Governor: Homophobia is unacceptable

(CNS): Cayman Islands Governor Martyn Roper has urged the community not to lose sight of the discrimination suffered by many Caymanians and others, as the controversy surrounding the Domestic Partnership Bill (DPB) continues. On Friday the governor stated that homophobic remarks were unacceptable, as he released the short letter from Baroness Sugg, the overseas territories minister, instructing him to pass the law under his section 81 powers.
Roper said the recent drawing of parallels with Nazi behaviour over his decision regarding the bill or making homophobic remarks were “completely unacceptable”, as he came to the defence of same-sex couples.
Chantelle Day and Vickie Bodden have now suffered years of discrimination and a sustained breach of their right to a family life due the failure of government and the legislature to support a legal framework to register their and any other same-sex relationships. While they have been the flag- bearers for equality, there are dozens of other same-sex Caymanian couples who have been waiting for their rights to be recognised for many years.
“It is important not to lose sight of the discrimination being suffered by many Caymanians and others in our community,” the governor said. “This is causing great mental anguish for many. It is my fervent hope that once this legislation enters into force the people of Cayman can put this issue behind them and move forward with mutual respect. The Partnerships Bill will end discrimination, maintain the institution of marriage and uphold the rule of law.”
Roper said he was in a position he never wanted to be in regarding this bill. “Such situations have been, and will be, extremely rare. The UK, and I as Governor, fully respect Cayman’s extensive responsibility for domestic affairs. But I am ultimately responsible for good governance,” he added.
His comments followed the release of more demands from the opposition on Thursday evening about the legal grounds on which the governor is giving assent to the Domestic Partnership Bill, after it was voted down in the Legislative Assembly last month.
The opposition has challenged the governor’s right to implement the failed bill to meet the directions of the Cayman Islands Court of Appeal and end the breach of rights of Caymanians in same-sex relationships. The five official opposition members have been calling for Roper to “provide the legal mandate” for his involvement in the DPB.
The governor has invoked his right under section 81 of the Constitution to make laws for the country under certain circumstances and to ensure the rule of law. In this case the continued failure of the Legislative Assembly to pass legislation that provides a framework to register same-sex relationships means that Cayman is breaching its own Bill of Rights and the European Convention of Human Rights, as well as defying the direction of the appeal court.
Roper is set to give assent to the DPB next month, after the current 21-day consultation, as well as amendments to eleven other laws in order to make the bill effective and “functionally equivalent to marriage”, as required by the Court of Appeal.
But Opposition Leader Arden McLean is challenging the governor on the grounds that the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) has said previously that “policy on marriage law is an area of devolved responsibility” which “should be for the territories to decide and legislate on”. However, the DPB does not change the Marriage Law.
McLean is seeking the disclosure of the facts behind the governor’s decision. “It is quite clear that the Caymanian people have been misled by the Governor with the full support of the Premier,” he said in the press release, that included a letter he sent to the Foreign Secretary in the UK.
Yesterday evening, when McLean released the statement he appeared to not know about Baroness Sugg’s instructions to Roper, as he accused Roper of initiating the decision with the support of the premier.
McLean challenged the governor’s right to act in the way he has. “The reserve powers held by the governor are quite specific. These are matters relating to the civil service, internal security and external affairs,” he claimed, though in fact the governor is responsible for good governance and the rule of law.
Nevertheless, McLean compared the intervention to the Chinese government’s interference in Hong Kong. “The official opposition believes that the governor’s recent decision needs to be challenged as this will set the dangerous precedent going forward where this governor or future governors may want to change other domestic legislation, such as our immigration laws or our company ownership laws,” he added.
The opposition leader also said that the government was being hypocritical about the governor’s intervention in this instance. He said that government had been “quick to intervene” when its position was that the Cayman Islands courts were “legislating from the bench and overreaching their remit, as was the case with the recent cruise berthing challenge”. But it had done nothing about what McLean believes is the governor’s breach of his constitutionally defined authority.
In his own statement the governor clearly set out the legal position. He said the appeal court had directed that if the Cayman Islands legislature failed to act to rectify the situation in the Day-Bodden case, the UK should recognise its responsibility to ensure compliance with the Constitution and its international obligations.
“Ensuring compliance with international obligations falls squarely within my responsibilities under section 55(1) (b) of the Constitution. Given that responsibility, I was instructed on 5 August by the Minister for Sustainable Development and the Overseas Territories, Baroness Sugg, who is acting on behalf of the UK Secretary of State, to utilise section 81 of the Cayman Islands Constitution to rectify this situation,” Roper said.
During the Day-Bodden case the government had also admitted that it was in breach of the Constitution. “The Cayman Islands Government and attorney general had already accepted that it was in breach of the Bill of Rights,” the governor noted.
