Cruise ships barred from Cayman till year-end

(CNS): The Port Authority of the Cayman Islands has issued a notice to its cruise industry partners that the George Town port will remain closed to cruise ships until at least 31 December. While both Premier Alden McLaughlin and Tourism Minister Moses Kirkconnell have stated on a number of occasions that they did not expect to see the return of cruise tourism until early next year, this is the first official confirmation of the harbour’s closure for the rest of 2020.
Acting Port Director Joseph Woods issued the short notice Thursday, stating that government had decided not to restart the cruise sector.
“I wish to inform you that after careful consideration, the Cayman Islands Government has taken the decision that in the current global environment with respect to the coronavirus pandemic, it cannot allow the resumption of cruise tourism in the Cayman Islands for the immediate future. The Cayman Islands will therefore be closed for cruise tourism until the 31st December 2020,” Woods stated.
Most cruise ships have volunteered to suspend sailing until at least the end of October after outbreaks on some ships that had recently returned to the sea this summer. The US-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) imposed a no sail order on ships based at American ports in March. This was extended in July until the end of September and may be extended further, given the continued problems surrounding outbreaks on ships.
Here in Cayman, the tourism ministry has been focusing on how it can safely open the airport to overnight visitors. Plans to begin a soft opening on 1 September were postponed recently until at least 1 October. But officials told CNS today that government is still reviewing the bio-button technology it was hoping to use to monitor visitors and returning residents.
Please read and understand, the cayman island depend on tourism and if you guys did work in that field you would not fighting against the cruise ships Coming here, one thing you guys need to understand is yes we know that they maybe don’t spend the amount of money here like stay over tourist, but one thing I can tell every one is a lot of these hotel guest at one time or the other their first time Coming to cayman island was on a cruise ship they don’t have much time here so they go back to their country and plan a longer vacation, not only that a lot of them come back here and work also, so some of these hotel guest was one time cruise ship people too they are just a hater they want the town for the self and they too are cheap they don’t even want to take a taxi they rather walk to their hotel, so no better herring no better barrel hurry and bring back tourism cause those people to work god bless the cayman islands
Cayman has to move beyond cruise tourism. Which is not coming back in any notable way before 3-5 years out, at best.
Overnight tourism of any notable impact, at best, is 2-3 years out.
Any individual buying up businesses that cater to this market is delusional but that’s still good for the local economy.
Feed the beast, it will choke on its greed
Horse shit
if only we had built the port.
If at the moment I told the very wealthy and connected are out buying business from owner operators who are struggling would you believe me? If I told you they are continuing to lobby government To keep the island closed and companies suffering would you believe me?
A sad situation I agree, but there will be two beneficial outcomes.
1 Those who are struggling will at least be able to sell their businesses.
2 The new owners will have the financial wherewithal to keep the businesses going.
Employment will continue, rents will be paid and services provided.
The continued pain is based on government mismanagement of the situation and unreasonable expectations not poor business models.
I’m with you!
When do you want to start?
It can be done – worlds largest landfill turned into a park
bi-button! Wow, wow, wow!
Trade/Device Name: BioSticker System
Regulation Number: 21 CFR 870.2910
Regulation Name: Radiofrequency Physiological Signal Transmitter and Receiver
#1 it says it was FDA approved, however,
do not require approval
of a premarket approval application (PMA). You may, therefore, market the device, subject to the general controls provisions of the Act.”
“…the device is substantially equivalent (for the indications for use stated in the enclosure) to legally marketed predicate devices marketed in interstate commerce prior to May 28, 1976, the enactment date of the Medical Device Amendments, or to devices that have been reclassified in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (Act) that
#2 “…We remind you, however, that device labeling must be truthful and not misleading.
If your device is classified (see above) into either class II (Special Controls) or class III (PMA), it may be subject to additional controls. ”
#3 “The BioSticker System is a remote monitoring system intended for use by
healthcare professionals for continuous collection of physiological data in home and healthcare settings while the patient is at rest. This can include heart rate, respiratory rate, and skin temperature. Data are transmitted via wireless connection from the BioSticker for storage and analysis”
#4 The device is intended for use on general care patients who are 21 years of age or older as a general patient monitor, to provide physiological information. The data from the BioSticker System are
intended for use by healthcare professionals as an aid to diagnosis and treatment.
#5 The device is
intended to measure physiological parameters while the patient undergoes significant motion or is active

The BioSticker System is a remote monitoring system intended for use by healthcare professionals for continuous collection of physiological data in home and healthcare settings while the patient is AT REST.
Does it monitor your location?
