    The National Hurricane Center shows it heading due west to Nicaragua so it should not affect us too much.Even Zeta which was much closer posed few problems for Cayman

    • Anonymous says:

      They are always “right” with their forecasts.

    • Anonymous says:

      GFS and two other models show a westward track to Central America, and then a recurve in our general direction. Of course, none of the models are very accurate until the system has actually formed.

      Bears watching, particularly this time of year.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hello, surely it is about time we say the “US National Hurricane Centre” so we don’t confuse it with our own National Westher Service.

      • Anonymous says:

        Sure. Could just say the NHC. The “NWS” may not be infamous enough to call them the “NWS”.

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