Regardless of these facts, McLean accused the government of not being committed to a “modern relationship”, even though the actions of the opposition and two government minsters flies in the face of current attitudes towards the rights of same-sex couples in a modern society.
Nevertheless, the opposition leader has written to British Foreign Secretary Dominc Rabb over the issue, claiming to be standing up for future generations here as well as Caymanian history and traditions.
As well as condeming the broad ideology of marriage equality, the leader of the opposition also criticised the actual content of the Domestic Partnership Bill, stating that it is flawed and not fit for purpose, illustrated by the governor’s plan to pass an amended version of the bill. He was also surprised by the additional eleven pieces of legislation that are being amended alongside the enactment of the DPB.
Chief Justice Anthony Smellie legalised same-sex marriage last March by changing eight words of the Marriage Law, which would not have required any other changes. However, after government successfully challenged the chief justice’s ruling, it was set on a path of creating an entirely separate regime for same-sex couples, which necessitated amendments to a number of other laws.
See the letter from Baroness Sugg as well as the full press release from the opposition and their letter to the FCO minister in the CNS Library.
Hey Alden, was 100% voting for you today, was it not for this issue. I am now voting for Sammy. Roper, can’t wait for the door to hit you in the ass.
Has Baroness Sugg ever visited the Cayman Islands? What does she know about Caymanian culture? Has she ever taken the time to travel around Cayman to speak with the citizens to get a better feel for local values?
Actions speak louder than words.
She came once..Saw the Governor’s house and partied with the politicians at the Ritz.
Just another useless British Politician.
This comment is from a church attending Christian. The Christian churches of the Cayman Islands certainly do paint a picture of a Jesus that I do not recognize. The only thing Jesus ever taught about hate and self centeredness was that it was not from God. To the contrary he taught us to accept and appreciate all people. It is so obviously that certainly Christians are confused as to what this means. On one hand they proclaim that marriage is a “higher plain” for we human to reach yet when a person from the LGBT Community declares a desire to love and be faithful in marriage that person is turned away to the bars, briars, and the back streets to look for happiness. If marriage is so good for straight people why then can it not be good for gay people? Civil marriage is a contract between two individuals and not the business of the church. The very important role of the church to society should never be intermingled with the business of the state.
I wonder who introduced to the region the Christianity that some now want to hate and have destroyed.
10:06, Scottish Presbyterians, American Baptists and Church of God Fundamentalists and American Seventh Day Adventists via the huge Jamaican influx. Various rinky dink pentecostal churches have come along since, each trying to outdo itself in Old Testament fire and brimstone, while tithing of course.
Truly Cayman!!! Where is the energy needed to tackle the much more pressing economical and social problems in these three little islands called the Cayman Islands?
Why would anyone think that this little small country would not have LGBT people? Do we think because we have labeled ourselves a ‘Christian’ nation for umpteen years that we would somehow miss out on another one of God’s doing?
Stop the ignorance, stop the hate, stop the discrimination. Stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mind your own business and let consenting adults do what they feel they need to do to complete their lives and just get on with yours.
People please wake up! This is not about the Domestic Partnership Bill – this is about the UK trying to impose their will through the back door, whilst telling us that are in control of our domestic agenda. We are not!!
The UK decided to leave the UK because it wanted to control its own destiny. Funny, how that does not seem to apply to its Overseas Territories.
If we let the Governor push through this bill, what’s to stop him from amending other laws. I am not fan of many of our current representatives, but at least they were democratically elected. The same can’t be said for the UK civil servants pushing their agenda!
You seem to have forgotten that Cayman is BOT.
Here is how the UK respects equality.
I urge Governor Martyn Roper to understand that the country will need space to heal after he is finished doing what he has decided to do.
Heal from what exactly? Other persons living their lives as most persons do?
If equality hurts some so much that they need healing that is on them. They should not be involved in other people’s private lives that much in the first place.
Strange how the english are able to lecture us about homophobia when the english are guilty of every other type of phobia and ism that one can imagine.
Where is Pit Bull when we need him to reply to nonsense like this post @ 10:47? Has he left Cayman?
So you want to be just like them?
Yes, look up what they did to Alan Turing, who shortened WWII by an estimated 2 years with his code-breaking that allowed the Allies to get ahead of German uboat attacks on supply convoys from America, but happened to be gay. He was given court-ordered chemical castration therapy despite being a war hero and committed suicide after a year of the therapy. He wasn’t pardoned for his ‘crime’ for 61 years.
It is precisely because of the vile treatment that Britain meted out to Turing and other homosexuals that, starting in the sixties, they began liberalising the approach to dealing with them until getting to the point they are at today of enjoying equality under the law. At least Britain (and countless other countries) has learned and evolved. Cayman, still encumbered by vicious intolerant Old Testament rants and political opportunism, has not.