The pandemic is a warning from Mother Nature that humans can’t continue living as if there’s no tomorrow, destroying environment and depleting non renewable resources. It stopped tourism madness. Nature got a break from uncontrollable invasion. Yet, nothing has changed. Medical waste including masks, gloves, sanitizer bottles is polluting the oceans. Cayman had a chance to decide what to do with waste management, how to significantly reduce it. Tourism is one large contributor to the Dump growth. Yet, nothing was done, the problem was not even mentioned by anyone. All they want is to bring visitors back. I guess the blow wasn’t hard enough for people stop and start thinking: what are we doing? Being virus free in a sick environment achieves very little. Surviving COVID 19 but dying of cancer?
It seems like too many people have lost integrity. They shamelessly promote Cayman as safe heaven when in fact The open air stinking, rotting, decomposing, radioactive, medical waste, insects, rodents ridden, methane building Dump in the heart of prime tourism area makes Grand Cayman a destination to avoid at all costs.
Would you go to a five stars restaurant that is located next to a sewage treatment plant to drink champagne and eat caviar? I bet not. Nothing is luxury in Grand Cayman for it is surrounded by foul, health detrimental Dump.
Shameless and probably criminal misrepresentation of Grand Cayman doesn’t seem to bother anyone. All everybody wants is money of well off people. Not even people themselves, for they might bring you the virus, but their money. That is why you want to quarantine them, force to wear stupid devices, giving no consideration for people themselves. As long as they spend lots of money here.
By the way, do you know that biobuttons, just like Fitbits built to monitor your heart is actually affecting it with the nnEMF it emits… The Fitbits radio frequency output is constant – directly into the radial artery.
Fitbit Recalls Due to Rashes. Reports of Dizziness, Erratic Pulse, Nausea, Pain, Headaches clotting.…ness-nausea-pain-headaches-erratic-pulse.html
So before forcing bio-buttons on visitors, make sure the device is proven safe. Fitbits Operate Using 2.45 Ghz WiFi What frequency Bio-Buttons using?
The same frequency! It the same old TEC that has been out there for years.
You people are STUPID you do realise they now use devices like this for diabetics to continuously monitor sugar levels. ASK ANY diabetic how this has improved their life AND YES it can get wet!
Everyone is so determine to stop the borders opening when it could be successfully done.
It will not be tourists that cause an outbreak it will be locals and that is both Caymanians and Expats! Just like the other islands.
If The device is not intended to measure physiological parameters while the patient undergoes significant motion or is active, it is basically to monitor physiological parameters of very sick people who barely move around?
It doesn’t make you smarter to call others stupid simply because they express concerns and opinions..
Or when you are watching tv or asleep
Do you where an iWatch or have a cell phone in your pocket…..your an idiot!
No, I don’t. Every radio frequency transmitter and receiver attached to a human body interferes with its electrophysiology. Basic physics. Common sense.
We are electric living beings. All elements we take into our bodies, like oxygen, sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium have a specific electrical charge. Long term Interference with the body’s electromagnetic field would affect your health. Your heart would be the first to let you know.
So, He who laughs last, laughs best. Make sure you have tattoos on your body to really mess up your electrophysiology. Tattoo’ ink contains metals, remember?
RFTR devices have been around for less than 10 years. Write back in 5 years when you deplete your body’s abilities to renew, repair and regenerate.
You say less than 10 years TRY they have been around for more than 20 years.
I guess you don’t want 5G phone as well or did they cause the virus?
The Apple Watch was released in April 2015
In May 2013, Fitbit released the Fitbit Flex, the first Fitbit tracker worn on the wrist.
Yes, I am against 5G. To explain to you 5G danger, I have to explain what it does at the mitochondrial level with respect to spin states of electrons, protons, and photons, free radicals and bio-photons. They have specific spin states, do you know that?
At one point in time, technology protected people from the dangers of the environment and allowed us to progress. But today we have to protect ourselves from technology. And until now we could, to a certain extend. But it changed with 5G being rolled out. There’s little to nothing you can do to protect yourself from these frequencies, not even getting away from them.
Who’s the idiot.?
Moses K had since March to come up with a CB plan. He shows up to 1 press briefing and talks about some fictitious bio-button plan and no sight or word from him since besides a pre-recorded messages that he’s taking his time to get it right. Mind you Moses you had since March to be doing your homework so what were you doing? Staycation?
One positive thing that has come out of this pandemic.
