No COVID-19 positive tests for two weeks

| 27/07/2020 | 31 Comments

(CNS): It is now two weeks since anyone in the Cayman Islands tested positive for COVID-19. On Monday Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee reported 269 test results that were carried out over the weekend and all of them were negative. Cayman also retains the status of having no current active cases of the virus. Some 5,016 tests have been carried out since the beginning of July and only two of those were positive.

With a positive tally of 203 cases since the outbreak began, Cayman has managed to successfully contain the virus through suppression measures, such as mask wearing and social distancing, as well as a massive testing programme.

Healthcare professionals across the islands have now carried out 29,173 tests, and although several individuals such as healthcare and other front-line workers have been tested more than once, around 90% are different people, which represents half of the entire population.

With no active cases and no positive tests for two weeks, the World Health Organization ranking for Cayman has fallen from ‘clusters’ to ‘sporadic’.

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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (31)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Just a question, similar to the opening of spas etc when those workers were tested prior to opening, is there any plan for the government to test teachers and school staff just prior to opening the school term for both private and public schools? Yes, I know the test is only at a point in time. So as close to each school opening would be great. It adds just a little extra comfort to us worrying parents.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Still no word on how many single individuals have or what percentage of our total population has been tested and what is the goal?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Esso on the Run – Red Bay 4.22am Saturday 25th July. Circa 25 people queuing up for their chicken tenders obvs drunk, stoned or both, not one of them wearing a face mask. As long as Esso are making their $4.99 for 6 pieces of chicken suppose it’s fine is it?

    I’ve lost track of the laws now, primarily due to the incompetence of the MoH and the scandal involving his wife (and disgraceful support of said actions by the Premier thereafter) – but thought it was mandatory to wear masks in enclosed spaces still?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Don’t get overly excited… Open up tourism in September and you will see what you have been missing.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s not being opened in September for tourism. It’s been open for residents and caymanians returning home. Oh, and probably some construction workers. So, to blame tourists in September is a bit of a stretch.

  5. Anonymous says:

    All because they are not testing as they previously were, hell, they are not even contacting people who have voluntarily registered for testing! HSA is a joke. I registered seeking an appointment to be tested nearly 3 weeks ago and all now I have not heard a word from them. No email, no phone call, nothing. I know of a few other people that are going through this as well. You call and no one seems to know their head from their ass! They transfer your call a million times and you never speak to anyone that knows anything. Thank God for Doctors Hospital, registered with them and the next day I had my appointment. They were incredibly professional and I received my (negative) results within 12 hours.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I really hope that the government does not proceed with the ridiculous plan to open the borders 1 Sept using these unproven buttons.

    If they persist with this nonsense, then they should at least insist that potentially infected people who are required to wear the buttons should wear them in a visible place, ideally in the middle of their foreheads, so that the rest of us can stay a long way away from them.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Once more repatriation flights come back in and those in quarantine get tested we will end up with another case here, another case there, etc. Let’s hope people don’t overreact, as these will be people already in quarantine. Now, don’t get me started on the completely upsurd “plan” to re-open in September…

  8. Anonymous says:

    We should open our borders and let the virus in now. We are obviously immune and it reminds me of a sorry of Joseph and Mary and it turned out to be the best story ever!

    But seriously keep the borders shut !

  9. Donald mcLean says:

    We should not get too complacent. We cannot definitively say that we are coronavirus free. We should still social distance, wear a mask in indoor situations, clean hands regularly and stay home unless you have to go out. The virus need human bodies to live and spread. Two more weeks of good diligence and we will be in a good position. But unfortunately, I have seen people breaking all of the rules, no mask, no social distancing. Opening the ports has to be done with protocols to prevent the introduction of the virus.
    I am proud of the way the Government and the general population handled the pandemic and subsequent lock down. Lets do it right Cayman!!!!

    • Devil's Advocate says:

      I agree with you, but if the rules regarding masks, social distancing etc. are being broken and there is no increase in cases then surely we can get back to a real normal soon – certainly before we open the boarders.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Still no scuba diving rental but can share drinks in a night club. Guess no MLA’s scuba dive but like a drink

  11. Anonymous says:

    Please tell me ALL kids can now go back to school on time. The nonsense with delaying certain year groups 2 weeks is making the divergence between rich and poor even greater and should not impact a child’s education like it has been. If anything they should be going back 2 weeks earlier for all the lessons they have already missed.

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly! The kids are in camps, playing together, etc. By the time school starts the kids (and adults) will have been interacting for almost two months.

      There is zero logical reason why certain years are being forced to distance learn for the first two weeks of school. The only thing this is accomplishing is frustrating parents, educators and students. It is not exactly realistic to think it will be a successful start to a NEW school year over the computer.

  12. Anonymous says:

    so how do you become ‘covid free’…like new zealand?

  13. Anonymous says:

    So a whole month of repatriation flights coming in for July and only 1 positive case from a traveler so far – not exactly the ravaging masses of infected persons as some have predicted.

    • Anonymous says:

      “not exactly the ravaging masses of infected persons as some have predicted.”

      … had no lockdown or other protective measures been enacted

    • Anonymous says:

      How many people on those flights? 200 at most I would guess. A question CNS might ask – if there’s ever another press briefing.

      • Anonymous says:

        Why are you asking how many on the flights? When I ask how many people have flown to the islands over the last several months, 500? 2,000? How many of those were positive? People get upset and say it’s public knowledge! Quite the lie. How is it quarantine facilities have been full for months and cases are not going up proportionately with the numbers being flown in? The answer is obvious, but the fear mongers will never comprehend.

  14. Anonymous says:

    And yet we are still wearing masks. And still subject to a list of complex restrictions, most of which everyone ignores anyway, and some of which have absolutely no basis at all – at least in relation to the virus risk (its OK to have 50 people on a bar or nightclub without masks, but God forbid you should anchor your boat at Rum Point, or rent scuba gear from a dive shop). Why? Because CIG just cant bear to let go? Or because they know damn well that if they start letting people in on 1 September the risks are going to multiply and don’t want mask wearing to be be reintroduced as an obvious trade off for the open door policy?


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