Maybe you should go back to a room in Jamaica in 1846 where there was a lot of hand-wringing about the louche Caymanians and tell Rev. Elmslie not to bring and hand out all those bibles, the only books Caymanians had. It was over a century before much else managed to reach these shores and influence our people. My generation and the ones that follow have different values but alas, for all the UK’s current progressiveness, it is the cause of backwards attitudes in countries and territories previously under, or more under, its control. And they’ve been much slower to distribute the equality than they were with the original fundamentalism.
Thank you Mr. Roper for standing up to these stupid bullies we call “honorable”.
I’m not a “Bible-quoting” “Christian”, having not yet been baptized as an adult perhaps I don’t qualify in the eyes of many. But I was raised with belief and faith in God and I believe in the power of prayer. I try to live my life with “Christian” values – which by the way, don’t need to be necessarily taught by organized religion. Jesus’ teachings and many of his practices were simply good human values.
I have issue with those “Christians” who are selective in their interpretation of the Bible. They quote chapter & verse of the intolerant and biased Old Testament Hebrew laws to spread bigotry and prejudice yet conveniently forget Jesus’ teachings, of the New Testament which include “love thy neighbour” and “show acceptance and forgiveness”.
How can they consider themselves “Christian” without being inclusive and accepting of all God’s children??
They can be bigots and Christians because the source of their religion, the Bible, demands anti-gay sentiments and actions. According to the Bible, we are supposed to be killing gays. I’m just glad that these fundamentalist Christians apparently can’t read.
Religions are scary and dangerous. Proven fact, look it up.
The second paragraph of this article very clearly implies the Nazi comparison being referenced came from the anti-DPB/same sex marriage crowd and was about the Governor assenting to the Bill after it was defeated in the LA. However, it was actually almost certainly about Leonardo Raznovich’s comments as reported in the Compass.
Both/all sides on this debate have used problematic language at some point and I suspect His Excellency was trying to highlight that fact, not just address the bigotry and homophobia.
I’m pro-marriage equality and fully agree the hate speech from those opposed to any legal recognition of these relationships (or worse, those opposed to homosexuality in general) is awful and significantly worse than what’s coming from the other side. However, reporting on the Governor’s comments as only calling for one side to tone it down likely misrepresents them. At worst, it makes CNS seem biased or not sufficiently thorough in their reporting.
For comparison, the Compass got this one right.
Why has the Governor and Premier stopped having press conferences? Don’t answer telling me that the press conferences were only for Covid-19. That is just an excuse and rubbish. They can continue to have briefings to keep the people in the loop as to what is going on. What Government only speaks to its people in times of crisis only?
Will they only have press conferences if there is another Pandemic or should I say the only time they will speak to us albeit through a mostly biased, water downed press is when there is another pandemic?
Are they afraid there may be some hard questions to answer?
It’s time for a sea change Cayman…May 2021 is only about 7 months out. Let’s start looking for some decent leaders, not politicians to run this country..although it appears those people will be targeted and pushed out..Time to stop the intimidation of these useless politicians.
May 2021 is only about 7 months out
Are you one of those new math teachers?
Public school no doubt.
Clearly an accidental mistake but the public school mentality in both of you made you focus on this and not the point the writer was trying to makes.
Crabs in a bucket mentality, as always.
Dear Governor Roper,
Correct, homophobia is unacceptable.
Question: Is xenophobia (and racism) also unacceptable?
(Asking for an English friend of mine residing over in the recently DEMOCRATICALLY, Brexited UK).
I would hate to think that diplomatic power dictates what biases, perceived or realistic, are deemed acceptable.
– Whodatis
*Kindly miss me with the disingenuous “..for economic reason..” spiel. We both know unemployable / on-the-dole Simon and Gemma from Hull have zero grasp or concern for the feigned economic pros of Brexit.
**Btw, how’s that recession working out for ya?
Oh Jesus Christ, he’s back!
“It’s “
And in full effect.
Hush, I know you missed me sorely.
– Who
We didn’t. Saved us time having to reply to your nonsensical ramblings.
And just as confused as ever
Two wrongs and a right again? But really, you want to raise racism and xenophobia as touch points with the governor? Jeesum – we can teach the UK a master class in both subjects. Glass houses and stones Who
Farage of UKIP was the democratically endorsed driving forces behind Brexit.
Cayman has harmoniously trebled its population in my lifetime alone. Compared to Britain which saw a mere 9% increase in the same period of time and went in to full panicked-Redneck mode.
I suggest you brush up on your history and be quiet Jotnar.
– Who
Harmoniously – lol. For someone who spends a lot of time on CNS you obviously are not reading a lot of the comments about expats, Caymanians, Jamaicans and recently even Canadians. About as harmonious as a UFC cage fight. Oh, and passing over your own contributions about the UK and Britons.