Hater get a life I hope the government tax them hateful ass and never open again for cruise ship and all those hater jobs goes to the tourisim people and of course all of those people that work in tourisim are indeed caymanian, but the worst is yet to come this is just the tip of the ice burg, so don’t pray for cruise ship to stop Coming here because many people make their honest living from it and therefore the government never had to maintain them you bunch of idiot get a life
Have to agree with some of it, the cruise ships guests do see how chilled the island is and then they return for stayover vacation. FACT
OK, V publish the stats that prove that cruise ships boost stayover. DoT have been repeatedly challenged to do that over at least the last decade and come up with nothing. If the data is out there let’s see it. If anything I’d say it’s exactly the opposite – cruise shippers put off stayovers.
I have a friend who did just this and came back for vacation after seeing Cayman on a cruise. So that’s one.
Qu’est que le f&!(! ?
Is that WTF in French..?
CIG has always had a REVENUE problem. That is too much revenue has let them be inefficient and spend money on wasteful things, not to mention money disappearing into various black holes.
We need to trim the civil service and reduce costs. The country can’t afford to pay people not to work (even pre-covid) or provide gold plated healthcare and pension to the civil service with no contribution.
It never was sustainable even when we had a healthy economy.
spot on…last recession was the perfect time to reform/cut the civil service…they chickened out and just crippled the private sector with huge indirect taxes and work permit increases.
chickens comeing home to roost now….
Introduce a lottery system, cut the civil service, stop paying civil servants on leave for 10 years a full salary, and shut down OFREG, and turtle farm, reduce the number of MLA we only really need five good ones that can do the job. Done!!!
CIG does not have the discipline to save itself. Right now its only plan is to find out who and where they can get the money to make up for the loss. If they don’t feed and house their tribe there will be anger so no layoffs or forced retirement. Double dipping is still encouraged and by all means fill the tank while there is still gas to give away. It may not last for long but its gonna be fun while it last.
Come now; people have to eat their turtle meat to survive. Eating turtle is a matter of national pride. Have you seen the “art” in the airport arrival hall that says “Turtle Meat” between to Burger King logo buns? It says all you need to know about the importance of turtle meat to the survival of Caymanians.
Offer the Pastors 5% of the lootery income and watch them throw their bibles away.
Why are they still hiring at a time like this??
They looking to find someone to help bail dem out.
This was the right decision. However, it might mean that the government will have to look at some form of taxation to make up the shortfall in revenue. The government also needs to look at the expenses side of the equation as many of the government authorities and departments are not properly run and are top heavy.
CIG must:
– find the missing billion
– significantly reduce expenses
However they seem to continue wasting money. Just one example: The upcoming Health Conference, though virtual, being partially sponsored by CIG.
I don’t find this news surprising… and I expect it will likely be even longer than that.
Unmask our people!
Un-wig the speaker.
The pro government quarantine advocates don’t even realize things are routinely delivered to the prisoners. Exactly the same way that would happen at home. Except, things like SIM cards, toys, computers for work, are already at home.
We may as well let them go home and save the $$$
The paranoids can’t even connect the dots between zero positives and people flying in. The 116 had no virus. Cayman has no Covid cases but lucky for paranoids there is no stupidity test.
While on an other Caribbean island the tourist come in and have not come in and spread anything except cash! They spend the money have a great time AND some even adopt dogs and puppies from the animal rescue and take them home!
Thinking we should revisit that soft opening ASAP!
Which island?
People like you are unaware of other islands, so why name them?
Because you can’t

I know people quarantining at the Holiday Inn who had groceries delivered. No I’m not naming names. The point is this is exactly what would be done if one quarantined at home.
Having been at the holiday inn for quarantine having groceries and take away dropped off at the isolation desk is permitted. It is fully controlled. The person dropping off the groceries has no contact with the person being quarantined. There are police and security at the property on each floor 24-7. It’s like Fort Knox.
Sounds more like a prison. Is one tested from a distance too?
Don’t be an idiot 6:28
And let me guess no one there had it BECAUSE people believe evert person on every flight will have it.
You cold have been pre test and then tested again after 5 days and not been in prison for so long.
Also they should be supplying you food if its mandatory!
its a flu virus about as deadly as a hangover to all but 0.004 of us! unless we start getting some infections noone on the isalnd will have any immunity to it and it’s gonna be a lot worse!! This is goona be with us for years all this quarantine nonense and stopping tourists is crazy! oh and masks dont work!! We need infections now !!!!
You are sick and disgusting to want people to be infected with this virus. Immunity has been debunked multiple times. Get off the immunity d*ck ride. It isn’t happening!
Yes, I hope they did , how else do they eat? You are allowed outside deliveries during quarantine. What is your point?
