$200k donation keeps food bank open

(CNS): The Cayman Food bank, which has been struggling to keep up with demand over the last few months as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, has been given a donation of $200,000, which volunteers said will help them keep the charity going. While some businesses have reopened and many people are back at work, hundreds of others remain jobless and are dependent on the food bank each week to eat.
Vivcourt, which is an Australian-based trading company with a small team in Cayman, donates some of its profits annually to charity based on their employees’ choices. This year the team chose the Cayman Food Bank and gave US$207,200, making the trading firm the charity’s largest corporate sponsor.
The charity is largely dependent on local restaurants, distributors or grocery stores, which donate food items that are at their sell-by date and use that food that cannot be sold but remains perfectly good to eat. It is also supplemented by donations from the community to cover the running costs. The bank acts as a central distribution point for many local charities and churches giving out food and cooking meals.
Naomi Law, the director of the Cayman Food Bank, said the charity was “overwhelmed” by the generosity and grateful for Vivcourt’s support.
“During the pandemic our costs have continued to creep upwards, reaching over $8,000 CI per week,” she said. “We were beginning to wonder how
we could keep helping the community in need, and then Bartek Jeske from Vivcourt got in touch – it was perfect timing on all sides.”
Donations to the Cayman Food Bank can be deposited into
Cayman National Bank account #011-15055For other ways to help contact Naomi.Law@caymanfoodbank.com
or visit the Cayman Food Bank website.
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Category: Community, Local News
Stupid ass government encouraging these poverty stricken sponges to continue to leech on us. Sad. Sad and good Caymanian are suffer. Send their ass home.
Damn furriners up to no good again.
Thank you private sector for all that you do. The civil service is also making salary donations to help feed our people.
Stronger together.
There goes those pesky expats again with their horrible donations ruining the island…
When are people going to realize that we’re all in this together – pre-covid, covid and post-covid???
Our politicians should see this national crises as a need to donate to local charities.
Donate. Donate. Donate.
If not, shame on you. Remember you were elected. Your big sss salaries are the result of us putting you in and for certain can VOTE YOU OUT!!!!!
No! Our politicians should see the need to send these sponges back home and stop this welfare state that is being created. This donate donate is to our detriment. I have no problem helping needy indigent Caymanians, but I have a big problem with all these imported property stricken sponges. They are NOT our problem. They are going to sink us!!!!
Another Christian contribution….
THOUSANDS of cars form mile-long line at Dallas food bank as families drive across Texas for box of noodles, spaghetti sauce, peanut butter, rice, and trail mix as unemployment cripples state
Phenomenal amount!

Why everyone wears face masks? Cayman was declared virus free.
I hope to see more companies that are able follow suit.
You don’t have to be born here to care about this island.
Maybe they will change their mind when they find out that Roy wants to tax them so government can continue to waste money. Anyone who thinks Roy’s tax will be spent on NAU needs their head examined. It’s there to support the continuation of the trough that the MLAs, OfReg, the civil service and all the statutory boards feed on. And businesses are meant to go along and say sure, whilst continuing to fund the private sector charities and food banks that are plugging the gap whilst government continues the same old boondoggles and doesn’t cut civil service and stat board expenditures ? YeAh right. Show me that government has taken steps to reduce expenditure or focus it on the most needy before asking the private sector And the ordinary joe to provide even more. You want to impose tax whilst the Premier and ministers get paid more than the leaders and cabinet ministers of G7 nations? SMH.
Well done whoever this donor was. It is truly remarkable that when it comes to social outreach work, helping the needy, and benevolent community service, our gay-hating Churches (and Bible experts) are never anywhere to be found. Shame on all the self-righteous “Christians” who don’t understand the fundamental purpose of their own religion.
I hope the CMA is on the case to make sure none of this food is given to gays…
Thanks private sector