Question: Is xenophobia (and racism) also unacceptable?
Yes, obviously
As for the recession, it will be a depression shortly, so not very well, but thank you for asking, it warms ones heart that one is in your thoughts at this difficult time
Thank you for confirming the apparent nature of your nation.
Re the recession;
I recall promises of a better day, notably a saving of hundreds of millions of £ for the NHS.
(Poor ol Britain. Couldn’t hang on to pound to save their lives, innit?)
Quite the opposite has happened.
Anyway, if it is one thing the Brits are famous for, it is shifting goalposts.
The good ol UK never just changes the rules as they go along lol!!
Anyway, I’ll end this in usual fashion by reminding the room, I am a Caymanian engaged in debate with non-Caymanians who have fled to the Cayman Islands in seek of a better life.
Welcome, and you’re welcome.
– Who
You really weren’t missed you know. I am going to look into a way to prevent me from seeing your comments because they’re just so…parochial and whatabouty. Yes there are things in the world. Full stop. Get on with living in it and hush. I’m sorry you got bored of bringing up tiresome talking points in person and felt the need to come back here to do it, I truly am. And no, I’m not English or from MI6 or whatever the hell keeps you up at night, I’m a Caymanian who knows the more you speak, the less people listen.
We still own your sorry ass. Only you can make the change, brave enough?
The governor’s remarks on comparing what’s happening here now to the Nazis behavior is one that is shameful XXXX
CNS: This is an extremely careless and irresponsible reading of what the governor said. He absolutely did not compare what is happening now to Nazi behaviour and in fact said the opposite. He said, “The drawing of parallels with Nazi behaviour or making homophobic remarks are completely unacceptable.”
Thank you CNS for chiming in and nipping that dumb post in the bud. Too bad social media doesn’t do the same which is why we have so much inaccurate information floating around.
Has the governor ever considered that our Christian heritage should be preserved for present and future generations? I believe that what he is trying to do will completely destroy everything that is wholesome for the Cayman Islands.
10th Generational Caymanian here, who exercises their **constitutional right to be Atheist**:
Stop thinking Christianity is a pre-requisite to be Caymanian. You treat anyone who doesn’t share your belief system as inferior simply because you think your belief system is the right one out of thousands.
10th generation Caymanian also, with religious beliefs that I have no desire to impose upon others. However, a firm believer in the one tenet common to every major religion “Love one another”.
If two people of the same sex believe that they love each other and want to get married I don’t see how that can detract from the quality of my life.
Whenever one group starts thinking of what they should deny to another group, rather than what they may be able to give to them, it’s headed down a slippery slope.
Where did this concept that Christians are not homosexual? That being homosexual is anti-Christianity?
Do you really know what the sexual orientation is of the person sitting next you in church or on a bus or on an areoplane?
Does it really matter?
And yes this is coming from a Christian born and raised in a Caymanian Christian home. And no I am not homosexual.
But please people stop this bashing of your fellow human beings at the same time waving a Bible in your hand! Certainly that is not the Christianity that I know.
What does the bible say about homosexuality?
It is silent on homosexuality, except for laws for the priesthood of the Levites.
There are other laws in Leviticus which Christians do not honour, because those were laws for a select group of people in a time and situation that has passed. Likewise, we no longer have burnt offerings, nor stone people to death for a variety of offences, such as: failure to rotate crops, mixing fabrics, trimming beard ends and the like.
Further, we no longer have rules for slavery, because that time has passed, and is thankfully no longer applicable.
How would we know ? It has been edited numerous times.
What does it say about the foods that 95% of Caymanians love on a Sunday?
Which is the fundamental problem. Whole bunch of people buy into what would Jesus do and a loving rather than vengeful God – then it all falls apart when when you look at the literal language of the Bible- especially but not exclusively the Old Testament- in which the teachings are completely inconsistent with the loving , encompassing and friendly God espoused by the new Church.
The Old Testament is the story of the Jewish people, and has little to do with the teachings of Jesus.
Whatever it says, it wasnt added till 1940s because the term homosexual didnt even exist before then.
Nothing about this bill will take away from our so called Christian heritage. You are still free to practice your beliefs, you are still free to express your beliefs in public and you are still free to past down your beliefs to your children without worry of prosecution from the Government.
Providing equal treatment and rights to every member of our country takes nothing away from you and yours.
I really wish the majority (Christians) would stop acting like victims while they fight endlessly to deny the minority of enjoying the same rights as them.
I think that most Christians would not care about the government providing homosexuals with whatever rights they want if they could simply find a way to live separate and apart from the homosexuals. It is my understanding from speaking with a number of Christians that they simply don’t want what they describe as the homosexual lifestyle to influence their lives and the lives of their children. A sad situation all around.