Because one of the justifications for not quarantining at home, is the delivery people come under risk. Never mind it’s drop and leave, no different to the Holiday Inn. Not trusting Caymanians in their own country is disgraceful. What civilized country does this? What communist regime does this?
Australia? I suggest you take a look at what has happened there.
Yep it was a hotel staff member so what’s your point???
That could
Happen here to.
Great, but are we legalizing gambling, ganja, lottery, cause our economy is about crash and I think we still have a few options before we hit the TAX button.
When exactly are we going to send Johnny Newcronic and his sidekick old Biscuit back to their home lands it obvious now we cannot sustain this out of work population 3500 is obviously nothing. We simple cannot sustain this with no money coming in !
Yes old bush – I also see a disaster looming – Past time to send those people packing!!! And do not allow these Status holders back – stipulations says the must be salt sustainable. Or I wonder if the premier has taken over the U.S. Treasury. Silly man I Hope he wakes up.
Apparently there’s another epidemic going on in certain circles of Caymanians. It’s called bigoted stupidity. You have it sir. Seek the cure of knowledge.
I don’t think you understand how the Cayman economy works..
Uneducated bigots rarely do.
cruise or normal air tourism will not be back until there is an effective vaccine in place. get used to this and its time for cig to come up with a real economic plan for the island…instead of direct taxation which will obliterate whats left of the islands failing economy.
There won’t be a safe vaccine in the forceable future. Get used to it.
You do know what Guillain-Barré Syndrome is? If not, you better learn.
Flu vaccine package insert states:
The following events have been spontaneously reported during the post-approval(pos-marketing experience) use of flu vaccine:
• Blood and Lymphatic System Disorders: Thrombocytopenia, lymphadenopathy
• Immune System Disorders: Anaphylaxis, other allergic/hypersensitivity reactions (including
urticaria, angioedema)
• Eye Disorders: Ocular hyperemia
• Nervous System Disorders: Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), convulsions, febrile convulsions,
myelitis (including encephalomyelitis and transverse myelitis), facial palsy (Bell’s palsy),
optic neuritis/neuropathy, brachial neuritis, syncope (shortly after vaccination), dizziness,
• Vascular Disorders: Vasculitis, vasodilatation/flushing
• Respiratory, Thoracic and Mediastinal Disorders: Dyspnea, cough, wheezing, throat
tightness, oropharyngeal pain, rhinorrhea
• Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Disorders: Rash, pruritus, and Stevens-Johnson syndrome
• General Disorders and Administration Site Conditions: Asthenia/fatigue, pain in extremities,
chest pain
• Gastrointestinal Disorders: Vomiting
GBS specifically: GBS can develop in the days or weeks

after getting a vaccination.
All the above is important to know to understand that vaccine development is an extremely serious business that takes years.
Since COVID19 causes blood clotting, in particular in alveoli, there is a concern that COVID19 vaccine might increase risk of blood clotting, an unintended consequence of acquired immunity to the virus via vaccine. This all needs to be tested and it would take years, not months or weeks.
Good. Don’t take the vaccine. We need a cull of conspiracy theory idiots anyway.
so tired of conspiracy theories
Can you read? It is written on flu vaccine package insert. Do you understand what that means?
Stupid idea waiting for a vaccine, other islands have successfully opened and have tourists no reason we can’t.
What if the vaccine is 12 to 18 months away you want to wait?
Islands opened & are closing again. Like Bahamas & Turks & Caicos. Numbers increasing in Jamaica. US islands are similar to the US lmainland, not enough reporting & testing so who knows.
My friends went to one of these other open islands and guess what? They had a blast and didn’t get covid!
And my friends had a blast in Sanibel!
yay for potential economic oblivion for cayman?….zzzzzz
ok…you prepared to pay income tax to fund ur incomptetent government?
All we have to do is send these people HOME!!!!!! Damn it’s that simple.
I thought most of the Civil Service was already at home on full pay.
There is certanly not enough people working in Customs, DVDL & public works.., list goes on. Incredibly hard to get anything done these days.
wrong. plain and simple.
every person you send home…kills cayman’s economoy a bit more.
No. Not if the government is paying for them with money it does not have.
Then who is left to fund ur incompetent Government welfare recipients. You do not want them angry and hungry and your the only victims left on the island.
You think? 31 December 2021 at the earliest!
Thank you CPR for starting the process
I would guess our cherished MoT is in a rare mood right now .
. I would steer clear of his adobe in Cayman Brac .
I feel this is a good decision. Having said that my heart goes out to my friends in the tourism business that rely on the cruise ship business. Sometimes the right thing to do not always pleasant.
wow…nice words….hope it helps feed their families…
time for solutions not soundbites.
