Boats cleared for all popular beach spots

(CNS): Government has amended the regulations related to the current COVID-19 suppression measures to allow private boat owners access to all of Cayman’s most popular beach spots. Restrictions on vessels going to Rum Point and Starfish Point were lifted this weekend, as well as the Sandbar and Stingray City. However, boats are still limited to 50 passengers or half the vessel’s maximum capacity, whichever is smaller.
People aboard are required to maintain physical distancing of six feet between members of different households and the gathering of more than 50 people is still prohibited. Anyone who breaks these rules could be fined up to a $1,000 or six months in jail.
This latest set of regulations, which place Cayman in the lowest suppression category as the island appears now to be largely free of the coronavirus, also clarifies the rules for visiting people in care homes and hospital, as well as allowing prison visits for family members for the first time since March.
Visitors must have a negative test for COVID-19 to the satisfaction of Medical Officer of Health Dr Samuel Williams-Rodriguez within three days of the intended visit. They must also follow direction from the director of prisons or the medical officer of health regarding social distancing and the wearing of personal protective equipment (PPE).
Those visiting care homes or the hospital must also submit a negative test for the virus three days beforehand, observe social distancing and wear the necessary protective gear as directed. The regulations require those visiting patients who have tested positive for COVID-19 to get written permission from the medical officer of health and follow the rules. However, no one in the hospital in Cayman currently has the virus.
Meanwhile, visiting the government mandated quarantine facilities also requires written permission from the medical officer of health. Visitors must follow the directions of the management of the facility as pertains to social distancing and the wearing of PPE (personal protective equipment). For home isolation, social distancing must be observed and PPE must be worn, as directed by the medical officer of health.
All of these regulations will remain in place until 31 August, when all regulations will be reviewed.
All of the latest rules are available on the government gazette. See the links below:
Prevention, Control and Suppression of Covid-19 (Partial Lifting of Restrictions) (No.3) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020, see here;
Prevention, Control and Suppression of Covid-19 (Partial Lifting of Restrictions) (Travel and Boating) (No.3) Regulations, 2020, see here;
Notice under section 6(5) the Immigration (Transition) (Amendment) Law, 2020, see here.
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Category: Local News
I guess its back to the same old Banga rang drum pan music from those stupid party boats on Sundays.
So does this mean the post offices can open or it’s still not safe?
It’s crazy that restaurants & bars are open but the post offices remain closed.
Maybe there’s a fear the correspondence could bring the virus in it.
We have invested millions sending Ministers and Postmasters on Postal Conference junkets all around the world, and actually have a seat on the Cooperative Board of Express Mail Service General Assembly in Berne. We should be intergalactic experts in mail delivery logistics by now. Lessor municipal post office sorting facilities (in the real world) have UV light conveyors that zap all incoming. Even HM Customs is just letting everything sit for 5-21 days before sorting, which is better than the doing nothing we are getting on International Mail delivery. PG Sheena Glasgow and DPG Melissa Martinez-Ebanks should be asked to publicly explain and defend their inaction after 5 months, particularly in the absence of enemy Uboats.
They are lazy people that want their full wages while during nothing, that’s the reason, that the Post Offices renain closed they are not afraid of the c-virus, they all are seen in the shops shopping and talking, taking their sweet time,
Not until Sept. 1 and then only on a limited basis for international mail.
Because why?
Be interesting to hear what the Customs / Port / Police staff etc. think of the postal staff sat at home on full pay whilst they are having to work.
But DO pick up your GARBAGE .
So are we going to have Govt monitors on these boats, like the school buses, to ensure that at all times people from different households stay at least 6 ft apart, having provided the monitor with evidence of their place of residence?.
No, because that plan sucks.
cig alwways changing the goals posts… why are they not declaring cayman covid free????
Who is enforcing these new regs, I spent the day on the water on Sunday and did not see the RCIP, DOE or the fancy new coast guard. Same old same old.
That’s weird. I sat at sandbar for over 2 hours and saw both DOE and the popo.
Also got blasted with loud by 3 party boats. Actually, one was a dive boat that anchored next to Guy Harvey. But still blasting music that added to the cacophony that destroys the tranquility of anchoring in the shallows and ruins it for others.
There could be a regulation for those boats that if they are under power, they can blast but must kindly lower the noise when at anchor and other boats are nearby. But we know that won’t happen….
We used to call it “common courtesy”.
That’s not where the action is and will not earn any commendations or promotions. They all out looking for the square grouper.
And we had turtles at Smith Cove for the first time in 50 years. You could dive at Bilboa and actually see things. We are strangling this planet.
Shame we have nowhere to park at Smith Cove.
I went to Star Fish point two weekends ago and could not believe the abundance of star fish that have returned during the lock down. The star fish were there in the hundreds. Before the lock down you’d be lucky to see one or two. The area around Star Fish Point has benefitted from not having humans and boats there for 4 months.
Please people, if you go to Star Fish point, please DO NOT pick up the star fish for your Instagram photos. Like, don’t even touch them. They are living creatures that you are killing when you pick them up out of the water. Any social media pics with people picking up star fish should be publicly shamed!!
I do think you have dramatized the number of starfish pre covid. Definitely not hundreds but WAY MORE than 1 or 2. Dozens for sure every time I’ve been there.
Sad to see Fitness Connection summer camp posting photos of kids holding star fish last week. It’s the kids that need to be taught not to hold them for this & future generations of star fish to survive.
That’s terrible. They should be fined.
Realistically I counted 6 within a 25 foot radius, which isn’t too shabby. Just at one area though.
While I don’t particularly mind some of the toplessness, have to agree that living Starfish should not be used as insta-narcissist nipple covers.