Those very same people are likely living and mixing and talking to homosexuals on a daily basis.
The myth of the “homosexual lifestyle” is just that. When some people think of that, they think of the extremes — those people that are flamboyant and out there who don’t mind being noticed, or perhaps even enjoy it.
Most lesbians and gay men that I’ve known in my life were just like you and me, because they ARE you and me. Just folks. Folks who want the same rights as everyone else, but otherwise want to be left alone to do with their lives as they choose.
What does it exactly mean to preserve your Christian heritage according to you? Does equality take away anything from this heritage you mentioned?
Nobody, virtually NOBODY is attacking Christians, nor our heritage. Nobody wants Christians to do anything differently than they ever have. What is needed here is that ALL Caymanians have equal rights.
If your faith is “destroyed” by two people who love each other getting married, your faith is much more fragile than my own. My faith is not marred even the tiniest bit by the marriage of two people in love.
Hey 9:15, does that heritage include the acceptance of adultery?
Or abusing spouse and children?
Or bar managers?
To 9.15
What is your definition of ‘wholesome’?
Curious to know before I respond further.
Help from Jon Jon soon come.
How about CannabisPhobia??
A Real question. No need for ignorance.
Don’t embarrass us
No Weed, No Vote 2021
It is evident with the weekly 950 lb shipments of Cannabis to Cayman per week that there is a large consumer demographic. Will any of the 2021 candidates be brave enough to campaign on legalization?
Assuming $1000/lb with 22% sales tax, we could generate an easy $10,000,000 per year by legalizing recreational use. Not including licenses for growing more than personal use, or for sales to tourists as majority of consumers of black market weed are locals.
I do/did tours to Stingray city. If I didn’t care about losing my business, I had SO MANY guests asking where they could buy a spliff. Maybe because of my dreads but unfortunately I don’t want to break this (particularly stupid) law.
I cannot believe it’s not decriminalized or completely legalized like every other country on earth
12.40pm Is it not still illegal in Jamaica, UK and others?
Jamaica has decriminalizated, 25% of USA is legal, Amsterdam is a tourism boom/hotspot for getting some herb with a cup of coffee, and dozens of other places.
Screw jamaica and uk this Cayman bobo
I don’t understand Christians who don’t live by what their Messiah, Jesus Christ preached.
Regarding those many good people amongst us who are gay, Jesus never said any derogatory remarks. Instead, in his Second Commandment he simply said it all ….”Love thy neighbour as thyself”.
If you met him today and you asked his advice about how to treat someone who is gay, he would say the same words. If you believe in him and his teachings, just follow his words.
If I loved my neighbor as I love myself, I’ll be locked up.
😀 😀
Thank you for the much-needed comedic interlude.
Way to railroad the territory into accepting something they don’t want.
Way to pretend you are the territory. The Caymanian government will govern as the international laws which have long been laid out instructs. They are under the UK. If they do not then they are breaking the laws that they swore to uphold in the first place. Which is kinda what Caymanians have a reputation for already. Ugly don’t like being told what to do.
Who said we don’t want it? MOST Caymanians want it. It’s the small minority YOU’RE apart of that doesn’t want it.
God: Sin is unacceptable.
Tell that to all the men in Cayman who cheat on their wife’s. Such hypocrites.
Nah, Christians in Cayman don’t accept that part of the Bible that talks about not committing adultery. Hypocrisy reigns in the Cayman Christian community.
Why is it legal to practice other religions in Cayman?
Does God find Hinduism or Islam acceptable?
Which of the many thousands of Gods are you referring to?
So stop committing sin.
John the Apostle: Hold my beer
Does judgement belong to you?
Why do people that take a myth literally feel entitled and obligated to dictate how everybody else should live their lives? I just do not understand it. If you really believe in Jehovah, Elohim, Yahweh whatever, cool story bros, why not lead by example instead of trying to force your flawed contradictory beliefs and figurative misinterpretations on others. The crazy part is it’s done to the point that pushes people away from Christianity (arguably for the better at times). It’s like God hired the absolute worst possible marketing team ever. It’s just bizarre.
Please be quiet about the dump bobo. You are getting to be very boring and annoying. We get your point.
Der is no money Bobo. Don’t you get it now. Just wait 10 years.
Democracy has failed in the Caymans.
The Caymans??? Where’s that????
Der is no money now Bobo for The Dump. Don’t you get it now? Just wait 10 years.
Democracy protects minorities even if the majority do not.
All these people calling the governor a hero and at the same time bashing Christianity and the ‘sky fairy’. Conveniently forgetting that Islam punishes homosexuality with death. Remember the governor is a Christian too. Hypocrisy exists everywhere, it is unfair and disrespectful to assume all Christians are so called ‘homophobes’. And let us not forget that if you have an opinion that differs from the homosexuals, it does not mean you have a ‘fear’ of them.