Why nor go back to school so you can stringe a sentence or two together and make a positive contribution to society. At least Len as always has the balls to give his name. In the light of your comment it is pretty obvious why you did not give your name.
Have a nice day.
You should spell/grammar check before hitting send Chris. You’ve shot yourself in the foot.
There is no send button on CNS. Do you mean pressing the Post Comment button . It appears you have been hoisted by your own petard. Sorry if I beat you to it Chris.
Lendell Layman. Given the speed with which some are spending those pension refunds, there will be a lot of people in need of financial assistance by 1st January.
Can Cayman obtain delusional tests? Cayman is in serious financial trouble and most are oblivious. I’m hoping to talk of tax awakens enough people out of their stupor.
A lot of people may be ashamed to admit they are struggling. The cold, hard truth of this exercise has not even begun to be realized yet.
Wait until Christmas and a seriously unhappy segment of the population will be manifested.
I was fortunate to get out. I am amazed at how much cheaper life can be outside of Cayman.
Good luck to everyone.
Tourism industry should have started retraining and re-educating workers for post-virus world already.
With CIG assistance they should be able to find an entirely new career with new programs aimed at reskilling workers from the travel and tourism industry.
In fact The Department of Tourism has conducted extensive stakeholder outreach and
programmes specific to industry needs in the early stages of this crisis.
This includes:
• the necessary retraining of tourism professionals to adapt to a new way of operating in the tourism market.
Read more in Three-year Cayman Islands Tourism Recovery Plan if you wish. But it appears that retraining programs have been implemented already. At least on the paper.
Why re training them when there is a tourist market that is alive and well???
Open the airport
The most of them in tourism are NOT Caymanians – they have some here else to go – not our problem.
Not what the government told us when they were pushing for the dock.
Well of course they are going to say that dingbat
Excellent! Means the queues in Subway, BK and KFC will be much smaller!
or non-existant when those places shut down. muppett.
ok. that muppet bit was funny!
I’m sure it will be even longer! given the situation in the US with the virus,we are in for the long haul
Unless the vaccine becomes available—then it’s back to business
back to business?….yes a very slow recovery over the course of at least 3 years.
do you understand the basic of economics and how recessions happen???
Vaccine potentially will be 50% effective (not sure if that stat does or does not include the obese, who apparently may not be as well protected by the virus). Might get to 75% effective. Polls seem to suggest about 1/3 of people in the US and U.K. will refuse a vaccine. So it will be hard to reach herd immunity. I assume CIG can prevent people without a vaccine cert coming to Cayman (can CIG compel its citizens to be vaccinated? I assume not – education is key.)
Unfortunately COVID is not going away any time soon – for somewhere like Cayman I just don’t think total elimination is realistic although government has certainly done its best until now – and the economy is going to need visitors to come back (pros and cons of cruise ships is a rabbit hole!).
In the meantime/in addition, mask wearing – 90% effective. Allow visitors back, enforce mask wearing when people are in public and cannot socially distance, employ unemployed Caymanians to contact trace/monitor (or retrain underutilized civil servants), and allow the borders to open. Maybe not right now – virus is too prevalent still – but say Nov 1 for Caymanians/residents and Dec 1 for tourists, with negative COVID tests, shorter quarantine at location of choice etc.
BAN THEM FOR LIFE! Let’s get yachts here not cheap cruise shippers.
Are you nuts? Don’t you realise the money we get from rhe cruise ships? Get your head out of the sand and wake up.
My head isn’t in the sand. I agree with him.
If we must have cruise ships however, then ban the cheap ones (Carnival) & limit ships to 2 or max 1,000 passengers. We used to have limits on numbers & George Town was thriving.
What pittance is made from cruise-ship passengers is barely a drop in the bucket. Cayman makes more money from stay over tourists. Cruise ship passengers are cheap as hell! Hardly even want to spend a dollar on water when they are here much less anything else. Keep those petrie dishes banned for good.
In other words, build a dock in the North Sound. Maybe close to Camana Bay. That okay with CPR right?
To do so you moron, the North Sound would have to be dredged! If one is against the port, by default one has to be against private yachts! Cayman doesn’t have safe harbors on the west, East and south.
Yachts would come IF there was moorings available for the size, IF there was a way to keep them there for 6 months without paying import tax, IF there was a marina with water for the draft AND IF YOU OPENED THE BORDER!
Why is it that in a Caribbean Island 4 days ago 4 yachts chartered for over 180K each and the guests are here spending money……..Because that BOT opened its airport!
Build our damn port!
For the cruise ships that are not coming?
Hell no!
And destroy our precious marine life? Nah we’re good.