If someone doesn’t believe in Christianity, why would you think they automatically believe in Islam? Atheists are non-believers of ANY religion.
They think they are…. for now.
Your argument is in bad faith. It’s still in living memory where here, the US and the UK had political division over buggery laws, and another (Uganda) actually tried to enhance them to include execution for LGBT people, all majority Christian countries. Translate “difference of opinion” to “attempted political domination”, and stop getting huffy when LGBT people just play the same game.
Is it possible to have the letter from the Governor to the Baroness released as well?
If McLean truly imagines there’s a parallel between Hong Kong and China, can we look forward to him being arrested for sedition???
Doesn’t matter what laws they push through the longer Cayman stays lockdown, they worst off the economy get and poor people suffer. Governor and government sitting pretty on big salaries and at the end of their term as in the case if the governor, he just pack up, jump on BA and say bye 👋 to Cayman. Yeah he maybe nice, but nice not helping Caymanians trying to get home. Why they can’t push through anything to get more quarantine rooms or figure some plan for us to quarantine at home? I have nothing against gays but, hey 👋 Mr Governor there should be no discrimination against Caymanians trying to get home. Yes, I call it discrimination because everyone else and their 💩 is getting sorted except us trying to come home. We on some kinda back burner. Your partner is home and some of us would like to get back too to our kids and family!
Peace ✌️
Unacceptable to whom?? Not to same folks who are allowing convicted and dangerous foreign criminals to remain on our shores because they have a right to family life or the right lawyer .Same ones who are letting out foreign child rapist and molesters but sentencing Caymanians to lengthy prison terms for similar crimes and non violent offenses. Yes and before those who constantly try to villainize Caymanians on here as bigots and racist and homophobic because they try to speak up finally or say what they think is best for Cayman ,but just because it does not fit or enable them to assert or impose their views and their self serving interest or rights and advantages as a minority over the rights of the Caymanian majority .Where is democracy in that Mr Governor?? what about the Caymanian rights in Cayman, as for the so called Cayman judiciary when are we going to get a Caymanian born Judge or Magistrate AG or SG?? We got everybody else here making laws and issuing proclamation and judgements besides us! We have let them take or rights Cayman now we cannot even get the privileges they said we would get in exchange!
Why does the idea of equality hurt some of you so much? Same rights, not privileges, rights, for all don’t take anything from anyone yet there are so many out there thinking they are better for some reason than others and entitled to more. Just because you are heterosexual? Or claim so as often is the case?
To Cayman Democracy is Extinct now!:
The positions you mentioned cannot just be assigned; a candidate must show dedication, hard work, integrity, continuous professional development (which is not cheap), and the kind of experience only TIME gives. We have Caymanian lawyers that could pursue them; how keen they are to do so, we don’t know.
A strong democracy is one where the majority looks out for the rights of all, especially the minority.
Ensuring that each human being has the same rights and not treated with discrimination is the hallmark of a solid and just society. Depriving others of the same rights you enjoy makes you a proponent of hatred. Holding someone down or discriminating against them, be that because of their skin colour or their sexual orientation is not godly.
Render unto Ceasar that which is Ceasars, render unto God what is Gods. Judge not for that is how you shall be judged.
You mention
“Not to same folks who are allowing convicted and dangerous foreign criminals…”
As a young Caymanian, observing the reactions from the community. It really is concerning that there is awareness of issues we have on island that is detriment to our young people and society.
However, it is twice as concerning to see that the community gets really loud when the politics at play tries to even the playing field for ALL Caymanians.
If you are willing to compare and bring awareness to these other issues in Cayman, i.e. convictions and releases of very dangerous people into our community.
My question to you, why won’t you and everyone else get loud about that?
Why aren’t we debating and talking about that? Having a conversation with our young people, our young men and women who are victims. Stand up or stand next to your young people.
Your words and actions are scarring the minds of your young community so watch what you say. Remember we are the next generation for Cayman.
The only thing I disagree with is the Governor suggesting that the passing of the DPB will end discrimination.
Creating a separate regime for the recognition of same sex couples rights is still discriminatory as the only reason same sex couples aren’t given access to marriage (which is not a religious institution) is because of their sexual orientation.
This is akin to the apartheid regime and all other discrimination faced by non-whites in the past.
Marriage equality is the only true way to end this discrimination and the Governor’s actions, whilst a step in the right direction, will sadly not be the end of the inequality that one section of Caymanian society is subjected to.
The CJ had the vision to recognise this and he used the tools available to him in the constitution to eloquently redress years of the Government breaching the rights of same sex Caymanians as provided for under the constitution. I’m more than sure that the Privy Council will see if the CJ’s way too during the appeal.
He opted not to go the marriage route to prevent mass aneurysms in the CMA lodge. But on a more serious note, it was because of the pending case to the privy council next year.
It’s a possibility that your points will be taken into consideration in privy and they implement same sex marriage in the Cayman Islands. Some of unna can go on and think say this is a bluff like how ya thought Alden was.
True equality will be created, the Christians will get over it once they realize literally no one has imposed them to be gay, and we’ll all live happily ever after.
“The CMA lodge”? Oh dear!
McLean’s protest and fake outrage are just his never-ending attempt to suck up to the church so as to be sure to get the endorsement of fellow homophobes in next year’s election. That’s “Christianity”??? Wow. Talk about a deluded bunch of people. Regardless, domestic partnerships will be here by October — and gay MARRIAGE will arrive next year after Vickie and Chantelle’s case find deserving success at the Privy Council. Opposition members:: The next generation will view you for what you are — Christians in name only.
These people love Republican Jesus what can I say?
A dramatic difference in headlines from your right-winged counterpart cayman compass, I applaud putting this headline in the forefront where it ought to be. It’s embarrassing that we are so far behind in the times.
Cig has the compass wrapped around their finger that’s why! I stopped reading from them a long time ago..
The Compass is anything but right wing.. I am right wing and I agree with practically nothing they say.
Stop being such a tool and be honest.
This was always the way this was going to play out. Politicians here don’t want to upset the religious right so they let the UK force it on them. It wasn’t our fault the UK made us do it. A cowardly move but at the end of the day the right decision was reached.
A pity bully boy Arden can go around pointing the finger at LGBT Caymanians & residents and abusing their rights yet can turn a blind eye to domestic violence, teenage pregnancy and drug abuse. A glory boy for the far right church mongering Caymanians who are good old Sunday morning worshippers, so typical. I’m a born and bred 5th generation Caymanian and this level of blatant discrimination really upsets me, hats off to Gov. Roper, The Premier and the Ministers/MLA memebers who supported equal rights. This is 2020 and I think we’ve got bigger problems to sort out than gay rights.
A bully and an arrogant piece of work. He believes that everyone is afraid of him. In meetings with his underlings he constantly calls people he does not like queers or some other homophobic slur.
One needs to ask why he turns a blind eye to domestic violence.
And to boot, he is bragging that he will be the next Premier because he deserves it.
Fix the Dump!
Won’t happen whilst Donkey Kong is in charge.
Racist ass
“Don’t worry, the random fires is helping it.” Says sarcasm
McLean, like so many other mentally-stunted MLAs, disqualifies him/herself through their own inept actions and statements. Enough of the unsuited idiot show. Cayman really doesn’t need any more performances right now. Stop.
Direct rule is so far off… no way the uk would accept cayman in the current state until they Show they can be a respectable democracy.
No one wants to be under direct rule.
UK direct rule… Looking forward to the relationship between Cayman and the UK returning to former position eg back to 1980s. They forgot us and we forget them
So how come the Governor didn’t release the letter he sent the Baroness?
That would have been transparency. Won’t happen!
How come you are disqualified from running for office?
I’m not disqualified for running in any election. I was asking a simple question for transparency sake but it seems like it rubbed you the wrong way.
What’s wrong with releasing the letter from the governor? She clearly refers to it as the reason for making her decision.
Give it a rest, we all know who you are.
You are not that bright, her reference quite clearly relates to the decision of the Legislative Assembly. Go back to making incoherent voice notes.
Some information needs to be kept away from fools and ignorant backwards thinking minds.
Dr Lee for Premier
John John for Premier 🙂 🙂 🙂
John John ? Are we talking about the purgatory preacher ? The great Donkey rider , the tamer of Jackasses extraordinaire the great defernder again floating pétri dishes , the Dump’s fire impassable extinguisher ? This fruitcake is a menace to the endangered collective sanity of the few that remain on the island !
Anon who?
Thank you Governor Roper for bringing us closer to the 21st century. It’s time for change here. Positive change for all that deserve it.
To 9:13 pm , amen ,closer to the Coming of Christ , and it don’t matter if you believe it or not,it’s not gonna change his coming and you having to face him and governor too .Amen .
Bring it on! There’s no way god will judge you harshly for promoting equality!
To 7:28 am .All I hear when I read this type of thing is banjos. Backwater swamp folk who’s education wouldn’t match that of a 3rd grader in the 1st world.
This story people hear for a couple of thousand of years. Aren’t you tired yet?
Seriously, how do you people even function in your day to day life?
Well said.
I understand your view, and I don’t have any problem with it. God granted us freedom of thought. However, I think your comment is inappropriate for this topic. Why? Because it causes a divide between those of faith and those that are not, because you presume that those of faith are against homosexuality and LGBT marriage. There are several signs that point toward Christ returning. It has nothing to do with LGBT marriage. It has everything to do with equality. You have it. I have it. I want everyone to have it, don’t you? If not, who would you choose to exclude from the right of equality, and why? Serious question.
Discrimination and bullying of any sort is wrong. The Governor stated that he is ultimately responsible for good governance and transparency, just wondering why he didn’t step up to the plate when he should have in the past, in the name of good governance. Just asking.
10:37 What is good Governance for some, WILL NEVER be, for ALL.
While I am very happy for Chantelle and Vickie and all other same-sex couples, I feel that they should have the same rights that I have, and be allowed to marry the person that they love.
Separate but equal does not equate to equal rights.
Arden really is an idjut.
That gives idiots a bad name. Like many other MLAs, he is prehistoric bigoted pond-life.
Colonial domination is unacceptable.
8.14pm Lodge, MLA ignorance, homophobes etc domination is more than unacceptable.
Yet it’s nice to have a British passport, isn’t it?
Welcome to the Caribbean where homophobia is despised and discrimination of the gay community is encouraged by a group of sky fairy followers under the name of CMA. Ironically it’s actually the fault of the UK because we sent out our missionaries to ‘spread the word’ and now it’s came back to bite us on the arse. If we’d just left well alone then we wouldn’t have the problems we have now. Sorry Africa and the Caribbean.
Homosexuality is despised and homophobia is stoked – by the fringe far-right parent organizations that trace their missionary roots back to the USA Midwest. They have more followers in Caribbean and Africa than in their home base in Anderson Indiana! The very small “Anglican” contingent here is excommunicated from the real Church of England.
So the governor is playing politics too.
7.27pm It is called the Law! About time too, ling time coming! Carry on Governor and well done!
The Governor stated that he is ultimately responsible for good governance and transparency and while I do not agree with any form of discrimination or bullying, I wonder why he did not exercise his power on other issues when he should have and yet so eager on this one.
Exactly. The quality of governance is crap. The degree of nepotism and incompetence is overt. Do not pick and choose Governor. Either you are responsible and will act accordingly all day every day, or you lose all credibility.
No, he’s doing his job.
Yes! Looks like he’s had it with them! Now you know what we’ve been dealing with for years!!
Cayman is a BOT
Caymanians: “but why he think say he can mek rules? show me the proof”
Roper: *shows letter to act on behalf of Her Majesty*
Let’s see what else the ops try to muster up.
Now that’s contradictory to equality, they want rights to be homosexuals but what about my right to be homophobic.
You can fear all you want. Go ahead. Be fearful.
Doesn’t that make you feel great?
Please tell me You’re joking…
No, that’s literally the CMA’s stance when you watch the youtube video they cite.
The “special rights” they claim is the right to not be discriminated as being gay. As if to say “I’m deep in the closet and jealous you can live your life, so I will stop you from having what I can’t have”.
Your right to be homophobic is not protected by the constitution. Idjit
Your Excellency, the majority of Cayman support you. So please just ignore and forgive the foolishness and “ignoraticness” of the likes of the Leader of the Opposition and the other eight idiots who voted against against the Bill.
Press on!
Most people have recognized at this stage that the governor is going to do whatever he wants to do and that there is noting that they can do about it. The governor will be seen as a hero to some and as the devil to other’s. He will be persona non grata to large groups of citizens with strongly held religious beliefs.
Yes but those religious beliefs are nonsense
Says you. Did you ever bother to check what God thinks?
Yes, God. The One who grants you every breath, even though you appear not to care.
One day, you will care.
Repent now.
The DPB was the right thing to ensure equality for same sex couples. That said, the way that this whole thing has unfolded is wrong and regrettable. While the governor is within his right to force the DPB on the citizens of the Cayman Islands he should not pretend that his actions don’t undermine democracy and expose the long-standing lie that the Cayman Islands is a representational democracy. The governor needs to simply say that he has the right to do whatever he wants to do and that he is going to do whatever he wants to do.
Classic caymanian twisted comment
Why are you here then ?
I sugggest the UK government just change the 8 words in the Marriage Law. That would mean there would be no need to change any other “domestic” legislation that Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition are so concerned about. Could they please also make Cayman legislator’s salaries be in line with that of their UK counterparts. Please suspend all pay of the Honourable Speaker while he is doing nothing. That would all be a good step in re-establishing good governance and the rule of law around here.
Thank you for finally noticing us. Where have you been for the last 15 years?
Can the bumbling opposition get anything right?
Banon. No they can’t. 2021 can’t come too quick. ppm clean sweep.
If the result of all this is the homophobes getting voted out, the pastors no longer dictating policy, and XXXX this country will be looking at a much much brighter future.
You tell em Gov, you are our hero!